Dim fexport1 As String ' variables for the exported file
Dim fexport2 As String
Dim wb1 As String 'variables to change between the opened workbooks
Dim wb2 As String
strTemp = "Please Choose The Exported File"
MsgBox strTemp
fexport1 = Application.GetOpenFilename("Excel Files (*.xls), *.xls)")
If InStr(fexport1, "False") = 0 Then
Workbooks.Open fexport1
wb1 = ActiveWorkbook.Name
strTemp = "Operation Canceled"
End If
The problem is that Crystal Reports generates the file with an invalid worksheet name (it contains a backslash) and I do not have access to modify the Crystal Report. Althought the file can be automatically repaired by Excel when manually opened, the macro chokes and the "Application.DisplayAlerts = False" does not fix it. The only solution I can think of is renaming the worksheet without opening the file.
I have an excel template that needs to be copied multiple times and each sheet needs be named according to a list in an excel spread sheet. I also have a formula in the template that needs the value copied instead of the formula.
I got this script from an site and tried it. It runs but I don't see any spread sheets.
I have a need to open a file from my companies intranet. My current method was to open said file via the method that the recorder gave me. However, I would like ot be able to open a said file without having to start open another workbook.
This is the path: [url]
So the command is this: Workbooks.Open [url]
Links are not actual links
So what I need to know. Is how can I open this file without opening a workbook. I haven't been able to use the VB "Open Statement" to open a file and I don't believe that I've been successfull using the Filesystem object either.
How can I set the SAVE AS file name to equal A1's cell contents? (More specifically, when I need to rename an existing open file and place my cursor in A1 and hit Save As, I need to new file name to automatically populate A1's cell contents so I don't have to retype the contents of A1.)
I have a file that I save with a new version number each time I make major changes. The file name currently is: "Telephony Equipment Inventory v26 (Summary).xlsm". The "26" is the variable number. give me the vba code to ensure I open the file with the highest version number?
I've written most of the code that I need... the problem is that I don't know how to properly select, move and rename the pdf from excel.
I have a popup to select the file, and I know what I want it to be called, what I need is the code to move and rename a non-excel file from inside a macro.
Here is what I have so far:
Sub AttachPDF()
Dim LastName As String Dim Street As String Dim callDate As String Dim FilePath As String Dim HouseNumber As String Dim FullFileName As String Dim FileName As String Dim Scan As String
Range("D32").Select 'Ask user what file they want to attach. Scan = Application. GetOpenFilename(FileFilter:="Follow Up Scan, *.pdf", Title:="Please Choose A PDF To Attach")
I am using this code for 2nd coping my file and rename it automatically......
[Code] .....
I want when i want another copy always my path should be "C: estabc.xlsm" and For new file in same path "C: estdef.xlsm" an input box ask for the name("def.xlsm") "what new name u want for this new file".
I have some code which will look for a specific file in a given location. Is it possible to use VBA to rename that file without opening/re-saving and killing the specific file?
I am using the following code to rename a file that is being pumped out by another program.
Sub CopyAndDelete() Name "C:Program FilesPATH1234567890_3.tvr" As "C:Program FilesPATHNEWNAME.tvr" ' End Sub
The problem I have is the the file being pumped has a varible name. The nly constant is the _#.tvr. The first 10 digits are random numbers.
I have persued the "rhymn and reason" for the file name with the vendor and have been told it can not be changed and is random. The "_#.tvr" piece comes from the number of reports I have generated for the day. So I have 5 prefined reports that run each day and can recreate the _0.tvr through _4.tvr but the first 10 are random each time.
I would like for the rename to "ignore" the first 10 digits then looking at the file name.
I think my code is close but I keep getting an error "Run-time error '1004': Application-defined or object-defined error"
I am trying to rename the active workbook by appending yesterday's date onto the filename, using the Save As.
I might be going about this all wrong anyway. My user needs the macro to save, rename, and close the renamed copy of the workbook but to leave the original workbook open. I'm trying to do it in steps so I might be doing this the hard way. However, my code to Save As is below:
Sub SaveAsRename()
Dim CurrentPath As String Dim CurrentFileName As String Dim NewFileName As String Dim Today As Date
I renamed a sheet and for some odd reason excel added .xls] before the name of the sheet. So the name was now .xls]Sheet 1. I tried to rename the sheet again to get rig of the .xls], but the program didn't allow it and said that I "entered an invalid name". Now when I'm trying to make links to cells on this sheet, excel says that my "formula contains ans ivalid external reference to a worksheet". The worksheet is now unusable and copying the sheet and updating all the links on other worksheets is a lot of work.
I have renamed worksheets according to a cell value in the same worksheet, but now I need to rename the worksheet according to a cell value in another worksheet.
Here is the code I tried:
Private Sub Worksheet_SheetChange(ByVal Sh As Object, ByVal Target As Range) If Sheets("Set-Up Page").Range("B2").Value "" Then 'rename the worksheet to the contents of cell B2 Sh.Name = Sheets("Set-up Page").Range("B2").Value End If
End Sub
I have pasted that code into the worksheet that needs to be renamed, but it doesn't work. I have also tried:
Code: Private Sub Workbook_SheetChange(ByVal Sh As Object, ByVal Target As Range) If Target.Address = Sheets("Set-up Page").Range("B2") Then Sh.Name = Target End Sub
I like the first one because it checks for a blank value. There will be blank values depending on how many worksheets each teacher needs, so it will just rename the ones that have values filled in. Each worksheet will have the code referencing to a different cell on the Set-Up Page worksheet.
I am trying to move and rename an excel template file using a macro. My code works fine when it is moving the file locally on my C: drive. However, when I try to do it on a mapped network drive I get a Path/File access error. Here is the relevant code:
[Code] ......
I tried it both ways that are commented out - both give me the error. I have permissions to read/write in all relevant folders. What am I missing here?
I've added an word object to my excel sheet as an icon. The only problem is that it shows the word icon then under it says 'Microsoft Word Document'. This might be an obvious and silly question. But how do I Rename the 'Microsoft Word Document' to a title of my choice?
I have what should be a simple question. I have a button in a form that needs to duplicate a sheet and rename it. It will duplicate but i am having problems with the renaming. The name of the sheet is coming from a userform text box. Here is the code i am trying.
Can I get a macro to insert a new worksheet each time it runs and rename it to a value held in a cell on another tab eg Sheet1, cell A1 - this value will change each time the macro runs so there wont be any duplicated tab names ?
I currently download a report and it has a different worksheet name everytime. Is there any way using a macro to change the worksheet name? (My macro extracts data from worksheet a and copies into worksheet b) Hope I've provided enough info.
When I press "commandbutton1", I need "userform1" to view and insert a name in the text box. When I press OK in "userform1" I need a macro to copy worksheet "s0" into a new worksheet and rename this worksheet with the name typeed in "userform1". Also I need to view the name of all worksheet copied using "userform1" in column H in worksheet final.