Range Of Data - Count Where There Is 3 Consecutive Days
Aug 7, 2013
I have a range of data but the important pieces are
Column B - list of employee IDs.
Column C - Date
I have sorted the data by column B with secondary sort for column C oldest to newest date.
I want to know the number of instances where an employee has 3 consecutive days in column C. Only count 3 consecutive. If the consecutive days go over 3 (such as 4 or 5 days) I do no want to count these.
how to built a formula or a VBA code which would tell me how many times a range of a certain amount of consecutively stnading cells in a given row there is present, where each of the cells belonging to these five cells fulfills a certain criterion.
How many times does the range of 5 consecutive cells appear in range A1 to P2, where every cells belongng to these 5 consecutive cells would have a value graeater than 10.
I need an equation that will return a 1 in column F if data is available (cell is populated) in 2013 or last two years (2012 & 2013) or last three years (2011 & 2012 & 2013) or last four years or last five years. A zero counts as data.
I am tracking attendance of individuals in an Excel spreadsheet. I would like to determine how many consecutive days each individual has attended. The spreadsheet has two pertinent columns which contain the individual's name and the date of attendance. How can I determine the number of consecutive days of attendance?
I am assessing the impact of product price increases on volume (qty) and sales (£/$).
The prices are changed sporadically and at no set intervals. For example pries were changed on the 15th Jan and 13th Feb this year.
We have set reporting dates (calender months) so i am hoping to be able to divide the report which shows sales & qty's during the 15th Jan - 13th Feb segment and apportion them to the correct months.
I have the start & end dates of the calender months in cells A4:B18 and each time a new report is run (ie 15th Jan or 13th Feb, these dates go across the top i.e. cell C3 = 15th jan & D3 = 13th Feb.
I would like to return a % in cell C4 which relates to the amount of total days in the segment that relate to Jan (ie. 29 days in the segment, 16 relate to Jan so 55.2%).
Cell C5 would then return a % which relates to the amount of total days in the segment that relate to Feb (29 days in the segment, 13 relate to Feb so 44.8%).
Cells D4&D5 would return the next reporting segment and how many days in Jan/Feb respectively (the answer will be 0 but a constant formula acrosss all would be perfect. tried to give as much info as poss.
How to find five consecutive working days for the staffs who worked only in night shift basis and if this comes true then to find other night shift for particular staff based on Bank ID and putting those data's in new excel sheet believe this can done through a macro.
Its new assignment to me to find the staffs to make the inconvenience allowance for the staffs who worked in night shift for five consecutive days and if they worked for five consecutive days then they eligible for other night shift days they have worked.
Given the data how it looks in our attendance. In the below data night shift criteria true stands for staffs who worked in night shift and false stands for staffs who worked in day shift.
In my worksheet, I have a column of ascending dates from BD7 to BD22, with BD22 being the current date. In column BN, I track whether a process is "Over" or "Under" a limit.
The values in column BN are text with either of those names.
I need to return two values in cells BO7 and BO8 respectively:
1) The number of consecutive days back from the most current day that have been "Over" the limit
2) The date going from the most current day that the first "Over" occurred
I have a large spreadsheet which holds lots of data with date ranges that i need to performs different actions to. Any way to identify the number of days, per calender month, that falls in a date range.
sample data...
Start Date End Date Old Value New Value
08/03/2010 18/06/2010 16758.2 16758.1
[Code] .......
I need to break down the total number of days per month
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
24 30 31 18
[Code] ......
As you can see this also laps into a new year, which poses my next problem, ill probably just add more columns on to the end of the table for that though...
I will later apply different calculations to these cells but in short need to get a calculation for the number of days per month first.
(in short spreading the new value out accross the year then multiplying it by the days... i also need to apply a further daily volume cal to it).
There are dates in column C and I need to count how many days are coming due within 90 days of each date based on the today() function but do not exceed the 90 days.
I am using Excel 2010. I am tracking client orders on a spreadsheet. I would like to offer a 60 percent rebate on revenue from orders placed between the first order date and 30 calendar days thereafter. On day 31 and continuing through day 60, I would like to offer a 40% rebate. On orders placed on day 61 through 90, I would like to offer a rebate of 20%. From all of the orders placed by clients who start ordering on different dates, I need to sum their order revenue in these three time periods. I have the individual client order data arrayed on my spreadsheet - one order per row.
I am capturing the unique client ID number (Column A), the order date (Column B), and the associated revenue (Column C). Keying off of their unique ID number, I would like to calculate the sum of how much revenue is generated in calendar days 1 through 30, days 31 through 60, and days 61 through 90 from the very first order date from any given client. The start date can be any date in the month, so I can not rely on any calculation that uses the calendar month. Orders are not necessarily placed every day. Multiple orders may be placed on any given day, and then no orders may follow for many days afterward.
I need a formula to count how many days hours & mins between 2 dates but included in the formula need to ensure it only counts business days.
Column A 02/09/2011 13:00
Column AO 02/09/2011 13:02
I need in Column AP to show 0 00:02
The formula I have tried using is - =IF(AO3="","",AO3-A3) which doesnt work as instead of showing 0 00:02 it shows 1 00:02. I dont want it to count as 1 day just 2 mins.
Once that has been worked out I need to include WORKDAYS formula to only count working days. I have created the list on 'Controls' Tab Column A10:A47.
I have a daily column of numbers of approx 600 rows and the number is either a 0 or 1 and the 0 or 1 are in a random order in each row like:
1 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1
I would like to find the min number of rows with 1, the max number of rows with 1, the totals of consecutive rows with 1 ie 3 consecutive rows of 1 appear 4 times, 4 consecutive rows appear 6 times etc and the average of the consecutive rows with 1.
