how can I pass a workbook name to a macro I have in a different workbook>? I need to prompt myself so I can type the workbook name and pass it to the macro OR... with the workbook that never changes active, pass the name to the macro of the inactive workbook.
I'm trying to figure out how to pass parameters to a date field in a macro to control the display in a pivot table. The macro currently uses a With statement to set the properties of 177 of the 180 dates to false, leaving the remaining three dates true and visible.
I have used my Excel Bible as well as and to write the current code I have... but it doesnt work! I think I am just missing a small piece, but I dont see what it is.
I have a macro that calls a userform - from the userform, a Customer is chosen. When the "extract" button is clicked on in the userform, it should pass the customer name to the next macro to do a bunch of stuff - including filtering the data by the customer chosen in the userform.
Here is the code - take a look and see if you can figure out why it doesnt work.
Code for "extract" button (I have tried several differnt variations - this is the current one):
I'm trying to set up a journal-type workbook. I have two sheets named Start and End-the first sheet has a cell that contains a formula, =SUM(Start:End!B4) B4 is where you put the number of hours worked in a day. I then run a macro that copies the sheet called Start for each day of the year. What I was expecting was that the cell with the formula would provide a running total of the hours worked through the year on each sheet, but when the sheets are copied the formula changes to =SUM(#REF!B4). My macro to create a copy sheet for the whole year is as follows:
Sub MakeYear() Dim SH As Worksheet Dim D As Date, Y As Long Set SH = ActiveSheet Y = Val(InputBox("Year:")) If Y < 2000 Then Exit Sub If Y > 2100 Then Exit Sub Application.ScreenUpdating = False For D = DateSerial(Y, 1, 1) To DateSerial(Y, 12, 31) Application.StatusBar = D SH.Copy after:=Sheets("Start") ActiveSheet.Range("B2").Value = D ActiveSheet.Name = Format(D, "mmm dd") Next Application.StatusBar = False Application.ScreenUpdating = True End Sub
In my code I am using several variables to create a concatenated string and this is making my code quite lengthy..Now I have manged to use it in the SELECT CASE but it still remains big..
SO I was thinking if it were possible to break it into smaller parts and create a Sub-Routine which can be called in the Main code in the select case for the specific condition this way I can use it in Multiple places without hassles..
find the code which I need passing the variables..
Code: Sub Condition_I() Dimm Search_Value as string Dim INo As Long Dim Whole_Text As String Dim Lookup_No1 As String Dim Lookup_No2 As String Dim Condition_I_Text As String Dim WksI As Worksheet
I need to pass the Search_Value from the Main Code and also the whole_text back to the Main Code..
Code: Sub CopyRow()' 'Copies row to new sheet, highlights it, marks column 'A' as copied. ' Dim cCell As Range Set cCell = Selection.Cells(1, 1) Selection.Copy Sheets("Sheet2").Select Rows("2:2").Select
[Code] .....
Is it possible to modify it to paste into a different workbook called c:filesDestination.xlsm, instead of the existing workbook (Source.xlsm)? The destination sheet name is the same (Sheet2). It's OK if both workbooks are open at the same time.
I have data in 2 different workbooks, and I need to transfer all data in 'Jx_ex1' to sheet1 in the 'template' workbook, and all data in 'Gr_ex1' to sheet2 in 'template' workbook. All data should be transferred to the same cell numbers, from A1 to Y5000. I actually have loads of workbooks to transfer to the template but if I have an example with the two then im sure I can work out how to modify it. All files will be in the same folder.
I have a Macro that is stored in a specific workbook,"Projection Modeler.xls" the last line performed in this macro is the close workbooks without saving chages(this needs to be done due to the way this macro was written, and it would take too long to rewrite). If I would then like to reopen this workbook, and then rerun this macro, can I do this from inside the current macro (in a new sub routine, for instance), or do I have to write a macro outside of the workbook and then open the workbook and call the routine?
I have a workbook that has a lot of formulas in it that reference material stored on my local computer.
I need a macro that will copy all 42 tabs in to a new workbook book without all formulas, but saving all the formats have made. This would save me from every other day coping and pasting manually each of the pages.
I have this nice macro that copies data from another workbook. I want to make it to also add the filename of the workbook (for example data.xlsx) it copies the data from, in a cell on the actual workbook (for example on sheet "Combined", Cell A10). What should I add to my macro?
I am creating a spreadsheet to provide to a group of about 40 people. The spreadsheet allows each member to track the referrals they receive and give. I need to plan on creating updates for the spreadsheet and want to make it so they can easily transfer their data to the most current version in the future. Here is a breakdown of the workbook:
Worksheets: Members Lists Referrals Given Referrals Received Totals Formulas
I need to copy the data that they have input from the following worksheets: Referrals Given Referrals Received
Here is a breakdown of the "Referrals Received" worksheet: A1:V4 - Data that will not change and includes many named cells A5:Nxxx - Dynamic Named Range where they input their data O5:Vxxx - Contains formulas
I need to be able to copy A5:Vxxxxx from the old workbook to the new
Some side items to note: There is VBA in the worksheet of Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range) and included in the code is an Unprotect & Protect code to always keep the sheet protected
I figure whatever works for this sheet will work for all the sheets.
Is there a way to run a macro in an open workbook when the workbook becomes activated or deactivated? So if I have workbook A open with a macro in it and workbook B open as well, can I have the macro run on workbook A when that becomes the workbook I see on my screen?
