Removing Colon From Multiple Cells?
Jul 7, 2014
I have been sent a spreadsheet that was populated from another system. I need to run some VLOOKUPS but the cell that I need to compare has a ' in front of the text/number eg 'VB123456. I have found a thread on how to remove it for a number but it does not work with letters.
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Mar 4, 2012
What is the best way to concatenate with a semi-colon across multiple cells in excel. The one kicker is I only want to concatenate where the cell is populated.
If I write a simple Concatenate or combined columns, if a cell is blank I get the multiple.
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Nov 29, 2012
I found the following formula on another site that deletes all the text before the last colon (it deletes the colon as well)
Is it possible to modify it so that it only triggers if there is nothing after the last colon?
As you can see in the example below I have some notes entered by users and I would like to delete the ones where they didn't actually enter a note after the last colon:
11/05/2012 13:19:53 NEW MIKE : cld poe male sd cu not in till 3pm
10/18/2012 08:03:55 NEW HOSSEN : called no answer
10/15/2012 11:15:41 NEW HOSSEN :
10/12/2012 08:00:26 NEW HOSSEN :
10/11/2012 12:17:14 NEW HOSSEN : called no answer
11/14/2012 13:42:07 ACT MIKE : cld poe spk to cust sd cm back at 330
I would like to be left with just this instead:
11/05/2012 13:19:53 NEW MIKE : cld poe male sd cu not in till 3pm
10/18/2012 08:03:55 NEW HOSSEN : called no answer
10/11/2012 12:17:14 NEW HOSSEN : called no answer
11/14/2012 13:42:07 ACT MIKE : cld poe spk to cust sd cm back at 330
Link to article I found this formula in : [URL] .....
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Nov 30, 2003
Is there a way to format cells so 24 hour time may be input without the colon, as an example 1425 instead or 14:25? We can do it in Access. One would think it possible in Excel, yet I have not discover how if indeed its possible.
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Jul 30, 2014
Creating a project tracking sheet that is as automted as possible so that people dont have to populate lots. I have managed to get it to create a new sheet and populate according to a filled out combobox. The user then populates a 'milestone' section. When a button is clicked these are transferred to a GANTT chart type sheet and pasted. Before they are pasted the macro checks if the project title exists, if it does not it first pastes the title LEFT INDENTED. Then follows by pasting the milestones CENTRED. If the title exists, it inserts the milestones under the project title by copying and pasting all milestones. Hence, if milestones are regularly added, it will begin to add duplicates of the same milestone. I need to remove these. I would usually be able to do this however there is often the same milestone in numerous projects which I CANNOT remove as it would loose data. I would like a code that says between the cell I was searching for (Rng) and the next cell which is also left indented to remove duplicates. Basically I can't use x1enddown because it needs to stop at the next cell which has the same formatting... i.e. only duplicates to be removed out of the cells which are centred. I would then like it to repear this action for the whole document and move the next left indented cell and do the same.
It feels like a kind of backward conditional formatting is what I am looking for
Here is my code as it stands
Dim FindString As String
Dim Rng As Range
FindString = Range("D2").Value
If Trim(FindString) <> "" Then
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Jun 11, 2009
I need some logic/code that will remove some characters.. If 2 or more br br
are followed by each other I want them deleted.
the br is supposed to be an html break but it won't let me put them in on this forum
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Dec 30, 2009
I am a basic excel user and what I want is to be able to add in a time and have the colon automatically entered for me. For example, I want to add 130 and have it come out to 1:30, or 1215 and have it come out to 12:15. Seems easy to me but I cannot figure it out.
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Jul 27, 2009
Can someone please build me a quick VB code?
Below are states which are located in column "I". I need a VB code that will cut any entire row that has any of the following states below into a new collective workbook - if any of the states don't exsist then to just ignore and move on. They all have to be in the same workbook in the end.
If NONE of these states exsist, please just insert a msgbox ("No states to move")
(I basically need to divide West coast and East coast by removing all WC states and put them in their own workbook)
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Oct 20, 2009
I need to find a way to enter times into excel without having to use a colon.
