Sumproduct Not Working In Closed Workbook & Shows #N/A

May 27, 2008

I am using this formula in Product Balance Update.xls,Tsuchiura worksheet that update data from A-Tsuchiura.xls, INVOICE worksheet.

When both workbooks are is opened, all linking are fine.

But upon A-Tsuchiura.xls is closed, my linking in Product Balance Update.xls,Tsuchiura worksheet will shows #N/A.

I had tried many ways for sumproduct
1) =SUMPRODUCT(--('\SomfactoryDistributionShipment[A-Tsuchiura.xls]INVOICE'!$B$14:$B$97=A3),--('\SomfactoryDistributionShipment[A-Tsuchiura.xls]INVOICE'!$G$14:$G$97))

2) =SUMPRODUCT(('\SomfactoryDistributionShipment[A-Tsuchiura.xls]INVOICE'!$B$14:$B$97=A3)*('\SomfactoryDistributionShipment[A-Tsuchiura.xls]INVOICE'!$G$14:$G$97))

I had read through this forum that sumproduct should work in closed workbook but I still cant get it why this error ocurr..

Please refer to attached to have a clearer picture of error

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SUMPRODUCT To SUM Variable Range In Closed Workbook

Feb 12, 2010

I have a closed workbook with data in 12 columns. I have an other workbook where I choose a column and the formula needs to return the sum of the data from column 1 to the chosen column, in a given row. I can't use INDIRECT or SUMIF because of the closed workbook, so I'll probably need a formula using sumproduct, but I can't find a solution on the net.

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Formula Shows An Error Once Source Is Closed

Nov 30, 2007

I am linking two worksheets together. Formulas work fine except when I close the source sheet, it turnes into #REF error. I saw in one of the posts that you can not use INDIRECT formula on closed workbooks (INDIRECT is a part of the formula in my sheet) and downloaded the changingExternal. zip file as directed. Although, after staring at it for a while, I realized that I had no idea as to what was going on in there.

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Moving Entire Row To Another Sheet When Column Shows Closed Value

Feb 22, 2014

As I am at work, it does not allow me to upload the file due to restrictions on uploading. However, the spreadsheet is fairly simple so should be able to describe it.

The main sheet is called "Investigation Court Apps". An entry is made into each row and the status shows as "Open" in Column A, until a final closure date is input in Column Z, at which point the entry in Column A changes to "Closed". This is achieved with the following IF statement in Column A.


So that part is all automated. What I need is some VBA coding or macro (might be same thing but completely new to all this) that when the value in Column A changes to "Closed" the whole row moves over to "Sheet3". Once the row has been moved over, I want to ensure there are no blank rows also.

I have tried the following amongst others:

Sub MoveToSheet3()
Dim C1 As Range
Dim RowNum As Integer
For Each C1 In Sheets("Investigations Court Apps").Range("N1:N" & Range("A65536").End(xlUp).Row)
If Cll = 0 Then


I know to open VBA its Alt+F11 and to close Alt+Q, but thats about it.

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Copy Range From Closed File & Paste To Closed Workbook

Apr 26, 2008

Is there code that will take certain data from one Excel sheet to another named file in a different place on the network? Example Copy cell aa47 from "Recent Faxes.xls" that sits in "correspondence" folder. Then paste into cell B25 "Current Documentation.xls" in the "Sales Contacts" folder

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Sumproduct- Database That Shows Repeated Templates Down The Page

Feb 26, 2007

I have a database that shows repeated templates down the page...ex.

"Site" (here) Remnant

"Site"(here) Remnant

All after another using the same template.

I am trying to sum all the occurances that fit the criteria Jan and Remnant:

I have this:


But I get a N/A , my reference A3 matches the dates in the database and C2 matches the repeated occurances of Remnant...

Is this possible since my templates keep repeating down my database?

