How To Use VBA To Search Strings And Return Values Or Cells Nearby
May 20, 2009
Im needing to search through the attached document which is truck logs at a mine and use vba to search through the list for each of the different shovels eg SHVL1, SHVL2 & SHVL3, and when the code finds that string, to display the tonnage 2 colums back from it. Im about half way there a i think but am having trouble with strings, if it was numbers i could do it no problem
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May 7, 2014
I have hundreds of records of customer info and I am trying to categorize the job titles so that I can conduct some analysis with a pivot table. My problem is that there is about 20 different ways and variations of "manager" so Instead of autofiltering for "mrg." "Manager" "marketing manager" ect. and then replacing the text manually and using the enter and fill process (to create some standardization to compare "manager" to "director" to "c-level" to "consultant", etc.) and repeating this process over and over again...
I would like to create a VBA that would search the column "job title" for multiple text strings at once and if the text string was true in the cell then the cell would be replaced by a new text string "Manager". I was thinking a series of if functions within one vba but I am not sure if this is possible.
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Mar 11, 2014
I have a spreadsheet with 1,000 rows of data.
Each Cell in Column A has a different long text string.
I need to see which (if any) of 10 specific small text strings exist within each long text string. Depending on which small text string is found I want to return a 3 digit code. If no small text string is found I want to return "Not Found"
- Cell A2 contains "randomtext,randomtext,APPLE,randomntext"
- I want to see if Cell A2 contains any of the words APPLE, ORANGE, CARROT.
- I want to return "APP", "ORG", "CAR" or "Not Found"
Q: What is the most elegant way to accomplish this within a single formula that I could paste into each cell in Column B?
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Dec 12, 2012
Basicalley I have a series of columns, each 5 letters together represent an order(a,b,c,d,e), the columns are repeated approximately 15 times, similar to the following;
Bag Size:B/G5lb2lb 16oz8ozB/G 5lb 2lb (repeat...)
Catagory 1ABCDEA1 B1 C1 (repeat...)
Catagory 2 AABBCCDDEEAA1 BB1 CC1 (repeat...)
The B/G stands for Whole Bean, or Ground, the A's are drop down lists giving those 2 options, the other cells (non-A's) are all numeric. At the end of each row, the orders need to be summed up into categories; 5lb whole, 5lb ground, 2lbs whole, 2lbs ground, 16 whole, 16 ground etc..
I am looking for a way to sum each category for all orders as necessary, in one cell adding all B's (in that row for that catagory) if its corresponding A is whole bean, in the next summing all b's if its corresponding A is Ground. The same will go for the C's D's and E's.
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Dec 16, 2013
I have an excel worksheet with about 10K rows of data in column A.
I have also another list of data, about 200 rows of data, in column G.
I need to color each cell in column A that contains, anywere in the string, any of the data strings in column G.
in column A
row 1:
row 2:
row 3:
row 4:
in column G:
row 1: help
row 2: info
row 3: support
I need rows 1, 3 and 4 in column A to be colored.
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Jul 20, 2009
ok I have multiple columns where Col-A can have any number between 1 and 5. Col-B has a 3 digit number in it. i want to search all of column A and determine if there is a 1 in it, if so i want it to print the value of col b into a specified area.
here is an example of my form.
1 | 324 |
2 | 325 |
1 | 327 |
this is basics, i will be using this to search col-a, determine what number is in the column, then print the number found in col b, on another page in a specific place, on the other page i have squares labeled 1-50. in a grid pattern, 10 squares per row. im trying to get all the entries in col-a, that are a 1, to put whatever value is in col-b in the first box of the grid, whatever is found in col-a with a 2, the value found n col-b of that row, into the grid box labeled 2 etc......
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Jun 9, 2014
I'd like to extract the data from Sheet 2 (Data) that falls within the selected date range but the formula I've entered in F$9 (see below) is giving me an error
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Jan 9, 2009
I have a spreadsheet containing several names. I want a formula or macro that will search a string of text within the cell. If the text exists within the cell, I need a code to populate. For example,
In cell E2, search for a phrase anywhere in the cell that contains "COM". In cell H2 look for the exact phrase "ASB". When "COM" is found in E2 and "ASB" is found in H2, in cell U2 return the value "COM ASBTVL".
