Pivot Table - Calculating Percentage Of Two Columns?

May 14, 2014

why it works (but it obviously does). I crabbed off the sheet, modified it with my data and the percentages calculate reliably.

What I can't figure out is that in the Pct calculation in the table is the formula:


The formula itself makes perfect sense in terms of the numbers and filtering involved....but why does it actually work and what does the "^2" do?

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Excel 2007 :: Calculated Field To Get Percentage Of Two Columns In Pivot Table

Oct 2, 2013

I'm having an issue getting the correct results from a calculated field in a pivot table in Excel 2007.

In column A I have "Business Name", in B I have a sum of the amount of lines a customer has, and C is a MAX of the number of employees the customer has at their location.

In one example I have a business with sum 50 lines and max 30 employees but when I try to make the calculated field 50/30 (should equal 166%) i get 9.2% instead.

The reason appears to be because there are 18 types of lines the customer has and 18 x max 30 = 540 and 50/540 is 9.2%. In the attached example it's all the same business location so the total number of employees (30) is the same for each row and each row in the raw data is a set of lines with similar features.

I attached an example. CalcFieldProblem.xlsx

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How To Calculate Percentage In Pivot Table

Jul 6, 2012

I have a pivot table in which 50 rows data and each row contains in the end %age. End of report i get grand total but it sums the percentage column. I need to calculate percentage in the end of grand total. How can i get it.

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Display Percentage Of In Pivot Table

Apr 4, 2008

I have 2 columns in a Pivot Table. One called Sum of AD Total, the other called Sum of Total Cost.

I want to add a third field that displays the Sum of AD Total as a percentage of the Sum of Total Cost.

So I assumed I would use the "% Of" facility in the "Show data as" drop down, and "Total Cost" in the Base Field drop down. But what goes in the Base item field as whenever I try and put something in I get N/A returned as a result in my PT?

I'm attaching a very simplified version.

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Remove Percentage Of Row Total In Pivot Table?

Feb 7, 2014

how to remove the percentage of row total in a pivot table. I only want the sum of the row total but the percentage of row column always say 100% and I want it to be removed.

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Finding Cumulative Percentage In Pivot Table?

May 21, 2014

I have data of supplier spend and need to find percent of suppliers having top 80% spend.

How to get the cumulative spend within the pivot table itself. I can do it outside the table by calculations, but how to get the results directly using pivot table, because i am using that data in a KPI metric and a dashboard.

if not possible in pivot table, can i get it in a single step process using percentrank or percentile formula or anything else?

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Show Percentage Subtotals In Pivot Table

Jul 18, 2007

Does anyone know a setting to display pivot tables as a % of sub total automatically within the Pivot Table Settings? I have recreated a formula on the cells H:K of what I am looking for. see Attached.

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Pivot Table: Adding A Percentage Field As '% Of Subtotal'

Nov 21, 2007

In the attached Excel file, there is a pivot table.

In the Data part of the table, there are two columns. The second is the exact same field than the first one but expressed as percentage (Field settings/Options/Show field as "% of" + "Total".

The problem is: I don't want to express this field as a % of Total ('Grand total') but rather as a % of Subtotal (e.g. Danemark Total).

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Pivot Table Percentage Of All Data (including Filtered)

Oct 14, 2013

How to show my data as % of grand total and include the filtered data. Whenever I filter out a category in my pivot table the % values adjust for everything unfiltered. Is there a way to have my percentages include the filtered data?

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Calculating Overtime In Pivot Table

Nov 30, 2010

How to report Overtime in a pivot table. Apparently this is more difficult than it seems. Please take a look at the cross posting at [URL]....

I have a sample file there

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Calculating Result From Pivot Table?

Jan 3, 2014

I have a very large pivot table. 1 output is the sum of seconds it takes to complete a task. I would like to convert this field from seconds to minutes. the data is all in seconds, so i need to divid the sum by 3600. is there a way to do this calculation inside the pivot table?

