I have a Msg Box in my code. It usually pops-up in the Center of the screen. When I enabled a second monetor, the Msg Box now pops-up at the right edge of my main screen.
Is there a way to control where this Box pops-up? Ths code looks like this:
response = MsgBox("Switch to Manual Mode?", vbYesNoCancel, "Manual Switch")
If response = vbYes Then
WriteValue 0, "5MFWMODE.f_cv"
I would like to end a macro with a specific cell (e.g. E50) in the first cell in the upper left hand corner of the screen. How might I accomplish this?
I'm using a bit of code (below) which is not amazing but which does seem to work, the idea being that entering a number then the active cell relating to that number will be highlighted and the sheeet position will "goto" it to move it into view on the screen. I have adapted this from something in one of my old Workbooks, and I admit it's probably a bit messy!
The problem is, it doesn't seem to always put the returned active cell in the same place, sometimes it's nicely central to the screen, but at others it's right at the top. As the numbers corrrespond to the top line of each little area of 30 rows, I'd like it to to come about 10-12 rows down. I can't seem to get this to work!
Code: Sub FindSection() Dim nm As Integer, txtnum As String, Found As Range txtnum = Application.InputBox(prompt:="Enter a Number") Set myRange = Worksheets("T&M SHEET").Range("K:K")
I created a shape (rectangle). I assigned a macro to it, to activate another worksheet.
Can I fix the position of the shape on the screen, near the top. I have 700 rows in the worksheet and I want this rectangle always visible, near the top.
I have a very large workbook with multiple sheets and use macros to copy and paste all data as values, then delete some rows and columns depending on certain criteria. This starts at cell A1 and works right, then down.
This is then saved as a copy and distributed to a wide audience.
The problem is that when each page is opened up, the data shown is the bottom right of the whole sheet instead of the top left ( Panes are frozen for row and column headers).
I have an image overlapping a range of cells. I want this code to scan the pixel at the center of the cell, find out what color it is, and set the entire cell to that color, for each cell. Unfortunately with the GetPixel function I have to specify the x and y coordinates in terms of pixels from the top left corner of my monitor. The "CurrentCell.left & CurrentCell.top" method is not giving me the right location (Should start at cell AA1). If you would like, open up the file, go to sheet 2, insert an image, and click "Generate Field from Image". I set the cursor to follow the current position so you can see that it is selecting pixels from the corner of my monitor rather than cell AA1. Is there a way I can calculate the screen position of the top left of cell AA1?
I have an input msg for a cell (in the data validation box). Whenever the cell is selected, it pops up the message box right by the cell, is there any ways we can position the msg box at our discretion? I can drag it down while the cell is selected but even if I save the file and re open and then select the cell, the msg box pops up right by the cell and not the place where i had dragged it earlier.
i was wondering if there is a way to display a pop up message that a stating that the spreadsheet is currently updating.
What i have is a macro running on Auto_Open when workbook is opened. I have switch off the screen updating. What i want now is for maybe to have a pop up stating the spreadsheet is updating. Setting screen updating to false means that my excel freezes for a few seconds. I think users might be thinking that excel has crashed and therefore would like to include the message that the spreadsheet is updating its information.
I'm just looking to prevent users from using the print screen or the alt print screen buttons on the keyboard. I have this script that works if I use "39" (Right Arrow)but wont work if I use "42" (Print Screen Button).
I have some cells with some spaces and then text where I want to find the position of the first letter. Do any of you know about any function I can use?
The example below contain 5 spaces and then my name. It should give me the answer 6.
In cell A2 I have text with a lot of /, so I need formula that will return the position of the before last / in the cell. (Or the last if above isnt possible).
I've written code that involves adding a number of new sheets to a workbook. I want to specify that each new sheet is positioned to the right hand side of all other sheets in the book, so that the sheets are positioned in the order (when reading from left to right) that they are added.
I know about the Copy After:= thing but I only know how to specify copying after a particular sheet name. I could solve my problem by each time referencing the sheetname from the previously-created sheet, but I think there must be a way to it properly.
I did the restart our company required and when Excel reopened it was on my laptop rather than the big screen. I run 2 screens. Excel 2003 is now so far up on the laptop screen, I cannot move it. I can barely see File, Edit, View, etc. How can I drag Excel down so I can resize it?
I cant get my screen to go all the way to the top of the page! & there is a 2 inch or so area at the bottom of the worksheet as well. I need to get my display back to normal!
I have never created a splash screen and would like to do so now, I am in the VB editor, i have inserted a userform, i would like to insert my company logo on to the userform, how do i do this?
Is there a way to disable updating to the screen but have a message displayed to the user while a macro is running? Something like a userform displayed on the screen or a message in the status bar. I vaguley remember you could "print" message to the status bar in LotusScript, wondering if there is something similar in Excel.
Application.ScreenUpdating = False "the macro is running, hang tight" ...macro code in here... Application.ScreenUpdating = True
I have a large workbook with about 20 worksheets that I have used for several years without problems. Recently, I have been getting strange behavior when the screen refreshes. The biggest problem is that I get images of other worksheets covering my current worksheet when I change a cell. I can make them go away by scrolling or flipping between another worksheet and back. I have tried using manual recalc and this has helped somewhat but I can still get the images sometimes. The workbook contains VBA that performs various tasks on every worksheet (unlock, update pivots...) but these have been in there forever. There is also one piece of code that performs advanced filtering. I can only think there was something changed with a security patch, but I wanted to know if anyone else has had this issue and might be able to provide some advice on how to prevent it.
I have created a button in an excel worksheet that when clicked, creates new tabs each containing a chart. I have tried to modify the code to position the chart within a specific range of cells on each tab, however, I have not been able to get it to work. Below is my code. Please see the code following 'Add the Chart.
VB: Sub AddCharts() Dim lastr As Long, r As Long Dim shname As String Dim ltitles As Range, rng As Range, rData As Range, x As Range, tbl As Range, r2Data As Range
On Error Goto ErrorCatch:
Set ltitles = Sheet1.Range("A3:N3") Set rng = Sheet1.Range("A4:A" & Sheet1.Range("A3").End(xlDown).Row)
[Code] ......
ErrorCatch: 'Debug.Print Err.Number 'Debug.Print Error If Err.Number = 1004 Then shname = x.Value & x.Row + 1 End If If Err.Number = 20 Then Exit Sub Resume End Sub
Formula/code to change the position of where the subtotals are placed. I don't want them appearing at the beginning or end of the data set but in a separate column beside each data set. how to access the code so I can try and alter it myself.
I use a Workbook with several Sheets. I want to be able to quickly move to the same cell (whatever cell is currently in use) up and down the Sheets. Ideally I would also like the chosen cell to be centered on the page as well!!