SUMPRODUCT To SUM Variable Range In Closed Workbook
Feb 12, 2010
I have a closed workbook with data in 12 columns. I have an other workbook where I choose a column and the formula needs to return the sum of the data from column 1 to the chosen column, in a given row. I can't use INDIRECT or SUMIF because of the closed workbook, so I'll probably need a formula using sumproduct, but I can't find a solution on the net.
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May 27, 2008
I am using this formula in Product Balance Update.xls,Tsuchiura worksheet that update data from A-Tsuchiura.xls, INVOICE worksheet.
When both workbooks are is opened, all linking are fine.
But upon A-Tsuchiura.xls is closed, my linking in Product Balance Update.xls,Tsuchiura worksheet will shows #N/A.
I had tried many ways for sumproduct
1) =SUMPRODUCT(--('\SomfactoryDistributionShipment[A-Tsuchiura.xls]INVOICE'!$B$14:$B$97=A3),--('\SomfactoryDistributionShipment[A-Tsuchiura.xls]INVOICE'!$G$14:$G$97))
2) =SUMPRODUCT(('\SomfactoryDistributionShipment[A-Tsuchiura.xls]INVOICE'!$B$14:$B$97=A3)*('\SomfactoryDistributionShipment[A-Tsuchiura.xls]INVOICE'!$G$14:$G$97))
I had read through this forum that sumproduct should work in closed workbook but I still cant get it why this error ocurr..
Please refer to attached to have a clearer picture of error
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Apr 26, 2008
Is there code that will take certain data from one Excel sheet to another named file in a different place on the network? Example Copy cell aa47 from "Recent Faxes.xls" that sits in "correspondence" folder. Then paste into cell B25 "Current Documentation.xls" in the "Sales Contacts" folder
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Sep 29, 2007
I am performing a sumproduct calculation in an array form. The first three columns in the data table have criteria, " Name", "Letter" and "Multiplier". The following 5 columns have days of the week, "MON", "TUE" etc. What I am trying to achieve is to use a sumproduct array to muliply the "Multiplier" criteria against a particular "Day" criteria when "Name", "Letter", and "Day" criteria match a series of reference cells. What this requires me to do is to define the "Day" range of values differently when I change the "Day" criteria. How do I create a variable range?. example file attached.
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Jan 26, 2010
I'm using the following sub (thx Benvolio 2001) to do a vlookup (of A1 in Sheet2) and drop the resulting value ("found") in b1 of sheet2. Here's my question: I'm having trouble modifying the rng to use a closed workbook in another folder i:other folderotherfile.xls. The "Inventory" tab is in otherfile.xls
How can i do this? use the vlookup in a closed workbook somewhere else?
Sub Example_of_Vlookup()
Dim lookFor As Range
Dim rng As Range
Dim found As Variant
Set lookFor = Sheets("Sheet2").Range("A1")
Set rng = Sheets("Inventory").range("A4:D500")
On Error Resume Next
found = Application.Vlookup(lookFor.Value, rng, 4, 0)
Range("b1").value = found
End Sub
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Aug 3, 2008
I put the following codes in the module of Workbook BS. The codes successfully opened the workbook of 2008. Unfortunately, nothing was pasted to Workbook BS of sheet2. let me know any things missing from my codes.
Sub COPY()
Dim wb1 As Workbook
Dim wb2 As Workbook
Dim rng As Range
Set wb1 = Workbooks.Open("C:Documents and SettingsuserMy Documents20082008.xls")
Set wb2 = Workbooks.Open("C:Documents and SettingsuserMy Documents2008BS.xls")
wb1.Worksheets("S").rng("B:B").COPY wb2.Worksheets("Sheet2").Range("A:A").End(xlToLeft).Offset(, 1)
End Sub
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Sep 15, 2014
I have an issue with SUMPRODUCT. My data is the budget for different items as follows
Column C has criterias such as Payroll, Expense or Fringes.
Column D has criterias such as "32", "43"
Column E to P are the numeric value (budget) by month (Period 01 to Period 12)
I am trying to create a formula that, for a given month, will sum the budget according to specific criteria.
For example, I want the value of the budget for "Payroll" + "32" for Period 1.
I managed to do that with the following formula:
E18 = 1
E16 = Fringes
E17 = 32
I used INDEX/MATCH so that the range into which the sumproduct will look for data to sum is variable and depends on what I want (I can easily change E18 to any period for which I would like to see my budget).
Now, I would like to take this to the next level and ask for a range of a column. For example, I would like to know the value of budget for "Payroll" + "32" for Period 01 + Period 02 + Period 03. How can I do that? I tried adapting the INDEX/MATCH but got no results.
Test on SUMPRODUCT.xlsx
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Sep 9, 2009
Due to some cutbacks the company I work for has taken away the database system we used to use to record debts owed to us, so I'm building one in excel (no access or sql otherwise I'd use those). We have all the debt in seperate workbooks by financial period and I'm creating a new workbook that will upon entering of a specific financial period will pull information from the pertaining workbook and report on the information.
