Pivot Table Columns In Month Order
Mar 17, 2007
I have a couple of Pivot Tables that I create each month summarising my Income and Expenditure. The only problem I have is making the columns appear in the correct order, i.e. where July is month1 through June(the following year) being month 12 to coincide with my financial year. Oddly enough last month (January) was fine, following December.
This month January and February appear in columns 1 & 2.
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Apr 4, 2014
I am trying to create a Chart from a Pivot Table. I want the Chart to show my projects and present each months amounts side-by-side comparing (Plan, Actual, Forecast) data each month for the calendar year.
I am trying to figure out how to generate the pivot table showing multiple projects so that the data is grouped by month comparing (Plan, Actual, Forecast) data. Projects are listed down the Rows while months Jan-Dec are along the columns. Each month has 3 columns because the second row contains header for the data sets of Plan, Actual & Forecast. (see sample below) When I try to create a Pivot Table, It shows multiple month fields (Jan, Jan2, Jan3, Feb, Feb2, Feb3) instead of a single month.
{Using Excel 2003}
NameOwnerJan JanJanFebFebFeb
Project 1Region 1 126.1 119.6 119.6
Project 2Region 2 18.0 0.9 0.9 8.2 8.2
Project 3Region 2 80.0 2.6 2.6
Project 4Region 3
Project 5Region 3 60.0
Project 6Region 4 55.8 55.8 55.8
Project 7Region 4 19.4
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Sep 18, 2008
My input data for Pivot table has a column named "Month". The month values are like April 07, April 08, Nov07 in random order for period between Jan 07 to Aug 08.
When I create a pivot Table, this column is sorted alphabetically (April 07 is followed by April 08) but I need it to be sorted in the ascending order with respect to month (April 07 is followed by May 07).
I further use this data to plot a Pivot Chart. There is another issue here. I want to use separate colors for each series. I do not know how to achieve above 2 things.
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Dec 24, 2013
I have a table with two columns: 'Serial' and 'Read Date'. The table represents all those serials that failed to read at a certain time and date. For example:
Serial Read Date
4028543 10am Dec 16
4028544 10am Dec 16
4028566 10am Dec 16
I know you can move them manually but I have 73 reads so far and that's a lot of manually moving columns about.
I'd like to get Excel to use the original order of the Read date entries.
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Oct 1, 2008
I need to build a macro that creates a pivot table that displays data for the last 13 months, by month (e.g. Sep 07 - Sep 08). My table has a column for months and another one for years. My question is: to run the macro succesfully, how should I build my table, or make the pivot table, in order to get the months displayed in proper order (Aug 07, Sep 07, Oct 07, Nov 07, Dec 07, Jan 08, Feb 08,.......Jul 08, Aug 08)
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Jul 23, 2012
I have entered a custom sort order under 'first key sort order,' but the field is not sorting according to the list.
I'm sure I entered the list correctly, because I actually entered it a long time ago, and it was working for a while. However, today the underlying data was temporarily erased, and the pivot table, when refreshed, basically went blank. I restored the data and refreshed the table, but this field is back to sorting in the wrong order. Refreshing the pivot table and re-choosing the appropriate sort options do not work.
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Apr 30, 2013
I have a pivot table and and struggling to group these by month as well as to sort thee in escending order.
Pivot Table ABC3Row LabelsSum of DebitSum of Credit
18898.0318065.4813/10/2012 7210.52913/11/201241969.041767.821013/12/201232844.7724041.26
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Apr 28, 2014
Cells in row C have numbers (number of days between date a and date b)
I want to group the days so I can run a usable pivot table as follows:
Up to 7 days between update date and today (ie 1 week) 8-14 days between update date and today (ie 2 weeks) 15-21 days (ie 3 weeks) 4 weeks +
My attempt is as follows but only give two results and not 4?
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May 8, 2007
I am having difficulty with the pivot table I created in that the name of the month is showing the serial number. In my spreadsheet, the data I have is:
cell B3 = 20070501
cell P3 = 05 { formula =MID(B3,5,2) } {}*not an array formula
cell Q3 =May {formula =DATE(2000,P3,1) }
custom formatting in cell Q3 with MMMM to retreive name of month
In my pivot table, I would like the name of the month "May" to be displayed but 5/1/2000 is appearing. What am I doing wrong? Must I always format my data in the pivot table to return the name of the month? Perhaps someone in the Excel spectrum knows of a better solution.
