Pause Other Timers When Another Is Started?

Jul 31, 2014

I've a set of tasks in Column A which I would like to measure. At times, Users flip from task A to task B then back to A and so on. I would like to be able to pause a timer on task A if when timer on task B is started and same as well with the other tasks.. When Task A is started again, it should continue the timer if not add the on-going time to the presently running time under that task.

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Multiple Knock-out Timers On Sheet

Dec 27, 2012

I am trying to make a multiple knock-out timer on a spreadsheet, here is the situation. if i had a list of say 50 ish contenders in a game, all listed on a spreadsheet with their name (static) in the first column, their ID number (static) in the second column and the time left after they have been knocked out in the third column.

Each player when Knocked out will remain knocked out for 15 minutes. what i want to be able to do is press a button when a player is knocked out, which begins a 15 minute timer (displayed in third column) which will turn red and bold when the timer drops below 1 minute.

I have been using the guide here How to Insert a Countdown Timer in an Excel Worksheet | but i think that will only work for 1 timer.

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How To Input Multiple Countdown Timers In Excel Sheet

Mar 17, 2013

I have a excel sheet that I have created, on this sheet I have 50 rows. I wish to have each row have a 15 minute count down timer on it. I wish to be able to start each one at different times. I wish to also be able to stop and reset each one as needed. I would also like to have each one give a signal sound or a pop up come up and say some thing like "row 5 completed". I have found and am able to get the multiple count down timers on the sheet but they do not start and stop individually. You can start one but once you start the next one the first one will stop running.

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VBA Getting Started

Jan 1, 2009

I am trying to copy some data from on sheet(sales) to another sheet(totals) and later will try to copy to all the worksheets in my workbook
I am using the following Sub macro2()
Application: CutCopyMode = False
Active Sheet.Paste
End Sub

the data in cells C16 and c17 is 2000 and 1850. it shows an error: sub or function not defined

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Trying To Get A Loop Started..

Dec 5, 2008

I'm trying to get a loop started to perform tasks and then go to the next line if it has info in it and do the same thing, until it gets to a blank line, and can't seem to get it right. It's been a while since i've written macros, so i'm sure i'm doing something completely wrong.

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Getting Started (does Not Open Automatically)

Jan 8, 2009

Every time I open my excel spreadsheets the "Getting Started" window opens automatically. How do I turn it off so it does not open automatically

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Where Was My Excel Program Started From?

Oct 20, 2008

I start my excel program from a "Shortcut" in "Folder 1".
That shortcut points an Excel program in "Folder 2".

When Excel is started,
Parent.Path returns "Folder 2",
but I really need to know what "Folder 1" was.

It seems that should be available as
when I do "Save File As"
it is pointing to "Folder 1".

Is there a way to find what "Folder 1" really was from the VBA enviornment.

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End Script On Worksheet That It Was Started In?

Nov 6, 2008

I have a workbook with about 52 worksheets, I have a script that will unlock the protection from all the worksheets. However the problem I'm having is the script runs and starts and ends at sheet1 I want the script to start and end at the sheet I run the script from lets say sheet 40?

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To Return A Value- Whether It Is PLANNED, STARTED Or FINISHED

Nov 27, 2006

I have 4 columns: X, Y, Z, AA.

X - Start month e.g. 1, 2, 3, etc
Y - Start year e.g. 2006
Z - Finish month e.g. 1, 2, 3, etc
AA - Finish year e.g. 2006

In column AK, I need to return a value, whether it is PLANNED, STARTED or FINISHED.

PLANNED is if start date and completed date are both > than now()
STARTED is if started >now() but completed date is > now()
FINISHED is if completed date is < now()


1. Start date is computed using Y as year, and X as month and the day is assumed to be 1. Same princilple for the finished date.

2. Column X, Y, Z, AA can be blank. If month (X and/or Z) is blank but year is not, then date is beginning of the year. If either start year is blank but finish year is not, then status should be based on the finish year and vice versa.

3. If both year (Y and Z) are blank, then status should be "NOT SPECIFIED".

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Lookup Formula Started Returning Wrong Letters

Jul 17, 2013

I am using the formula: LOOKUP(A1,{"S","M","L","XL"},{"S","M","L","XL"}) on a cell containing: EF-2147.(S) so that it will return a S [or M, L etc. if it were .(M),.(L)] but it just keeps returning #N/A. I tried putting in "(S)" etc. in the lookup formula but it then started returning the wrong letters.

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Specific Set Of Count And Sum If Functions Started Returning Error Values?

Feb 20, 2014

I am, and have been using several sum- and count-ifs formulas for a time, but when the new year rolled around, decided to improve some of the sheet.