I have a Formula
=INDIRECT.EXT(CONCATENATE("'C:Documents and Settingshughel13My Documents[",Reports!$C$11,".xls]Sheet1'!R2:R138"))
Among others which pull other ranges
Which as I understand should work just fine on a closed workbook, however it only works when the target workbook is open.
When the workbook is closed the formula only pulls the first value in the range.
On a related note the above formula and it's counterparts are autofilled down the page from 2 to 1000 as some of the workbooks have 1000 records to pull, however the ones that dont have that many, cause errors when the data is pulled, is there a way to make it so that if the cell it's pulling from is empty it doesn't pull from it or pulls a value of 0?
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Jul 28, 2007
Copy and paste the values only from one workbook and a set of named ranges (Name1, Name2, Name3) but only the rows within the range were TRUE is found in column A - To a CLOSED workbook named Data / Sheet1 - located at C:NetworkTemplate starting with cell B10.
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Jul 28, 2007
I would like to be able to have a user execute a macro by clicking a command button that would copy some named ranges (Name1,Name2,Name3) BUT ONLY the rows/cells that have "True" in column A. The destination for the pasted data is a closed Workbook named Data – Sheet1 located on a network drive (\NetworkTemplate)
One named range are cells D10:D50, a second named range are cells F10:F50, and a third is G10:G50. – But ONLY rows 11, 13,14 have True in column A, so I only want to copy the 9 cells not the entire row from those select ranges and open a closed workbook and paste the values only starting with cell B10.
I can not find anything that looks for a value in one column and only copies select cells to another workbook.
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Apr 6, 2013
I have created a spreadsheet some time ago and have been asked to improve on it but I'm rusty with VBA.
I have an automated ordering system that saves each sent order as the date e.g "05-04-2013.xls" but the management team want a graph with the data for the last 4 weeks compared. I have created a seperate workbook called "consumables report.xls" which has a column with the products listed followed by columns "Quantity" and "cost" which is repeated for the 4 weeks of the month.
I want to add a button to prompt the user to choose the saved order e.g "05-04-2013.xls" (all orders saved in same directory) to copy and paste the quantity and cost columns (c8,D69) into "consumables report.xls". I got this to work earlier but it would only paste the formulas and not the values. So I need
A prompt to open workbook
Copy range (c8,d69)
Close work sheet
Paste special .value (c8,D69)
I dont care if it has to open the workbook to copy the data as this will only be used once a month so it dosnt matter how slow the code is.
week 1 week 2 week 3 week 4
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Aug 22, 2014
I want to make a range variable ("testrange") that I can use to define a range of non-continuous cells and then use that range variable to select that range of cells in different worksheets within the same workbook.
I tried the below code (simply coloring cells red), but get an error when I try to select "testrange" after moving to the next worksheet.
[Code] .....
The next worksheet is also supposed to have the same range of cells colored red, but I can only get it to work on the first active sheet.
I would like to avoid having to repeatedly rebuild the range I want selected each time I move to a different worksheet.
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Feb 27, 2014
I've been using the following code to bring in individual cell values from one closed workbook to an active one. I would like to modify this is possible to bring in multiple cells at once and also pull them into a different worksheet in the active workbook. Basically, my command button is on Sheet1 but I'd like the data to pull into a cell on Sheet2.
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
With Range("Q9")
.Formula = "='C:Users[Workbook Name.xlsm]Worksheet Name'! N27"
.Value = .Value
End With
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Aug 21, 2014
I have an open workbook (A) and this is where the code should reside. I want to use VBA to copy the content of an entire worksheet from a closed workbook (B) to an existing worksheet in workbook A. How would you accomplish this?
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Feb 6, 2013
I have some vba that opens a closed workbook, copies data from a named range and then pastes it to the active workbook.
However, what is happening is that the closed workbook is opened and only part of the data is pasted. What I would prefer to happen is this:
Open the closed workbook-->copy the named range-->paste(append) to next empty cell in column B.
Heres the code that I have got.
Sub Workbook_test()Dim wb As Workbook
Application.ScreenUpdating = False ' turn off the screen updating
Set wb = Workbooks.Open("G:WAREHOUSEPlanningSmartNew Training Plan raining plan.xls", True, True)
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May 27, 2014
Please see attached files.
I am trying to copy the emf image object from "Book1" into the "test" workbook whilst the test workbook is open and Book1 is closed. The code I have put together currently sort of works, I mean that it copies the text data over but does not copy the object which is what I require.
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Dec 16, 2008
im looking for some code to transfer cells a3,d6,f9,i6,k10 and i18 from open workbook named "hello"
closed workbook named "goodbye" and input to next available row
a3 to a1
d6 to a2
f9 to a3
i6 to a4
k10 to a5
i18 to a6
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Jan 31, 2007
I've got a problem with this code, have been wracking my brains about. Here is the process I am trying to do:
1) Copy a range (a2:av1000) but (ideally) find the last populated row from a closed workbook (with a different password)
2) Create a new workbook and paste this data into it at A2
3) Close all the workbooks but only save the new one.
