Replace All Letters & Symbols Leaving Numbers
Mar 5, 2008
I would like to easily replace every character in column A with a blank, with the exception of - and a number. I am trying to get rid of all letters,:, / and other miscellaneous characters without having to delete them one character at a time.
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Jun 9, 2009
I have to convert an old dos program file to excel. I already have the list in excel but the text is in strange symbols. I know which symbol represents which
letter. As have many files to convert each time I need a makro which would save me lot of time. I have two worksheets: "1" and "2". I need a makro which replaces symbols in sheet "1" Column A through key list in sheet "2".
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May 10, 2007
I have a column of invoice numbers, formatted as text, some of which have first character "0" & last character "C" e.g. "012345C". I want to get rid of the "C" leaving e.g. "012345".
I have tried Find "C" / Replace " " with the undesirable result being that the leading "0" disappears too. Find "5C" replace "5" gives the same.
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Oct 21, 2008
way to convert all symbols ( ) to their equvilant letters (u a) I know that I can do this manualuy with Find replace but I was hoping there was some magic that I am missing.
Please note that the exapples are only 2 of the symbols I need to convert the sheet could contain all of the varieties of symbol.
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Jun 9, 2009
I have two worksheets: "1" and "2" Now i want to filter all symbols used in Column A sheet "1" and list them in Column A of sheet "2". The results should contain no duplicates. For example:..........
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Jul 10, 2007
I am looking for a syntax or function wherin i can replace all lines in different cells containing specific string or text in it. e.g. Few cells in sheet contains " This guy is for deployment", other few cells may contain "guy is for core deployment" and other cells may have " project is specific deployment". I want to replace all such lines which contain a word "deployment" with ony one word "Deployment".
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May 8, 2013
I am importing content control information in a word file into excel by using a macro in excel. The information is coming across nicely but when the information about a checkbox comes across, in excel, that's what you see, a checkbox (☐ or ☒). Is there any way (formula or vba) to replace all the checkboxes with a yes or a no?
I wrote a formula that works:
But this will add this information to a new column and I would like to replace the information in the existing column (the form has about 200 checkboxes) and I don't want to add a bunch of new columns.
I also toyed with VBA:
Range("G1:G100").Replace "&", "No"
But when I try to paste the ☐ in the vba code, I get a "?" so I am assuming it doesn't recognize the ☐ as a valid character.
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Jul 25, 2014
So I was given the task to translate some procedure instructions in an Excel file from English to Spanish. These are very simple instructions and in most cases repetitive throughout the document. There are a lot of instances where the instructions are the same except for a #. They are meant to be modified within the cell as the text that appears in the cell will be printed exactly as it appears.There are several instructions in the cell, it is basically a long continuous string in the cell. My idea is to create a macro that can search that range of cells for the instruction, replace it with the Spanish equivalent while leaving the original English instruction in the cell.
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Sep 27, 2011
I have a find and replace function that removes + smybols from a coloum of strings. How can I remove the first instance of a space (if it later contains a +, too?
Before: [ +Test +Test]
After: [+Test +Test]
Selection.Replace What:="+", Replacement:="", LookAt:=xlPart, _
SearchOrder:=xlByRows, MatchCase:=False, SearchFormat:=False, _
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Jul 29, 2014
i have a list of 2000 fields which have the same format IE "AB10014"
I need to remove the "AB" from every field and leave the #.
Besides putting a space and running text to columns I'm not sure how.
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Jul 24, 2012
I have a column of cells, some blank, some containing just numbers, some containing just letters, some containing numbers preceded by the the letter 'p'
In the cells containing the number preceded by the 'p' - i would like to remove the 'p' leaving just the number, with all other cells remaining unchanged.
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Feb 16, 2009
i have a sheet dealing with part numbers and a paramiter exported from a programme.
L=1000MM | L/R is an example.
i use replace to get rid of everything before the number but anything after the mm is totaly different most of the time.
is there a way that i can get rind of anything after, and including, the mm?
or by some chance a command that will just leave me with the number allone?
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Dec 28, 2005
Macro that will strip out all the numbers in 1 particular cell column and and leave the text.
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Jun 25, 2008
i m creating a macro to delete extra characters in a column. I have over 200,000.00 records in one column which consists of numbers with characters. For example:
/ 80730279
80736277 /
( )80739210
* 80739823
& 80735380
80796440 @
## 80722138
if anybody can come up with a macro, so that I can just have the numbers and nothing else. I would like to exclude the following -~!@#$%^&*()_=+?/.";:|][{},^` within a cell.
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Feb 4, 2010
Can i find a list anywhere of the new Excel 2007 ALT numbers to give the symbols eg Alt0186 = the degrees symbol in 03 but doesnt work in 07?
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May 26, 2009
Here is the formula I am using however it interprets the blank cells as 0% and includes it in the average. To make it more difficult there will be some 0%'s.