In my case, E2 may not contain "COM", it may contain "DEN" instead. In that case, if E2 contains "COM", and if "H2" contains "SVC", then in U2 populate "COM APPSVC"
I'm guessing in my code I will need to list a set of criteria that will search row by row and return certain values when finding the text I specify.
Would a macro be best for this? Does anyone know how I would put that together?
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Feb 15, 2008
I have a workbook that has rows of data starting at A5:G5 seperated in groups of 25 rows.
Example: A5 is numbered 1 and A6 is 2 A7 is 3 and so on to 25 then skip a row and start numbering again to 25.
What this is for is employees are placed in groups of 25 to be eligible for an award for safety.
What I want to do is Range G5:G650 is to be a place where an "X" is placed beside an employee who has had an accident then Range H5:H650 would return "Employee had an accident" I already have this part working.
Then I want to code a subroutine that would search for the "X's" and return the entire row data for each name in that group of 25 on a seperate worksheet.
This would then be printed so we would know which group's to exclude.
I know how to make it return the row of data containing the "X" but how can I make it grab the entire group?
There will be multiple groups of 25 each and each time an "X" is found within a group create a new worksheet for that group.
650 employees / 25 = 26 groups
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Feb 5, 2013
Ok, imagine this data (say column A). I want to have a cell that automatically searches for the least value (will always be the first number from top) and returns it in another cell. And then repeat the same for the second number from the top.
Beg Search STA
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Nov 28, 2012
Attached is a sample workbook, but essentially what I'm looking to do is automate the process of searching through a data set where the value of interest (in this case, names) often has multiple entries, with different values attached to each instance.
I would like to be able to get a list of all values in a given column that match a specific name in another column.
Currently I'm using a basic INDEX/MATCH search just to see whether the data exists at all, but that's only half of what I have to do here, and I'm totally stumped on how to get a comprehensive list of all matches.
For reference, if you look at the sample, what I need is a list of all values in the "CPT" column that match the name searched for in the first column.
The actual data set size is at most 3-400 entries, if that makes a difference in how to approach this.
CPT Sample Book.xlsx
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Nov 21, 2007
I have a workbook with two spreadsheets in it. On the second sheet there is a large table, which column headings are months and years (e.g. Jun-07 Jul-07, Aug-07, Sep-07....). I was trying to write an excel vba code that would search the first row (column headings) to find the current month and year, and copy the corresponding column along with two previous columns (months) to the first sheet. I would like to have a code that will be able to do this in Jan-08, Feb-08, or Jan-09 as well.
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Jan 19, 2014
Trying to grasp the concept of using these 3 functions to search for and return values from a data sheet.
The attached spread sheet has performance data for a group of employees.
What I need to do is find a particular employee then return a value for one of the category's.
For instance, I need to find "10TE03 ANGIE HOLLIS" Parts Usage on color or cell C10 in the attached sample.
Sometimes new category's are added to column A adding to the number of rows so a simple offset is not reliable.
Once I get that working, I then need to use a named range to total and average different data points for groups of employees by teams.
Maybe Offset-Index-Match is not even the way to go here?
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May 12, 2014
I want to search within cells A4:F25 for "B71 - Brown" and show the number that is in the cell below this text. If there is multiple cells with "B71 - Brown" I would like the cell to show the total.
So for example,If the formula was looking for "B71 - Brown" in the cell it would show 8136. (A13+A21+D25+E17). If i changed it to "Lavender" it would show 2380. (C5)
Also this data is linked from several other sheets and the values i search for will change and will need to update.
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Jun 21, 2007
I can solve my problem with a pivot table, and with VBA easily...however, I'm interested in knowing if this can be done with formulas (array formulas using index/match I'm assuming).
Goal: On sheet1 I have one column with products, then the column next to it will have an "Y" in it if the product is to be selected (blank if not). On sheet2 I want to create a list of the products that were selected (having the "Y"). The only thing stumping me is that I do not want spaces between the product list on sheet2...just a nice continuous list. Example:
cup Y
bowl Y
knife Y
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Feb 24, 2010
I have a worksheet containing a 'first name' column and a 'last name' column. I've put together a macro that requests a first and last name, then filters on the result, or will filter on the last name only if that is all that is entered (I know this can be done using autofilter, but let's not go there!).
