Sales Data - Merging Two Spreadsheets For Consolidated View

Jul 31, 2014

I have two years of sales data for same and different product codes in different sheets for each year.

I want to merge both the sheets so that i have a consolidated view of both years data in one sheet.

The sheets have columns that look like the one described as under:

Product code Month 1 m2 m3 m4 m5 m6 m7 m9 m10 m11 m12

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Consolidated Monthly View Of Weekly Cost And Labour?

Jan 24, 2013

I am trying to build a Project Labour tracking sheet and would like to create a consolidated (monthly) view of labour spent over the life of the project. I have created attached sample sheet to explain it more clearly. Is it possible to have month by month view of individual teams for actual and forecast tracking in Proj Summary tab?

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Excel 2003 :: Merging Specific Data From Two Spreadsheets Into One

May 2, 2014

I have two Spreadsheets on Excel 2003, one provided by a service supplier (i), and one from my own system (ii).

I need a macro attached to spreadsheet ii that looks for data matches between the F column of my spreadsheet, and the C column of the suppliers. Where data matches (i.e. if cell C42 in spreadsheet ii is the same as cell F23 in spreadsheet i) it transfers the contents of the A column of spreadhseet i and places it in the corresponding cell in the C column of spreadsheet ii.

Example 1 : In spreadsheet i cell C20=BN213YD. In spreadhseet ii cell F55=BN213YD. Therefore, the macro takes the contents of cell A20 in spreadsheet i and places it in cell C55 of spreadheet ii

Example 2 : In spreadsheet i Cell C75 = TN142XS. In spreadsheet ii this data is not found. The macro therefore takes no further action.

Basically, the suppliers spreadsheet has less information per row, but more entries overall. My spreadsheet is lacking a lot of suppliers references, but has more comprehensive information elsewhere. Until now i have been doing a manual search of the postcodes between the spreadsheets and rectifying them manually, but this is taking longer and longer as the spreadsheets grow.

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Merging Content From Two Spreadsheets

Oct 24, 2008

What I am trying to do is take the data (all columns) in Spreadsheet 2 and put that data in Spreadsheet 1 with all the companies matching up, how do I do this, is this possible?

I tried using VLOOKUP but I don't know if I was doing it right and I don't even know if it's the right function to use.

In sheet 1, column A I have a list of about 30,000 companies
In sheet 2, column A I have a list of about 10,000 (pulled from sheet 1), I have other info associated with these companies in columns B and C.

Basically I want to take column A, B and C from sheet 2 and match them up with the same companies in sheet 1. So there will be 10,000 matches and 20,000 N/A's. This is how I set up the VLOOKUP but nothing happened.

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Merging Template Changes Into Spreadsheets

Jul 14, 2013

I have a template and several spreadsheets based on this template, and when changes are made to the template they need to be manually merged into each spreadsheet, a very painstaking, time consuming, and error prone process. Changes are mostly added rows, data tables, and macro (coding) changes. Surely there must be a better way of doing this. There must be some way of automating at least part of this process, or so I would think. I know that changes to a workbook can be tracked, but I don't shows changes to code, and I don't know if it is true for templates as well (but I suspect that it is); at least this would show me what changes to the template had been made, but maybe not changes to the code, but this is only a small part of the problem.

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Merging Two Spreadsheets Not Consolidating

Jul 18, 2012

I have two spreadsheets of part numbers, one with a full list of parts approx 3500 lines and another with the same part numbers (but only approx 1000 lines) but this file also contains sales history. columns shown below


What i want to do is merge the two files together so the 1000 parts i have sales history for correspond with the same 3500 lines on the other master spreadsheet, so i can then sort them in which ever order i need at the time.

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Merging Two Identical Spreadsheets

Aug 11, 2006

I have three large txt files. All three are the same number of columns but are of a different number of rows. (Each month the number of columns will increase but the 3 source files will still contain an equal number).

Therefore I need to open the first text file, select all data and paste it into my master file.

I then want to open the second txt file and paste all the data at the first empty row of my master file.

I will then open the third txt file and paste all the data at the first empty row of the master file.