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Apr 25, 2007
I'm trying to write a macro that accomplishes the following:
" Book 1" is already open. The user runs a macro that lists all .xls files in directory "d:measurements" The user selects the desired file from the list or box the macro copies from this "book 2" " sheet 3", " range A6:I107 and pastes (values only) into "book 1", "sheet 5", "range A6" End of macro.
I want to accomplish this without opening the selected file (book 2)
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Nov 24, 2007
I want to open an excel file whose name is a value in a spreadsheet, and then pull a value from the spreadsheet I queried into my existing workbook. Here is the syntax i have so far:
to note: I'm calling the workbook in which the macro is located testproject.xls, and I'm using [integer].xls as my list of files that the macro will query. Ultimately, this code will go in a loop.
Set currentCell = Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("A1")
varCellvalue = currentCell.value
Workbooks.Open "path_of_file" & varCellvalue & ".xls"
ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "=[3.xls]Sheet1!R1C1"
The problem is, I want [3.xls] to carry the sale value as varCellvalue with .xls appended, and not be kept static at 3. I tried inserting & varCellvalue & ".xls" into the brackets, but with no luck. My only difficulty is getting [3.xls] to vary along with varCellvalue.
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Apr 2, 2014
Basically, i have a common workbook template that is used by multiple users across the business to request a cost for numerous new products.
Within the template, there is a common section at the top, where specific project information is entered. There is also a table beneath where 1 or many products can be entered, with specific information relating to that product in the same row.
All the submitted requests are uploaded via an email attachment, to a particular sharepoint directory.
What i would like to do in the master workbook is the following:-
1. Open in turn every uploaded workbook within the sharepoint directory and copy the following cells into the master workbook, each in it's own row (or next available), with the data in adjacent cells.... 1st cell to enter data is $B6.
Cells to copy from each sheet:
Common info contained within cells:
Product specific info: $U37, $AD37, $AH37, $DH37, $C37, $O37
Depending on the number of products requested, we need to repeat (loop?) until it finds the next blank row in the table. I have hidden a blank row in the table, so there will always be one!
All of the common information needs to be included for each product specific entry.
For each file, once the upload has been completed, i would like the file to be moved to another "archive" directory.
I have attached the template for information. The master workbook is still in development so can't share currently.
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Dec 14, 2009
I need syntax using SUMPRODUCT. I have these two lines of code
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Nov 25, 2008
I have the following formula
Cells F1, D1 and H1 contain dropdown lists matching values in the referenced columns, PLUS they all contain the option All, which effectively means that the condition should return true.
I need something like if($F$1='All',1,(INDIRECT($B3&"u3:u1000")=$F$1))), but this doesn't work
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Feb 5, 2009
I cant see the wood for the trees! I have this formulae which works just how I want
ACO2 = Evaluate("= SumProduct((K2:K3=""Closed"") * (EG2:EG3=""06-15 Days""))")
However when I change this to a dynamic range I keep getting a syntax error. Can anyone see where I have gone wrong? I know its probably only a " or an ) out of place but its driving me mad!!!
ACO2 = Evaluate("=SumProduct(((Range("K2:K" & Lrow)=""Closed"") * ((Range("EG2:EG" & Lrow)=""60 Days+""))")
AC02 is an integer, as is Lrow (its a simple loop which works out how many rows there are).
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Jan 1, 2009
I was wondering if there's any way to sum inside a closed workbook by usin' VBA? I think I figured out how to do it just with formulas, but I was hoping to be able to make like a macro or something to do it, 'cause its kind of time consuming having to go back and forth to all these workbooks.
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Feb 22, 2008
Is there a formula or vba code that would allow me to get the max value from a column in a closed file/workbook?
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Apr 6, 2014
i want to open closed workbook
here is path of my workbook D:ExcelPurchasesPurchases Transactions With StockItemsVouchers - Purchase Transactions With StockItems.xlsm
i want to set this path as default
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Feb 20, 2009
I am trying to use this code to pull data from a closed workbook. The code will be in workbook Book1 and I will be pulling information from closed workbook Book3. I need to pull data from cells A1:A4 from Book3 and place it into Book1 on Sheet2 in cells A1:A4. I receive an "Subscript out of range error" on this line of code
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Apr 2, 2009
I display a message box in Workbook before Close event.
If user click yes I shouldnt close the workbook if NO i should close the workbook.
In the Yes part, How can I stop excel from closing the workbook.
If i dont write any ocde it automatically closes in the event.
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Mar 31, 2007
I have the following formula to extract a specific cell from a closed workbook. It works fine. I want to be able to make the file name refer to a another cell so I can create a spinner to change it. For example:
='C:Documents and SettingsTom Desktoplabor[01_032407.xls]Stats'!A4
Cell A1 would be 01_032407, and I would replace [01_032407] with [A1]
but it does not work.
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