Search And Find Whole Number Apply Conditional Macro?

Jun 6, 2014

I would like to create a VBA macro which would do the following:

There will be three columns A, B, and C. Each cell in each column will have a number with two places after the decimal. Each integer corresponds to a letter code. In the fourth column (D), I would like the letter codes from the corresponding three numbers in the same row to be combined in one cell as follows (if possible):

It is important that the macro only pay attention to the whole number, and ignore the numbers after the decimal. However, the numbers after the decimal must remain in the chart.



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Macro To Apply Conditional Formatting

Feb 29, 2008

I'm trying to find a macro to apply conditional formatting to a large number of cells,

What I would like to do is when cell E96 has a value of a, cells E3:F95 are shaded in grey. Then when cell G96 has a value of a, cells G3:H96 are shaded in grey, and so on down to IU96 having a value of a and cells IU3:IV96 shaded in grey.

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Creating A Find Method To Search A Number Between 1000 - 10,000

Dec 5, 2009

I've been trying to put together a VBA code that allows me to find a number between 1000 - 10,000. I am able to find any number below 999 but can seem to find anything above 1000. I've been using the following ....

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Search Box That Will Find Number And Open Specific Sheet

Aug 6, 2013

I am working on an existing large excil file with over 60 sheets. What I want to do is create a search box on the first page, our "main menu." The search is for an product ID Number and then will open up the sheet in which that ID # is associated with.

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Search Variable Number Of Sheets To Find Partial Match On Name

Jun 19, 2014

I have a monthly report. Worksheets for each month, each row is a type of fruit (column A), and the number sold (column B). A new worksheet is added each month with the information. I also have a Summary worksheet - running total of all months: Type of Fruit (column A), Number sold (column B), and Total of all fruits - number sold. I would like a formula for the Summary worksheet - to match that fruit (column A) to any of the other worksheets - matching the fruit (column A), and bring back the number sold (column B). (note some apples are Fuji and some are Honey crisp - those would be totaled together)

Tab = Jan 14
Fuji apples3


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Find Column Number From Search Pass To Integer Cell Reference

Jul 21, 2007

I am building a Workbook which takes data from SheetA and inserts it into SheetB.
Part of the data is only entered when a positive value exists.

I then do an export from SheetB.

The problem is that I need to get the column number and pass it to the cell reference based on the field name in row 1.

Dim sFindstring As String
Dim rFindcell As range
Dim iR As Integer
Dim iC As Integer

sFindString = " Find this string in the cell"
'Using cells find the findstring
Set rFindCell = Cells.Find(What:=sFindString, After:=[A1], LookIn:=xlValues, LookAt:=xlPart, SearchOrder:=xlByRows, SearchDirection:=xlPrevious)

'OK so look here
iR = 3
'I am trying to pick up the column number
iC = rFindCell.Column

rFindCell throws an object or with block variable not set error. Is there some property that I need to set.

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Looping & Conditional Format: Finds A "J" It Will Apply Conditional Formatting To A Row Of 4 Cells Directly Adjacent?

Feb 9, 2009

I need to run a loop through a column of values (attachment col B) and when it finds a "J" it will apply conditional formatting to a row of 4 cells directly adjacent. The attachment is a theoretical before & after.

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Adjacent Cells - Search For Specific Values And Find The Total Number Of Instances

Jan 30, 2014

Any method to determine the number of instances a value ("4" for example) appears next to a specific value ("x" for example). I don't have a workbook; I'm just looking for any formula that can search for specific values and find the total number of instances that an adjoining cell contains data.

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Conditional Copy Routine: Macro To Search A Column For A Specific Text String

Oct 5, 2009

I am trying to write a macro to search a column for a specific text string which when found, will copy the whole row the string is in. Once this row has been copied, I then want the macro to activate a new sheet and search for the next available empty row to paste the data. Once this has been done, go back to the original sheet and find the next cell in the original column with the specified text string and repeat until the range has been satisfied. Below is the script I have that sort of works.

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Apply Conditional Formatting Using VBA And UDF?

Sep 14, 2012

I am trying to create a macro (which will go in an add-in, using Excel 2007) which will apply a custom format to any selected cells which have their formulae hidden (Format Cells, Protection, Hidden). A similar macro works fine for locked cells.

Here is the UDF I wrote, which returns True/False based on the Hidden status of a cell:

Public Function Hidden(Check_Cell As Range)
Hidden = Check_Cell.FormulaHidden = True
End Function


just place all three pieces of code into a module, and change the first line of the two macros to a standard "Sub Macro1()" type format.

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Apply Conditional Formatting Once Across 168 Sheets

Jul 3, 2014

I have a workbook that contains 168 sheets of data (it's an extract from a PM tool) which is effectively a status report from each project in our portfolio. Contained within each status report are some financial data that shows a Plan number and a Forecast number for which I want to apply conditional formatting to this section (this is the same section for each sheet), to all the 168 sheets without having to go individually into each sheet. I have searched here and all the varying responses to a similar situation as mine, do not cater for the number of sheets that I have. And I need to do this on a monthly basis at monthend. So in the example below I want to apply conditional formatting if the Forecast (Cols D & G) are greater than Plan (Cols B & E). Is there a way of doing this just with the conditional formatting or would it need a VBA script?

