Search And Return Values From Column In Order?

Feb 5, 2013

Ok, imagine this data (say column A). I want to have a cell that automatically searches for the least value (will always be the first number from top) and returns it in another cell. And then repeat the same for the second number from the top.

Beg Search STA




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Search Column And Return Values

Jul 20, 2009

ok I have multiple columns where Col-A can have any number between 1 and 5. Col-B has a 3 digit number in it. i want to search all of column A and determine if there is a 1 in it, if so i want it to print the value of col b into a specified area.

here is an example of my form.

1 | 324 |
2 | 325 |
1 | 327 |

this is basics, i will be using this to search col-a, determine what number is in the column, then print the number found in col b, on another page in a specific place, on the other page i have squares labeled 1-50. in a grid pattern, 10 squares per row. im trying to get all the entries in col-a, that are a 1, to put whatever value is in col-b in the first box of the grid, whatever is found in col-a with a 2, the value found n col-b of that row, into the grid box labeled 2 etc......

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Search And Match Several Values Which Are In Different Order

Oct 14, 2009

Lets say these are the values in sheet 1, ROW 1:
B1: David
C1: 44673
F1: Mika
G1 77463

And these are the Lets say these are the values in sheet 2 ROW 155:
B1: 77463
C1: 44673
I1: David
J1 44673

As you can see, there are the same 9 values in both rows in both sheets ( (no value is important as well).
However, they are not located in the same row number (1 and 155) and the order in which they are written is different.

What I would like to do is to search all the rows in sheet 2,(columns B-J only) and if there is a match for all values in a specific row to a row in sheet 1 (again, order is not important), than the Value in column A from the specific row in sheet 1 will be copied to Column A in sheet 2 for that maching row.

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Lookup All Values In Ascending Order And Return All Corresponding Values.

Oct 23, 2008

I have a problem with the formula that lookup all values in ascending order and returning all the corresponding values. eg: I was intended to lookup for the value in ascending order under the Total Occurrence and returning all the corresponding value under the Nos Group but encountered the same Nos Group was returned when there is same value appeared under the Total Occurrence.

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VLookup Random Numbers - Sort Range In Descending Order And Return Relevant Value From Column

Aug 27, 2012

I have a column (B) of randomly generated numbers 1-14, and am using this formula range to sort in descending order and return the relevant value from column (c).

=VLOOKUP(LARGE(B3:B20,1),B3:C20,2,) to =VLOOKUP(LARGE(B3:B20,14),B3:C20,2,)

Works great, except when a number is duplicated, (E.G. 14,13,13,12,11,10,10,9,8 etc). It then returns the first value from(C) repeated, and not the value from the second and subsequent duplicated reference numbers.

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Reverse The Order Of Values In A Column Or Row?

Mar 28, 2009

Can I reverse the order of values in a column or row? [ie] first cell goes to last cell, last cell goes to first cell, middle cell stays where it is, etc. [and if so, how?].

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Search For Value In Multiple Column And Row Array And Return Value In First Column?

Dec 16, 2013

I have an array 20 Rows x 42 Columns, which contains a competition draw.

I need to search this array for a unique value and return whatever the time is in the first column on the same row as the value appears, and enter it into column C in the Womens Times sheet.

I also want to return into column D the court number from row 3.

The reason i want this automated is as teams enter / withdraw we may need to drag the games from court to court to fill gaps, so i want the Womens Times sheet to update accordingly.

I have been messing around with index and match, but cannot quite get it to return what i need.

I have attached an example ... on the sheet "Womens Times" in column A there is a list of game numbers ( #1W etc etc) indicating womens game #1 and so on. The main sheet i am using also has a seperate tab for the mens games, hence the designator of W or M on the end of the game number.

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Search A Column Of Dates & Return Data From Another Column

Jun 8, 2009

I am trying to get a formula that will search one column range “B” and pull data from another, “D”. Dates are down column “B” and some of those dates are repeated several times. In column “D” there is only one piece of data (a number) entered for each day. Eg, if 08/06/2009 has been entered 3 times in column “A”, there will only be data entered in 1 of the cells of column “D” and blank cells in the other 2.

Column B -- Column D
07/06/09 -- 54000
08/06/09 -- 62000
09/06/09 -- 61000

I couldn’t get the LOOKUP function to work properly, as there are duplicate dates in column “B” and I often got a result of 0 returned.

As I’ve only got 1 piece of data added in column “D” per day and any duplicate days would just have blank cells in “D”, I can actually get a SUMIF function to work, SUMIF(B3:B60,DATE(2009,6,8),D3:D60). Although it does work, it doesn’t feel right using it and I would prefer a formula that would return just the one cell, instead of the sum of a range of cells.

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Return Multiple Values Using Three Search Criteria?