That all being said, the issue started after this. A specific set of my count and sum if functions started returning error values.

I analysed them, they seemed fine, and then selected them and hit enter. Problem over in that cell, as suddenly the correct value is returned.

But that's just it, I know the formulas are correct and working, as, if I select and hit enter on them individually, they return the right value. However, every time I close the sheet and re-open, all the values are showing error again.

I am perplexed. Did I inadvertently change a setting somewhere when I rebuilt the worksheet that is preventing the formulas from resolving correctly? As, like I said before, the formulas are fine, the data they are resolving, is fine. Just does not seem to calculate when I open the sheet.

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Macro Worked For 2 Years, Suddenly Started Giving Strange Results

Jan 20, 2009

I have a VBA macro that I pieced together* a couple of years ago to help with a pretty simple task. We have two excel sheets that pull in information daily from different sources. The macro copies and paste values for the worksheet, then 1) saves a copy of the values only worksheet with the current date, 2) resaves the values only worksheet as a .csv file that is then manually uploaded into our database.

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VBA Calculate Pause

Mar 16, 2009

Hi everyone I am having a little trouble with a sheet i'm currently working on. Having exhausted what i believe to be every avenue trying to do this without VBA, i've finally had to sucomb to it as i can't see an alternative and i'm no VB expert by any means! This is what i have so far:

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Add Pause Between Count And Boxes?

Feb 22, 2014

How can I add the pause between count & boxes?

s.Speak count & "boxes for scanning!"

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Pause For 0.5 Seconds (half A Second)

Jun 3, 2009

I need to pause for 0.5 seconds (half a second). How can I do that. applicatiom.Wait can only be used for whole seconds and a FOR ... NEXT loop is CPU dependant.

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Pause Macro And Then Run It After 10 Minutes?

Oct 23, 2012

is there a code i can have where i can a pause a macro and then run it after 10 mins from that point?

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Pause Within A Loop Execution

Jun 10, 2007

I want to establish a loop in VB and within the loop I would like to pause execution of the loop and wait for input from a cell then resume execution of the loop once input has been entered.

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Pause Or Stop Macro

Jun 24, 2006

I am running a macro that populates the same chart with variable data. I have approximately 40 sets of data and wish to pause or stop the macro to view one of the sets of data more closely. The pause option would be better but Stop option is acceptable

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Pause In VBA Loop Then Restart From Where It Stopped

Jun 17, 2013

I'm looking for a simple solution to pause a VBA loop and then restart it from where it stopped.

Is it with a boolean value, i dont know the code.

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Excel Looping With Bloomberg And Pause

Apr 30, 2014

I have an excel workbook right now with a 75x75 correlation matrix. It has 75 stock prices and uses bloomberg to pull in the correlation between each of the holdings. There is a lot of data so it takes roughly 35 seconds for it all to get pulled in from bloomberg. The input value that I can change is the date. The output value is a specific correlation coefficient. Thus, if I input today's date into a cell in the file, it will run the correlation matrix and tell me the correlation between all the holdings using the past year's data. Then it will produce a single output value.

I am now looking to use VBA to make this more robust. What I have been trying to do is have a macro which will -

(1) input the current date into the input cell
(2) have the code wait 35 seconds (and since it is using bloomberg pull in the traditional wait methods do not work because they actually stop the data pull in also)
(3) copy the output value
(4) paste special that value in a different cell
(5) repeat the process but this time use the date from a day before and have the output value copied and pasted to a cell below the previous one.

This loop would continue over 20 times.

Below I have some code that allows me to do this process once but is not looped and I have been stuck trying to make this work with a loop given the bloomberg delay. When I add a loop, it does not wait the 35 seconds I need before doing the whole process again.

[Code] .....

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Pause Macro Execution Without Using Stop?

Jul 3, 2014

I have macros that often pause for the user to take some action -- for instance, to confirm that the correct cells are selected, or to delete something. Usually I use the "Stop" command, which opens the VBA editor; when I finish doing the manual action, I just resume the macro.

When writing macros for actual users, I'd like to do the same thing without their having to deal with the VBA window. Is there a way to pause and resume action and remain in the Excel window?

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Can Pause A Running Macro Then Restart It

Mar 19, 2014

I've written a macro for work that will work with our billing process. After part of it has run, I'd like to pause it for the user to check a column for errors and possibly update a table to get rid of those errors, then after those errors are fixed, have the ability to continue with the rest of the code. I tried to make a message box to remind the user to look for the errors, but it wouldn't allow me to click anywhere except for on the buttons.

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Macro Pause Then Resume By Keystroke

Nov 11, 2012

Is there a way a macro can be paused then resume running the macro by a keystroke, not a time delay.

