Pivot Table Non-Adjacent Columns

Jan 7, 2007

Pivot Tables. The structure and subject-content of cells B3:D14 (Block A) is identical to those of cells F3:H14 (Block B). I want a pivot table to treat the two Blocks as if they occupied the same three columns (e.g. B3:D26).

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Add Columns To Pivot Table With A Name Like ABC

Jul 14, 2014

I have a pivot table that I create weekly to include the new week's data, as well as the rest of the weeks in the year. I'd like for the macro to pull all of the columns like "WE" into the pivot table so that it includes the current week. Below is what the code looks like now. Is there a way to tell the macro to pull columns based on "field name like" language? I've been able to get this far, but it doesn't loop the headers to find all of the columns that have WE headers.

Sub AddPTFields()

Dim PT As PivotTable
Dim PF As PivotField
Dim FldName As String
Dim LastCol As Integer
Dim TxtStr As String
Dim wsName As String


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Pivot Table - Row To Columns

Mar 15, 2013

I have a pivot table that shows the following:

2 XXAL______213_________1
3 XXAA______213________1

...and the list goes on for 1300 more ID items

What I need is to reformat it to show the location2 as columns one next to each other as follows:

1 XXAT 213 215 226
2 XXAL 213 228
3 XXA 213 123 258 065...

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Add Columns With Calculations In A Pivot Table

Nov 2, 2012

I have two queries regarding pivot table.

I would like to include additional columns with formula in to a pivot table

I would like to get ride of the Items in a pivot table with Zero values without editing the source data.

I have attached a work file in to the below link, [URL]....

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Can Add A Subtotal Of 3 Columns In A Pivot Table

Nov 22, 2013

I want to get a subtotal of columns B C and D in a pivot table. I have tried to add a calculated item to a pivot table to add columns B C and D. When I try adding a calcuted item I am getting an additional column inserted after columns B C and D. Each additional column has the previous column duplicated. I want a subtotal of column B C and D. I don't want to use the grand total function because I also have columns E through H that I don't want in the subtotal.

How can I get the columns B C and D subtotaled within the pivot table?

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Format Pivot Table Columns?

Oct 24, 2011

How can you visually format a column with multiple values in a pivot table? Say you have month in the column section, and three values in the value section: budget, actuals, variance; I want to visually seperate each month's set of data.

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Move Pivot Table Columns?

Mar 26, 2013

is there anyway to arrange pivot table columns without manipulating the field list items?

in other words, in older versions of excel, you could just right click the column and select move left, or move right

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Add Concatenation Of Two Columns To Pivot Table?

Jul 18, 2013

I have a large data set that I want to pivot on to produce various results. I can easily pivot on two columns to produce those Unique IDs where East AND West are "Yes" or "No." I want an easy to filter on results where either East OR West is "yes." I could do this with a joined (Concatenated column) such as East/West but was hoping there might be an easier solution built into Excel pivot feature.

Unique ID






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Pivot Table With Multiple Columns

Jun 28, 2007

How do I create a pivot table with multiple data columns? My fixed asset software will not let me create a report to list multiple months/ quarters. I've created a spreadsheet that I can dump each month into, but I'd like to be able to sort by G/L acct or Department. When I try to create a pivot table, I can't get it to accept each month as a data field. Ive attached a copy of the spreadsheet that I'm using & the report that I'd like it to look like.

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Pivot Table - Calculating Percentage Of Two Columns?

May 14, 2014

why it works (but it obviously does). I crabbed off the sheet, modified it with my data and the percentages calculate reliably.

What I can't figure out is that in the Pct calculation in the table is the formula:


The formula itself makes perfect sense in terms of the numbers and filtering involved....but why does it actually work and what does the "^2" do?

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Pivot Table - Group Columns By Date

Jun 16, 2014

Not sure if this is possible but I have a sheet of data which is effectively a project plan. It has a list of resources, role and phase etc. I then have lots of rows which are w/c dates and under each "week" I have the amount of hours or days they work. So for each person I can record their hours etc.

I then need a Pivot which basically collates the data and displays each phase's total hours but month. There maybe multiple phases or and each person may appear in each phase

I've attached an example - Excel Problem.xlsx‎

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Calculate The Difference Between 2 Columns In Pivot Table?

Aug 14, 2014

So I am running in to a large brick wall! I have a single pivot tablet with a column for items received and then a column for items shipped. I would like to create a calculated field in the pivot table that will subtract the items received from the items shipped columns. I have attempted to add the calculated field using the tool bar but it keeps giving me "0" for every item on the pivot table when there are obvious differences.

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Pivot Table With Columns Listing Counts

Dec 10, 2012

I have a spreadsheet similar to this:

CA ...........Cat................................

I want to create a pivot table to do this:

CA ...............1.............................

I have been unable to get it formatted correctly. The closest I get are "sub-colums" with counts.

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Sort Multiple Columns - Use Pivot Table?