Thanks to anyone who can guide me to sanity.
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May 21, 2014
I have a range of data over approx 300 rows. The first column contains dates.
I have created a pivot table and want to group the data by month. I have right clicked the table, grouped by months and selected the whole year as the date range.
For some strange reason the pivot table starts at 1/1/14 but ends at 21/2/14? It will not show the whole year.
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May 16, 2013
I have data that has a customer name and the month that they were taken care of" (of course not spaces
Customer Month
Smith January
Smith January
Mark January
Suzy January
Smith February
Mark February
I want a pivot table to say:
Month #customers
January 3
February 2
but when I do the count it adds the total number of customer names and gives (it is counting smith twice in January
Month #customers
January 4
February 2
I was reading something about doing the count (so it shows 4) and then doing an index within the count but I keep just getting 1 as the value (for both months).
I tried doing a formula in the document that said =IF(ISERROR(MATCH(A2,$A$1:A15,0)),1,0). basically looking to see if the name is above the location I am looking at and if it is to put a 0 if not put 1 and then do a sum of that column....trouble is that when a customer has orders on more than one month, the second month is coming up with a 0 instead of a 1 (and this happens quite often).
I am not sure what to do. if the customer shows up in more than one month I want them to count towards the unique count of both january and february...we look at each month separately.
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Jan 15, 2014
I have written two macros to create a pivot table that displays data by month. I created a column that is a flag that indicates if the if an instance occurred in the last 4 months(later used as a filter). The issue is how to handle defining the last 4 months. If the current date is prior to the 16th, I want to define the last 4 months as not including the current month. If it is after the 15th, I want define the last 4 months as including the current month. Currently I have two different macros and I make the decision on which to run. I would like the macro to handle this for me. Below is the cell formula that I use to set the flag if it is in the first half of the month.
ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "=IF(RC[-3]>EOMONTH(TODAY(),-5)+1,1,0)"
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Sep 18, 2009
I have created a Pivot Table to sumarize the monthly sales data.
Is it possible to select just one month and show the YTD sales?
e.g. We are in September, I select August the Pivot Table should show the August sales column and YTD (Jan to August) sales column.
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Jul 17, 2014
I have a lot of data to try and summarize but they are in multiple smaller tables. I wish to only extract 2 variables, 'number' and 'total' from all of my smaller tables (lots of them) so the problem looks like this, i have these tables for example where the 'total' title is in a different column depending on which of the smaller tables you are looking at:
cat 1
cat 2
cat 3
I am trying to get:
Because the number column is fixed and all of the smaller tables will all have a number in the same column maybe i can insert a column next to the number column and say "find the value where the column title is 'total' - however the location of the column title would change so not sure if this would work? I was also thinking of sorting the columns but that will not work either because of the smaller multiple tables?
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Jul 14, 2014
I have a pivot table that I create weekly to include the new week's data, as well as the rest of the weeks in the year. I'd like for the macro to pull all of the columns like "WE" into the pivot table so that it includes the current week. Below is what the code looks like now. Is there a way to tell the macro to pull columns based on "field name like" language? I've been able to get this far, but it doesn't loop the headers to find all of the columns that have WE headers.
Sub AddPTFields()
Dim PT As PivotTable
Dim PF As PivotField
Dim FldName As String
Dim LastCol As Integer
Dim TxtStr As String
Dim wsName As String
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Mar 15, 2013
I have a pivot table that shows the following:
2 XXAL______213_________1
3 XXAA______213________1
...and the list goes on for 1300 more ID items
What I need is to reformat it to show the location2 as columns one next to each other as follows:
1 XXAT 213 215 226
2 XXAL 213 228
3 XXA 213 123 258 065...
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Nov 2, 2012
I have two queries regarding pivot table.
I would like to include additional columns with formula in to a pivot table
I would like to get ride of the Items in a pivot table with Zero values without editing the source data.
I have attached a work file in to the below link, [URL]....
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Nov 22, 2013
I want to get a subtotal of columns B C and D in a pivot table. I have tried to add a calculated item to a pivot table to add columns B C and D. When I try adding a calcuted item I am getting an additional column inserted after columns B C and D. Each additional column has the previous column duplicated. I want a subtotal of column B C and D. I don't want to use the grand total function because I also have columns E through H that I don't want in the subtotal.
How can I get the columns B C and D subtotaled within the pivot table?
