Reference A Value In Table Using Dropdown Lists For Both Columns And Rows?

Oct 8, 2013

I want to be able to reference cells in a table by using two drop down lists. One drop down for the columns in the table and another drop down for the rows in the table. The values in the columns will be different metal materials (aluminum, copper, stainless steel, etc.). The values in the rows will be thicknesses of those materials (1/16", 1/8", 1/4",3/16",3/8",1/2",3/4",1"). I already created a drop down list for the materials and another for the thicknesses. But now I want to be able to select a particular material and then a particular thickness and receive back in another cell a value that's cross referenced in a table. Specifically, the values in the table will be the weight of the particular material and thickness per square foot. I'll populate all of the cells in the reference table manually. I'll hide the table on a separate worksheet. i haven't created the table yet.

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Calling Multiple Columns / Rows From Dropdown List

Feb 4, 2013

I have a drop down list, using data validation, calling from a range name on a different sheet($1). Works great. I see my list of choices.

What I want to do next is for another named range on another sheet($2) to be called when I select one of the options from the drop down.

So say the drop down is in I71, when I pick an option from that list it will populate (B72, B73:G73, B74:G74...etc...) from a named range I have already defined on ($2).

Where would I put the (if I71=Range1, then paste this info into the (B72, B73:G73, B74:G74...etc...) on $1 ?

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Convert The Data Shown In Table 1 To Table 2 Without Rearranging The Columns And Rows

Sep 11, 2009

Is there a function to convert the data shown in table 1 to table 2 without rearranging the columns and rows? because i don't want to use TRANSPOSE. I want a function, somthing like SUMIF with OFFSET or INDEX and MATCH or any other function.

Table 1

Team 1Team 2Team 3Team 4Team 4Team 5Team 5ABABCity 12531642City 231173705City 367891125City 436251348

Table 2

City 4City 2City 1City 3Team 4BTeam 2Team 5ATeam 4ATeam 1Team 3Team 5B

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Dropdown Lists Data Went Selected Won't Show In Next Dropdown Only Remaining Data

Mar 11, 2013

I am trying to pull data from more than one drop down but don't the same data to show if already use, example as follow:

First drop down Contains:- Pants

if I chose Hats it should not show up in the second drop down

second drop down Contains:- Pants
Is this done in data validation or combo Box? if so how?

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Formula To Reference Rows Across Columns

Aug 6, 2007

I have two workbooks open, Workbook 1 (W1) & Workbook 2 (W2)

W1 has the following data entered in about one of our clients:

A1= Client Company Name
A2= Client Name
A3= Client Address
A4= Client Phone Number

What I would like to do is the following:

In W2, when I enter (in any cell, but let's say C3 for example) that C3 = A1 (from W1), that I can automatically have the following cells D3, E3, & F3 filled in with the same information appearing in cells A2, A3, & A4 from W1 as well.

I believe this must be possible-- I just don't know the right formula & steps to take, to make this happen.

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INDEX MATCH With Rows And Columns As Reference?

Jun 11, 2014

I am trying to work on a index match but can't seem to make it work.

My look up value are on column while the data I want to show and look up array are on rows and still getting 0 results.

Is there any solution ofr this to make it work without altering my look up value & arrays to columns as well?

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Reference That Increments Columns When Dragged Down Rows

Sep 6, 2007

I am looking for a formula that I can drag down a column that is pulling data from left to right at the top of my spreadsheet. See the attachment.

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Combine Multiple Rows To One Row With Blanks In Some Reference Columns

Jun 4, 2014

combining multiple rows of related data into one row but have not seen one that matches my situation. My experience level with excel only includes some basics like vlookup, match and recorded macros, although I have used vba code for a macro that met my needs. I have a parts list for a PCB that has many different parts. Some of the parts are used multiple times across different reference designations("Reference" column in the file). I have shown a desired format and the original format below. Since the item number has blanks across the reference designators I haven't found a solution that would work for me.