May 14, 2012

I need to put a worksheet together that has multiple columns that I can then sort in order (on any one columns that affects each row together) in "vehicle type".

I want to set it up so the full listing can be sorted top to bottom in colour or then click sort to sort in MAX SIZE and or again sort in SPEED. (So sort in Alpabetical order or by value).

I havent used pivot tables before and assume its the best way. I dont want to use the filter system to sort as its too clumsy for the end user.

sort>sort>sort>sort>VEHICLECOLOURSMAX SIZESPEEDA9brown50100PRONTObrown100110VELICITOgreen200120

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Calculate The Difference Between Two Columns In A Pivot Table

Aug 26, 2009

Is a way to calculate the difference between two columns in a Pivot table .

I have the data something like this in a pivot table....

Sum of MetricValueColumn LabelsRow LabelsFebruaryMarchAprilMayJuneJulyNet New My SitesNet New Team Sites0Number of Provisioned Users322059319906322372350239332914328404Total Capacity In Use (GB)1585.381722.761824.731947.772124.282262.78Total No. of My Sites208212316924682307313313134317Total No. of Team Sites101751082311396683273227940

What i need to do is to calculate the "Net New My Sites" and "Net New Team Sites" values something like this....
Net New My Sites (March) = Total No. of My Sites(March) - Total No. of My Sites(February)
Net New My Sites (April) = Total No. of My Sites(April) - Total No. of My Sites(March)

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Pivot Table Columns/rows And Subtotals

Oct 13, 2009

attached Pivot Table. There is a section, which I've marked, that shows how I want my Pivot Table report to look. I've had Excel 2007 kick me out a number of times when I've tried to filter and shift rows and columns to accomplish this and areas are frequently grayed out. Can someone please assist?

I'm attaching a file rather than going into a lot of detail here because I think a visual is easier here. The raw data, my attempt at the Pivot Table and my desired outcome all show on the same tab.

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Pivot Table Columns In Month Order

Mar 17, 2007

I have a couple of Pivot Tables that I create each month summarising my Income and Expenditure. The only problem I have is making the columns appear in the correct order, i.e. where July is month1 through June(the following year) being month 12 to coincide with my financial year. Oddly enough last month (January) was fine, following December.

This month January and February appear in columns 1 & 2.

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Pivot Table List From Multiple Columns

May 12, 2007

I am trying to round a number to the next half penny. The mround function would seem to work but does not work for fractions.

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Pivot Table Data In Multiple Columns

Jun 1, 2007

My pivot table wants to total 2 sets of data and put it in rows. I would like it to be in columns.

The small attached sample shows what I would like.

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Data Field Of Pivot Table To Go Across Columns

Oct 17, 2007

When i tried to drop another field into data field, by default, the new data field will appear below the field which was already in there. However, i would like the new field showing in an new column - horizontally - rather than showing in a new row.

For example:
Rather than the Pivot table appear like this:

Q108A 72
Q109A 64
____ B 73
____D 5

I would like the privot table present like the following format:

____ A_ B_ C_ D_
Q108 72 84 68 5
Q109 64 73 58 5

Is there setting I can change, so that the new field is added to a new column.

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Pivot Table Calculated Field Based On 2 Columns?

Jun 9, 2014

I have a Table with 2 columns "Due Date" and "Completed Date". The pivot table from the table gives the count of each column. I want to have a calculated column giving the % complete, ie. "Count of Completed"/"Completed Date"*100. When I attempt to create this formula (using Pivot Table Options > Fields Items and Sets > Calculated field), I get a DivZero error, even though both columns are not zero. How do I create such a calculated column?

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Hidden Columns In Pivot Table Source Data

Jul 17, 2009

I wish to hide some columns that contain data used to update a pivot table in another worksheet. What I want to know is though, will this affect the pivot table? I think that graphs in excel will normally ignore data in hidden cells, so I was wondering if it was the same with pivot tables.

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Excel 2007 :: Pivot Table - Max Number Of Columns?

Nov 9, 2011

I'm using Excel 2007. My pivot table seems to be limiting me to 256 columns in the Values/Data area. In researching below I believe that I should be able to have 16,000 columns in my Pivot Table.

[URL] The "Big Grid" and Increased Limits in Excel 2007

PivotTables Maximum rows displayed in a PivotTable report is 1 million.
Maximum columns displayed in a PivotTable report is 16,000.
Maximum number of unique items within a single Pivot field is 1 million.
Maximum number of fields visible in the Fields list is 16,000.

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Pivot Table From Database To Summarize Data In Columns

Sep 9, 2008

I have attached a spreadsheet of an example of a database with a pivot table and a desired report
Can anyone give me a pivot tabe from my database that looks like my desired report.

I am willing to seperate the database into two seperate databases with different transaction types if necessary.

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Pivot Table To List Multiple Source Columns In Rows?