Jun 9, 2014

I'd like to extract the data from Sheet 2 (Data) that falls within the selected date range but the formula I've entered in F$9 (see below) is giving me an error



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Macro To Search Text &amp; Return Values

Jan 9, 2009

I have a spreadsheet containing several names. I want a formula or macro that will search a string of text within the cell. If the text exists within the cell, I need a code to populate. For example,

In cell E2, search for a phrase anywhere in the cell that contains "COM". In cell H2 look for the exact phrase "ASB". When "COM" is found in E2 and "ASB" is found in H2, in cell U2 return the value "COM ASBTVL".

In my case, E2 may not contain "COM", it may contain "DEN" instead. In that case, if E2 contains "COM", and if "H2" contains "SVC", then in U2 populate "COM APPSVC"

I'm guessing in my code I will need to list a set of criteria that will search row by row and return certain values when finding the text I specify.

Would a macro be best for this? Does anyone know how I would put that together?

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Search And Return Values In A Range Group

Feb 15, 2008

I have a workbook that has rows of data starting at A5:G5 seperated in groups of 25 rows.
Example: A5 is numbered 1 and A6 is 2 A7 is 3 and so on to 25 then skip a row and start numbering again to 25.

What this is for is employees are placed in groups of 25 to be eligible for an award for safety.

What I want to do is Range G5:G650 is to be a place where an "X" is placed beside an employee who has had an accident then Range H5:H650 would return "Employee had an accident" I already have this part working.

Then I want to code a subroutine that would search for the "X's" and return the entire row data for each name in that group of 25 on a seperate worksheet.
This would then be printed so we would know which group's to exclude.

I know how to make it return the row of data containing the "X" but how can I make it grab the entire group?

There will be multiple groups of 25 each and each time an "X" is found within a group create a new worksheet for that group.

650 employees / 25 = 26 groups

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Paste Column Values In Reverse Order

Apr 9, 2009

How do I transpose the values in a column of cells (so the value in the topmost cell in the old column becomes the value in the bottommost cell in a new column)?

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How To Use VBA To Search Strings And Return Values Or Cells Nearby

May 20, 2009

Im needing to search through the attached document which is truck logs at a mine and use vba to search through the list for each of the different shovels eg SHVL1, SHVL2 & SHVL3, and when the code finds that string, to display the tonnage 2 colums back from it. Im about half way there a i think but am having trouble with strings, if it was numbers i could do it no problem

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Search One Column For The Location Of That Value And Return The Row Value

May 8, 2008

I have a value stored in variable A. I need to search one column for the location of that value and return the row value. there is no chance for a duplicate entry. Is a loop my only option, or is there a find command in VB?

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Search A Column & Return Many Results

Jul 8, 2008

I have a workbook with two worksheets.

On Sheet1 I have two columns 'Date' & 'Serial Number'

I want to search the 'Date' column for entries that contain todays date & then display the corresponding 'Serial Numbers' in the first column of Sheet2.

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Search For Text And Return Value In Another Column

Apr 7, 2009

Imagine the columns below are labelled A - D. Is there a way to search for the value 'SPLT' and return the value in column D?

Great Scot Dried Peas 3610.6366
GT SCT SPLT PEAS 1900.3157
Haven 370.10

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Search For Text Return Value In Next Column

Oct 17, 2006

I'm trying to create a spreadsheet using several others in several different formats. What i need to do is search for a text string eg "EVP" in one column and return the numerical value of the cell in the column next to it - then sum all the values and create a table in the new sheet eg.

EVP sheet1!(value)+sheet2!(value)...etc...

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Search From Every Row Of Column In A Column And Return Row Number

Sep 3, 2008

how to find text from a row in column, where is a lot of text and return row number, of located text?

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Locate First Occurrence Of Value In A Column Whose Values Are In Random Order

Dec 12, 2012

This is a re-submission of a question previously submitted because the title for the first submission was so poorly worded.

I have a column that has numerical values in random order. I want to locate the first occurance of a value in that column.

I have unsuccessfully tried an Index-Match function - apparently unsuccessful because the values must be in ascending or descending order?

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Randomize 0 And 1 Values In Array In Order To Get Specific Sum By Column And Row

May 8, 2013

I have a table like the one below, only it has a few hundreds of rows and columns and I need a solution in order to fill in the blank spaces with 0 and 1 in order to get the total by row and by column. Is there any way to do this with a formula/macro ?

1 May
2 May
3 May
4 May





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Return Multiple Values That Match Single Search Criteria?

Nov 28, 2012

Attached is a sample workbook, but essentially what I'm looking to do is automate the process of searching through a data set where the value of interest (in this case, names) often has multiple entries, with different values attached to each instance.

I would like to be able to get a list of all values in a given column that match a specific name in another column.

Currently I'm using a basic INDEX/MATCH search just to see whether the data exists at all, but that's only half of what I have to do here, and I'm totally stumped on how to get a comprehensive list of all matches.