Desired output:


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Fill Formula Reference By Rows When Copying Across Columns

Dec 20, 2007

I am trying to fill in reference cells horizontally but fix the column and increasing the row number as it fills. For examples I want to start my refence as "=A1" in cell B1. I want to copy this reference horizontally to column Z1 but want the refences to be A1, A2,...,A26. Excel only seems to increase columns when filling horizontally and rows when filling vertically. Transpose works but it's an array which would slow the spreadsheet down.

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Adjust Formula Range Reference As Columns/Rows Added

Apr 4, 2008

I'm using a template that has formulas using a $ sign to attempt to stop the ranges they refer to changing. The problem is, when I use the template (which involes Access importing some data and adding columns to the sheet the formula refers to in the process) the rows referred to in the formula change in line with the number of rows of data that have been imported. Only the row numbers change not the column headings. So for example:

=( SUMPRODUCT(((Workings!$H$3:$H$1000=Explanation!B9)+(Workings!$E$3:$E$1000="Buy")*(Workings!$J$3:$J$1000))))-998


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Two Dropdown Lists Associated With One Set Of Assets

Jun 3, 2014

I'm trying to figure out how to make a spreadsheet where in one column a type of asset is entered through a drop down menu and then the next few columns are attributes - model, pattern, manufacturer, etc. - that would all have values entered through drop down menus populated based on the choice of 'type of asset' in the first column.

I can get a drop down menu for the 'type' column and a dependent drop down in the second column based on choice of 'type' using =INDIRECT(), but I do that by naming the dependent lists of models for each type after the types listed in the list of types. Once I've done that I can't name the lists of patterns after the types because those names are in use by the model lists. So how would I make multiple lists of attributes associate with the same list of types?

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Link The Different Dropdown Lists

Feb 27, 2009

I have a work book that contains various sheets with different information.
I have two different categories in one of the sheets,1 which contains counties and the other containing districts.

I have done a validation for the county which allows me to pick a county from a drop down list which works fine.I would like to create a drop down list for the districts aswell such that when i select i.e southyorkshire from the counties dropdown list,the districts drop down list will bring only districts in southyorkshire,excluding all the other districsts.hopefully i'll like the same to apply to all other counties.

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DropDown Lists Not Appearing

Dec 10, 2008

I have a workbook with several drop-down lists. The names for the lists are on a seperate sheet in the same workbook. I have used data-validation and allow list in all the cells with drop-downs. I have used =NAME in the source. I opened the workbook this afternoon for the first time in a couple of days and I am no longer able to select from a dropdown. I can type in the cells, but if I type something not included in the list, I get the "The value you have entered is not valid" error. So I feel like the validation is working on the cells, I'm just not able to select from a drop-down list. "In-Cell dropdown" is selected.

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Dropdown Lists In A Cell

May 29, 2014

Im trying to create a spreadsheet which has a drop down list in a cell, then when a selection is made a predetermined dollar figure will be entered in the cell next to it.

For Example:

Cell A1 Drop down list I have 20 cities listed, If I select St. Louis, I want the cell next to it to populate with $250.

Every city has a different dollar amount tied to it. So any time I select a city I want the specified dollar amount to populate the cell next to it.

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Dependent Dropdown Lists

Dec 28, 2006

I have been able to use the previous information to create dependent drop down lists but I have been unable to apply the settings to entire columns versus just one cell.

Is there a way to get the dependent lists to correspond to the cell beside it without having to manually type in each cell name?

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Conditional Formatting: Reference Changes Adding/Deleting Rows/Columns Or Cells

Sep 26, 2006

I'm using Conditional Formatting for an entire column to check the value of each cell and compare it to the value of a cell in the same row but a different column. (Cell Value equals =$D2) It works great until I insert or delete a cell in the formatted column. The reference does not change as one would expect. I've played around with formulae such as =$D2<>$P2 but the reference only changes for the P2, not the D2. I've also tried using =CELL("contents", ADDRESS(Row(),4)) but this causes excel to complain.

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Lookup Or Dependent Dropdown Lists?

May 20, 2014

I'm trying to simplify a template we use regularly at work. On the front end page, the one that eventually gets turned into a PDF and sent to a customer, I have a selection of drop downs, which I am pretty comfortable with. I also have some other fields that are populated by vlookups, and again, I have no problem there. What I am struggling with is creating a second drop down list that only has options relative to the first drop-down list. From what I gathered by searching on this, I may have to change the format my data is in, note that I have a pretty basic knowledge of excel.