Basically, each template in the database is related to different stations, and I am trying to sum all the stations details in the database for each month and Header"Remant"

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Working With Closed Workbooks

Dec 2, 2006

i can use application.username to get activeuser name and have excel check this and close the workbook if its not me, what i want to do is have excel check lets say cell A1 in workbook SECURITY.xls stored in C: and if it says Craig Shippey leave workbook open if not close the workbook, why i said working with closed workbooks is i dont want to have any indication on where its checking from,

1. i have a workbook in which i want an Workbook_open macro lets call this workbook staff.xls
2. the staff.xls should read cell A1 from C:security.xls into a variable called Check
3 if check craig shippey close workbook without any prompt

all this should be done without anyone knowing that a macro opens another workbook, i know if the user disables macros then it will still open, but i will just set their Macro Security level to low so they wont be prompted, i will also remove that item from their menu bar, if they cant see it they wont be able to alter it back

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Pull Data From One Closed Workbook Into Active Workbook With Command Button

Feb 27, 2014

I've been using the following code to bring in individual cell values from one closed workbook to an active one. I would like to modify this is possible to bring in multiple cells at once and also pull them into a different worksheet in the active workbook. Basically, my command button is on Sheet1 but I'd like the data to pull into a cell on Sheet2.

Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
With Range("Q9")
.Formula = "='C:Users[Workbook Name.xlsm]Worksheet Name'! N27"
.Value = .Value
End With

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Copy Worksheet From Closed Workbook To Current Opened Workbook

Aug 21, 2014

I have an open workbook (A) and this is where the code should reside. I want to use VBA to copy the content of an entire worksheet from a closed workbook (B) to an existing worksheet in workbook A. How would you accomplish this?

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Copy Data From Closed Workbook And Append In Active Workbook?

Feb 6, 2013

I have some vba that opens a closed workbook, copies data from a named range and then pastes it to the active workbook.

However, what is happening is that the closed workbook is opened and only part of the data is pasted. What I would prefer to happen is this:

Open the closed workbook-->copy the named range-->paste(append) to next empty cell in column B.

Heres the code that I have got.

Sub Workbook_test()Dim wb As Workbook
Application.ScreenUpdating = False ' turn off the screen updating
Set wb = Workbooks.Open("G:WAREHOUSEPlanningSmartNew Training Plan raining plan.xls", True, True)


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Sumproduct Is Not Working

Mar 4, 2009

=((SUMPRODUCT((('Data Sheet'!$A$2:$A$997<2110000)+('Data Sheet'!$A$2:$A$997>2119999)),--(ISNUMBER(MATCH('Data Sheet'!$B$2:$B$997,{300100,302100},0))),('Data Sheet'!E$2:E$997*IF('Data Sheet'!E1<=$F$4:$G$4,1,0))

The last part of the formula is the problem, the first two arrays are conditions and the last array is a sum if f4 a period of the year is equal or less to the data sheet tab it is summing.The formula below works fine, but when the last condition is added it doesn't work.

=((SUMPRODUCT((('Data Sheet'!$A$2:$A$997<2110000)+('Data Sheet'!$A$2:$A$997>2119999)),--(ISNUMBER(MATCH('Data Sheet'!$B$2:$B$997,{300100,302100},0))),'Data Sheet'!E$2:E$997)

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SUMPRODUCT Not Working For Me

Dec 8, 2006

what I want is quite simple actually. Worksheet 2 contains two columns where I want to search for certain text, when it finds the text in both columns (B & D) I want it to sum up the values in the same row on column F.

If I understood correctly there should be 2 ways to do this, using the SUMPRODUCT formula: ....

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Copying EMF Object From Closed Workbook Into Open Workbook

May 27, 2014

Please see attached files.

I am trying to copy the emf image object from "Book1" into the "test" workbook whilst the test workbook is open and Book1 is closed. The code I have put together currently sort of works, I mean that it copies the text data over but does not copy the object which is what I require.