The data I need in the cell is the hour, the minute, and either AM or PM. No seconds, which I believe is why Chip Pearson’s time VBA procedure doesn’t work for me, and I don’t know enough about VBA to change it for my needs.
So for example, I need to enter in times like 10:09 PM or 12:40 AM or 2:33 AM.
All my times will be entered into Column D.
I have done a ton of searching and tried several different solutions, but none of them allow me to put in AM or PM. If I just put 1009 into a cell with Chip Pearson’s macro, it will display as 10:09 AM, which is great if I need it to be AM. But if I need it to be PM, and I enter in “1009 p”, it will display as “1009 p”, neglecting the colon and not displaying the time correctly.
Does anyone have a solution where I can type in a 3 or 4 digit number (233 or 1240) and either “a” or “p” after it, and have it display as 2:33 PM or 12:40 AM?
I use Excel 2007, if it matters.
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Aug 21, 2009
I downloaded some data from an extarnal source to excel... the texts I get appear as 'TEXT' (mind the colons at start and end of TEXT).
However, in some of the cells the Start Colon is visible and in some cells it isn't (although it's there and can be viewed in the formula bar).
I want the start colon to be visible.
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Oct 3, 2006
Replaced the period with a colon, 8.23 resulted in 8:23. I have since deleted the Add In. Now every time I enter a "." it is replaced by a ":". This happens even when I disable macros on the spreadsheet. I cannot see any VBA code.
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Oct 25, 2007
I am making a template for our security kiosk log and I wanted to simplify it as much as possible. I found the "time mask entry" and imputed that into the vba code. It was working for awhile however stopped working a few days ago. I went back and copied and pasted it again and changed the range to what I needed and an error came up stating "unable to set the NumberFormat property to the range class."
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
Dim vVal
If Target.Cells.Count > 1 Then Exit Sub
If Intersect(Target, Range("A1:A100")) Is Nothing Then Exit Sub
With Target
vVal = Format(.Value, "0000")
If IsNumeric(vVal) And Len(vVal) = 4 Then
Application.EnableEvents = False
.Value = Left(vVal, 2) & ":" & Right(vVal, 2)
.NumberFormat = "[h]:mm"
End If
End With
Application.EnableEvents = True
End Sub
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Mar 30, 2009
I need to remove any rows containing "EEE" in the size column.
I also need to remove any discontinued ("D" in the "Type" column)styles that are currently not in inventory. For example 05-5490 does not have any available in either width "D" or "EW" and should be removed; however, 28-112 does have stock and should remain in the spreadsheet. Anything with an "F" in the "Type" column should be left alone.
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Oct 23, 2008
I have been using the following formula's to trim some information that's separated by a colon, such as Pioneer Clinic:Dave that I have a column with Pioneer Clinic and a column with Dave McAfee:
However, now some of my data is separated by two colons! AVM:Pioneer Clinic:Dave McAfee. the formula for separating this so I still have two columns of Pioneer Clinic and Dave McAfee?
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Jan 12, 2006
Is there any way that I can format a cell to insert a colon three spaces to
the left from the end of any group of numbers that I type in the a cell?
Examples 9:15 10:15
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Nov 24, 2009
i am removing cell contents using fallowing code
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
Dim row, col
row = ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count
col = ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Columns.Count
For i = 1 To row
For j = 1 To col
Cells(i, j).celarContetents
End Sub
but next time the cell count is showing previous rows value?
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May 22, 2014
Any formula for removing text within multiple sets of parentheses?
I would like to take something like this: Compared with placebo, dimethyl fumarate was shown to be effective in the treatment of patients with MS in the phase 3 DEFINE (Gold R et al. N Engl J Med. 2012; 367:1098-1107) and CONFIRM (Fox R et al. N Engl J Med. 2012;367:1087-1097) trials. Common adverse effects associated with dimethyl fumarate that were observed in these trials included flushing and GI events, as well as decreased lymphocyte counts and elevated liver aminotransferase levels.
and have it read: Compared with placebo, dimethyl fumarate was shown to be effective in the treatment of patients with MS in the phase 3 DEFINE and CONFIRM trials. Common adverse effects associated with dimethyl fumarate that were observed in these trials included flushing and GI events, as well as decreased lymphocyte counts and elevated liver aminotransferase levels.