For reference, if you look at the sample, what I need is a list of all values in the "CPT" column that match the name searched for in the first column.

The actual data set size is at most 3-400 entries, if that makes a difference in how to approach this.

CPT Sample Book.xlsx

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Search Range For Current Month & Year Return Corresponding Values

Nov 21, 2007

I have a workbook with two spreadsheets in it. On the second sheet there is a large table, which column headings are months and years (e.g. Jun-07 Jul-07, Aug-07, Sep-07....). I was trying to write an excel vba code that would search the first row (column headings) to find the current month and year, and copy the corresponding column along with two previous columns (months) to the first sheet. I would like to have a code that will be able to do this in Jan-08, Feb-08, or Jan-09 as well.

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Search First Non-blank Cell To Return A Value In Another Column?

Jun 9, 2014

Want to look in one column and find the first non-blank numerical value, then have it return a value from another column.

Used to nest multiple IF functions together from different cells, but it seems overly complicated and time consuming. Sometimes I have over 30 cells to check.

For example, if Column A contains weekly sales data by week, entered weekly, and Column E has corresponding comparison data from the previous year. I want to enter a formula to check the first row that has sales data entered and have it match up the comparison value in the other column.

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Macro To Search Column And Return All Rows Containing Value

Sep 13, 2013

I have a workbook that has 2 sheets. The main sheet is titled Data, and the second sheet is titled Archive.

I need a macro that will let me search all of Column A on Sheet2(Archive) and copy all rows whose Column A contains the value I input into Sheet1 B19, and paste it on Sheet1(Data) starting in cell A21. It can replace any information already on those rows on Sheet1 and I want to copy the information from Sheet2 not cut it.

This part isn't necessary but would be great, on Sheet2 in column D there is a Date it would be great to have another macro that would let me pull the same information as above but only pull a certain number of rows starting with the most recent dates.

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Search Partial String, Return Value In Next Column, Vba

Feb 13, 2008

I would like to search cells in column D for the partial string, "PIPE," (A full string may look like this: 'PIPE, 24"ODx0.375"WT API-5LX-65,ERW OR SMLS'). Then, if it's there, return the value "LF" in the corresponding cell in column C. If that string isn't found, then I'd like it to return "EA".

I know this seems pretty easy, but there's a small problem. The word "BENT PIPE," could be in Column D, in which case, I would want it to return "EA" instead of "LF".

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Arrange Numerical Values In Order From Lowest To Highest In Column

Jun 19, 2014

Trying to arrange numerical values in order from lowest to highest in a column i have a code to do that but i need it to be able to but to a range in the column so it only sorts the values in rows 3 - 60 not all of the rows in the column

Sub Testsort()
Selection.Sort Key1:=Range("A3"), Order1:=xlAscending, Header:=xlGuess, _
OrderCustom:=1, MatchCase:=False, Orientation:=xlTopToBottom, _
End Sub

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Match 2 Criteria And Search Column And Return Value Based On Value

Feb 14, 2014

I have a spreadsheet that contains data for a fiscal year broken out by month and quarter. I want the formula to return the data from that month and use whatever the latest quarter is. For example in the data below:

If it has only pulled data only thru Q1 it would return Q1 for Jan-Mar, however once I have Q2 data I would want the formula to return Q2 for the months of Jan-Mar.


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Search For A Phrase In Column - Function Return Error

Feb 18, 2013

I am trying to search for a phrase in a particular column but the excel search function is returning !Value as an error...

Both fields are text so nit sure what is wrong here.

I have a list of cities that i want to cross reference across a cloumn of notes on another sheet. So, I really want to search for the city (Sheet1 Cell A1) in Notes Sheet2 Cell A1) and I want to return it in Sheet1 Cell B1 Whether it exisits in the notes. I then want to copy this down my list of cities in Sheet1 Column a.

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Search In Mulitple Columns And Return Corresponding Column/Row Result

Apr 30, 2008

Basically, I need to look for an item, lets use "apple" as an example, in a range of cells, A1:D100. Then the corresponding result would be in another column in the same row.

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Vlookup: Search For Value In SECOND Column Of Table Array And Return Value From FIRST

Oct 7, 2008

I'm looking for a formula to search for a value in the SECOND (instead of first) column of a table array and return a value in the same row from FIRST (instead of the same or another) column in the table array. Formula would be searching for the unique production order number in the column B and return production line id from the column A.

A1 production line_id
B1 poduction_order_number

A2 L1
A3 L2
A4 L1

B2 505212
B3 504234
B4 505663

I was trying vlookup(504234;B2:A4;2;0) to make formula go search from right columns to the left but then excel is switching the search table to A2:B4 and gives #N/D!
One remark-there is no possibility to switch these 2 columns to simplify. I have to leave them as they are.

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