Removing Text And Leaving Just Numbers
Feb 16, 2009
i have a sheet dealing with part numbers and a paramiter exported from a programme.
L=1000MM | L/R is an example.
i use replace to get rid of everything before the number but anything after the mm is totaly different most of the time.
is there a way that i can get rind of anything after, and including, the mm?
or by some chance a command that will just leave me with the number allone?
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Dec 28, 2005
Macro that will strip out all the numbers in 1 particular cell column and and leave the text.
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May 10, 2007
I have a column of invoice numbers, formatted as text, some of which have first character "0" & last character "C" e.g. "012345C". I want to get rid of the "C" leaving e.g. "012345".
I have tried Find "C" / Replace " " with the undesirable result being that the leading "0" disappears too. Find "5C" replace "5" gives the same.
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Jun 25, 2008
i m creating a macro to delete extra characters in a column. I have over 200,000.00 records in one column which consists of numbers with characters. For example:
/ 80730279
80736277 /
( )80739210
* 80739823
& 80735380
80796440 @
## 80722138
if anybody can come up with a macro, so that I can just have the numbers and nothing else. I would like to exclude the following -~!@#$%^&*()_=+?/.";:|][{},^` within a cell.
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Dec 4, 2013
I need to remove only numbers from excel cell - I have tried using the "constant" function but did not work. I have thousands of cells with a consistent 4 digit number like this:
1000 the rest is text
How can I remove only numbers but leave all text in the cell and then if I can trim the cell so there are not any spaces at the beginning afte removing the numbers.
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Jul 24, 2013
I have an Excel workbook with around 100 worksheets. All of them have similar columns, but the values are stored as text. The length of columns and missingness is different in different worksheets. I will be grateful if any of you could suggest a VBA that could convert the numbers stored as text back to numbers. I have been looking for an answer for a while, but cant seem to find one that automatically looks at every worksheet and converts text into number.
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Dec 29, 2008
I have a column of data which has numbers and units (small example below).
I need to remove the text (units) and at the same time multiply the number by a value which is based on what the text is:
-999.9uA needs to become -999.9*10^-6
-98.40mA needs to become -98.40*10^-3
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May 25, 2013
I have a spreadsheet which reads:
A1 E012345678
A2 126789433
A5 E0456783
A6 98765432
I need only the the data in Cells A1 A5 etc. which means the 3 cells below (A2, A3, A4 ) should be deleted. A5 I need the data, and then A6, A7, A8 I do not need ... A9 need and so on.
the data should be in in one below the next with no spaces in between.
Data is only in column A.
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Jun 4, 2009
I have a bunch of cells that have City and Zip Code combinations.
Ex: Chicago 606
Fayettville 72701
Some of them are 3 digit zips and others are 5 digits. I just want to weed out anything with a number leaving the city names.
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Mar 5, 2008
I would like to easily replace every character in column A with a blank, with the exception of - and a number. I am trying to get rid of all letters,:, / and other miscellaneous characters without having to delete them one character at a time.
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May 26, 2009
Here is the formula I am using however it interprets the blank cells as 0% and includes it in the average. To make it more difficult there will be some 0%'s.
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Jan 3, 2009
I am trying to remove the numbers from a cell leaving just the text.
Say cell A1 contains Blk1Crd2 I would like say cell B1 to contain BlkCrd.
And preferebly I do not want to run a macro.
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Jul 10, 2007
I am looking for a syntax or function wherin i can replace all lines in different cells containing specific string or text in it. e.g. Few cells in sheet contains " This guy is for deployment", other few cells may contain "guy is for core deployment" and other cells may have " project is specific deployment". I want to replace all such lines which contain a word "deployment" with ony one word "Deployment".
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Jan 11, 2014
I have tried to set one formula which will given the the Numbers of the Vehicle. However as there are other numbers also which makes it difficult to do so.
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Apr 21, 2014
I currently am pasting data that in some cases there are numbers at the end of a list of names e.g Andy Cole10 or James Banks3.
I have used a formula before that seperates the numbers into another cell but now i need only the text and not the number.using A & B column as example and i can adjust the range.
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May 22, 2014
I've put together a macro to format an extract from a fuel report but at the end of it I need to remove numbers in front of drivers names.
1. John smith
10. Joe bloggs
123. Peter piper
Should end up as
John smith
Joe blogs
Peter piper
All without the number, full stop and the space before the name.
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Dec 27, 2013
I have been sent a list of 600 names in the format of 1. john smith 2. jane doe 3. tim smith ect.... how do I remove the numbers without going to each individual cell and manually deleting it?