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Adding Pause To Existing Macro?

Mar 21, 2013

I would like to add a pause to the following macro so that it inserts the word CANCEL 1 second after triggering. I know I need to use the Application.Ontime function but cannot work out how to integrate it.

Sub Cancel() Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Sheets("Sheet1").Range("T5") = "CANCEL"
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub

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Can I Pause And Then Start Recording Macro Again

Nov 17, 2006

I'm recording a Macro but I want to test certain section before I complete it, so can I pause the recording and then restart the recording again?

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Macro To Pause Code, Another To Resume

Jul 27, 2007

I have a workbook with several hundred row the VBA code loops through. It takes about an hour to run all the calculations. Whenever I need to pause the script I hit ESC, which works well for me, but for other users it would be nice to have a command button that halts code. Even better would be another button to resume code.

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Pause VBA Code For User Interaction

Oct 27, 2008

I have a situation where I have an msg box pop up that asks the user to identify whether or not the file they have chosen meets the standards needed to continue running the macro. Specifically, I need them to answer "Yes" if the file has a list of data in the first column, if there are no blanks in that list and if the first row of data begins on Row 4. If they answer yes, the macro continues ahead and does what it needs to. If the person selects "no," another input box pops up that asks the user to make the edits. This msg box asks the user to click "ok" when they have made those edits. I want the macro to pause after the person has selected "no" from the first msg box, so that the person can make those corrections. Then, I want the macro to resume when the user selects "OK" on the second msg box. How might I do this? I have included the piece of my code below.

strresponse2 = MsgBox("Please confirm that the file you have selected meets the following standards:" & vbNewLine & "1. The information in the first column of this file is all of the job titles or job codes associated with this profile." & vbNewLine & "2. From the first job code or title to the last, there are no blank rows in this first column of data." & vbNewLine & "3. The first job title or code appears on Row 4, Column 1." & vbNewLine & "If the file you selected meets these standards, select Yes. If the file you selected does not meet these requirements, select No.", vbYesNo, "Yes/No")
If strresponse = 6 Then
Call getjobtitle
End If
If strresponse = 7 Then
'pause macro
strresponse2 = MsgBox("Please make the necessary edits to this file. When you are done, select OK to continue generating your job profile.", vbOKOnly, "OK")
If strresponse = 0 Then
'resume macro
Call getjobtitle
End If
End If

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Showcase Query: Pause Macro

Nov 21, 2006

I am running a Showcase query from inside excel. I want the query to update, drop the data in excel save it and then close. The problem is that the save command is executing before the data is dropped. The Wait command pauses all processes so it won't work. Is there a way to have a minute of filler until the data is dropped so it will save?

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Pause Vba Code To Verify Calculations

Oct 10, 2007

I need to PAUSE my VBA code (about halfway through) in order to verify some calculations before I can allow the macro to finish running. If the numbers are correct, then I'd like the macro to finish running accordingly. However, if the numbers are incorrect, I need to be able to search my Excel file for the error (the error would be due to a format issue with the data that I pulled in), fix the error, and then let the macro finish running from the point it was paused.

Right now, I've got a Message Box that pops up asking me if the numbers are right and I have to answer YES or NO. I always answer NO so that the macro crashes -- this allows me to check the excel file without having to stop the macro. Once I've fixed the data problem, then I go back into my code and let it run to its conclusion.

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Pause Code To Send Keystrokes

Dec 6, 2007

I have searched and not found a solution. I have a project that requires the item to be printed on two different types of paper from a printer. The only way i have found to change trays is the sendkeys option. But it looks like sendkeys cannot send, then pause, then send. ex:

' first select the correct printer
Application.ActivePrinter = "\hagenCopy Room Savin 4045 PCL6 on Ne05:"
' next set change printing options, presses ok to print
Application.SendKeys "%fp%r+{TAB}{RIGHT}{TAB}{TAB}{TAB}{TAB}{TAB}{TAB}{TAB}{TAB}{TAB}{UP}{UP}{UP}{UP}{UP}{UP}{DOWN}{DOWN}~%c3~", True
' next set change printing options to other color tray, presses ok to print
Application.SendKeys "%fp%r+{TAB}{RIGHT}{TAB}{TAB}{TAB}{TAB}{TAB}{TAB}{TAB}{TAB}{TAB}{UP}{UP}{UP}{UP}{UP}{UP}{DOWN}{DOWN}{DOWN}~%c1~", True

How would one insert a working pause inbetween the two sendkeys (a wait just waits before the beginning of the first sendkey. and then the 2 try to execute at the same time calcelling both)

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