Finally I will close the txt files.

I will then have several other amendments to make to the master data file.

So to my problem....

Opening the txt files is fine.

However I want to select all the data in the first txt file but excel gives me an error message. (On the line highlighted in my code). I remember there being a function in VBA that selects all data around a cell, can anyone remember how to do this?

My code so far is:

Workbooks.OpenText Filename:= _
"C:CUSTOMERPass 1.txt" _
, Origin:=xlWindows, StartRow:=1, DataType:=xlDelimited, TextQualifier _
:=xlDoubleQuote, ConsecutiveDelimiter:=False, Tab:=True, Semicolon:= _
False, Comma:=False, Space:=False, Other:=False, FieldInfo:= Array(Array _
(1, 1), Array(2, 1), Array(3, 1), Array(4, 1), Array(5, 1), Array(6, 1), Array(7, 1), Array(8 _
, 1), Array(9, 1))
ActiveWindow.WindowState = xlMinimized

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Merging Contact Info From Different Spreadsheets To One Row?

Jan 23, 2014

I have a spreadsheet with names and phone numbers. I have another spreadsheet with similar- but not the same names and not in the same order- with email addresses.

I have pasted all info into one spreadsheet and alphabetised it- it looks a little like this now.... (joe bloggs being an example name)

joe bloggs telephone no
joe bloggs email

Is there a way i can easily merge these two rows keeping the name the same? Otherwise it will take FOREVER!!

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Excel 2010 :: Sales Daily Sales Data To Be Aggregated Into Monthly Data (not Using Pivot Table)

Mar 27, 2013

I cannot solve with Excel 2010 and I have searched all over for the answer.

I have sales data that is approximately daily and would like to count the monthly data and summarize it as an average for the month in a separate column.

For example, I would like to turn this:

3/2/2005 $xxxx
3/5/2005 $xxxx
3/20/2005 $xxxx
4/2/2005 $xxxx
4/10/2005 $xxxx

Into this:
March 2005- $xxxx (monthly average)
April 2005- $xxxx (monthly average)

I have a feeling some 'countif' formula would work but I am not sure how to do this.

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Merging Spreadsheets And Keeping Duplicate Rows?

Aug 15, 2014

I have a spreadsheet with only 80 rows in it and I need data from another spreadsheet with over 200 rows. One of these rows in each spreadsheet contains a matching field (Job #). I only want the 80 matching rows data from the over 200 row sheet.

Is there an easy way to combine these two. Even adding the 80 to the 200+ will be fine as I can just remove the blanks. I can't figure out a way to combine them and match them up.

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Sales Summary Sheet - Consolidate All Data In Sales Order Number Wise

Jan 5, 2012

I have an excel sheet which has 70 sheets in it...All of them are numbered but not in a sequential manner (eg : 210,211,201,202,215 etc..).The numbering is nothing but the sales order number....

All the sheets have same data (i.e Column A contains Product Sold, Column B contains Sale Value)...The thing is i want to consolidate all the data in sales order number wise. i.e.

Column A Column B
201 $200
202 $300
203 $450

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Sales Report From Sales Data Sheet If Select Date

Feb 4, 2013

I wanted to get the data from data sheet where i have entered the data manually for sales what have done

Now I wanted is when i enter date i should get the product and price in other sheet


If I enter date in a1 cell

I should get the detail of product in b1-b10(if i sold 10 item )which is in data sheet

And c1 - c10 price (if i sold 10 item @that price)

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Userform As "quick View" Of The Spreadsheets Main Values

Nov 21, 2006

How do you make it so when a user form is open you can still interface with the backround (the Spreadsheet) For example like the Microsoft Tool Boxes.

Right now, when you use the userform you cn only select things on the userform. I want to use the userform as "quick view" of the spreadsheets main Values.

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Create Summary Sheet Of All Data Consolidated To One Tab

May 15, 2012

I'm looking to create a summary sheet of all data consolidated to one tab.

On the attached workbook, I want to pull all of the data from the monthly tabs and consolidate it all to the 2012 Totals tab.