I wish to automate this task so formulas (if possible) are preferred. Totally cool with a multi-formula, many-columned solution - as long as this task is automated.
NB: Each cell will contain different text, so the sets of parentheses will appear in different places. The number of parenthetical sets may also vary from 1-5.
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Jan 24, 2013
I have a long list of names
Doe, John;Doe Jane; etc..
Is there any way to have Excel separate them into individual cells?
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Nov 8, 2012
ColB is a time of day in 4 digits ****
I need it to be **:**
How do I get the colon in the middle?
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May 22, 2014
I've put together a macro to format an extract from a fuel report but at the end of it I need to remove numbers in front of drivers names.
1. John smith
10. Joe bloggs
123. Peter piper
Should end up as
John smith
Joe blogs
Peter piper
All without the number, full stop and the space before the name.
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Dec 29, 2011
I have a column of numbers that are in sets of 3. (123 456 789) I need to remove these spaces and just see 123456789.
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Jan 4, 2013
I have a excel sheet and inside certin cell are vales of "0". I would like to delete those 0 but keep the other values I have around them. Is there any way to delete only the "0" without going cell by cell by cell?
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Jan 26, 2014
I have inherited a spreadsheet that had check boxes in it. I don't want to use them. I was able to delete all but 4. I can't figure out how to get them removed.
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Mar 3, 2007
I have a lists of e-mail address (up to 15 rows long) in adjacent columns.
At times one or more addresses need to be removed. After removal I need the list to 'bunch up' so that the space caused by the now blank cell is removed.
At the moment I am doing this with vba as follows:
Sub Clear_Blanks()
With Range("e13:e27")
. AutoFilter
.AutoFilter Field:=1, Criteria1:="<>"
.Copy Range("e35")
End With
Range("e35:e49").Cut Range("e13")
End Sub...
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Oct 28, 2007
I have used the format [hh]:mm in a cell for 24 hr clock calculations. Why do I have to enter the numbers with a colon when I populate the cells? Is there a way to set it up so I just type in the four numbers and the colon between the hours and minutes populates itself?
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May 28, 2014
How to remove all the " symbol out of a string of data?
The " symbol appears at different places and i need to remove them all completely. the Find & Replace tool doesn't work because when you have say 3/4" and want it to just read 3/4 it automatically converts it to 03-Apr. even when you have changed the cell formatting to text.
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May 25, 2013
I have a spreadsheet which reads:
A1 E012345678
A2 126789433
A5 E0456783
A6 98765432
I need only the the data in Cells A1 A5 etc. which means the 3 cells below (A2, A3, A4 ) should be deleted. A5 I need the data, and then A6, A7, A8 I do not need ... A9 need and so on.
the data should be in in one below the next with no spaces in between.
Data is only in column A.
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Oct 18, 2011
I have imported data and it shows "Check 1234". How can I use a formula to remove "check" from this cell?
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Sep 17, 2007
E122112 David Hall
Robert Townsend
Micheal Keel
Tanya Smith
Elizabeth Charles
E004587 Andrea Tummings
The problem is for those names that come thorugh with the Letter and than the number...I don't need the names like that....I would like a Macro that would look at each cell in column A and remove that from those selected cells. I would like my result to look like this...
David Hall
Robert Townsend
Micheal Keel
Tanya Smith
Elizabeth Charles
Andrea Tummings
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Jun 4, 2009
I have a bunch of cells that have City and Zip Code combinations.
Ex: Chicago 606
Fayettville 72701
Some of them are 3 digit zips and others are 5 digits. I just want to weed out anything with a number leaving the city names.
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