Popup Or Comment On The Column Fields Using VBA

Nov 28, 2009

We are looking for VBA to show a pop-up or comment when a person clicks on the feild colum in the excel sheet3 tab that summarizes information about that feild from which ever tab the feild is on( Sheet1 tab or sheet2 tab) or shows "not defined" if the feild doesn't appear on either tab...

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How To Setup Mandatory Fields And Popup Box Upon Close

Dec 18, 2013

I am trying to save an excel file with the following features set up:

1. the user of the file should fill the mandatory fields (possibly highlighted in green) without fail

2. upon saving, the file should only save if all the mandatory fields are keyed / filled in.

in case of empty cells left as per the above, there should be pop-up messages asking to fill the details.

here is what I tried. however, i cant seem to get the pop-up messages. I guess I am missing out on giving some commands that make it mandatory to fill.

Private Sub Workbook_BeforeClose(Cancel As Boolean)
If Sheets("Sheet1").Range("G11") = "" Then
Cancel = True
MsgBox "Client has not been filled in"
End If
If Sheets("Sheet1").Range("g12") = "" Then


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Convert Column Data Fields To Row Data Fields In Pivot Table

Feb 8, 2014

Austria - A10Sum of SeiA51CountryHourSum of SeiASum of SeiT
Sum of SeiT4.88Austria - A10514.88
1Sum of SeiA561562.83


left side pivot created in vb 6.0 & right side pivot table created manually in excel.

i want to generated pivot table using vb 6.0 same as right side pivot.

Set PRange = ws1.Range("R1:Y" & finalrow)
Set PTCache = wb.PivotCaches.Add(SourceType:=xlDatabase, SourceData:=PRange)
Set PT = PTCache.CreatePivotTable(TableDestination:=ws2.Cells(1, 1),


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Copy Contents Of Multiple Comment Boxes And Paste In Single Comment Box

Mar 13, 2014

how to copy the contents of multiple comment boxes and paste in a single comment box.

The big picture is that I have a number of cells with numerical values in and text in comment boxes. I want to be able to click a button to copy the contents of the comment boxes and paste them, along with the numerical value from the cell, into a single comment box, ordered by highest to lowest value within the comment box, then delete the original cells and comments.

I am quite new to VBA but have been coping quite well so far with information of the web and analysing recorded macros.

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Macro To Input Column Fields Into Text Within Another Column

Jun 8, 2009

This macro is extreemly basic but i have no skills in excel with macros. Basically i have 'Column A' with stats that i need input into 'Column B', however i need then to be input inside a field that is already there.....

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How To Get Automatic Popup Message When Cell Text Is Entered To Column Range

Jul 10, 2013

I have an excel file with many worksheets. I want to get a pop up message providing definitions of different subjects when they are entered from a drop down list in a specific range within a column to improve the users understanding of the subjects.

Worksheet 1
Range (where I want the pop up message to be valid): J85:J385
Subjects from drop down list in specified range: "x,y,z"
Pop up message: "Definitions of x,y,z"

Do I have to make a new module, or write the macro in the selected worksheet? What should be the settings of the macro (general, worksheet, declarations etc.)

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Paste Column Of Cell Text As Comment

Feb 17, 2014

I'm trying to copy and column of text (R4:R300) and paste the text as comments in the previous column (Q4:Q300).

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Comment Cell When Row With Consecutive Column Has Same Entry

Jun 21, 2007

Need a formula to automatically comment a cell when rows with given number consecutive columns has same entry example:

1 0 0 0 0 5 6 7 18
2 0 0 5 6 7 0 8 26
3 0 5 0 0 0 0 0 5

row 1: there are minimum 4 '0' in consecutive columns, so H1 is sum of A1:G1 = 18 and automatically comment cell H1 "there are 4 zero" row 2: because there are no 4 '0' in consecutive columns, H2 is 26 , and no comment row 3: there are 5 '0' in consecutive columns, so H3 is 5 and automatically commented cell H3 "there are 5 zero"

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One Column For Three Comments Fields

Jun 15, 2014

Need one column to combine three columns I have a in a spreadsheet.