How to only pull the nonblank rows, and ignore the headers.

I would like to be able to avoid using a macro for this, if at all possible. I would like for the summary to update dynamically whenever new data is added to any of the monthly tabs.

Link to spreadsheet

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Combining Data From Worksheets Into Consolidated Worksheet?

Jun 10, 2013

I'm trying to consolidate data from different worksheets that has the worksheet name consisting of "Pg*" into a summary sheet. The problem is it does not loop through every sheet and only extracts data from the active sheet.

For Each ws In ThisWorkbook.Worksheets
If ws.Name Like "Pg*" Then
Set CopyRng = ws.Range("A2:G68")


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Transferring Data From Multiple Sheets Into One Consolidated Sheet

Mar 8, 2013

Currently I have 15 Prepaid schedule sheets that get pulled together as lines in a detail sheet. The way I have the detail sheet set up currently is that I have designated 200 rows for each prepaid schedule sheet, and then I manually changed the sheet reference in the formulas every 200 lines or so, for each prepaid schedule account. One such formula looks like this:

=IF(OR(H11="",H11=0),"",IF(OR(LEFT('Prepaid Gnrl Ins'!A11,8)="Balances",'Prepaid Gnrl Ins'!A11="Variance"),"",CONCATENATE('Prepaid Gnrl Ins'!A11," - ",'Prepaid Gnrl Ins'!B11," - For month ending ",TEXT(Menu!$I$4,"mm/dd/yy"))))

The result of that formula is this: Beecher Carlson - 11/1/11 - 4/1/13 - For month ending 02/28/2013

The detail sheet also includes a formula to find values to be expensed. that formula is:

=IFERROR(IF(HLOOKUP(Menu!$I$4,'Prepaid Gnrl Ins'!$I$10:$T$110,A11,FALSE)=0,"",IF(F11="","",HLOOKUP(Menu!$I$4,'Prepaid Gnrl Ins'!$I$10:$T$110,A11,FALSE))),"")

I'm trying to shrink down the over all size of this detail sheet and I would like to be able to write code with the syntax:

IF {HLOOKUP of value in menu sheet, find in column 10 of active sheet and offset by 1 (row 11)} contains a value THEN run all formulas (examples above) and paste into detail page UNTIL value in column A contains "Balances".

After finding the word "Balances" the macro would move on to the next prepaid sheet and do the same thing.

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Gathering Data From Multiple Excel Files Into Consolidated File?

Feb 12, 2014

Trying to learn the basics of how to pull data, from the same formatted excel spreadsheets, combined into one consolidated spreadsheet. I created a few examples below of what I am trying to do. Eventually, I want to be gathering data from over 200 spreadsheets at one time. I believe that a MACRO is needed to do such a thing. I am not sure of the complexity of the MACRO, so hopefully I will be able to mimic whatever needs to be done in my actual file. I have almost ZERO experience with MACROS, so if this is way above entry level MACRO.

Below I have 3 spreadsheets, and I want to collect the data from those 3 spreadsheets into the consolidated spreadsheet.

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Transferring Data From Input Forms (Sheets) To Consolidated Sheet?

Oct 18, 2012

I have 3 forms(3 sheets) with the same layout (fields) for data collection. I want to transfer the data from the 3 forms to a consolidated database worksheet. Every form needs to have its own rows of data. For example, if there are three forms for three divisions laid out as below:

BegBal Additions Subtractions Adjustments End Bal
xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx

The resulting database worksheet should look as follows:

Division Beg Bal Additions Subtractions Adjustments End Bal

A xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx
B xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx
C xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx

Sub MoveRecord()
Dim WSF1 As Worksheet ' Form 1 worksheet
Dim WSF2 As Worksheet ' Form 2 worksheet
Dim WSF3 As Worksheet ' Form 3 worksheet


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Determining Top Contributors To 50% Of Sales Based On Cumulative Percent Of Sales

Jul 2, 2009

I am trying to determine the top contributors to 50% of sales based on cumulative percent of sales (see attached file). I can determine if percent of sales is less than 50%, but I need to include the person that pushes the group of top performers over the 50% mark.