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Dec 4, 2013
I need to remove only numbers from excel cell - I have tried using the "constant" function but did not work. I have thousands of cells with a consistent 4 digit number like this:
1000 the rest is text
How can I remove only numbers but leave all text in the cell and then if I can trim the cell so there are not any spaces at the beginning afte removing the numbers.
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Apr 24, 2008
i have colums of data containing random figures containing letters and numbers.
I want to completely remove the letters from the colums, leaving me with just a numerical figure. Is there a way to do this? There is no set pattern to work with as there could be 1 cell with 2 numbers and 6 letters, and the next cell may have 6 numbers and 1 letter.
I want this to simply be
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Aug 1, 2009
Lotus 123 had a function where you could graphically, in a cell, show plus symbols(+) or negative symbols (-) for the value of the data. For example if you had a column of numbers that you calculated from the previous year that indicate the change, Lotus, in the next cell would allow you to graphically display the symbols that indicate the strength of the change. So if your result was a positive ten then ten plus symbols would be shown. If it was -20 then 20 negative symbols would be shown. Now the numbers I am looking at could be 600,00 and I believe there was a way to to proportion the symbols for example for every 100,000 put in one symbol so the result would be 6 (+) signs.
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Oct 8, 2008
I have a linked document, only 2 sheets. On the first sheet there is a column for + or - signs, I need a formula for the second sheet to show the + as a 6 and the - as a 5 instead of just the symbols carrying over.
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Mar 30, 2009
I am looking to remove numbers and symbols from a single cell.
For example, I start with something like:
Cell A1: M. Flank1, T.D. Chang1*, T. Person2, J. Doe3
Cell A2: T.R. Money1*, Y.R. You2
and I want:
Cell B1: M. Flank, T.D. Chang, T. Person, J. Doe
Cell B2: T.R. Money, Y.R. You
And, there are about 300 more, with varying number of people per cell.
I'm not great with Macros, so if there is a way without macros, that would be good, but, if a macro works best, I can give it a shot..
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Jul 24, 2013
I have an Excel workbook with around 100 worksheets. All of them have similar columns, but the values are stored as text. The length of columns and missingness is different in different worksheets. I will be grateful if any of you could suggest a VBA that could convert the numbers stored as text back to numbers. I have been looking for an answer for a while, but cant seem to find one that automatically looks at every worksheet and converts text into number.
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Jan 21, 2012
Using the following data
I want it to sort like this:
What is the formula to achieve this?
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Jan 27, 2012
I have a spreadsheet wtih a number of rows that contain answers to different criertia in each column.
The row may therefore have cells that either have numbers or letters.
Column A will be the title of the row.
I want to write a function to find the average value of the numbers in any row with title 'x'.
So it would look down column A, and look for those called 'x', and then average all the numbers across all those rows.
I have tried to use =averageif, but I think the fact there are letters in the cells being assessed (which I just want to be ignored) creates an error.
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Feb 26, 2014
Tallying entires from a PDF into excel. Such that
In a cell I would like to type =c+d+c for example and have it say 17,000 rather then me having to type in =1000+15000+1000.
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Jan 16, 2014
I created this data worksheet with many tabs and multiple users. On the main tab, something weird has happened and I have no clue how it happened or how to fix it....
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Apr 17, 2009
This formula will add up the letters D,N,H with one value
Like =SUM(COUNTIF(B4:AZ4,{"D","N","H"}))*12 will =36
How can I add bN =17 bmN =19 bD=24
=SUM(COUNTIF(B4:AZ4,{"bN","bmN","bD"})) to add up to 60
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Jul 8, 2014
I'm working on a function that will sum a row of cells containing letters and numbers. I am currently using :
Right now the formula will work with T, TP, and P; however as soon as I type TPE I get #value.
Either way you get the point of what I am trying to do, however my cells can contain any one of the following combinations:
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Aug 21, 2014
In column A I have the following numbers
a formula that looks at this range of cells and returns only the cells that have a letter at the end. The letter range goes A to M
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Jan 23, 2014
I am a school teacher trying to adjust my tracking sheet to calculate pupils levels. I am looking for 2 potential formulas that will do the following.
1 - In cell AE I would like to generate a formula that will take the data entered in cells J:5, L:5, N:5, P:5, R:5, T:5, V:5, X:5, Z:5, AB:5 and AD:5 and give an average level.
2 - In cell AH is it possible to generate a formula that will calculate how many levels of progress the pupils are making - In other words I need Cell I to be calculated against cell J to see how much progress the pupils are making - for example if in cell I:5, a pupil is was given a 3a, and then in cell J:5 is given a 4b, they will have made 2 sub levels of progress. As well as this, can that progress then be averaged out across cells I:5, K:5, L:5, M:5, O:5, Q:5, S:5, U:5, W:5, Y:5, AA:5 and AC:5 to give an overall number of of levels of progress? An then..... can I colour co-ordinate the cell so that if the pupils are making 3 or more sub levels of progress it turns green, 2 sub levels orange and 1 sub level red?
Levels work like this
5a and so on
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