Col A Col B Col C Col D Col E Col F Col G
Financial Summary - Selected Project Currency: USD

Current year total cost
Overall project cost

[Code] .....

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Only Apply Conditional Format If Cell Val > 0

May 10, 2013

I have a column in a sheet referencing data from a column in another sheet in my workbook. I want to apply conditional formatting on these numeric values, from red for lowest vals to green for highest. However the fact that my column is referencing cells that will not yet have data means that they are being pulled over as 0. I am not displaying zero values in cells but the zero vals are still being included in the conditional format. Is there any way to discount these zero vals?

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Conditional Formatting Apply To 2 Columns?

Dec 31, 2013

I wish to have one conditional format apply to K and L. Presently it's L only where it works.


Why when I change the range from =$L:$L to =$K:$L does it not apply to both?

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Apply Conditional Formatting If The Cell Value Is Between 300-500?

Feb 4, 2014

is possible to construct a conditional formatting scenario and at the same time apply that formatting if the cell entry is within 10% either way of the logical test?

For example if you apply conditional formatting if the cell value is between 300-500 is it possible to add in a 10% swing on each value?

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VBA Conditional Formatting - Apply To Two Columns

Jun 27, 2014

I have a conditional formatting issue, using VBA.

My conditional formatting code works fine for one column; however, when I try to apply the conditional formatting to two columns, the code only applies to the first column listed. Additionally, I have two sets of "rules" that apply to the same column. One of the "rules" includes two columns. The other rule applies to only one column. I'm not sure if this is my issue, or whether I'm trying to apply the same code to two different columns.

My code is below.

Code that applies to column "M" only...

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How To Apply Conditional Format To A Range With VBA

Feb 27, 2012

I recorded a macro in which I applied a conditional format to a range (the selection).But, when i replay this macro, the conditional format is only applied to the first cell in the range. This can be seen in the "Manage Rules" dialog of Conditional formatting, where the "applies to" column shows only one cell, even though a range of cells was selected by the code.

I set a breakpoint at the first line of code here, and confirmed that the selection is correct, and indeed it is, as in the immediate window, ?Selection.Address correctly gives "$O$6:$O$21".

[BRK, Selection.Address="$O$6:$O$21"]
Selection.FormatConditions.Add Type:=xlExpression, Formula1:= _
With Selection.FormatConditions(1).Interior
.Pattern = xlGray16


why the conditional format ends up only applied to cell O6 after the code runs?

"How can i apply a conditional format to a range of multiple cells, based on an expression, using VBA?"

Note that my range is within a PivotTable (but still, this works fine in the UI when i record the macro and the conditional format is correctly applied to the entire selected range).

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Apply Conditional Format On Several Rows?

Aug 12, 2012

I have a conditonal format of cells across Row 2 based on the contents of cell D2. The formula for the conditional format is


The formatting applies to these cells:


I would like to fill in the same conditional format down to 51 other rows but the formatting for each row should be based on the contents of its own cell i.e. $D$3, $D$4, $D$5 etc. How can I do this with code?

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Macro To Find And Fill Data With Multiple Search Option?

Jan 18, 2014

I am using the following code to find a NAME in my work sheet and to enter their status. But this macro is not compatible if a duplicate or Similar name exist.What I need is I need this macro to activate the search NAME Cell and then a VB box with OK & NEXT button has to appear. if the activated NAME is exactly the one I am searching, then I will click the OK button then it should display the "Enter Employee Status" box and as continue in my code, But If I press NEXT, the macro should search the next similar NAME and activate it, This process should continue until I click the OK button. (Same like CTRL+F function with an additional Status entry button)

Sub Button1848_Click()
Application.ScreenUpdating =False
Dim BeginCol AsLong


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Excel 2013 :: Can't Find Macro In Inherited File - How To Search In VBA

Apr 8, 2014

So there's a macro "RoundedRectangle4_click" that's assigned to a box on a worksheet. It's a simple macro, I assume. it just takes the user to the 'Main Sheet' tab. I know the name b/c I rightclicked on the box to get the Macro Assigned.

I click on Macros (F8), it's not listed there, but"RoundedRectangle5_click" is, so I click on it, edit it to match the one I'm searching. Nope, nothing. CREATE button is highlighted.

I've gone to VBA (AltF11) to try to find it among the 25+ worksheets, forms & modules - haven't found it yet.

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Macro Search For Number With Variable Steps

Apr 8, 2009

I have an excel spreadsheet that I am trying to format. Each time the spreadsheet is of the same format but with differing amount of numbers. I.e. sometimes it will be a set of 3, the next time might be 6.

I want to write a macro that will find a set piece of text, move it offset(-1,2) and then find the next one.

For example....

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Apply Conditional Format Only When Cells Are Active?

