Column() Function: Return The "letter Form" Of The Column Position Rather Than The "number Form"
Oct 12, 2008
I am using the Column() Function for referencing purposes... what I want this function to do is return the "letter form" of the column position rather than the "number Form"... is there anyway to change this without switching to R1C1 form?
I have 2 different forms that I need info from one, added to the other.
The reason for this is to update pricing from a new file, into an older file with the same product code for each product.
on form 1(the one I want to keep), column x is price(that I want to update from form 2 column L), and column B is the product code(sku)
Now on form 2 Column L is the The customer price(this is the data I need moved over to column X on form 1. and column I is the UPC 10(sku) that needs to match the same sku(product code) on form 1.
Gee this sounds confusing aFTER i TYPED IT.. i HOPE THIS MAKES SENSE. i WILL ALSO ADD THE 2 FILES, SO YOU CAN SEE WEHAT I am talking about.
Please help as I have about 30,000 items total, and would take way too long to update prices manually every 2 - 3 months.
For the below formula is it possible to replace the B's (column location) with a cell Say Z146 which contains the letter B (or a number if thats easier and someone can tell me the numbers for each column).
When the formula is dragged into the next cell (down) it takes its column reference from Z147 and then my life becomes so much easier.
I'm not an experienced VBA programmer, so hopefully (and probably) for you it's easy to tell me how to do it: So far, I copy a row(1) to another position (7) with this macro:
That works well so far. Now what I want to do is, to use a form and enter a number and have the row 1 inserted in this row number (because it should not always be in row 7). For example that i can insert 38 in the form and it will copy the row number 1 to row number 38. I tried this:
in a macro i have this: col=cell.column 'suppose col=16384. then i need to place in a cell this formula =(XFD2708*100/XFD2597)-100 so i'm looking for "something" that can convert 16384 in XFD.
I have a variable, ColumnX. I want to use VBA to generate some formula referencing ColumnX. For example: I want to sum the values in A1 to A10. ColumnX has been set to "1" which is the number of column A.
Range("A11")= "=sum("A1:" & ColumnX & "10)"
Obviously the above code doesn't work because I'm putting a number where VBA expects a letter. How can I rewrite my code so that A11 will entered with formula that sums A1 to A10?
I need code to change a letter such as A into a column number i.e 1. Everything i can find is to do with changing column numbers into letters, surely you can do it the other weay round aswell? So when the macro is given the letter AA it returns the column number as 27 etc, but i need it as a defined variable such as "i = column number" so i can use this information further on in my code.
I need to find the last used column in the excel sheet. I used the below mentioned code to find the last used column but it gives the ouptut in integer.. for eg) output is 13 if the column is M, but I need to get M as output.. how do i do that
Sub FindLastColumn() Dim LastColumn As Integer If WorksheetFunction. CountA( Cells) > 0 Then 'Search for any entry, by searching backwards by Columns. LastColumn = Cells.Find(What:="*", After:=[A1], _ SearchOrder:=xlByColumns, _ SearchDirection:=xlPrevious).Column MsgBox LastColumn End If End Sub
i need to create a random 3 letter prefix form eg. British Head Office, how would you pick letters out and compare the 3 letter prefix back to a column with existing prefix. and if u can help me even more how can i automate this method beacuase i for eg. get like 50 company names at a time and dont have time to do and check them 1 by 1 lol.
I have a form pop up when user runs a macro and it populates the form beginning with ActiveCell. How do I always populate the form beginning from column A (row based on ActiveCell)? It would be really helpful if I could just set cl to take the ActiveCell and back it up to column A.
I figure the before/after image would be best to describe what I need. I have various sections of data saved in this one spreadsheet which a program reads from for comparisons.
Right now they are in a list form like this:
Now the end result I want to look like this. Basically take the items in the column, and add the items selected next to it, one in each column not including itself of course.
These are basically the comparables, example this list would be "car manufacturers", and below that in cell A7 I might have another list started that has to do with "motorcycle manufacturers" etc
The end result would give a row of all possible combinations. The app we use pulls from the rows so it needs to have all of the items that are comparable in there and I can't seem to find a way in which to do this.
Hopefully this is understandable when you see what I manually did (unfortunately I need to do this for about 4000 entries, a few hundred groups of different characteristics).
I am having a major issue with one of the functions of excel I never knew existed: the data form. Somebody created the spreadsheet I am using before me so I am editing what someone else has already done. They have a spreadsheet set up that holds multiple records about company information (a database you could call it). A data form has also been set up which works nicely to edit records. The issue I am having is that I was asked to insert one column to the database, which I did. Now I cannot figure out how to add this last column to the data form. I tried reselecting all cells, trying to recreate the dataform, but nothing works!
I've run into an issue working on a small project.
The project:
A workbook in which sheet 1 is a form for people to input into 2 adjacent columns time spent on different tasks at the end of each work week. Sheet 2 is identical to sheet 1, but has the intended purpose of storing the data input into the form in sheet 1.
There is a button at the bottom of the form in sheet 1 with an assigned macro that effectively transfers all the data to sheet 2 and then clears sheet 1 for another entry.
The issue:
I cannot get the data to transfer to the next available set of 2 adjacent columns in sheet 2. It keeps repopulating the first 2 columns.
modifying the macro to transfer data to the next available set of 2 columns on sheet 2
Is there a way to have a formula search an entire row containing certian text, for example "x" and have the formula return the letter of the first column that text is found?
I need to build a formular in a cell that uses various columns in it's row such as: =A2+A4+A17+A24. In the past I've used simple number references to the columns (a is 1, b is 2,.....) I can't do tht though if I'm using a macro to automate the creation of a formula, right?
Is there a property I'm missing that will return the letter reference to the column instead of just the number as Activecell.column does?
My alternative is to write my own code to do this, but you know the bit about not reinventing the wheel....
is there a way to make the following code return the letter of the column instead of the number? currently if the 'String' value that is in 'ColumnFind' is in column B this code returns a value of 2. i Need the 'B' for later code to work.
The way I have this sheet setup is to calculate a 20% fee off the interest earned column "D". Say you earned 6.5% on a beginning balance so the interest earned is in col "D". This works fine for a 20% fee but I need the fee to calculate a 10% fee if the interest in column "C" hit 4% or below and it also needs to be able to calculate a 20% fee if the interested earned is above 4%.
I'm trying to make an order form that is based off of a price list. Basically there will be 200 items or so someone can just enter the quantity they want into a column. I would then like another sheet on the workbook to auto-populate all of the fields available. The thing I'm having trouble with is I don't want the finished form to be as long as the price list with blank rows in-between. I've been reading up to make a macro work for this, but have had no success.
I am inserting a formula into a cell using VBA, but the problem is that I don't know the letter value of column "K" (used in the middle of the line); instead, I know it as column number 11. Is there a simple way to convert the column number 11 to the column letter "K"?
Some bits of code I have learned use column numbers and some bits use column letters.
Can someone share a line or two that I could add to my macro that will convert the F representing column F into a 6, and vice versa, so that I can continue using my pre-existing bits?