I need to copy several macros from the Personal Macro workbook to a new workbook that I need to take to another computer. I need to be able to run the macros on that computer. I can only record macros and make minor changes in the VB editor. I do not know VB code.
I have a spreadsheet which has all the names of trips from a warehouse, the day that they operate (1,2,3 etc) and the job line allocated to each trip. It looks something like that:
I would like to create a macro that will be creating 7 new workbooks and then in those workbooks as many sheets as the trips. In these sheets, the customers should be displayed.
How do I write it? I could not find how to have a "dynamic choice" in the macro. I.e. not to have the criteria as "1", "trips1" but to choose from the range of inputs that are available.
I run most of my macros out of a file called "Personal.XLS" and I have this bit of code at the end of this particular macro which is closing personal.xls instead of the active file it is working on. It is set up on a loop and it should go to the next file in the directory but since it closes the file I run the macro from, the macro stops immediately. It appears that it believes "ThisWorkbook.Close" is referring to the file from which the macro is initiated.
I am using the following code to save a workbook as a macro enable workbook on the selected path as today's date. But it is being saved as a macro free workbook.
Below is the code in module:
Sub save_file() Dim tDate As String Dim FileSaveName As String Dim fPath As String tDate = VBA.Format(DateSerial(Year(Date), Month(Date), Day(Date)), "dd-mm-yyyy") 'FileSaveName = Application.GetSaveAsFilename(InitialFileName:=tDate, filefilter:="Excel Files(*.xlsm),*.xlsm", Title:="Please save the file")
How do I pass values between procedures? I have two command buttons in the worksheet.
If I have a procedure A that asks user to input a value "x", when a command button is pressed. Then another command button is pressed that passes the value onto another procedure B, which iterates a msgbox as many times as the number x,
How do I pass that value x from one procedure to another?
I am building a tool that uses Pivot Tables (so I can't use track changes) and I have found cool code that will insert timestamp and username in the comment when a change occurs. But I need to modify the code to also take the old value and put it into the comment as well. Here is the code to register the change into the comment:
I'd like to know how to send a different value to a cell based on what is selected in the combobox. Like a vlookup, but from within the box. Something like :
I think this is a relatively easy issue, but I don't know how to do it. I call the Sub SortRange in another Sub SortDeliver. A range (ran5) is defined in Sub SortRange that I also need to use in Sub SortDeliver. How do I pass the range or get the second sub to recognize the range?
I've a userform (UserForm1) that on closing will open one of 5 other userforms. Which of the userforms that opens will be determined at runtime, depending on an option a user has previously selected. The name of the userform is held in a cell in a workbook and is opened as follows:
where the value in Sheets("Sheet1").Range("A1") is "UserForm3"
UserForm1 contains TextBox1. How can I pass the value in TextBox1 to a textbox in UserForm3 when the name of UserForm3 is held as a variable in a cell in a worksheet?
Option Base 1 Dim Covariance(1 To 5, 1 To 5) As Double Dim Mean(1 To 5) As Double Dim Portfolio(1 To 10, 1 To 2, 1 To 5) As Double Dim PortfolioValues(1 To 10, 1 To 2) As Double
And my main function:
Function Generate_Portfolio_Values()
Dim a As Integer, b As Integer, c As Integer Dim m As Integer
I have following code which identifies two worksheets, a source (wbSRC) and a destination (wbDEST). In the following code I am trying to get the values for wbsrc and wbdest to be written to the merged spreadhseet. But I am not sure how to go about this in VBA. The commented out approach does not work.
For Each rcell In wbList.Sheets(1). Range("A1"). CurrentRegion.Columns(1).Cells Set wbDest = Workbooks.Open(rcell.Value) Set wbSrc = Workbooks.Open(rcell(1, 2).Value) wbSrc.Sheets(1).Range(copyAddress).Copy _ Destination:=wbDest.Sheets(1).Range(destAddress) 'wbDest.Sheets(1).Range("q3").Formula = "Workbooks.Open(rcell.Value)" 'wbDest.Sheets(1).Range("q4").Formula = "Workbooks.Open(rcell(1, 2).Value)"
VB: Private Sub Workbook_Open() Call Meetdata End Sub
It calls this macro which is in a standard module:
VB: Public firstvariablename As String Public secondvariablename As String Sub Meetdata() regionname = InputBox("Enter the name of the Region.", "Region Name: North, South, East, West") meetdate = InputBox("Enter the date of the Meet.", "Date of Meet") End Sub
This set-up should make the variables available to all the other macros in the workbook. I have two other macros that need to use the values stored in these two variables that are entered into the two 'InputBox' statements. These two macros are in the same module and follow the 'Meetdata' sub. When I run the first macro, it recognizes the variables. When I run the second macro for some reason the variables are not recognized. To test the values returned by the variables, I placed the following code at the end of the first macro and again at the beginning of the second macro .
At the end of the first macro, the MsgBox returns the correct values stored in the variables which means that when the macro completes its run, the variables still hold their values. When I run the second macro with the MsgBox at the beginning, the Msgbox returns a blank. Somehow, the variables have been re-set to a null value. I can't figure out why the variables have been re-set to null. [URL]
I have created a few User Defined Types in a Main subroutine, but when I pass them into another sub the intelisense for the elements doesn't come up. I can type in the elements manually - and it all seems to work okay - but with a lot of types and elements I really want it to save me the effort.