I have a column of data (column A) with cells that have IDs (alpha-numeric) that contain anywhere between 0 to 5 dashes. Since this column will change weekly, I want to dynamically pull only those cells that contain 3 dashes.
I would only want to have returned 10648145-3026718-t526363536m since it contains 3 dashes. Do you know of a nifty formula for doing this? I think an array would get me the dynamic piece (so they are not spaced out).
I'm trying to find a way to have excel 2003 format the data I put in a cell to auto insert dashes every five characters. I'm entering product keys for the software we have on hand, and it would be a little quicker if I could simply have excel auto format the data entered in to include dashes every five characters.
Example: - I would enter: D5ATT3D28F6F44536489413E2 (This is a fake, non-working product key, I just typed in random numbers a letters.)
-Excel would format it like: D5ATT-3D28F-6F445-36489-413E2
Have a column containing data which may have 1-3 dashes locates within each cell value. Such as: 125-457A 158-857-1116 124184A-1 125-8745-22D9 458-2145-002-7
Would like to remove all the dashes "unless" the last dash to the right is followed by a just a single digit. The results would be as follows:
Hi, I desperately need help with a pivot-table and can't find anyone else who's ever had this problem...I have a very large healthcare data table which for simplicity I will describe as follows. In essence the first two columns respectively are (A) location and (B) month. Let's say the third column (C) is the number of cases of the disease kidpox treated in each health centre during that month. The fourth column (D) is the total number of cases of everything treated during that month in each clinic. The fifth column (E) is the proportion of cases of this disease over all consultations for each health centre and month, and the formula in E2 is .....
I have a column of city names, some are one word and others are two or more. I am trying to take the city name and add it to another word, add dashes in between them and make everything lower case. For example:
Column 1, Cell 1 is: San Diego
I'd like it to look like: books-san-diego (books being the keyword I'd like to insert before the city.)
I have this script that does what i need it to do but one thing, I need the script to count the numbers as digits only and not the dashes in the format.
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range) If Target.Count 1 Then Exit Sub If Intersect(Target, Range("I21:I24")) Is Nothing Then Exit Sub Application.ScreenUpdating = False Application.EnableEvents = False If (Len(Target) > 11) Or (Len(Target) < 10) Then MsgBox "Not a valid number of characters, please try again" Target.Value = vbNullString...................
I believe I have 99% of what I need. The code below has one bug. (See just the underlined text for a very quick overview. The rest is detail.)
My goal is to generate a TOC that: 1) has the VBA run from my Personal Workbook. 2) can be run in any worksheet of any open workbook. 3) can be run in a worksheet of any name. 4) will insert itself at the currently active cell. 5) has entries hyperlinking to the referenced worksheets - of any name.
Right now, I'm stuck with the last point. The macro below will generate the TOC at the currently active cell. The TOC will be hyperlinks to the referenced worksheets.
However, if the referenced worksheet contains a space, dash, or other special character then the generated hyperlink is broken. For example, if the referenced worksheet is "sheet1" then the hyperlink generated works just fine. However, if the referenced worksheet is "sheet-1" then the generated hyperlink doesn't work.
Sub IndexList() Dim objSheet As Object Dim intRow As Integer Dim strCol As Integer
Set objSheet = Excel.Sheets intRow = ActiveCell.Row 'Start writing in active row strCol = ActiveCell.Column 'Start writing in active column
For Each objSheet In ActiveWorkbook.Sheets Cells(intRow, strCol).Select ActiveSheet.Hyperlinks.Add Anchor:=Selection, Address:="", SubAddress:= _ objSheet.Name & "!A1", TextToDisplay:=objSheet.Name intRow = intRow + 1 Next End Sub
I am needing a custom format for the following. I need a cell entry to be 1 letter, three numbers, a dash, 5 numbers, a dash, two numbers, a dash, and then two number. Example: A109-54785-13-00. The first letter will almost always be an "A."
To further complicate the matter, the entry is copied from an email and pasted without the dashes. In the above example, the number in the email would read, "A109547851300." I copy it from the email and paste it in the proper cell in the worksheet. I would like the custom format to automatically enter the dashes at the appropriate spot.
If it was all numbers, this would be easy. I created a custom format for the numbers, but when the A is included, Excel no longer treats it as a number and the custom format did not work.
Is this possible in Excel (without VBA).
I could use the custom number format I created and then later go back and add the "A" at the beginning, but that is as much work as manually adding the dashes.
I'm trying to work out a formula which I think needs an IF added to it to make it work? Currently it doesn't return a value as one of the cells has a zero in it and I'm not sure where I'm going wrong as if I add an IF in then I can only get it to work if the first cell has a zero in it, but if the second does as well then it simply returns a null value!
I have column a,b,c. b and c both contain numbers. if cell c1 equal b1 then i want "new" to be displayed in a1. If it does not equal then i want "old". but if c1 is blank then i want a1 to remain blank.
Is there a formula I can use in B2 whereby if the value in A2 is identical to the value in any other cell in column A, then return the value "duplicate" in B2?
I am setting up a spreadsheet for a Stock Broker. I need to have a cell produce a value dependent on the value of another cell. Specifically, I need the calculation cell to change depending on whether another cell has the letter A, S, Q, or M. I am calculating the value of investment income based on the Payment terms (A;annual, S;semiannual, Q;quarterly, M;monthly) So if for example Cell A7=A, then Cell C7 =”specified formula for Annual income”
The data attached shows the length of individual fixations (A4:A8) and whether the fixation was ON (=1) or OFF (=0) a specific target (C4:C8). I want to know how much time was spent ON target for each 250ms time bin (i.e. between 0-250ms, then 250-500ms etc).
My problem is that each fixation is a different length and may cross over the time bin boundaries. IF(AND(THEN ) works for the first few time bins but I get stuck once the first fixation is accounted for. I have filled the rest in manually so you can get an idea of what I want it to do.
Thing is, I have an excel sheet for a private competition in sports games. How can I do a function, that automatically calcutes points for every "bet" against the game result?
For example:
If game finishes 4-3 I'd like to compare it for every players guessed score and give points according to this:
1. If the bet is completely correct (4-3) -> Return 10 (points). In case of tie (like 3-3, -> Return 20 (points) 2. If the bet has a correct winner, with correct goals for eather team (4-x / x-3) -> Return 4 (points) 3. If the bet has a correct winner (home/visitor) -> Return 3 (points) 4. If the bet has incorrect winner but amount of goals for eather team correct -> Return 1 (point) 5. If the bet is completely wrong -> Return 0 (points)
At least for me, this sounds more like rocket science but just wanted to check if this is anyway doable.
Is there a non-array way to return only the non-blank cells from a range? At the moment I use below formula, but it slows down the file considerably ...
The table is made of 4 columns, with several times the same values. Each column has a specific range of value. No possible combination can exist twice. Meaning I won't have two rows that are identical. It looks like :
I have a spreadsheet where cells L4 W4 have headers (no spaces in this range), e.g. Cust1, Cust2, Cust3 etc... etc... Column C contains product names ....
Each product will have a value under each heading (but not all), e.g. Product A = Cust1:10 Cust2(blank) Cust3:4 Cust4(blank) etc... etc...
What I need is a formula that looks along the row for each product and returns the header name if there is a value. Therefore, in the example above the formula result would be Cust1Cust3 ....