Rename Tabs (Sheets) Based On Cell Contents
Nov 10, 2009
I have 5 sheets. In the first sheet I have set up 4 cells where I want the contents of them to automatically rename the other 4 corresponing sheets.
In Sheet 1, Cell B6, I want the contents (which will be text) to be the name of sheet 2 automatically.
In Sheet 1, Cell B7, I want the contents (which will be text) to be the name of sheet 3 automatically.
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Mar 11, 2013
I am looking for a macro to rename tabs based on information in A1 on each tab. The thing that is causing me issues is the cell A1 has a formula in it and it changes on a daily basis with days of the week but the tab only updates when i double click A1 and press enter.
I need it to update automatically.
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Feb 10, 2014
I have a master sheet where users can change the name of 20 different sheets in the workbook by changing a cell value on the master sheet. Here is the code:
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
Dim rCell As Range
If Target.Cells.Count > 1 Then Exit Sub
The next step which I am having issues with is hiding the sheets. I want all sheets in the workbook to be hidden except for the master. I only want the other sheets to be visble if the user inputs a name on the master sheet.
So if the cell contents on the master sheet, say "B9", is blank, the sheet in the workbook that corresponds to that cell will remain hidden. If the user inputs anything, say "Sheet1", in cell "B9" on the master sheet, I want that sheet to become unhidden and to be named "Sheet1"
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Jun 23, 2014
Can a macro rename Excel files based on a cell's contents? The problem maybe that I download these files en masse from a website and they all have 54-character long randomly generated filenames which I can rename by selecting all and then use the rename function to get a series of filenames like a, a(2), a(3), ... but I would rather have the files renamed based on the text that exists in cell B1 which is the title of the report. I also read somewhere that this kind of macro only works if the tabs have names like "Sheet 1"
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Jul 31, 2013
I receive a workbook each day with approx 500 tabs of call data and I would like to relabel all the tabs with the user names. The user names are in a merged range "A7:M7". I'm having difficulty getting the following script to rename the sheets. Currently the values in "A7:M7" look like "User: ADAM ENGEMANN-558".
I am trying to delete each occurrence of "User: " while naming the sheets as well as removing the merged range before doing so that the names are in A7 only. The sheet names should look like "ADAM ENGEMANN-558", or, ideally just "ADAM ENGEMANN". For some reason my code will not modify the cells. (See attached example)
This works if I manually unmerge the cells before running and remove the ":".
Sub RenameSheets2()
Dim ws As Worksheet
For Each ws In ThisWorkbook.Worksheets
If ws.Range("A7").Value <> "" Then
[Code] .....
This his how I modified it but it doesn't work on the supplied sheets. Please note that if I manually insert some blank sheets into my workbook and merge the cells etc it does work. There seems to be something odd going on with the sheets they are giving me. (they aren't protected)
Sub RenameSheets2()
Dim ws As Worksheet
For Each ws In ThisWorkbook.Worksheets
If ws.Range("A7").Value <> "" Then
I tried adding the following to remove the merged ranges and remove 'User: ' from the names
With Selection
.WrapText = False
.MergeCells = False
[Code] ......
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Jul 20, 2006
I searched a few times for the answer to my problem, using different search terms, but I've come up somewhat empty (this *might* be because I'm not up-to- speed with Excel's terminology?). Anyway, my problem is this: I have a workbook which is designed to track various data for a corporate training course ( sheets for attendance, grades, tool logins, etc). After all of these are sheets numbered 1-25 (we never have more than 25 students in a class, but usually around 20). The numbered sheets correspond to the student's number in the on the class list sheet (so, the first student would have personal "report card" information on sheet 1; the eleventh student in the class list would have their information on sheet 11, etc).
What I would like to do is have some way of putting a button on the class list sheet which would look at student list and rename the sheets to correspond to the student names. For example, if the fifth student listed was 'John Doe', it would rename his personal sheet ('5') to 'John Doe'. Obviously, I would need to do it for all of the students, and IDEALLY it would then get rid of any numbered sheets which are not used (having 21 students would only rename the first 21 sheets, but then hide sheets 22, 23, 24, and 25).
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Nov 5, 2009
I pull an excel sheet from a database each day that gives me sales data for different products sold. The way the spreadsheet comes from the system, the first tab is named "Document Map" and lists all of the products, and each product then has its own tab but they're generically named (Sheet1, Sheet2, etc.). The name of the product is always in cell T8, but the name itself is only the last 8 characters of that cell.
What I'm hoping to accomplish with a macro is two things:
1) Retrieve the last 8 characters from T8 in each tab, and name the tab with those characters (same effect as the formula "=right(T8,8)").
2) Ensure that this only occurs on tabs with the word "Sheet" in the beginning. Depending on the day, there could be any number of products and they each get their own tab, so I was hoping to be able to get the macro to only work on sheets where the first 5 characters are "Sheet" regardless of the number after that.
