Lookup Formula Started Returning Wrong Letters

Jul 17, 2013

I am using the formula: LOOKUP(A1,{"S","M","L","XL"},{"S","M","L","XL"}) on a cell containing: EF-2147.(S) so that it will return a S [or M, L etc. if it were .(M),.(L)] but it just keeps returning #N/A. I tried putting in "(S)" etc. in the lookup formula but it then started returning the wrong letters.

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IF Formula Returning Wrong Answer

May 1, 2014

I am trying to determine if I can write a formula that will read text in one cell, such as insurance and if true enter the amount from another cell and if false then 0. I have tried a IF statement by add the text to name manager. However, the answer is 0 rather than the amount in the selected cell. I might need to use a different formula or function.

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Match Formula Returning Wrong Row Number

Nov 1, 2006

I have a spreadsheet, with a Match Formula, that appears not to work. It looks at cell F1, and scans through cell C2:C14, and want it to return the relevant row in Column B (My work network will not allow me to upload the file). Cell F1 is the name of the sheets within the workbook (one for every month). However my data currently only has Apr - Jun, but when I choose month May, the formula feturns Month June.

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Lookup - Formula Returns Wrong Value/sum

Jul 16, 2009

I am using this formula

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Specific Set Of Count And Sum If Functions Started Returning Error Values?

Feb 20, 2014

I am, and have been using several sum- and count-ifs formulas for a time, but when the new year rolled around, decided to improve some of the sheet.

That all being said, the issue started after this. A specific set of my count and sum if functions started returning error values.

I analysed them, they seemed fine, and then selected them and hit enter. Problem over in that cell, as suddenly the correct value is returned.

But that's just it, I know the formulas are correct and working, as, if I select and hit enter on them individually, they return the right value. However, every time I close the sheet and re-open, all the values are showing error again.

I am perplexed. Did I inadvertently change a setting somewhere when I rebuilt the worksheet that is preventing the formulas from resolving correctly? As, like I said before, the formulas are fine, the data they are resolving, is fine. Just does not seem to calculate when I open the sheet.

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Wrong Letters Or Numbers In A Text String

Dec 1, 2006

So for a program I am writing, the user inputs a text string of 200+ alphabetic letters. Only 20 of the 26 alphabet can be in this input (excluding BJOUXZ). What I need to have a macro or function do is check to make sure none of these 6 alphabet letters are present in the string, and also check to make sure no numbers are present either.

Also, I would love for the input text to be converted to Uppercase for all letter as it does this check.

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VLOOKUP Returning Wrong Value?

Jul 3, 2013

I am trying to use the Vlookup function to return State name based on the corresponding state code.

I have the list of State along with the Codes in adjacent sheet, arranged in ascending order. I am using the Vlookup function to list the State name based on the State code.

Vlookup function: Vlookup(A4,Sheet2.A2:B51,1)

This function returns me a wrong value. It gives "Arkansas" for the state code "AZ", when it should be Arkansas.

Also, if I add "FALSE" as a 4th argument, it returns "#N/A".

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IRR Function Is Returning The Wrong Value

Nov 7, 2008

I'm trying to figure out an Internal Rate of Return for a spreadsheet. The answer is supposed to be: 29.42% however I'm getting 25.94%. Does anyone know what I'm doing wrong in my IRR function on the Profitability worksheet? I'm currently using Excel 2007 by the way.

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VLOOKUP Returning Wrong Value

Dec 14, 2006

I have this formula that returns a grade mark for a specific score in a test:

=VLOOKUP(D4,'Grade scale'!$A$34:$B$42,2)

using these values in the lookup table:

Low scoreGrade
0.0% U
25.0% G
35.0% F
45.3% E
55.3% D
65.5% C
72.0% B
78.0% A
85.0% A*

The problem comes where the Grade is A or A* as the Vlookup table can't differentiate the two. Anyone know how to modify the formula so that A and A* are seen as distinct values?

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Lookup Formula Not Returning The Corresponding Result

Apr 6, 2007

I have a data table, A1:J22. The purpose it serves is to align and compare data from other tables, so the data contained within it is all cell references and contains many #N/A values. Also, and most importantly, not all of the columns are populated with data. The first row is a text header row and the first column is numeric and adjusts according to the value in A2. I have an additional column at the end of the data table, yet apart from it, which contains an array formula to provide me with the maximum value of each row and to circumvent the #N/A's, =MAX(IF(ISNUMBER(B2:J2),B2:J2,"")). I am trying to write a formula that will return the corresponding "header" of the result of this formula. Everything I have tried thus far, primarily variations of Lookup and Index/Match formulas, seemingly defaults to the header of the last column containing data.

