The following short macro moves data into an area from where a series of graphs can either be displayed on the screen or printed. It may not be the most elegant of code and the way in which I "jump" around the hard copy option may raise some eyebrows, however except for what follows, it generally works.
When the "S"creen option is taken only the first graph is displayed, subsequent ones are not shown, (the screen does not refresh). What do I need to add to the coding to ensure each graph is shown? .....
Is there a way to disable updating to the screen but have a message displayed to the user while a macro is running? Something like a userform displayed on the screen or a message in the status bar. I vaguley remember you could "print" message to the status bar in LotusScript, wondering if there is something similar in Excel.
Application.ScreenUpdating = False "the macro is running, hang tight" ...macro code in here... Application.ScreenUpdating = True
I have a personal.xls macro that basically does a comparison of two different workbooks. One of these workbooks ihas it's own macros (which are there in case the user wants to run them separately)...anyways my main macro calls these other macros one at a time.
It seems that at each call, the screen updates, alternating sheets and/or workbooks....
I know about the Application.Screenupdating=True / False statements....but I am not sure where I should be putting them to get the whole thing to work seamlessly.... I tried them at the start and end of my main macro, but that doesn't do the job.
i have a code (Below) using icolor that changes the colour of the cell depending on critiria, the problem i have is when i input into the sheet using a drop down box the color remains the same, without a drop down box it works but i really need to to work with the drop down boxes,
I have a macro that opens many excel documents. I used the application.screenupdating to turn off viewing these excel documents opening unfortunately they are still viewable. I counted the number of trues and falses in the module and there are 4. I believe the 2 pairs are unrelated. I keep both subs in the same module since they share functions.
I am using this macro to open a selected folder and apply a macro to all the file in the folder. However, I don't want the user to see what is the loaded file doing. I mean, all the selected file will be formatted by the calling macro in minimize way.
I need a method of updating a set of data held on tab1 from tab2 where details of one record is shown using VLOOKUP, possibly via a macro? For example:
Sheet 1 holds info on various companies - (Column headers: Name, address1, address2, postcode, " DATE LETTER SENT")
Sheet 2 Uses a drop down menu to select the desired company and some VLOOKUP formulas show the info from sheet1 on that one particular company. Sheet 3 There is a printable standard template letter which draws info from the record selected on sheet 2 (using standard =Sheet1!A1 formula) formated so the letter is addressed to the specific company selected. Back to: Sheet 2 - At the bottom there is a button which says 'Print' This runs a macro which selects sheet3, prints it then returns to sheet2. I need this macro to also go back to sheet1 and update the relevant record with ideally todays date (the date the letter was printed) in the "DATE LETTER SENT" column mentioned before but can just be an 'X' to show a letter has been printed for this company/record at some point. So in the future, by looking at sheet1 you can easil determine which companys have had letters printed against, and which havn't.
i was wondering if there is a way to display a pop up message that a stating that the spreadsheet is currently updating.
What i have is a macro running on Auto_Open when workbook is opened. I have switch off the screen updating. What i want now is for maybe to have a pop up stating the spreadsheet is updating. Setting screen updating to false means that my excel freezes for a few seconds. I think users might be thinking that excel has crashed and therefore would like to include the message that the spreadsheet is updating its information.
I cannot solve problem 1, thus I tried workarounds, however there are also problems with them (problem 2, problem 3). I do not use .activate or .select in my code. I have recreated the problem in sample workbook.
Problem 1:
I get a blink when I call another sub from Worksheet_SelectionChange event. Event is located in Sheet module, CellChange procedure - in seperate module
Im handling a graph, line type, that needs to be updated daily, as daily, another cell in the row will be filled.
Anyone can tell me how I can make it update daily and still only show untill todays data. For instance: today is the 7 of May and I want only to show the evolution from the first of the month to the 7th but tomorrow I want it to automatically show from 1 to the 8th,and so on...
I'm coming up with a dynamic graph using VBA. The one originally proposed to me using "offset" and insert chart doesn't work well with an an animation that happens concurrently with the dynamic chart.
So i've come up with a VBA version of it. It works extremely well on Excel 2007 but when i open it with Excel 2003, it just doesn't work in the line highlighted in yellow (below)
Sub create_graph() Dim start_row, Start_col, range, number_of_tries, m, n Dim graph As Chart Dim wks As Worksheet Dim myArray As Variant
I am dealing with plotting large amounts of data (millions of cells) across multiple series. Everytime you click, add a new series or do anything it redraws the graph taking a while. This Is there are way to prevent Excel 2003 from plotting a graph until you are done setting it up?
I have attached 2 files. One of them is called Macca.xls. This is the file that was created for me by shg on an excelforum. The other isOreDep_updated.xls - this file is the updated list that I want to convert into the Macca file or make it look like the Macca file.
I awas trying to make a couple of plots, but they were not llooking like some examples I have.
