Pop Up Message To State That Excel Is Updating:Screen Update
Dec 6, 2006
i was wondering if there is a way to display a pop up message that a stating that the spreadsheet is currently updating.
What i have is a macro running on Auto_Open when workbook is opened. I have switch off the screen updating. What i want now is for maybe to have a pop up stating the spreadsheet is updating. Setting screen updating to false means that my excel freezes for a few seconds. I think users might be thinking that excel has crashed and therefore would like to include the message that the spreadsheet is updating its information.
I recently switched to Excel 2010 and have a rather peculiar problem.Every week I update a bunch of charts in different workbooks. By update, I pretty much mean just shifting the range over one column or down one row to incorporate newly added data.
So I right click the chart, select "Select Data", update all the Data series ranges and then I click on the Horizontal (Category) Axis Labels button "Edit" to update the Axis label range.
I do all that then press OK. The data series have updated, but the axis labels haven't. So then I do the procedure again for the Axis Labels, hit OK again and voila: It worked.
But I ALWAYS have to do this procedure twice. It will NEVER update the axis labels the first time around. Even though the little preview window below the edit button show the labels correctly.
i have outlook message stored in my desktop. I want a macro to open that outlook message and update or change the subject name and boby of message. is it possible through macro.
Is there a way to disable updating to the screen but have a message displayed to the user while a macro is running? Something like a userform displayed on the screen or a message in the status bar. I vaguley remember you could "print" message to the status bar in LotusScript, wondering if there is something similar in Excel.
Application.ScreenUpdating = False "the macro is running, hang tight" ...macro code in here... Application.ScreenUpdating = True
I have a personal.xls macro that basically does a comparison of two different workbooks. One of these workbooks ihas it's own macros (which are there in case the user wants to run them separately)...anyways my main macro calls these other macros one at a time.
It seems that at each call, the screen updates, alternating sheets and/or workbooks....
I know about the Application.Screenupdating=True / False statements....but I am not sure where I should be putting them to get the whole thing to work seamlessly.... I tried them at the start and end of my main macro, but that doesn't do the job.
i have a code (Below) using icolor that changes the colour of the cell depending on critiria, the problem i have is when i input into the sheet using a drop down box the color remains the same, without a drop down box it works but i really need to to work with the drop down boxes,
I have a macro that opens many excel documents. I used the application.screenupdating to turn off viewing these excel documents opening unfortunately they are still viewable. I counted the number of trues and falses in the module and there are 4. I believe the 2 pairs are unrelated. I keep both subs in the same module since they share functions.
The following short macro moves data into an area from where a series of graphs can either be displayed on the screen or printed. It may not be the most elegant of code and the way in which I "jump" around the hard copy option may raise some eyebrows, however except for what follows, it generally works.
When the "S"creen option is taken only the first graph is displayed, subsequent ones are not shown, (the screen does not refresh). What do I need to add to the coding to ensure each graph is shown? .....
I am using this macro to open a selected folder and apply a macro to all the file in the folder. However, I don't want the user to see what is the loaded file doing. I mean, all the selected file will be formatted by the calling macro in minimize way.
I need a method of updating a set of data held on tab1 from tab2 where details of one record is shown using VLOOKUP, possibly via a macro? For example:
Sheet 1 holds info on various companies - (Column headers: Name, address1, address2, postcode, " DATE LETTER SENT")
Sheet 2 Uses a drop down menu to select the desired company and some VLOOKUP formulas show the info from sheet1 on that one particular company. Sheet 3 There is a printable standard template letter which draws info from the record selected on sheet 2 (using standard =Sheet1!A1 formula) formated so the letter is addressed to the specific company selected. Back to: Sheet 2 - At the bottom there is a button which says 'Print' This runs a macro which selects sheet3, prints it then returns to sheet2. I need this macro to also go back to sheet1 and update the relevant record with ideally todays date (the date the letter was printed) in the "DATE LETTER SENT" column mentioned before but can just be an 'X' to show a letter has been printed for this company/record at some point. So in the future, by looking at sheet1 you can easil determine which companys have had letters printed against, and which havn't.