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Vlookup Returning The Wrong Data?

Jul 10, 2014

I am working on a form to pull employee identifiers such as employee ID, store number as well as sales performance. I am using the below formula but the data that is being returned is not the correct data for the specific employee. C5 is the employee name (last name, first name) in a single cell. A sample of the spreadsheet I am trying to pull data from is attached. Some employees the formula pulls the right data and some it does not...

=IF(C5="","",VLOOKUP(C5,'Raw Data'!A3:N15,2))

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Vlookup Returning Wrong Data

Jun 20, 2009

If the item in the vlookup table Array does not exist, the vlookup returns the result of an unrelated item. Is their another formula I can use?

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Filtered Average Returning Wrong Value?

Jul 8, 2014

I have a table, let's call it Table1. Each column has the ability to filter but no filters are applied at the outset of this issue. I want to average a column labeled Column13. I also want to apply a filter to Column13 that states only show values over 50%. I apply the filter and in the cell I want the average calculated in I type the formula:


The 101 (as far as I'm lead to believe) only applies the average to the rows *SHOWN*. However, the average I get back is 45.67%. This is obviously wrong as the filter states only show rows where the column is greater than 50%.

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Counting Letters & Returning Greatest Won't Work When There Is A Tie

Apr 16, 2009

I have managed to get a nice array formula to look up count all the Rs As & Gs in some cells and return whichever there are most of (the cells are linked to/fed from another workbook with cells that have either an R, A or G in - nothing else)

And mainly this is working but on one set of cells it returns nothing as there are 2 As and 2 Gs - what is really annoying is that on a set of cells on a another section of the tab there are 5 A's and 5 G's and that returns an A.

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LOOKUP Returns Wrong Or Odd Value

Mar 27, 2007

I have a very basic spreadsheet to calculate golfer handicaps based upon a course index. For some reason, my "LOOKUP" formula is not retrieving the data from the cell (column) next to the value I am searching...?

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LOOKUP To Go From Numerics To Letters

Oct 8, 2009

I've used LOOKUP in the below and it works great.

But I've not been able to use that knowledge (or Excel help) to get the following to work.

where D108 is in the range <1.0 to >2.0, and the letter grade must correspond to
D108 to Letter Grade
<1.0 D
>2.0 A+

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Lookup With 2 Variables Returning A Third

Apr 8, 2014

So I'm trying to populated a price from a matrix.

I have the headings Rows as colours and the and the columns as quantity, actual matrix data is value.

Trying to work out how to look up the colour and the quantity and return the value.

# R B Y G
1 2 3 4 5
2 3 4 5 6
3 4 5 6 7
4 5 6 7 8
5 6 7 8 9

2 B are 4
3 Y are 6

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"wrong Data Type Error" Public Lookup Function

May 4, 2007

I have attached a file called Test2 which has a public function called DBLookup. The function looks in the attached access database simulating a Vlookup just like in Excel. The problem I am having is when that data appears on sheet1. I am getting #VALUE in the cell and the erroe states "a used value in the formula is of the wrong data type".


Dim adoCN As ADODB.Connection
Dim strSQL As String

Const DatabasePath As String = "C:Test2.mdb"

'Function argument descriptions
'LookupFieldName - the field you wish to search
'LookupValue - the value in LookupFieldName you're searching for
'ReturnField - the matching field containing the value you wish to return...

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Returning Multiple Values With One Lookup Value

Aug 16, 2014

How the following problem gets sorted out

ColumnAColumnB ColumnEColumnF

As you can see from above i want to lookup all the values in column E in column A and return the corresponding value in column F.

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Combining IF And Lookup Formulas Returning Zero Value

Jan 12, 2009

Here's my formula that gives me an answer of zero.
=IF(IF(L14="L",(LOOKUP(B14,data!Y1:Y14831,data!AO1:AO14831)),0),IF(L14="L+R",(LOOKUP(B14,data!Y1:Y14 831,data!AQ1:AQ14831)),0),0)

L14 is a dropdown box, selection is L or L+R
The L true result is 30 and L+R result is 60
It should be possible to combine these should it not?
I would do a screen shot but it's quite huge.

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Returning Multiple Results For One Lookup Value

Jan 28, 2009

I have been searching all day about this topic and while there are many "solutions" none of them fits my criteria and I can't figure out how to tailor it.

I am using a very basic data sheet to populate a purchase order. I want to be able to search a style and have all the data (color, units and price) automatically fill in upon entering the style number, I have been using vlookup but this only works if there is one color per style.