Master Data (from where I want all the drop downs to come from) - see attached screenshot.


So, on front end, I have a drop down that selects from column A. Beneath that there are two rows that auto-populate depending on what company was selected in the drop-down.
What I want is a second drop down list from D, E & F.

So, If I select ABC Limited in the drop down menu, the second drop down should only have John, Jim & Jane as options.

Is it possible to do this with the data in the format I have, or would I need to change the format? I have +/- 500 entries to do, so obviously I'd like to not change my format if possible.

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Dropdown Lists Based On Formula?

Mar 11, 2014

In worksheet 1 I have a list of employee numbers (column A) and and names (Column B)and in worksheet 2 I have a list of employee numbers (column A) and their payroll contracts (Column B). 1 employee can have multiple contracts).

What I'm trying to achieve in workshet 1 is to have a dropdown list ( Column C) which returns just the contracts that relate to the employee number in column A.

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How To Make Few Dropdown Lists Depending On One Before

Jan 7, 2014

how to make few dropdown lists depending on one before.

Example: I have table with next data: COLUMN A: (A1) Expense Type ( in all columns under A1 are types of expenses );

(A2) total trip cost;
(A3) Prize promo tour cost;
(A4 ) court renting cost;
(A5) Prize IPP cost

In columns B1, C1, D1, E1 are cities. Under each city is value for type of expense. I have uploaded worksheet for example.

Now, problem is next: I am trying to make drop down lists ( in new work sheet ) by using depending data from data table.

1.I made drop down list in first cell (let's say it is an A1 cell ) where I can chose city ( for example City of Zagreb ).

2.Then in next cell (B2) I would like to choose type of expense in drop down list ( for example Total trip cost ).

3.Finally, in C3 cell I would like to make drop down list that offers me just expense value for combination of chosen city ( Zagreb ) and chosen expense type ( Total trip cost ).

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Dashboard With 2 Validation Dropdown Lists?

Jul 22, 2014

I have a dashboard with 2 validation dropdown lists - 1 for Brand name (text) and one for month (mmm-yy) which go and run various pivots, etc.This works perfectly - except the dropdown list is so small its unreadable.

So I've tried a workaround using Combo boxes which I found here:

This does work, but when I select a month on the 2nd Combo Box, it is then displayed in number format eg, 41699. I've tried changing the format to mmm-yy but it keeps displaying as a number.

Is there any way I can make it display as mmm-yy?

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Creating Dependent Dropdown Lists?

Sep 23, 2011

I am trying to get a listbox I created in from DataValidation to be dependent on another list.

For example, when I select Course 1 (a list item) from the Course List drop-down, I want the cost to auotmatically populate in the Cost drop-down (the other list).

How do I get this to happen? Here is the code I created in VB, and I am not sure if this is the right course of action:

Sub Automated()
Sheet1.Cells(2, 1) = "MATLAB"
If (Sheet1.Cells(2, 1) = "MATLAB") Then
Sheet1.Cells(2, 3) = "31"
End If
Sheet1.Cells(2, 1) = "INCA"
If (Sheet1.Cells(2, 1) = "INCA") Then
Sheet1.Cells(2, 3) = "41"
End If


I don't want to use the user form, however from VB. I want to use the regular drop-down. The code seems to work, but, each list item in the drop-down is not pulling the data I want it to. I need to activate the drop-down as a click event somehow. It's just recognizing the cell A2 as a whole and not the individual list items. I want to each list item to be their own object, and to automatically populate the cell C2 with their cost when they are selected.

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Linking 2 Identical Dropdown Lists?

Jan 21, 2013

I have two identical drop down lists (months i.e. Jan, Feb, Mar ...) in two different sheets but in the same workbook. Is there any way where the user changes the month in sheet 1 & the other drop down list in sheet 2 changes automatically to the same month selected by the user in the sheet 1 or vice-versa?

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Dropdown Lists - Use List Options Only

Jul 21, 2006

I have dropdown lists in a form and i want to make it so that the user can not input a value other than the ones in the list, how can i do this?