Jul 4, 2014

I have a huge data set with survey data (sample attached: sample.xlsx). Column headings: survey questions Row headings: respondent identifiers (names) Row data: answers to questions (numeric values, only five answer options 1,2,3,4 or 5, no blanks)

I need to build that kind of pivot table:

Rows - list of particular questions (i.e. questions no. 3, 7 and 12) Columns - list of all diffrent answer entries (eventually, it will be 1,2,3,4 and 5) - it could also be questions in columns and answers in row (no difference) Values - count answer entries (i.e. how many answers "5" are on quesiton 3)

UPDATE: explanation added.

The reason I need pivot tables: i'll have to cross analyze multiple sets of questions. I'll have to do such cross-analysis 100+ times, so, writing a formula for each time does not quite work...

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Adding Columns With Manual Calculations To Dynamic Pivot Table

May 8, 2013

I have a problem as I need to present data with different data sources. I'd like the calculations to be as "automatic" as possible. The data consists of countries and regions and their sales pipe. The pivot table doesn't give me all the data that I need to present so I need to add extra columns with calculations and data from other data sources.

The problem I meet is that the 'total row' within each group needs to be reflected in my columns as well (F:G) It works as long as the data I've imported has the same amount of States within each group of Contry but if the number of states differs with the newly imported data - my "manual" columns are wrong.

Country;State; Red; Amber; Green; Quota; Total PV; Coverage;

I've created a Pivot table on the first 5 columns [Country; ...; Risk] (A:E)

The following columns are manually entered based on the pivot (F:H)

Quota (data source from another sheet)
Total PV (a sum of Red; Amber; Green in the Pivot)
Coverage (returns % of TotalPV/Quota)

For each group Quota and Total PV needs to summarize the above data within the group. I've 'hard coded it' today (SUM(F3:F5)) - F3:F5 can as well be F3:F8 or F3:F4 depending on the imported data. I have 8 different Countries (groups) with different amounts of States and 3 different sheets for each Region of countries so I need this summary to be automatic based on what group (Country) it belongs to. How can I make the calculation different so that it's dynamic as well as the Pivot table? Today it's not dynamic and it needs my 'hands on'.

Quota =IF(ISNUMBER(SEARCH("total";A6)); SUM(F3:F5); IF(ISNA(VLOOKUP(B6;Quota!B:F;3; FALSE));" ";
IF(VLOOKUP(B6;Quota!B:F;3; FALSE)=0; " ";(VLOOKUP(B6;Quota!B:F;3; FALSE))))).

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Pivot Table Fields To Calculate Delta Between Two Proceeding Columns

May 5, 2014

I have a Pivot Table. I have two Columns Currently Current Week and Previous Week. The Values are displayed as a count for the Status Field. I would like to know if it is possible to add a calculated formula that will take the count difference between Current Week and Previous Week?

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Excel 2010 :: Pivot Table With Fixed Rows And Columns?

Jun 21, 2014

I'm trying to produce a fixed format pivot table in Excel 2010. Normally I'd just construct a manual table using COUNTIFS, SUMIFS etc, howver, for this exercise the requirement is to be able to click on any field and have a tab pop up with the relavent data a la Pivot Table. But....I need the Pivot table to have a fixed format (which I can do with 'Preserve cell formatting on update') and to have all of the rows and columns in irrespective of whether there is data or not (i.e. if I haven't sold any apples in June, I still want the 'Apples' field to appear, just with a value of zero). I had assumed that the option I needed was 'Show items with no data on rows/columns' but these options are greyed out. I've tried right-clicking on the whole table, on individual fields and on labels but still get the same greyed out options.

Is there any way I can retain all of the rows and columns?

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Excel 2010 :: Pivot Table Reference Is Not Valid When Moving Data And Pivot Table Together?

Mar 19, 2013

On a worksheet, I created:

- a list of data
- a pivottable based on these data

When moving this worksheet this worksheet to another workbook, the pivot table can't refresh anymore. This throws an error message "Reference is not valid". To work around this problem I need to adapt the datasource. The same occurs if the list and the pivot table are on separate sheet, with the added strange behaviour that, when data an PT are split, it is not possible to move both sheet together.

This would not be a big issue if my problem had to be solved manually. The real problem is that I need to move the sheets from a C# program.

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Excel 2007 :: Calculated Field To Get Percentage Of Two Columns In Pivot Table

Oct 2, 2013

I'm having an issue getting the correct results from a calculated field in a pivot table in Excel 2007.

In column A I have "Business Name", in B I have a sum of the amount of lines a customer has, and C is a MAX of the number of employees the customer has at their location.

In one example I have a business with sum 50 lines and max 30 employees but when I try to make the calculated field 50/30 (should equal 166%) i get 9.2% instead.

The reason appears to be because there are 18 types of lines the customer has and 18 x max 30 = 540 and 50/540 is 9.2%. In the attached example it's all the same business location so the total number of employees (30) is the same for each row and each row in the raw data is a set of lines with similar features.

I attached an example. CalcFieldProblem.xlsx

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