I cannot solve problem 1, thus I tried workarounds, however there are also problems with them (problem 2, problem 3). I do not use .activate or .select in my code. I have recreated the problem in sample workbook.
Problem 1:
I get a blink when I call another sub from Worksheet_SelectionChange event. Event is located in Sheet module, CellChange procedure - in seperate module
I have some VB code which sequentially opens over 200 workbooks to extract data from each and populate another workbook. These workbooks do have links to other workbooks in them. For some reason when some of these workbooks are opened I get a requestor window asking whether I want to Update or Don't Update the data. I always want to Update the workbook and believe this can be done in VB by hiding the requestor?
I have a Msg Box in my code. It usually pops-up in the Center of the screen. When I enabled a second monetor, the Msg Box now pops-up at the right edge of my main screen.
Is there a way to control where this Box pops-up? Ths code looks like this:
response = MsgBox("Switch to Manual Mode?", vbYesNoCancel, "Manual Switch") If response = vbYes Then WriteValue 0, "5MFWMODE.f_cv"
I'm trying to create an array formula that returns all the cities in a given state by imputing the state's abb in cell K2. The returned cities go into column J. California has the most cities(430) and the cities are 5000 rows deep.
I have been trying to remove or disable the message on update to other worksheet " To update all linked click yes......" I have try the following unsuccessfully
Sub auto_open() Application.AskToUpdateLinks = False End Sub
On the menu bar choose Edit ---> Links Can not choose manual, as the option is grey out (disable) I would prefer a vba solution, but I am open to anything to get rid of this message
I ran into a screen update problem in a project I was working on and couldn't find a solution, so I wrote some test code in a new workbook as follows;
Sub Flkr() '------------------------- 'Screen update test '------------------------- 'Select sheet1 Sheets("Sheet1").Select 'Disable screen update Application.ScreenUpdating = False 'Select sheet2 Sheets("Sheet2").Select 'display message MsgBox "Why is the %&$@ screen updating?", vbCritical, "??????" End Sub Seems simple enough,eh?
When I step through this code the first statement works(sheet1 is selected) The next statement is executed without an error, so I assume it works The next statement sheet2 is selected, and the screen updates!
Does anyone have any code to put in Workbook_Open module that can get rid of this message that says "The workbook contains automatic links ......." and default the selection to Yes when asked if I want to update all linked information?
Example : I create a list (cat, dog, cow), i create a dropdown on this list and select the first - cat. After that i change cat on SuperCat. Dropdown has a new list, yes, but selected value still Cat. Can i update it automatically on SuperCat? Or are maybe there any shortcut for validation to let me know that i should change my value from invalid ( if the first variant is impossible )?
I have this problem: I have a workbook with a formula liniking to another workbook. When I open the workbook, I click on "update links" and then I get this warning message:
"The workbook contains one or more (than one) links that cannot be updated. * To modify the origin of links, or to look up to update the values again, choose Modify links * To open the workbook as it is currently , choose To Continue"
I cannot understand where is the problem, the link is updated, state of link is "ok", I even can open the origin from Modifiy menu --> link --> open origin
I have tried using the following in the ThisWorkbook Module which does not seem to work because it appears the "Update Links" message fires before the Open Event
Private Sub Workbook_Open() Application.AskToUpdateLinks = False End Sub
I know it is possible to turn it off manually through Tools-Options but have 30 users and do not want them seeing the "Update Links" message if possible to turn it off.
Is it possible to display a dialog box or msgbox that doesnt have an OK button ?
i.e I want a message that comes up on the screen that says "Links Updating...Please Wait" which then automatically changes to "Links Sucessfully Updated" on completion...I dont want the macro to be interrupted by the msgbox/dialog....
When I open an excel file it asks if Id like to update the links to other data sources. I would like to say no everytime, does anyone know the VB to avoid the popup?