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Transfer Data From Open Workbook To Closed Workbook

Dec 16, 2008

im looking for some code to transfer cells a3,d6,f9,i6,k10 and i18 from open workbook named "hello"


closed workbook named "goodbye" and input to next available row
a3 to a1
d6 to a2
f9 to a3
i6 to a4
k10 to a5
i18 to a6

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Workbook Still Shows In VBE After Close

Feb 15, 2008

I have an Excel workbook that runs some code in the back. When I close the workbook file it seems to close OK. However if I then open the VBA editor window I still see the file in the project explorer. If I re-open and then close I have 2 instances in the project explorer... and so on. I have tried setting all objects to nothing etc. but the problem still manifests itself.

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Sumproduct Not Working On Blanks?

Oct 27, 2012

I am using the following formula :

=SUMPRODUCT(--('Fleet Dumps'!P6:P400+'Fleet Dumps'!K6:K400E1+E2))

This works fine as long as there is data in the ranges 6:400 when there is not in come cells it returns #VALUE, in the ranges ther is a lookup such as :


So not sure if that is causing it.

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SUMPRODUCT Not Working When Cells Blank?

Dec 30, 2013


This formula doesnt work but =SUM((DATA!$F$2:$F$25=A3)* DATA!$N$2:$N$25="N")*DATA!$J$2:$J$25) works. Thats because all the other cells higher than 25 have a reference to another cell. How to solve it? Maybe with SUMPRODUCT / ISBLANK? See attached file.

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Formula Not Working For Sumproduct When Only Looking Up 2 Values

Jan 19, 2014

I am trying to sum up column V, when for a specific date in column z, and only sum when the two names EEM, Merri1* are involved. I used the * because there are a couple of variations for MErri1 after the 1. The formula is not working. I believe it's the way I'm combining this

[Code] .....

Full formula is below:

[Code] .....

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SUMPRODUCT Not Working Due To Text In Column

Apr 24, 2009

I'm trying to work out how to fix the formula below to take into account and ignore and text entries, while giving me the result of the sum of column K minus the sum of column J. If I delete the text entries, the code works but I need the text entries to stay where they are. I've attached a sample sheet with fake info to explain whan I'm trying to do.

Cell N28 on the 'MGMT INFO' tab contains the following formula:


Columns J and K on the 'Sheet01' tab contain the Pay and Invoice information for all the work planners for that client that I'm trying to find the difference between. Each work planner has 'Pay' and 'Invoice' also in that column though, one entry per planner which is causing the SUMPRODUCT formula to screw up.

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Sumproduct Cell Reference Not Working

Jun 18, 2009

I have the following line of code in the code for a textbox in a userform:

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Copy From Closed Workbook Then Create New Workbook

Jan 31, 2007

I've got a problem with this code, have been wracking my brains about. Here is the process I am trying to do:

1) Copy a range (a2:av1000) but (ideally) find the last populated row from a closed workbook (with a different password)
2) Create a new workbook and paste this data into it at A2
3) Close all the workbooks but only save the new one.

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Copy From Closed Workbook To Open Workbook

Apr 25, 2007

I'm trying to write a macro that accomplishes the following:

" Book 1" is already open. The user runs a macro that lists all .xls files in directory "d:measurements" The user selects the desired file from the list or box the macro copies from this "book 2" " sheet 3", " range A6:I107 and pastes (values only) into "book 1", "sheet 5", "range A6" End of macro.

I want to accomplish this without opening the selected file (book 2)

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Pull Value From Closed Workbook Where Workbook Name Is In A Cell

Nov 24, 2007

I want to open an excel file whose name is a value in a spreadsheet, and then pull a value from the spreadsheet I queried into my existing workbook. Here is the syntax i have so far:

to note: I'm calling the workbook in which the macro is located testproject.xls, and I'm using [integer].xls as my list of files that the macro will query. Ultimately, this code will go in a loop.