Column A - Comments
I have a comment called Duplicate or blanks

Column B - Comments 2
I have a comment called Loss Fund or blanks

Column C - Comments 3
I have a comment of Y or N

I just a want formulae which put the following in one column
Where it is Duplicate in Column A
Where it is Loss Fund in Column B
Where it is Y in Column C

So I have one field for all comments.

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Lookup Match And Return Comment Based On What Is In Relevant Column

Jan 15, 2014

The logic of the formula like this....

TAB X, Column A contains a data set, each row is a unique value. In column B of TAB X, I want to input a formula that performs the following logic: Search TAB Z, Column C, for an exact match of data contained in TAB X, Column A....and if found, look in TAB Z, Column D...if a blank cell is contained there, then in TAB X, Column A, say "Unsettled" ; however, if there does exist any character (not-blank) in TAB Z Column D, then in TAB X, COlumn A, say "Settled".....but, if the data ID listed in TAB X, column A is not found whatsoever in TAB Z, Column C, then say "NOT FOUND". So for example, within TAB X, Column A there is a unique ID in one of the rows "ABC123", then searches "ABC123" in TAB Z, Column C. If found, it looks in TAB Z, Column D and that cell is blank, so TAB X, Column B, same row that contains ABC123, the result is "Unsettled".

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Matching Fields In First Column With Rest Of Spreadsheet

Jun 3, 2014

The order of column A can not change as I need to find the matching row of information and transfer that information

Not all values have a matching row.

Rows are match on PCN number but need all the values in the rows

I have attached a workbook with starting and desired end results

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Importing Excel With Multiple Fields In Same Column

Nov 28, 2011

I want to import an excel file that has multple columns, however, the first column contains both the Group name and the dates. Is there a way to import this into a table to have each record populate the group to the corresponding date?

BASE Researching Duplicate
11/23/2011 21

E-Team General Pool

General Pool for SB Activations

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Excel 2010 :: Insert Column And Add Fields

Feb 10, 2014

I have an Excel spreadsheet that where the headings start in row 5. Data starts in row 6.

The spreadsheet is updated frequently. The headings are always the same but the number of lines of data changes.

D5 = Units1 (field contains numbers or is blank)
E5 = Units2 (Field contains numbers or is blank)

I would like to insert a column to the right of Column E and add D + E in the inserted cell. I would like F5 to be called NewUnits.

Some cells in Columns D and E are blank. No cell in Column A is blank. (If cell A6 is the activecell and you press CTRL + Down Arrow Key -- you will get to the last cell with data in Col A. That is not the case if the activecell was E6 as there are blanks.)

I am using Excel 2010.

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Matching 2 Fields In 2 Columns And Copying A 3rd Field Into The 3rd Column

Oct 8, 2009

I need a formula. Probably Vlookup. I'm having a LOT of trouble trying to figure out how to "phrase" the formula so let me explain what it is I'm trying to do. If a cell in Sheet 1 Column AS and a cell in Sheet 2 Column B match exactly, I want the cell in Sheet 2 Column C that is in the same row as the matched cell in Sheet 2 Column B to be copied into Sheet 1 Column BB in the same row as the matched cell in Sheet 1 Column AS.

For example, if cells in S1 Column AS and S2 Column B both have the name "LOS ANGELES" then "KLAX" will be copied from cell in S2 Column C (in same row as "LOS ANGELES") to S1 Column BB (in same row as "LOS ANGELES").

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Pivot Table Fields, Based On Column References

Sep 26, 2007

I have a pivot table which draws data automatically from a database

What I would like it for the customer field of the pivot table to only equal the customers which are present in another worksheet (Column A:A)

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Popup Box Appear And Ask For A Value (1-100)

Oct 7, 2008

In cell a3 user selects yes or no. Then in cell b3, if they selected yes for a3, a pop up box should appear which asks for a value (1-100), and if they selected no for a3, then b3 automatically becomes zero. How can I do this.

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How To Add Yes No Popup Box

Jan 8, 2010

I have a macro that deletes the row where the active cell is on. Works perfectly.