So far so good, but what I want to do is add a bit of code that, when a non-existent last name is entered, displays a message stating this and exits the program rather than trying to filter on the name and displaying no records.
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Sep 16, 2013
I have a single column with multiple rows of data that contains multiple sports words (e.g.: football, basketball, track, hockey, swimming, skeet), and I want to find all cells that contain football, basketball and track. I also want to ignore case.
In this example only 3 rows would be found (3, 4, 8).
Sports Terms
1. football, swimming, skeet
2. football, basketball, skeet
3. football, basketball, track, skeet
4. football, basketball, track, swimming, skeet
5. basketball, track, hockey, swimming
6. football, hockey, swimming, skeet
7. hockey, swimming, skeet
8. football, basketball, track, swimming
9. track, hockey, swimming, skeet
10. football, track, hockey, swimming, skeet
Here are 3 examples I found, but I do not even know where to insert them -pressing Cltrl+Shift+Enter does not do anything.
=IF(COUNT(SEARCH(KeywordTable,E2)),"match","no match")
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May 20, 2002
I wish to search for a substring within an array of strings and just return back an indication that the substring exists withing that array.
so for instance let the substring be "rang"
and let the array be
I wish to put a single command line next to my substring and wish to search through that range and return a key code if it exists. And then I will repeat the same search for other substrings. For the moment being, I don't care too much about the number of occurences or the exact cell address where they occur. All I wish to know is whether they exist in that list or not.
So it looks to me it is like a SEARCH command but except on a range of text (Rather than a single text) with an array formula. I have tried MATCH but my case is not an exact match either.
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Aug 21, 2008
I am using the following code to search a database of information and then display it on a different sheet.
The user types the search term into a textbox and then presses a command button to search the database.
Currently it only searches for an exact match. How can i adapt it so it searches for similar strings?
Sub SearchDatabase()
Dim rRange As Range
Dim rCell As Range
Dim ResultsOffset As Integer
Dim ResultsRange As Range
On Error Resume Next
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Dec 13, 2007
Need to do (preferrably as a UDF so I can call it many times and build the macro I really need) the following string testing macro. For a given column (B) - look to the field immediately to the left for a text string. This string will be searched for a list of other strings contained in Column D ( cells D1:D5). We want a case insenstive SEARCH (or find I suppose in macro terms) to return a true if the strings are found or false if it is not. Example test string in cell B1 would be:
I am a string of test data to check.
Terms in D1:D5 might be:
Cell B1 should return a TRUE as a match.
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Jun 28, 2013
I would like to perform a search on only the worksheets listed in a worksheet titled table of contents. I would like to use multiple criteria for this search and send only the unique results to a worksheet titled results. Each worksheet listed in the table of contents has a cell address for each heading that I would like to extract data from the same column. The attached workbook example shows the data that I would like to collect when I search for cells that begin with "AB" and cells that begin with "CD". I collected this data by copy and pasting all the data from each worksheet into the results page and then applying filters and advanced filter to remove duplicates. This method does not work well for the original workbook as the data is quite extensive.
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Mar 22, 2014
How many text strings in a reference column appear in paragraphs of text listed in another column within excel.
So column A contains text strings such as:
And I need to see whether any of these appear in cells in a reference column G. If they do, I would like to return 'Used' into column B.
An example of the type of text in each cell in column G is:
"If you have any questions regarding your offer, please contact me. For any questions regarding your benefits, payroll or company policies and programs, please contact HR. Sincerely, {{Advisor_Signature__c}} {{Advisors_Job_Title__c}}"
I don't seem to able to search for a text string across multiple reference cells.
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Oct 28, 2013
I have some 100k+ cells with values as "ID_code - Value_1 - Value_2 - Value_3". Lets say this is sequence A.