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How To Compare Percentage Difference Between Date Range Through Pivot Table

May 9, 2014

I would like to compare % difference between date range through pivot table

Date RangeProductAmt
1st weekABC1000
2nd WeekABC2000
3rd WeekABC1259
1st weekXYZ3000
2nd WeekXYZ4000
3rd WeekXYZ2500

How to plot a Pivot table to compare the % difference between 3rd Week Vs 2nd Week Vs 1 Week for each product through pivot table?

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One Of The Values On Pivot Table Not Calculating Properly?

Feb 3, 2014

This pivot table is used to track referrals for an employment service, and needs to show monthly totals of referrals, enrolments, cancellations and placements.

I have the referral date as one of the row lables, but it seems that each of the others now only reflectes back to that date rather than the date entered in that value


5 clients referred in September, One was placed in October, 2 in December and 1 in Jan but the totals for placed are all showing in September rather than the month the clinet was placed.

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Excel 2010 :: Adding Percentage Change Column To Pivot Table?

Mar 17, 2012

I am trying to add columns to my Excel 2010 Pivot Table to calculate % change of sales from year to year. The field name is "Year", while the item columns in the field are 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, and 2011. How do I add a column between the years that will calculate the % change os sales up or down from the previous year?

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Calculating Average Market Share From Pivot Table

Aug 2, 2006

I created two pivots:

1 provides sales data for companies in a time period,
2 provides market share data for companies in a time period.

Both pivots can be filter by page fields country and category. Now i want to calculate 4 average market share values (because i have 4 defined periods): 1 average MS in period 1, 1 average MS in period 2, etc. In this average i want to exclude companies that are not active in a certain period (pivot table shows MS = "0%") and companies that totally not active in all periods (pivot table doesn't shows market share data at all after a certain selection of the page fields).

Attachment : calculate averages from pivot table.zip

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Calculating Overtime In Pivot Table For Multiple Weeks

Feb 5, 2014

I have employees hours worked entered in multiple rows. Columns are Date, Name, Hours worked; then a column that calculates the week number.

The data is entered each day so the Names are not in order and I'd rather not have to resort by name each week.

I'm collecting that data along with several other fields in a pivot table, then I have a summary sheet that uses GETPIVOTDATA formulas to compile a ton of statistics.

I want to be able to filter the pivot table on any given number of weeks. I need to be able to calculate overtime (greater than 40 hours in a week) for each name over the filtered weeks. So I could want to see OT for weeks 4, 5, 7 combined.

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Formula For Calculating A Ratio Using The Data In The Pivot Table.

Jan 17, 2008

I can’t seem to work out the formula for calculating a ratio using the data in the pivot table.

I’ve added a column next to the pivot table to work out the ratio between to columns.


But what if there is no data in cell (B11), I want to return a “ “ (blank space)… but it returns a #DIV/0!

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Calculating Average Market Share From A Pivot Table

Aug 2, 2006

I created two pivots: 1 provides sales data for companies in a time period, 2 provides market share data for companies in a time period. Both pivots can be filter by page fields country and category. Now i want to calculate 4 average market share values (because i have 4 defined periods): 1 average MS in period 1, 1 average MS in period 2, etc. In this average i want to exclude companies that are not active in a certain period (pivot table shows MS = "0%") and companies that totally not active in all periods (pivot table doesn't shows market share data at all after a certain selection of the page fields). Check out my attachment too to symplify this question. How how i formulate this formula?

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Pivot Table: Calculate Percentage Of X Sales To To Total Sales

Feb 20, 2008

See the attachment. I want the percentage of Car Sales to total sales of different countries automatically.

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Add Columns To Pivot Table With A Name Like ABC

Jul 14, 2014

I have a pivot table that I create weekly to include the new week's data, as well as the rest of the weeks in the year. I'd like for the macro to pull all of the columns like "WE" into the pivot table so that it includes the current week. Below is what the code looks like now. Is there a way to tell the macro to pull columns based on "field name like" language? I've been able to get this far, but it doesn't loop the headers to find all of the columns that have WE headers.