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Jun 1, 2013
I have a limited amount of VBA knowledge. My limited knowledge is based on solving my problems by looking at the answers already on this site and trying to adapt it to my needs. Here goes:
I import a list of address and telephone numbers (100+) into excel. example - Cell A1 contains "10 downing street, whitehall, london, SW1A 2AA 01234 567890", sometimes there is another space after the number, sometimes there is no telephone number. I want to remove the telephone number at the end if it is there. Have searched the forums have have come up with the follow solution:
1. import list to column A
2. copy and paste Trim to column B
3. copy values in column B and paste to column A
4. delete column B
5. remove the end numbers
6. copy and paste Trim to column B
7. copy values in column B and paste to column A
8. delete column B
9. remove the end numbers
It looks like this in code:
Sub testa()
'select (=TRIM(A1)) formula and paste to sheet
Application.CutCopyMode = False
'copy values of column B to Column A and delete column B
Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks _
:=False, Transpose:=False
Application.CutCopyMode = False
'copy values of column B to Column A and delete column B
Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks _
:=False, Transpose:=False
Application.CutCopyMode = False
End Sub
I know this is a long winded way around (still chuffed I worked it out by myself though!). If I merge all the macros into one marco it continually loops and deletes everything in the cells and I have to press escape to stop it.
My questions are:
1. Why, when I merge all the macros doesnt it work the same as individual macros? (I would like to know for future reference).
2. Its there a better way to remove the telephone numbers?
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Sep 21, 2009
I have a huge column of data. This data has few prefixes that I need to remove. I have a list of possible prefixes. Some prefixes are 1,2,3 or 4 characters long. Could you please suggest best way of removing these prefixes (VBA if possible)?
Following are some of the examples of prefixes:
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Jun 26, 2013
I'm trying to remove all the numbers of a phone number an keep the are code for 2000+ phone numbers.
ex. 111-222-9999
I want to remove the 2's and 9's but keep the 1's.
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Jan 31, 2012
I am trying to remove a middle initial from a text string however not all of the cells have middle initials. In column B I would like to return the first and last name. If needed I can have the first name in column B and the last in column C then combine them.
John A Smith John Smith
John Smith John Smith
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Feb 7, 2014
I have a list full of different IDs with different version numbers (This format: AKH123.1).
I'm trying to clean the list - removing all duplicate IDs but leaving only the largest version number.
I managed to remove the last digit using LEN/VLOOKUP and removing duplicates, but leaving only the largest version number is too tricky for me. I've thought about trying something with LARGE but can't wrap my mind around it.
My thought process went like this: I want to find all occurrences of "AKH123" and return the largest one.
The list contains about 8000 entries and this would save en enormous amount of work.
Here is a tiny portion of the list:
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Feb 21, 2012
I have a spreadsheet with Mobile phone numbers in the following format:
+44(0)77 7296 5210
The spreadsheet has 2500 of these phone numbers.
Is there a way to remove the brackets and the +44 to leave:
I am using Microsoft Office for Mac 2011
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Dec 5, 2006
i would like to take the first letter of a cell and add 1000 to it.
At the minute, ive only been able to take away the first letter which isnt what i want to do
so far i had
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Sep 13, 2008
I have 2 columns of data which contains mainly numbers that are either 9 or 10 digits long. However some have got so words at he end which is what I want to remove. I thought of using text to colums but there is no space or symbol between the number and text.
An example is
0222222222ddddd ffffff ddddd
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Jan 3, 2013
An externally generated CSV file gives us one column which shows a location, year and then individual names in brackets, like so:
London 2013 (Firstname Lastname)
Delhi 2012 (Firstname Lastname)
I'm wondering if it is possible to separate out the text before the parentheses, so that I can show "London 2012" (for example) in another cell. The number of characters changes from row to row, so using the LEFT and RIGHT functions doesn't quite do the job.
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Jan 26, 2010
Attached is a sample sheet with nine columns. Column D includes a name, but in many cases it is preceeded by: 'TO', 'BY', or 'OF' and a space which I need to remove (if they exist), leaving just the name. Please note that sometimes just the name exists so nothing needs to be done. I believe that in a jet sql querie I can use something like:
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Oct 18, 2011
I have imported data and it shows "Check 1234". How can I use a formula to remove "check" from this cell?
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Feb 11, 2013
I belong to a fantasy cycling league and after every race, I copy the race results to award each rider their points for the day. The site I visit most frequently lists the riders results in this format:
1. Alberto Contador (Spa) Team Sax Bank Tinkoff 4:05:00
2. Lance Armstrong (USA) Team Livestrong etc... 4:06:00
I usually copy the results to my spreadsheet then calculate each riders points.
The'results end up looking like this in Excel:
1. Alberto Contador (Spa) Team Sax Bank Tinkoff 4:05:00
2. Lance Armstrong (USA) Team Livestrong 4:06:00
So, the data ends up in 3 cells. The position in one cell, the rider and their nationality and their team in another, and the time of arrival in another cell
Is there a way in Excel where I can get rid of or delete all the data after a rider's name?
I usually end up pasting the rider information to Word, then replacing the (***) with a tab symbol, then pasting back to Excel and get rid of the data that's after the name by deleting the cells to which that data was transferred.
Is there an easier way to do this in Excel, or a macro I can create?...
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Sep 17, 2007
E122112 David Hall
Robert Townsend
Micheal Keel
Tanya Smith
Elizabeth Charles
E004587 Andrea Tummings
The problem is for those names that come thorugh with the Letter and than the number...I don't need the names like that....I would like a Macro that would look at each cell in column A and remove that from those selected cells. I would like my result to look like this...
David Hall
Robert Townsend
Micheal Keel
Tanya Smith
Elizabeth Charles
Andrea Tummings
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