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Aug 24, 2006
Say you have a userform with 10 TextBoxes, let’s call them TxtN1…TxtN10 and your workbook has 10 sheets, say “Sheet1”…”Sheet10”. Now if one wants to code a procedure to rename those worksheets when the user hits a command button it’s simple enough.
Sub Rename_click()
For i = 1 To 10
With Sheets(“Sheet” & i )
. name = TxtN & i
End With
Next i
End Sub
But now if the user then changes the textboxes TxtN1…TxtN10 to a set of new strings it’s obvious that the following coding segment will not work:
For i = 1 To 10
With Sheets(TxtN & i)
.name = TxtN & i
End With
Next i
It goes without saying that the program will try to select the worksheets with the new name (and they obviously don’t exist yet)…
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Aug 11, 2006
I have a list of names in sheet1, starting with cell A3. I would like to copy sheet3, insert it after sheet3 and rename the sheet to correspond to the names in the list.
If i have 30 names I would like 30 sheets. If i add a name, I would like to repeat the copy, insert and rename steps for the extra names as i add them.
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Apr 29, 2014
I have 2 inventory reports: what my store has and what my supplier has. I need to copy Tab1:K# to Tab2:T# provided that Tab1:A#'s contents match Tab2:A#'s contents. The A column represents the SKU of the item, but there is a difference in the amount of SKU's in each (my store sells ~6,000 items, supplier has ~10,000 items), so it's not as simple as sort by column A and copy pasting column K to column T.
For instance:
On Tab 1, A2's value is [1], K2's value is [9.38].
On Tab 2, A70's value is [1], K70's value is blank, but I need it to be [9.38], to match Tab 1's respective SKU.
I almost thought I had it figured out with VLOOKUP, but I cant seem to get it right... It doesn't reference the correct number.
Screenshots for reference
First tab, from the wholesaler: [URL]
Second tab, store's stock: [URL]
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Feb 9, 2010
I have 4 employees by 52 weeks tabs in a workbook. The first 4 tabs are as follows:
Pat 010810
Dan 010810
Max 010810
Ann 010810
I would like some method (maybe VBA?) that I can rename the subsequent tabs, having the same names but the date with a seven day increment; i.e.the next tab would show Ann 011510, etc.
I don't know how to code, but can get to the VBA page and copy really well.
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Jan 21, 2010
I have a workbook that pulls in data from other sources and contains 15 linked sheets. The data changes when different criteria is selected in the first sheet. The first 2 sheets are summary sheets and the tabs are named correctly.
I would like to be able to rename the remaining 13 tabs using labels found in the cells in the first sheet. These tabs should update or change when the first sheet is manually recalculated (F9).
I have used ActiveSheet.Name=Range("A1") but it doesn't apply in this case. Is there a macro that could run with something like Sheet1.Name=Range("A1"), Sheet2.Name=Range("A2"), Sheet3.Name=Range("A3"), etc.... or maybe something in each sheet that would change the name of the tab to a specific name off sheet 1 when the whole workbook is recalculated?
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Apr 4, 2009
Could you help with an onerous task that I must complete every Quarter.
I have a spreadsheet with multiple tabs.
The first 3 Tabs are Calculation sheets and do not need to be re-named.
All the preceeding sheets each need to be renamed to the days of the month (British Format), skiping Sundays.
i.e Tab 4 should be renamed 010409, Tab 5 should be renamed 020409, Tab 6 should be renamed 030409, Tab 7 should be renamed 040409, Tab 8 should be renamed 060409 and Tab 9 should be renamed 070409 etc etc ...
Extra - Also if possible on each sheet could the Tab date be placed into Cell A4 (eg. 010409) and also the Day number (eg. 01) (Starting from 01 on 010409, 02 on 020409, 03 on 030409, 04 on 040409, 05 on 060409, 06 on 070409 etc etc ...) into Cell A6.
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Jan 10, 2007
I am pulling my hair out in frustration with this right now. I have a .csv file that I am attempting to run a macro on. I will need to move between tabs, and want to rename a tab to remove the date as it is not consistent in format. I have tried numerous ways, and I don't get an error message, but the tab is not renamed either. Code I have tried is below ....
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Oct 1, 2009
I am working with a workbook that has data automatically entered each time a new child is enrolled to the program. The child's data is automatically entered to the sheet named "Intake". What I need to do now is rename that sheet using the child's name as the sheet name, but also keep the sheet named "Intake" for the next entry. I would then like to sort the sheets alphabetically but leaving the "Intake" sheet either as the first sheet or the last sheet. I have attached an example of the workbook I am working with.
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Mar 13, 2013
I've got a spreadsheet with a 'data' sheet and I want to add and name additional sheets based on the contents of a range in the 'data' sheet - it could be 1 extra sheet, it could be 100, the range is open ended.
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Nov 3, 2009
I have a workbook with multiple tabs. On sheet one a person chooses a date to initialise a formula. That date is then copied to sheet two and placed in cell D5. The date is projected out for two weeks and then the next fornight starts on sheet three and so on. The start date for each new fortnight appears in cell D5 of each sheet. I want that information to be the name of the tab for sheet two, three etc. I have put this code into the "This Workbook" section:
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
' Renames all worksheet tabs with each worksheet's cell A1 contents.