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Set Up Spreadsheet With Linked Dynamic Dropdown Lists?

Apr 24, 2014

I am trying to set up a spreadsheet with linked dynamic drop down lists, based on a table.Using the OFFSET function, I have managed to get this to work if the table is on the SAME sheet at the drop down lists. But I want to be able to put the drop down lists onto a different sheet, so that I can lock and hide the table.

I don't want to use the 'name based on the previous column' idea, as the table is large and will change weekly. the drop downs show all values, even duplicates, which I would like to get rid of.

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Excel 2007 :: Conditional Dropdown Lists?

Mar 29, 2013

I'm using Excel 2007 and am trying to set up 3 columns of drop-down lists each dependent on the choice selected in the previous column's selection. It seems like it would be easy to figure out but I can't seem to do it.

I've already set up the arrays for the lists and "named" them but can't get the cell to be formatted automatically according to the previous columns selection.

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Dependent Dropdown Lists And Conditional Formatting?

Jun 14, 2013

I have three drop-down boxes in 3 adjacent columns. Column 1 is free-choice, Columns 2 and 3 drop-downs are variable dependent on what is in Column 1. That works fine.

I have an issue with over-type but I can solve that with protection. Again fine.


1. How do I make the user choose something i.e. not just leave the cell in column 2 or 3 blank by ignoring it (i.e. blank is an error but only after drop-down in column 1 is activated)

2. Also, if the user has completed the line (columns 1,2 and 3) and then changes column 1, columns 2 and 3 are now reading from the incorrect drop-down boxes (i.e. they are now in error but this is accepted and not flagged).

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Validated Dropdown Lists In Merged Cells?

May 14, 2012

Do not use validated drop down lists in merged cells.

It will only be a matter of time before it breaks Excel.

(Both 2007 & 2010)

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Dropdown Lists Mutually Exclusive Values?

Jan 13, 2014

I have two drop down lists, one is named Copayment with values Yes and No and the other is named Coinsurance with values Yes and No as drop down lists. I want to make them mutually exclusive, for example: When the user picks Yes from Copayment, then the Coinsurance to be automatically No and the opposite: when the copayment is No then the coinsurance to be automatically Yes.

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Dual Data Validation Dropdown Lists

Sep 1, 2009

I'm trying to create a cell with multiple dropdown lists in E4 depending on a value from another drop down list in B4. Both E4 dropdown lists are named cell ranges RV_MECHANISM and VALVE_OPERATING_MECHANISM_TYPE. I know how to do this in Data Validation using an IF formula, however, that's not quite "bullet proof" or "idiot proof" enough.

I'm attempting to create a macro to load only the appropriate dropdown list in E4 as called for by B4.

I recorded the Data Validation dropdown lists using the macro recorder, then searched through all appropriate posts I could find at MrExcel and attempted to write the appropriate macro code as follows;

With Selection.Validation
.Add Type:=xlValidateList
If Range("$B$4").Value = "RV" Then
End With


End If
End Sub

Compile error: End With without With

That's as close as I can get ... can one of you kind souls direct my macro coding paths and offer up the correct code for accomplishing this task.

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Excel 2011 :: Multiple Dependent Dropdown Lists

Feb 26, 2013

I am working on a spreadsheet for my Building company. I'm building a tool to price for Fascia, Soffits and Cladding.

I'm using Macbook Pro Microsoft Office for Mac 2011

Please see attached file

The first sheet holds all the lists of products, Category Headings list is in column A and then all the relevant products and prices are then from B to BI. I have defined each category with a name by selecting the cells and entering a name in the name box.

The second sheet is a Calculator in which I would like a to have a drop down list in the Category Column (Which I have worked out how to do myself - good old google) and then a drop down list in the second column which lets the user select from a list of results based on the selection from the previous column.

Category(B3) - 18mm Fascia/Replacement Board (Square White) - Drop down menu taken from sheet 1 A3:A33
Description (C3) - Drop down list containing all the options from D2:D15 Named "FasciaReplacementBoard18mmWhite"

So basically, whatever the user selects in Column B (from the category list) a drop down list would be available in Column C

The Value column would then show a value based on the options selected.

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