I want to have my macro display a pop-up box that gives the user the option to either delete or not delete the row.

I would like the question to read . . . Are You Sure You Want To Delete?

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When Row Inserted - Popup

Nov 2, 2007

I'm trying to write a code (and I have little to no knowledge of VBA!) so that when a line is inserted onto any worksheet in the workbook a msgbox appears....

Trying to get it myself I created this- it's probably COMPLETELY wrong, like I've mentioned I have little to no knowledge and just using websites/other codes I've seen to put this together... o.O

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Calendar Popup

Oct 6, 2008

Borowed This Code From The Site And Indeed It Comes In Very Handy .....

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Worksheet Popup Box

Nov 3, 2008

How do you create a pop-up box that opens every time a specific worksheet is activated that asks "What was the first month of activity?" The month that is entered needs to populate in Cell "A7". I also want the 11 months following the answer to the above pop up box to populate in cells A8-A18.

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Macro PopUp Box

Dec 8, 2008

to create a macro that will launch a pop up box once cell B5's value is equal to "3".

I need the pop-up box to say, "You win the game!"

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Add Popup Calendar

Jun 2, 2009

Is it hard too add a popup calendar too my date box. Can it go too year 2075?
When you open the calendar you could click on date too install.

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To Get A Popup Message

May 23, 2007

I'd like to have a warning message pop up if the value of column AF is 3 or less.

Column AF is counting entries in columns E:I by using the formula


to create the value

A value of 5 is OK (no data in E to I), and 4 is also fine (just one entry in E to I) A value of 3 or less, indicating more than one column in E to I having data, needs to display the message. Presently I have a conditional format on another column to display red background when AF is 3 or less, but it's a little ambiguous, so a message would be neater!

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Popup Userform

Aug 16, 2007

I like to know if this can be done. The entry of data for cell A3 is from a pre-determined list. I like to create a Userform to allow the user to select from this form. the idea is to have this form popup whenever cell A3 is selected.

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POPup Message

Dec 9, 2008

Codes are entered manually only in Column A starting at A1..A10000+ ranges.

As Unique codes are entered ie. 1234 or 2345 or 3456 in the next empty cell down,
I need a specific popup message for each of the three codes instructing the user what to do next.

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Workbook_open Yes/No Popup

Nov 18, 2009

I script that on open would pop up asking if a sync was done with an option for yes or no. If yes is pressed then it would just open, if no selected it would give a message "must sync before use" and close the workbook.

I do not want this message to pop up when other spreadsheets are open when this one is still open so im guessing private workbook_open

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Alerting VBA Of Popup

Nov 25, 2009

I am designing a program which basically calls another program for all dates back to a specified time. Certain dates will not have data and there will be a pop-up message saying something along those lines.

What I want is a way for VBA to "know" there has been an error message (so I can set a boolean to true or false so I can do an if tree) and then also a way to click "OK" to proceed through the error message.

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Popup When Data Has Been Edited But Not After VBA Run

Apr 8, 2013

I've got a data sheet (called "data") which contain a bunch of data, if someone edits the data manually then a msg boxpopups. which i've done using the code below in the code on that tab. However, I also have vba that places data on the tab that also triggers the popup message.

So how do i make it such that if the vba is run then the popup doesnt appear but if they edit the data manually then it does?

Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
Dim WatchRange As Range
Dim IntersectRange As Range


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Create A Popup Window

Nov 18, 2009

Is it possible to create a popup window that contains drawing objects?
I created a "form" with the objects, but I don't know how to use the form.

I want to have this image, or form, or whatever it is, to popup when the user clicks a cell. Is this possible without getting into programming?

Can it be hidden and then made visible when the cell is selected?

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Unknown Popup (not A Dialog Box)

Dec 31, 2009

I'm modifying a template that originally shipped with Excel 2003 (I have not upgraded to 2007). In the template, there is a pop-up box (not a dialog box) that shows up when I'm on certain cells. I've attached an image of it. It's the yellow box containing the words "Company Information..." etc. I cannot find any way to remove it! It's not a comment, and selecting it doesn't allow you to edit it. What is it, and does anyone know how to remove it?

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