'If cell A1 has no content, then that tab is not renamed.
For i = 1 To Sheets.Count
If Worksheets(i).Range("$D$4").Value "" Then
Sheets(i).Name = Worksheets(i).Range("$D$4").Value
End If
End Sub
I have also tried:
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
If Target.Address = "$D$4" Then ActiveSheet.Name = Left(Target.Value, 10)
End Sub
I then go back into sheet one and change the date and nothing happens. I seem to be missing something. Can anyone please help?
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Jan 27, 2014
I have a workbook with 30+ worksheets
named 23 Wed, 24 Thur, 25 Fri, etc etc
meaning April 23, 2014 Wednesday, April 24, 2014 Thursday, etc etc
The next project may start on May 19, 2014 Monday - so I have to rename each worksheet beginning with 19 Mon, etc etc
Renaming each worksheet manually takes a long time and is prone to error
I would like to just rename the first worksheet to start date of May 19, 2014 and have the rest renamed automatically.
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Apr 21, 2013
There is a folder in a shared location which many people use at work. Within this folder, I have an excel document with all current stock (called "Current Stock"). There will never be more than 20 items in current stock. There is also other documents within this folder which relate to lots of other things, Interest, Deals etc.
What I want to do is every time a new item is added to the "Current Stock" document, a tab is created with that Item name within all the other documents.
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Feb 19, 2010
I would like to copy every file named "Current Day.csv" from every subfolder found in the folder c: est
Rename the file as the value in A1 (3 digit code) and B1 (date) and save the file into v: est (and the folder name the file orginally came from)
Is that possible? (looking at about 30 filesfolders so if need be I can define the folder names)
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Mar 12, 2014
I thought this was a pretty simple formula but I am having difficulty creating it. I am attaching a little test spreadsheet. Sheet 1 is where the data will be entered. The Reimbursed column has a drop down choice of yes or no. The next 2 columns are the cost of registration and the cost of accommodations. On sheet 2 is where I would like the formulas. So in cell A4 I would like a formula that says if B3 on sheet 1 is Yes populate this cell with the contents of Cell C3 only, B4 of sheet 2 would then be B3 if A3 on sheet 3 is Yes and so on with the Not reinbursed if sheet 1 the Reimbursed column is no.
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May 17, 2008
I'm looking for a solution that will rename the sheet to whatever is enterd into particular cell.
Ie: cell A1 = "Joe Bloggs", then the sheet is renamed to Joe Bloggs
Also, on the same sheet, is it possible to change the sheet tab colour based a data in a different cell?
Ie: cell B1 = "Parts", then the sheet tab colour changes to pink.
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Jul 28, 2008
Is it possible to write a macro that will rename a worksheet based on the value of the cell?
For instance, if cell a1 has the value Test, the worksheet should be named Test. If I change the value of the cell to say Test 1, the worksheet should automatically rename itself to Test 1.
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Oct 18, 2006
I have a workbook with a sheet titled Variables. There are 6 additional sheets in the workbook and each sheets needs to be named with the cell contents of A2:A7 in the Variables sheet. I have attached the workbook and you can look at the names in the sheets tabs to see what I'm trying to do here.
The workbook is too large to attach but can be viewed here:
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Aug 17, 2014
I am having trouble creating a macro that renames all excel sheets using cells on Sheet1.
See attached, I want to rename all excel sheets (renamed as "1", "2", "3"....."50") as "9999", "10000", "10001"..."10045", found in Sheet1, renamed as "Base". I will change the cell values everyday (range Base!A5 to Base!50) - and will rename all the sheets again.
Before: before.jpg
After: after.jpg
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Jul 9, 2014
Posted this on another forum. [URL] .....
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May 2, 2012
What I'm trying to do is from a template worksheet that I have in a workbook with other worksheets, I'm trying to come up with code that will create a new worksheet based on the template (copy), increment the invoice number, and rename the worksheet tab to be "Invoice # xxxx" (new invoice number from prev. step.).
I have figured out how to use a button on the template to execute, but as I said my VBA skills are lacking to say the least.
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Mar 25, 2014
I have a macro attached with attached file; it will list the files then will re-name the files based on other cell
Cell A2 = New.mp4
Cell B2 = ggffrr.mp4
so the file New.mp4 will be renamed to ggffrr.mp4.
it is working fine but the location will be always desktop or documents location
i need from the macro to rename the files and to keep them in the same location.
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Jul 9, 2014
I'm looking for a way to rename an object (which is an image) based cell values. Not to sure where to start.
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Apr 18, 2013
I get a report each day with a list of issues. the "group" that works the issue and the "priority". Based on these two factors, i need to do a double lookup (vlookup?) to another tab or file to match the priority and group and see what value should be brought back for each lines results. For example, if group1 had a prority3 issue, the lookup would find the value from the other sheet or file and bring back the value and put it at the end of the row where the formula is.
Attached are examples of the sheets.
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