"ID_code" is a fixed 6 digit value. "Name_1", "Name_2" and "Name_3" are variables and they also vary in length, but they never contain a sign "-". Sign "-" is only used as separator between these four values.
Now, VBA code that would rearrange all the values in a selected column from the one as listed above to a different sequence B, for instant:
Value_2 - Value_1 - ID_code - Value_3
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Jun 16, 2008
I am trying to find a function that will search for a particular name in a range and return ALL rows (or, preferably, specific cells in that row) which have that name in it, onto a new sheet.
eg. Sheet 1
Fred 45m $50 6/2
Joe 30m $35 5/28
Pete 60m $60 6/4
Fred 30m $30 6/6
If this range was on sheet 1, I would like to show on sheet 2 all times and dates for Fred in consecutive rows. ie the result on sheet 2 would be: Sheet 2
Fred 45m 6/2
Fred 45m 6/6
If selecting individual columns cannot be done, then the whole row would be fine.
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May 23, 2013
I have a spreadsheet that has relatively clean data, but at the end of every row is a long notes fields (often filled with several paragraphs of text). I'm trying to search inside each one of those notes to see if it contains certain boilerplate language / legalese / key words.
If I was just looking for one word, it would be easy -- I would write =IFERROR(IF(SEARCH("keyword",E2)>0,"Yes",""),""). That way, if the keyword is present, it returns "Yes", and if it's not present, it returns a blank.
What I want to do, though, if look for a long list of keywords simultaneously, and if ANY of those keywords are present, have it return a "Yes".
So I could do something like =IFERROR(IF(or(SEARCH("keyword1",E2)>0,SEARCH("keyword2",E2)>0,SEARCH("keyword3",E2)>0,SEARCH("keyword4",E2)>0)),"Yes",""),""), but that seems horribly inefficient. Especially since my list of keywords is likely to change over time.
So what I want it to do is search each cell by simultaneous reference to an ever-changing table of keywords (call it [KeywordTable]). And I can't figure out how to do that. The search function is resisting all of my efforts to put multiple search values / a range of words inside of it.
To reiterate: the goal is to look at one cell filled with text, ask "does the text in that cell contain any of the keywords contained in [KeywordTable]", and if the answer is "Yes" return yes, and if the answer is no return no (or blanks).
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Feb 19, 2010
I have so many part codes in column A with their Group in Column B.I want to arrange in ascending orders only those part codes which have almost matching in Column A with other part codes with different group.Please see the attached file and expected result.
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Mar 22, 2013
I am trying to create a VBA to:
1. Search workbook for a specific values and then to color that cell with a corresponding color.
2. Search workbook for a specific values and then color other cells underneath (the next 3 merged rows after the cell containing the value) with a corresponding color.
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Jan 24, 2008
I am trying to create my own budgeting tool. I have most of the tracker set up but I hit a stumbling block. I downloaded transations from Bank of America as a CSV file into excel. I want to categorize these transactions.
I created a keyword list that has words like "Starbucks" "Exxon" etc. Each of these keywords is then listed next to a category like "food" and "gas". So I want a formula that will compare the transactions to my keyword list and return the category type. Here is an example transaction:
I have a keyword "Starbucks" in f2 and "food" in g2.
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Jul 13, 2006
If this has been requested already, I apologize, please direct me to the right thread and flog me with USB cable. I've been searching the forum for an answer for a couple of hours now for the answer to this:
I have a list of words in column A on a sheet and I'm trying to write a formula on another sheet that will check all cells on a pre-populated row and return a value if any of the words from the list on are contained in any of the cells in the row. I've attached an example spreadsheet
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Mar 7, 2014
I need a formula or array to perform the following in Excel 2010:
I have 2 worksheets "Master Report" and "Free text comments". The master report will be shaed with individuals but the Free Text comments worksheet will not.
sample feedback report.xlsx
In cells D2 downwards on the "Master Report" I want to show the individual feedback comments from the "Free Text comments" worksheet that have been made by other people for the individual named in cell A2 on the "Master Report" worksheet. So on James' master report it would show the 8 individual comments listed for him on the Free text comments" worksheet.
I have searched the internet and tried various combos of lookups, IFs, index and match but have not come across the right formula yet.
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