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Oct 24, 2011
How can you visually format a column with multiple values in a pivot table? Say you have month in the column section, and three values in the value section: budget, actuals, variance; I want to visually seperate each month's set of data.
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Mar 26, 2013
is there anyway to arrange pivot table columns without manipulating the field list items?
in other words, in older versions of excel, you could just right click the column and select move left, or move right
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Jul 18, 2013
I have a large data set that I want to pivot on to produce various results. I can easily pivot on two columns to produce those Unique IDs where East AND West are "Yes" or "No." I want an easy to filter on results where either East OR West is "yes." I could do this with a joined (Concatenated column) such as East/West but was hoping there might be an easier solution built into Excel pivot feature.
Unique ID
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Jan 7, 2007
Pivot Tables. The structure and subject-content of cells B3:D14 (Block A) is identical to those of cells F3:H14 (Block B). I want a pivot table to treat the two Blocks as if they occupied the same three columns (e.g. B3:D26).
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Jun 28, 2007
How do I create a pivot table with multiple data columns? My fixed asset software will not let me create a report to list multiple months/ quarters. I've created a spreadsheet that I can dump each month into, but I'd like to be able to sort by G/L acct or Department. When I try to create a pivot table, I can't get it to accept each month as a data field. Ive attached a copy of the spreadsheet that I'm using & the report that I'd like it to look like.
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May 14, 2014
why it works (but it obviously does). I crabbed off the sheet, modified it with my data and the percentages calculate reliably.
What I can't figure out is that in the Pct calculation in the table is the formula:
The formula itself makes perfect sense in terms of the numbers and filtering involved....but why does it actually work and what does the "^2" do?
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Jun 16, 2014
Not sure if this is possible but I have a sheet of data which is effectively a project plan. It has a list of resources, role and phase etc. I then have lots of rows which are w/c dates and under each "week" I have the amount of hours or days they work. So for each person I can record their hours etc.
I then need a Pivot which basically collates the data and displays each phase's total hours but month. There maybe multiple phases or and each person may appear in each phase
I've attached an example - Excel Problem.xlsx
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Aug 14, 2014
So I am running in to a large brick wall! I have a single pivot tablet with a column for items received and then a column for items shipped. I would like to create a calculated field in the pivot table that will subtract the items received from the items shipped columns. I have attempted to add the calculated field using the tool bar but it keeps giving me "0" for every item on the pivot table when there are obvious differences.
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Dec 10, 2012
I have a spreadsheet similar to this:
CA ...........Cat................................
I want to create a pivot table to do this:
CA ...............1.............................
I have been unable to get it formatted correctly. The closest I get are "sub-colums" with counts.
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May 14, 2012
I need to put a worksheet together that has multiple columns that I can then sort in order (on any one columns that affects each row together) in "vehicle type".
I want to set it up so the full listing can be sorted top to bottom in colour or then click sort to sort in MAX SIZE and or again sort in SPEED. (So sort in Alpabetical order or by value).
I havent used pivot tables before and assume its the best way. I dont want to use the filter system to sort as its too clumsy for the end user.
sort>sort>sort>sort>VEHICLECOLOURSMAX SIZESPEEDA9brown50100PRONTObrown100110VELICITOgreen200120
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Aug 26, 2009
Is a way to calculate the difference between two columns in a Pivot table .
I have the data something like this in a pivot table....
Sum of MetricValueColumn LabelsRow LabelsFebruaryMarchAprilMayJuneJulyNet New My SitesNet New Team Sites0Number of Provisioned Users322059319906322372350239332914328404Total Capacity In Use (GB)1585.381722.761824.731947.772124.282262.78Total No. of My Sites208212316924682307313313134317Total No. of Team Sites101751082311396683273227940
What i need to do is to calculate the "Net New My Sites" and "Net New Team Sites" values something like this....
Net New My Sites (March) = Total No. of My Sites(March) - Total No. of My Sites(February)
Net New My Sites (April) = Total No. of My Sites(April) - Total No. of My Sites(March)
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Oct 13, 2009
attached Pivot Table. There is a section, which I've marked, that shows how I want my Pivot Table report to look. I've had Excel 2007 kick me out a number of times when I've tried to filter and shift rows and columns to accomplish this and areas are frequently grayed out. Can someone please assist?
I'm attaching a file rather than going into a lot of detail here because I think a visual is easier here. The raw data, my attempt at the Pivot Table and my desired outcome all show on the same tab.
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