In the OreDep-updated file attachment is my data I needed to use. I needed to make 2 plots:
Plot 1: Resource Grade (log scale) against the proportion of deposits (linear scale)
Plot 2:Tonnage (log scale) against proportion of deposits (linear scale)
This was done with my old data that is shown in the Macca.xls attachment.
They are meant to cumulative proportion plots. As a line or scattergram. An example of what they are meant to look like is at: on Page 4 and 5.
shg managed to make them look like I wanted with the log normal smooth line too.
My problem now is that I want to change the data under Name, Resource Tonnes and Resource Grade (basically replace the old data in Macca.xls with the new OreDep_update.xls, to come up with same type of plots). But whenever I try to copy and paste the data into the Macca file it messes up everything. I looked at the formula that was created and I really havent a clue how to change it, without affecting everything else like the plots.
I also need to add 2 new columns for date and for reference, and it wont let me do that.
I'm just looking to prevent users from using the print screen or the alt print screen buttons on the keyboard. I have this script that works if I use "39" (Right Arrow)but wont work if I use "42" (Print Screen Button).
I would like to make a scatter graph that will graph the attached. The score would be on the Y axis and the birth date would be on the X axis. This is simple to do by itself but what I would like to do in addition to this is to have the top 25% of the scores a single color, the middle 50% of the scores a second color and then the bottom 25% of the scores to be a third color. And if it is possible to have the ID visible when you move your cursor over a given dot in the graph. Currently when I make a scatter graph the X,Y coordinates show when I hoover the cursor over a dot.
How can i make a graph that will graph against time? lets say i have a bank balance like this:
1/2/2000 $500 1/3/2000 $600 3/12/2000 $400
there may be more than one entry on any one given day, or there may not be an entry for 2 weeks. How can i graph the running balance in a way that it will show the timeline just as a calendar year(or however long i selected) and the points are plotting according to their date, not just equally spaced out.
I want to use a line graph to display an amount over time - that's the easy part. On the other hand, I would like to have to group the lines based on a value.
A short example: Imagine you own 3 different stores and you're selling oranges. So your table looks like this:
Now I'd like to have one graph (3 different graphs won't work as the rows increase -I need to select the whole column as data source):
Date on the x axis, Oranges sold on the y axis, and one line per store (e.g. a green one for store A, a red one for B and a blue one of C, doesn't matter).
I did the restart our company required and when Excel reopened it was on my laptop rather than the big screen. I run 2 screens. Excel 2003 is now so far up on the laptop screen, I cannot move it. I can barely see File, Edit, View, etc. How can I drag Excel down so I can resize it?
I would like to end a macro with a specific cell (e.g. E50) in the first cell in the upper left hand corner of the screen. How might I accomplish this?
I cant get my screen to go all the way to the top of the page! & there is a 2 inch or so area at the bottom of the worksheet as well. I need to get my display back to normal!
I have never created a splash screen and would like to do so now, I am in the VB editor, i have inserted a userform, i would like to insert my company logo on to the userform, how do i do this?
I have a large workbook with about 20 worksheets that I have used for several years without problems. Recently, I have been getting strange behavior when the screen refreshes. The biggest problem is that I get images of other worksheets covering my current worksheet when I change a cell. I can make them go away by scrolling or flipping between another worksheet and back. I have tried using manual recalc and this has helped somewhat but I can still get the images sometimes. The workbook contains VBA that performs various tasks on every worksheet (unlock, update pivots...) but these have been in there forever. There is also one piece of code that performs advanced filtering. I can only think there was something changed with a security patch, but I wanted to know if anyone else has had this issue and might be able to provide some advice on how to prevent it.
stretch" the userform to fit the height and width fo the screen. I dont want to simply change the height and width of the userform, i want the controls within the userform to stretch with the userform so that it looks the same, just fullscreen. this is what ive found by googling:
VB: With Application .WindowState = xlMaximized Zoom = Int(.Width / Me.Width * 100) Width = .Width Height = .Height End With
however, this just stretches it to match the width of my screen, but doestn consider the height, so that if i have a widescreen vs a square screen it will cut off the bottom of my userform. It would be great if there was a zoom type featur that zooms the vertical and horizontal dimensions seperately... more like a stretch than a zoom.
Been trying to figure out if there's a way to keep sub-headers visible at the top of the screen.
Basically I want the main headers locked at the top (via freeze panes), but then I also want certain rows, which would be sub-headings, to stick to the top of the screen until the next sub-header row gets to the top of the screen, at which point that row would replace the other one at the top.
The best example I can provide of the behavior I'm looking for is on the iPhone Contacts list. When you scroll through the contacts you see the listings, but as you scroll into each new letter that particular letter's sub-heading stays stuck at the top of the screen until you scroll down to the next letter.
So example would be: Quantity Item Price (this would be the header row locked to the top via freeze panes) PRODUCE 1 Apple $1 6 Orange $1 8 Pear $2 DAIRY 1 Cheese $5 7 Milk $2
So if you scrolled the above list down PRODUCE would stay at the top even while the Apple, Orange, and Pear lines scrolled off the screen, then it would get replaced with DAIRY when DAIRY reached the top of the screen.