I have found different lookup functions that give the value +1 when the data is sorted but it returns the value even if it doens't fit the search criteria, I only want to return the second value if it correlates to the initial lookup

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Lookup Function: Looking Up A Name And Then Returning All The Documents

Sep 2, 2009

I have data concerning documents people have to write, which is updated weekly. Is there a way of looking up a name and then returning all the documents that they have to write. I have tried a vlookup, but this only returns the first entry and not the lot. Also i would prefer the document data for each person to be returned in to one cell.

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Max Index Lookup Returning Two Cells?

Oct 19, 2007

I have a formula I need to modify.

In column b I have a list of items by number, each one is unique
In column c I have a list of items by number. In this column a item may not be listed or listed 1000's of times.
In column d I have a list dates for each of the items listed in column c
In column e I have a list of prices for each of the items listed in in column c

The idea with the orginal formula was to look up the item and return the date

=MAX(INDEX(($C$2:$C$39999=B2)*(D$2:D$39999), 0))

Now I need to get it to return the most recent date from column d and the dollar amount right next to it from column e. How would I do that?

I trying to return the most recent date and price for a item.

I thought about breaking this into two formulas and having the second formula read the date that was returned from the above formula and the item number from column b and returning the value from e, but got stuck. I was thinking a lookup function with two criteria.

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Lookup Returning Data For A Value That Is Not In Table

Apr 26, 2013

I have a pretty large table,(153,000 rows) My lookup_value is a 7 digit number. If my lookup_value isn't in the lookup_vector, it should return "#N/A" (which it does most of the time) but I noticed it was returning a result when the lookup_value didn't exist...it didn't exist anywhere in the table.

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IF Formula Evaluates To Wrong Value

Jan 29, 2014

I have the following formula: IF(SELL_INVESTMENT = "YES" , 1,2) It returns not 1 or 2 but 0. The worksheet contains over 1000 cells. Trace Precedents verifies that the formula evaluates the correct cell and that it contains "yes". I created a very simple worksheet to test the formula and here it correctly returns 1.

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Formula Returns Wrong Value

Feb 27, 2010

The formula below was written a couple of years ago and I just discovered an error. It returns an "S" for the value 0789 when it should be a "C", (Consecutive).


******** ******************** ************************************************************************>Microsoft Excel - FL MID PLAY 4 CONSECUTIVES.xlsm___Running: 12.0 : OS = Windows XP (F)ile (E)dit (V)iew (I)nsert (O)ptions (T)ools (D)ata (W)indow (H)elp (A)boutT215=OPQRST215078907893SSheet2 [HtmlMaker 2.42] To see the formula in the cells just click on the cells hyperlink or click the Name boxPLEASE DO NOT QUOTE THIS TABLE IMAGE ON SAME PAGE! OTHEWISE, ERROR OF JavaScript OCCUR.

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Not Returning Date In Lookup When Dates Are Out Of Order

Mar 20, 2014

I have a bit of code (See below) which basically looks at a list of data in rows 10:99 and then finds a date that is between cells c1 and b1. If there is one the it puts that date in if not it leaves cell blank.

[Code] .....

The problem I have now found is that is the dates in the sheet TR rows 10:99 and one of the dates is outside the range so for instance if the range set by c1 and b1 is 10/3/14 - 20/3/14 and in TR there are dates:

it wont return anything but if the dates are
it will return 15/3/14.

Is there anyway that I can change it so it wont return 0 if the last one is outside the range.

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Lookup Returning Multiple Columns And Rows?

Oct 8, 2013

I'm working on a database right now for our school, similar to a directory. What I want to do is be able to look up what items a staff member has been issued and when/if they were returned. What I have right now is one sheet with all the information about the staff that looks like the one below. I want to create a separate sheet where you could look up a staff member by last name and can find all the information in the array relative the the specific cell looked up.

Last Name
First Name

So, on the "lookup" sheet, I want to be able to input either Doe and have the look up return cells B2:E6, or if I input Smith it should return cells B7:D11.

I've been experimenting with Vlookup, hlookup, index, and match but haven't been able to get exactly what I want..

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Formula Returns Wrong Percentage?

Jun 27, 2013


this works great execot for the percentag is wrong when h9 and g9 are populated

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Result In The Formula Editor Box Is Wrong

Nov 25, 2007

I can't seem to tell if my formula isn't correct in concept, or if this is a known problem with Excel 2000?

I have written a short formula that is pretty straightforward, but is giving a different result in Excel's "Formula Editor" box (when you hit the = button) than is showing in the cell itself. The Formula Editor's result is showing as "TRUE" which is what I believe is the correct value, but the cell itself is showing the "FALSE" result of a different incorrect value.

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