Mar 31, 2013

I was wondering if is possible to apply a conditional format rule to a range of cells only when certain other cells outside of the range are the active cells. eg row C4-J4 has a conditional format to identify duplicates from range C5-C10, but I also want the same conditional rule to apply separately and uniquely if the active cell falls within the next active range D5-D10. So basically only apply conditional formatting separately and uniquely as the active cell moves its way across the columns?

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VBA To Apply Conditional Formating To A Range Of Cells

Aug 22, 2006

I have used VBA to apply conditional formating to a range of cells. i.e if cell B14 <>"" then row 14 is pale blue untill cell V14 is populated with the time then it removes the formating. One criteria is that if Q14(21/08/06 20:00)>NOW(AA2) and < NOW+1(AA3) then Row turns green(i.e. is due in the next 24 hrs).

Problem is that this formula is applied after a field is updated. When 21/08/06 20:00 comes and goes the row remains green unless I update one of the fields along that row. What would I have to do to make the formating change back automatically when the critera is no longer being met. Here is my codethere are 2 other if statements similar to this with in this code but this is the only part that shouldn't require any user input for the formatting to occour)

Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
Const WS_RANGE As String = "B13:AP162"
On Error Goto ws_exit:
Application.EnableEvents = False
If Not Intersect(Target, Me.Range(WS_RANGE)) Is Nothing Then
With Target
If Me.Cells(.Row, "AP").Value = "YES" And _
Me.Cells(.Row, "Y").Value <> "" Then
Me.Cells(.Row, "B").Resize(, 30).Interior.ColorIndex = 43 'mad green
End If
End With..................

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Apply Conditional Formatting To Bars In Bar Charts

Aug 29, 2006

I have created an excel file that contains a lot of worksheets which contain a lot of raw data and charts. There are 5 different tabs for 5 different companies. Each tab currently contains only 1 year of raw data for that company. Then I have another excel worksheet that has nothing but charts on it. Each chart is a bar chart that shows each of the 5 companies. It also shows the current rate for the month for each company and the 12 month average for each company. On the chart there are also 3 lines. There is a standard line that we try to meet each month. There is also a line for the upper control limit and a line for the lower control limit. Here is my problem:

The 2 bar charts (current rate for the month & the 12 month average) are created and updated by the raw data in each of the 5 data sheets.

Based upon the values in each of the cells that create and update the bars on the charts themselves:
I want the bars to be RED if the values are below the lower control limit.

And I want the bars to be GOLD if the values are above the upper control limit.

And I want the bars to be green if the values are in between the upper and lower control limits.

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Apply Conditional Formatting To Cells That Meet Certain Criteria?

May 19, 2014

Column b in sample is conditionally formatted based on it's values. I want to also apply that same formatting to the person's name in the chart in D2:I9. For example, Jeff is in bottom 50% so cell B2 is shaded red with red text. I would like to apply that same red shade and red text to all the cells in my chart that say Jeff. Also, as example, all of the cells in my chart that say Kelsey would be formatted with green shade/green text and so on...

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Apply Conditional Formatting If The Cell Contains Validation List?

Jul 13, 2013

I have a table. I want to apply conditional formatting to the entire table so that wherever a cell contains a dropdown list (validation list) the cell is formatted with a different colour.

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Easily Apply Conditional Format Formula To All Rows

Aug 25, 2009

i have the following formula applied to a conditional format, on row 12:

cell value > less than =($K12:Y$111)*(1-0.05)

i want to use this on all rows, however i have 300+ rows.

Is there a way to apply this to all rows between column K and Y, i don't like the thought of creating 300+ conditional formats!

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Apply Conditional Formatting To A Cell When It Is Left BLANK

Nov 30, 2008

I'm trying to apply conditional formatting (shading) to cells that are left blank.

(Purpose: I am designing a research template for a client to complete with data and want the spreadsheet to show them where they've "missed a bit"!)

(When I go to the conditional formatting box, it asks me to specify when "cell value is"..."between/not between/equal to/not equal to" etc. But there's no option to specify when the cell is blank.)

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Apply Conditional Formats To Cell Based On Entries In Another?

Jan 27, 2012

apply conditional formats to a cell, based on the entries in another, different cell?

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Apply Conditional Formatting To Range Of Cells That Contains Formulas?

Aug 11, 2012

Is there a way to apply conditional formatting to a range of cells that contains formulas?

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Apply Conditional Formatting To Highlight ONLY New Content On Column

Mar 24, 2014

I have a spreadsheet and I want to color particular cells in a column with a new color - i.e. any new changes need to be highlighted. I know there's a way to do tracking changes in excel, but it just sticks a little flag almost invisibly in the corner of the cell. I want to be able to bring the spreadsheet back to our administrator and say hey the stuff in red is new.

On a related note - I am working on this massive spreadsheet that is a .csv but I am saving it as an exel spreadsheet - is that ok? I am assuming that if I save it as a csv, it will return to the original formatting just without the colors, filters, etc changes I made - which is fine because I think somehow the .csv file will be uploaded to the system and no further changes need to be made.

I found out the hard way when you have a .csv file and make changes and then save it, you lose all the fun row/column size adjustments, color, etc - but I figure in the meantime I'll work on it as a excel spreadsheet and then return it to it's natural .csv file status.

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