Sub AddPTFields()

Dim PT As PivotTable
Dim PF As PivotField
Dim FldName As String
Dim LastCol As Integer
Dim TxtStr As String
Dim wsName As String


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Pivot Table - Row To Columns

Mar 15, 2013

I have a pivot table that shows the following:

2 XXAL______213_________1
3 XXAA______213________1

...and the list goes on for 1300 more ID items

What I need is to reformat it to show the location2 as columns one next to each other as follows:

1 XXAT 213 215 226
2 XXAL 213 228
3 XXA 213 123 258 065...

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Add Columns With Calculations In A Pivot Table

Nov 2, 2012

I have two queries regarding pivot table.

I would like to include additional columns with formula in to a pivot table

I would like to get ride of the Items in a pivot table with Zero values without editing the source data.

I have attached a work file in to the below link, [URL]....

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Can Add A Subtotal Of 3 Columns In A Pivot Table

Nov 22, 2013

I want to get a subtotal of columns B C and D in a pivot table. I have tried to add a calculated item to a pivot table to add columns B C and D. When I try adding a calcuted item I am getting an additional column inserted after columns B C and D. Each additional column has the previous column duplicated. I want a subtotal of column B C and D. I don't want to use the grand total function because I also have columns E through H that I don't want in the subtotal.

How can I get the columns B C and D subtotaled within the pivot table?

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Format Pivot Table Columns?

Oct 24, 2011

How can you visually format a column with multiple values in a pivot table? Say you have month in the column section, and three values in the value section: budget, actuals, variance; I want to visually seperate each month's set of data.

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Move Pivot Table Columns?

Mar 26, 2013

is there anyway to arrange pivot table columns without manipulating the field list items?

in other words, in older versions of excel, you could just right click the column and select move left, or move right

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Add Concatenation Of Two Columns To Pivot Table?

Jul 18, 2013

I have a large data set that I want to pivot on to produce various results. I can easily pivot on two columns to produce those Unique IDs where East AND West are "Yes" or "No." I want an easy to filter on results where either East OR West is "yes." I could do this with a joined (Concatenated column) such as East/West but was hoping there might be an easier solution built into Excel pivot feature.

Unique ID






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Pivot Table Non-Adjacent Columns

Jan 7, 2007

Pivot Tables. The structure and subject-content of cells B3:D14 (Block A) is identical to those of cells F3:H14 (Block B). I want a pivot table to treat the two Blocks as if they occupied the same three columns (e.g. B3:D26).

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Pivot Table With Multiple Columns

Jun 28, 2007

How do I create a pivot table with multiple data columns? My fixed asset software will not let me create a report to list multiple months/ quarters. I've created a spreadsheet that I can dump each month into, but I'd like to be able to sort by G/L acct or Department. When I try to create a pivot table, I can't get it to accept each month as a data field. Ive attached a copy of the spreadsheet that I'm using & the report that I'd like it to look like.

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Pivot Table - Group Columns By Date

Jun 16, 2014

Not sure if this is possible but I have a sheet of data which is effectively a project plan. It has a list of resources, role and phase etc. I then have lots of rows which are w/c dates and under each "week" I have the amount of hours or days they work. So for each person I can record their hours etc.

I then need a Pivot which basically collates the data and displays each phase's total hours but month. There maybe multiple phases or and each person may appear in each phase

I've attached an example - Excel Problem.xlsx‎

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Calculate The Difference Between 2 Columns In Pivot Table?

Aug 14, 2014

So I am running in to a large brick wall! I have a single pivot tablet with a column for items received and then a column for items shipped. I would like to create a calculated field in the pivot table that will subtract the items received from the items shipped columns. I have attempted to add the calculated field using the tool bar but it keeps giving me "0" for every item on the pivot table when there are obvious differences.

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