I have to calculate bonus payments for people working O/S. I have a 5 year calendar in month blocks (60 months/columns). In each month there is a percentage 'time O/S' figure.
If an employee is O/S for 3 consecutive months they get bonus 'A', 6 consective months bonus 'B', etc. How can I evaluate the 60 columns, returning the number of times 100% occurs in 3 consecutive months/columns. I have found examples of similar solutions but they will return a value of 3 if there are 5 consecutive months of 100%...
ie. 100 100 100 100 100 = 100 100 100 *** *** & *** 100 100 100 *** & *** *** 100 100 100 = 3 but I need it to equal 1
I'm trying to use this formula to count consecutive values but somehow it doesn't work properly. Does anyone see what's going wrong here or is there a better formula to this?
I'm trying to come up with an array formula to count the consecutive declines or increases from the last value in a column, going from bottom to top. The real world application is a list of daily stock prices down a column, and counting from the most recent day, how many consecutive days the price declined or increased.
I got some hints in the following post but can't get it evaluate the resulting logical array in reverse order (which is needed since column addresses are evaluated top to bottom, not bottom to top).
Count consecutive increase in values
Example for consecutive increases leading to last value 49 50 51 52 53 49 55 56
I need a formula to return 2, the number of increases from 49 to 56.
I am a remodeling contractor trying to monitor trips my employees are making to the lumberyard. I am able to export to excel from our accounting program a column of dates that invoices are made and another column that tells me whether trips were made before 8:30, between 8:30 and 3:30, after 3:30, or whether materials were delivered involving no trip. So I can count "time of day" trips. I also want to know if multiple trips were made in a single day, or if trips were made 2, 3, 4, 5, etc. days in a row.
Column 1 Column 2 Monday, July 6 2009 Before 8:30 Monday, July 6 2009 Between 8:30 and 3:30 Tuesday, July 7 2009 Between 8:30 and 3:30 Wednesday, July 8 2009 Before 8:30 Friday, July 10 2009 After 3:30 Monday, July 13 2009 Before 8:30 Wednesday, July 15, 2009 Before 8:30
In this example, I have 2 trips made on a single day; 1 instance of trips made 3 days in a row; 1 instance of trips made 2 days in a row (Friday, and then again on Monday since we don't work weekends) and 1 instance of 1 trip made on an isolated day. Additionally, we have 4 trips made before 8:30; 2 trips between 8:30 and 3:30 and 1 trip made after 3:30. Columns for a single job could range to 30 or 40 trips or more, and we have 6-12 jobs running at any one time, so I could be looking at data for all of those jobs once a month if I can figure out how to make it easy to do. I have figured out how to count up the time of day trips (but included the example here for a fuller picture of what I'm trying to do) but cannot figure out how to count the number of 2,3,4,5 etc.-day-in-a-row trips that are being made.
I have a daily column of numbers of approx 600 rows and the number is either a 0 or 1 and the 0 or 1 are in a random order in each row like;
1 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1
I would like to find the min number of rows with 1, the max number of rows with 1, the totals of consecutive rows with 1 ie 3 consecutive rows of 1 appear 4 times, 4 consecutive rows appear 6 times etc and the average of the consecutive rows with 1.
I am preparing a attendance sheet. I am using 1 & 0 for present(=1) & absent(=0). I want to find out if a student has been absent for three consecutive days and if there is three consecutive 0 then the formula should return the value 0 ( the student gets 0 if he is absent for 3 consecutive days ) otherwise it should add all the 1s in the row. i.e
I have an excel spreadsheet to record employee holiday and sickness figures.
It is set on as a grid e.g. column A stores all the dates and then employee names are used as column header.
One of the triggers I need to use is where, an employee has been absent 28 consecutive days. When an employee is absent I simply enter 'ABSENT' against there name.
Countif will count the number of time absent appears in the column however I need it to only recognise it if it is only 28 days in a row.
I need a formula that will calculate the most recent consecutive years.
The actual data has multiple ID# and the consecutive years need to be matched to the ID#
A friend of mine suggested that I count backwards from the most recent date and stop counting when there is a break of one year. That is where I get stumped. It doesn't need to be a year day and date, I just need to compare the YEAR portion of the date.
The example data is provided below the consecutive year value on the sheet was calculated by hand and is the correct value that needs to be returned.
ID # Transaction Date Transaction Type Registration Package Amount Paid Expiration Date Years Paid Inspected Consecutive Years 57 8/8/1996 NEW SHIRT+DISC $15.00 8/8/1997 8 Y 3 57 9/3/1997 RENEW DISC $15.00 8/8/1998 8 Y 3 57 9/8/1998 RENEW SHIRT $15.00 8/8/1999 8 Y 3 57 6/13/2001 RENEW SHIRT $15.00 6/13/2002 8 Y 3 57 5/6/2005 RENEW DISC $15.00 5/6/2006 8 Y 3 57 5/12/2009 RENEW DISC $15.00 5/12/2010 8 Y 3 57 3/7/2010 RENEW DISC $15.00 5/12/2011 8 Y 3 57 1/4/2011 RENEW SHIRT $20.00 5/12/2012 8 Y 3
I have a user form with 125 checkboxes and if checked would like them to display one message box containing a specific message for that the checkbox slection, but all messages in one message box.
I have one command button that will list each message box individually, using code like this - If CheckBox12 = True And CheckBox5 = True Then MsgBox "You would need to see your manager"
Each message box individually is time consuming and it would be better if they all displayed in one box. Of the 125 check box options, 7 or 8 will only be selected at any given time.
Split from Count Of Groups Where Last Character Is Unique
The A1 B1 C1 were not the data items in the table, but the cell addresses. The new title of the thread does not reflect what I am asking either. The focus of the question is the counting of groups, not counts of cell contents.