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Pivot Table: Calculate Percentage Of X Sales To To Total Sales

Feb 20, 2008

See the attachment. I want the percentage of Car Sales to total sales of different countries automatically.

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Using Rolling 12 Month Sales And Minimum Monthly Sales?

Oct 17, 2013

I have a sales level that I need to track...My rolling 12 months' sales must be $85,000 and my currently monthly sales must be $7,000. I have a sheet that tracks the $85,000 and tells me what I need to achieve that, but I haven't figured out how to include the $7,000 monthly minimum....

The chart below is what I have. So for example, this month it's telling me I only need to sell another 3016.46 to hit the $85,000 rolling 12, but I actually need to hit $4821.79 to meet the $7k minimum.

Actual Rolling 12 Goal
Sep 2012 5,367.24 73,663.30
Oct 2012 5,649.93 69,496.28
Nov 2012 14,163.38 73,451.30 [code]....

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Summarize Monthly Sales From Daily Sales

Jan 5, 2010

I have daily basis monthly sales. Now I want to summarize into monthly gross. Pls look attached file. I am looking for a formula to summarize January daily sales from date 1st to 31 st as of just January and and sum of each day gross.

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Formula To Calculate Sales Tax From Total Sales

Jan 4, 2005

I have created a chart on excel for us to track daily sales but also to figure sales tax so we know what to send the IRS each month. We have been figuring the sales tax ourselves and
filling in the chart on excel but I would like to create a formula that
automatically does it for me based on total sales.

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Get 5 Top Sales People Names And Their Sales?

Oct 3, 2012

In cells A4 to A54, their names are displayed.
In cells I4 to I54, their total sales are displayed.

Starting in cell B59 and C59 I'd like to display their name and sales respectively.

Also in column I I'd have a second value which would be a total of each department. Would it be possible to leave this data out of the formula? No big deal if I have to put that value in the next column.

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Copy Week Total In Weekly Sales Worksheet To Appropriate Week In Monthly Sales

Oct 14, 2009

I need to copy the values of a range on the weekly sales worksheet to the monthly sales worksheet. The last column is the total on the weekly sales. Part of the heading of the total column is the week ending date (e.g. 10/17/2009. On the Monthly Sales I have the months in columns by week ending (e.g. 10/17/2009).

Range I4:I28 to the monthly sales worksheet by date.

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Predicting Sales Data

Jan 10, 2009

I have data for average turnover per hour of a business and have fitted it to a polynomial (order 6) trendline. So I have for example, running along the x-axis i have 8am-9am, 9am-10am, 10am-11am etc and on the y-axis the average turnover for the relevant hour.

What I would like to be able to do is use the trendline's formula to be able to predict sales for any given day. So if I were to enter the first few hours of turnover on any given day, I would like excel to predict the rest of the day's turnover based on the trendline.

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Summarizing Sales Data

Feb 26, 2009

I'm stumped on what I know is a pretty basic problem. Maybe i'm just trying to over think it.

I have a table of sales data...One field is the date it was sold, one field is the amount it sold for. The date field isn't in order and it contains dates over the past 12 months. I need a way to total the amount of sales in each month and not through a pivot table. I am able to count how many entries there are, but I can't find a easy way to do a count of how much was sold in each month.

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How To Chart Sales Data

Aug 28, 2012

I am trying to create weekly sales charts from my worksheet. The variables I have are the items in inventory, their respective price points, and units sold week by week (for about 5 weeks so far). I am having trouble formatting all of this information in the correct way to get accurate charts conveying the movement of our inventory.

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Extrapolation: Sales Data

Aug 18, 2008

So I have a Sales Data Extrapolation question.

I have August sales data up until August 17th. I need to extrapolate the data to determine what my sales numbers will look like for the entire month.

Here are some of the specifics: 17 days of sales so far, sold 12,598 units. Total stores 1,500

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How To Add Monthly Sales Data Using Formula

Dec 29, 2013

How can I add data to the monthly sales section in the workbook? I can't seem to figure out the code.


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