Now that the calculations are working, with the press of a button, I need to be able to select a range of dates and copy all lines within the range to a seperate sheet with the desired name under the same headings they currently reside under. I have included some modified code that is being used in another spreadsheet that was created for me, but I do not pretent to understand all of it and I no longer work with the creator of the spreadsheet. How do I use a button to open the form for date selections and entering the name of the new sheet, and then use the start button on the form to begin the matching and copying to a new sheet? If there is an easier way I am all for that too.
Looking for a way to open outlook in minimized state with excel commandbutton? seems like all the code for email put the email in outbox,and will not send.
I am trying to have a Command Button launch Outlook and attempt to schedule an Appointment.
The person would enter the date on to the cell below and the time as well. Additional I would also want it to grab email addresses from the Recipients box and place them on to the TO field....
I have added a shape to my spreadsheet to work as a button. All is fine and it has the desired functionality however, adding the actual effect or simulate the effect of a button click/pressed?
During the course of one of my macros running I want it to press the Delete button that pops up? I used to know but can't seem to trip across it. I have attached a screen shot of the Delete button I want to be pressed.
Attached is a document, column C & F highlighted in green are areas that users will input data. I need to create a button (top left of spreadsheet) that when pressed moves both the data from column C & F up into the box above. The top set of dates would be deleted and the dates from Trip 2 would move up into the Trip 1 position, Dates from Trip 3 would move up into Trip 2 position and so on.
Is it possible that when you press a command button, that the first thing it does is to execute the code assigned to another command button (IE in another sub).
So, I've been trying to work out a distribution list. So far, my research has shown me how to code to be able to send a message through outlook by typing content into a spreadsheet, but I'm trying to find code that will simply open a new message window in outlook. I don't want to send it through excel as I've found to be possible b/c outlook is asking for permission to send to each recipient on the mailing list and we have a fairly large staff here, so clicking that button 20 times to allow the email to go through is more labor intensive than just verifying who's on the distribution list and sending.
I made a button in excel that when pressed automatically pops up a outlook email window with the excel file attached to it and written information that i want in the emal.
is it possible for me to have data from certain cells in excel populate automatically in the outlook email when i press the button to have the email popup?
what i would do is have certain words from some cells in excel fill in some blanks in a paragraph i have in the email that pops up when i press a button in excel is this possible of so how can i do it?
i am trying to say i will paste the VB code i have that allows me to have outlook email pop up with information i have in the email....
[C1] My dynamic email subject [C5:C10] My dynamic email body message My recipient is always same ""
Now, I need a VBA code, that will automatically open a blank new outlook email window fill the fixed recepient fill the dynamic subject and body of the message from a range in my workbook.
Then just stop there so that I can attach some different files each time and send myself.
I would like to create a button that will open a file in a location based on the date of the file. So if I click the button the file with the latest date is activated as read only. The file name is always the same except, the date is added to the file name each day.
The text displayed in the cell is a postcode and the link takes you to the Postcode location in Google Maps. I have tried linking this to macros & creating a hyperlink on the button using the same code but I am having no joy. Is there a simple way of activating this using a macro linked to a shape?
I have an excel sheet that has 3 command buttons on it, i am wanting to open a saved excel sheet that i have on my shared drive from the command button. I know the path of the saved file but how do i get the button to open this file?
As well as this i this i also have another command button what i want to open another sheet in the excel document with the command buttons.
Excel has a built in data entry form window which is opened from the ribbon, how can I create a button which opens this form for a specific table on the worksheet. It should allow the user to create or edit entries in the table. I tried creating a macro to select the data range and open the form, but this returns an error.
I have created a large process map workbook in excel that links to various areas within the document using command buttons.
However, one of the things I need users to be able to see s in a PowerPoint presentation.
All I need to do is create a command button that links to, and opens this .ppt file.
The .xsl and .ppt files will be distributed in a folder to other members of the team so I need the link to not be specific to my computer. Is it possible to avoid using the full path and just use a short path such as .../desktop/tools/process.xls so that as long as they store the folder on their own desktop the link works?
I want to open a workbook, using a button, but I don't want the workbook to be visible. I'm looking for something similar to the visible = false that you can use when opening a database file. If I use the visible = true command after the command, it hides the workbook that the the code is in and not the one that the code is opening.
Currently I'm just using the command, but I just want the file I'm opening to open in the background.
I'he a button in Excel Userform and i want to open directory using button cliick and put selected directory in textbox1 e.g. i've selected D:Susheel then it will reflect in textbox1
I have a User Form that I am trying to open with a button click. I made a copy of one workbook with a new name. The Buttons and Macros were all copied as well. I modified the old Userform so that I can release Version 2 of the Userform, and now when I click on the button in Excel, I get the following error : Object doesn't support this property or method. Run-Time error '438'.
The code assigned to that button is as follows:
Sub Button121_Click() ' ' Button121_Click Macro ' Macro recorded 8/11/2002 by Kale Mayfield
' UserForm1.Show
End Sub
What am I doing wrong? HELP! Once you have the Userform populated with ComboBoxes,Textboxes, etc., is there now way of making changes to that Userform? If you make changes and rearrange the locations of the buttons and boxes and labels... does that mess up the button in Excel that opens the form to begin with?
I have created a button on an excel form in the 2003 version and i want to create a macro that opens up a network path in windows explorer such as 'open W: ew folder ew share'
I'd like to hide all worksheets and in the excel there is only one visible sheet which is Navigation Page. I want to add several buttons on this sheet and each button will be clicked to call the other sheets.
For example, there is a sheet called Sales_Approval_Form and I'd like to add a button on navigation page called Sales Approval Form and when the user clicks the button the sheet will be open for entering data.
I would like to set the value of a toggle button when the userform is opened so that it coincides with the what columns are hidden on screen. Below is simple example which I have not tested or debugged. It was just what i was thinking.
VBA code
Sub Macro2() 'if col A is hidden If Columns("A").EntireColumn.Hidden = True Then 'make hidecalcs toggle button true (sunken) Userform1.HideCalcs.Value = True
I am trying to enable a command button on opening the Workbook, However it dosent work. I have placed the command button on the worksheet. Programatically it gets disabled on clicking it once. So i want it to be reactivated on reopening the Workbook.
I am trying to create a sheet with 'buttons' on, a bit like a 'linked table of contents', that will take the user to individual sheets (as opposed to clicking on the sheet tabs). I can see how to place Command buttons on a sheet (in this case Sheet1), but I think I need help with the code to make the buttons function as I envisage. Is this in the scope of help via this forum?