For the below formula is it possible to replace the B's (column location) with a cell Say Z146 which contains the letter B (or a number if thats easier and someone can tell me the numbers for each column).
When the formula is dragged into the next cell (down) it takes its column reference from Z147 and then my life becomes so much easier.
I need to find the last used column in the excel sheet. I used the below mentioned code to find the last used column but it gives the ouptut in integer.. for eg) output is 13 if the column is M, but I need to get M as output.. how do i do that
Sub FindLastColumn() Dim LastColumn As Integer If WorksheetFunction. CountA( Cells) > 0 Then 'Search for any entry, by searching backwards by Columns. LastColumn = Cells.Find(What:="*", After:=[A1], _ SearchOrder:=xlByColumns, _ SearchDirection:=xlPrevious).Column MsgBox LastColumn End If End Sub
Is there a way to have a formula search an entire row containing certian text, for example "x" and have the formula return the letter of the first column that text is found?
I need to build a formular in a cell that uses various columns in it's row such as: =A2+A4+A17+A24. In the past I've used simple number references to the columns (a is 1, b is 2,.....) I can't do tht though if I'm using a macro to automate the creation of a formula, right?
Is there a property I'm missing that will return the letter reference to the column instead of just the number as Activecell.column does?
My alternative is to write my own code to do this, but you know the bit about not reinventing the wheel....
I am using the Column() Function for referencing purposes... what I want this function to do is return the "letter form" of the column position rather than the "number Form"... is there anyway to change this without switching to R1C1 form?
how I can return the largest letter from an array of letters? e.g. if the array is "A,B,C,D,H,K,L,O,P", the value returned would be P. Kind of like a MAX function, but for letters instead of numbers.
I'm trying to write a macro where I match specific letters from one cell, with a column in another sheet so I can copy/paste adjacent cells. As an example I have a list of part numbers in column A of my Document1:
ex. C12932-1 C13226-2
I want to be able to find the corresponding part number in column A in Document2: ex. C-12932 C-13226
However the proplem is clearly that the part numbers are written differently. So I need to just search for "12932" or "13226"
ColA contains Purchase Order (PO) numbers and I want to return the department number or project number (which is contained within the PO) in ColB eg.
A B PO # Department/Project # AP001234P1234 Want to return everything before the 'P' PR004444P4444 Same as above TR2008-1234 No need to change 6501P1234 Want to return everything before the 'P'
I was using IF function but there are too many variables then I thought about the 'P' but not sure how to go about it?
I have this macro below and would like the code changed to find the "Customer Number" column by name rather than by column B. Note that the "Customer Number" column will always be somewhere in row 1.
I know that this could be a stupid question, but was wondering if it could be possible. I would like to select a column by a keyboard shortcut. If I would press a key combination adding the letter of a column as example F, it would select the whole column. I was trying to search for this in google, but no luck.
in a macro i have this: col=cell.column 'suppose col=16384. then i need to place in a cell this formula =(XFD2708*100/XFD2597)-100 so i'm looking for "something" that can convert 16384 in XFD.
I have a variable, ColumnX. I want to use VBA to generate some formula referencing ColumnX. For example: I want to sum the values in A1 to A10. ColumnX has been set to "1" which is the number of column A.
Range("A11")= "=sum("A1:" & ColumnX & "10)"
Obviously the above code doesn't work because I'm putting a number where VBA expects a letter. How can I rewrite my code so that A11 will entered with formula that sums A1 to A10?
I need code to change a letter such as A into a column number i.e 1. Everything i can find is to do with changing column numbers into letters, surely you can do it the other weay round aswell? So when the macro is given the letter AA it returns the column number as 27 etc, but i need it as a defined variable such as "i = column number" so i can use this information further on in my code.
Is it possible to subtract a number from a column letter? I'm trying to create a sheet that does some helpful calculations. In order for me to finish it without a macro i need to be able to subtract a number in a cell from a column letter. Example F-5=A, The end i'm trying to achieve is to get a sum range to move left and right in this data set based on that number.
Basically, I need to be able to determine whether a particular letter is stored with another letter in the 'CG column' of the attached spreadheet.
The criteria is this:
1. Letter J can be present as long as there is no other letter in that column. 2. Letter B and D cannot be together in the column, but B can be with any other letter and likewise for D.
Basically, I could have a load of Js in the CG column and that would be fine. If another letter was with those Js, I need a warning box. I could have a B,H,S,T etc.....and that would be fine, but as soon as a D is entered, I need a warning. Similarly, if I had D,H,I,U,T etc......that would be fine too, but as soon as a B is entered, I need a warning again.
is there a way to make the following code return the letter of the column instead of the number? currently if the 'String' value that is in 'ColumnFind' is in column B this code returns a value of 2. i Need the 'B' for later code to work.
When I type a single lower case letter into a cell, what formula or conditional formatting should I use to always convert it to a capital letter automatically?
I am inserting a formula into a cell using VBA, but the problem is that I don't know the letter value of column "K" (used in the middle of the line); instead, I know it as column number 11. Is there a simple way to convert the column number 11 to the column letter "K"?
1) Let's say I have 3 columns (horisontal) and many rows (vertical. Each row goes together, as the first column can be text that describes a transaction. The second column will be the amount of money and the third can be something else. I know how to sort these by whichever column I want to. But the problem is every cell needs to be the same size. And I have merged 3 cells in the first column and only merged 2 cells in the last two colums. So Excel tells me I cannot merge unless each cell is the same size.
Is there a solution here? I need the 3 cells in the first column, so I have enough room to describe the transaction. And to avoid wasting space, I need to only have the other two columns be the size of two merged cells each.
Example, though with the text in another column: Picture of it
2) The other problem is that I would like a cell to display the number in red if below zero, green if above zero. I cannot do this. I know where to put in the format codes, but I don't know what to write. At the same time, I need the cell to show the currency in Danish Kroner. So I need a format code that does this. Someone told me this: [Blue]dk #.##0;[Red]dk #.##0;[Green]*dk #.##0
But that doesn't work, nor if the color is in danish. What do I do?
Some bits of code I have learned use column numbers and some bits use column letters.
Can someone share a line or two that I could add to my macro that will convert the F representing column F into a 6, and vice versa, so that I can continue using my pre-existing bits?
When using the formula '=COLUMN()' in cell A1, it returns the number of the column - in this case, '1' (for column A). Is it possible to affect this formula so that it returns the column letter (in this case, 'A')?