Set currentCell = Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("A1")
varCellvalue = currentCell.value
Workbooks.Open "path_of_file" & varCellvalue & ".xls"
ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "=[3.xls]Sheet1!R1C1"

The problem is, I want [3.xls] to carry the sale value as varCellvalue with .xls appended, and not be kept static at 3. I tried inserting & varCellvalue & ".xls" into the brackets, but with no luck. My only difficulty is getting [3.xls] to vary along with varCellvalue.

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Workbook Is Opened Up That Only The Splash Screen Shows

Sep 11, 2009

I have created a splash screen. Is it possible when the excel workbook is opened up that only the splash screen shows? Right now, the workbook opens and there is one sheet that is visible for a certain period of time and then the splash screen comes on. I would like the reverse to happen. First the splash screen and then the one sheet.

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Sumproduct Formula With Date Reference Not Working

Mar 7, 2012

I have this formula below that counts all matching cells that fall between two dates (a Monday to the next Monday) where S2 and T2 are the dates (one week apart).

I have 52 colums ie one for each week.


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Shared Excel Workbook Shows Different Information For Users

Mar 3, 2014

We have a Shared workbook on our Server and about 5 users work at the same time every day. I want to understand something, If I open it I can see all the information in it, all the rows and so on, but if the same workbook is opened by another user he will see other information, the rows aren't the same as in my case. Why does this happen ? I would like the second users to see the same information as I do.

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SUMPRODUCT / INDIRECT Functions Not Working With ROW Reference When Combined

Apr 4, 2014

Basically I have an equation:


It's just a simple percentage calculator for my purposes and works fine as is. However, I want to make it dynamic whereby from a user input the length of the array will increase or decrease, e.g. G9-G11 will become G9-G12 if there are four rows occupied with data. For all my other SUMming equations I have solved this and even came up with what I think is a perfectly valid solution for this one. The one problem is that it doesn't work when combined into a single equation.

My solution for the upper part of the fraction is this:


Where the user inputs the number of rows used in A8.

The solution for the lower part of the fraction is this:


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INDIRECT Not Working For Dynamic Named Range In SUMPRODUCT

Feb 11, 2012

The formula is =SUMPRODUCT((Group="A")*(Project_Description="Long Term")*(Profile="B")*(INDIRECT(B9)="x"))

B9 through M9 have header text Jan_2012, Feb_2012...Dec_2012. Basically my aim is to get the above formula working before I drag it across so that the named ranges get picked up automatically from the headers.

Jan_2012 thru Dec_2012 are dynamic named ranges using INDEX (and not OFFSET as someone mentioned OFFSET is a volatile function).

The above SUMPRODUCT formula is giving me a #REF! error for the (INDIRECT(B9)="x") part. I know that because when I replace it with (Jan_2012="x") it works fine.

I realized while writing this that it may be because the named range in Jan_2012 is not the same size as that of other arrays. [but it is the same size - I've re-confirmed just now]

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Excel 2003 :: Inserted Row Shows Up As Hidden Row In Shared Workbook?

Nov 20, 2012

The other day I inserted a row in a shared workbook and then saved it. On my screen, the inserted row was visible and was the correct row height of 12.75. My goal was to insert the row so another user sitting next to me could enter information in the new row.

After I saved the workbook, and after the user sitting next to me saved her workbook, the row I inserted should have appeared exactly the same on her screen, but it did not. Instead, the inserted row showed up as a hidden row on her screen. It was there, but the row height was collapsed to the point of invisibility.

I repeated my attempt to insert a row which the other user could edit several times, but each time I got the same result. I could not make the row show up on her screen with a row height of 12.75.

Shared workbook in Microsoft Excel 2003?

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Sum In A Closed Workbook With VBA

Jan 1, 2009

I was wondering if there's any way to sum inside a closed workbook by usin' VBA? I think I figured out how to do it just with formulas, but I was hoping to be able to make like a macro or something to do it, 'cause its kind of time consuming having to go back and forth to all these workbooks.

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