
Jan 19, 2010

At attachment when we enter value to f11 and h11 together, certificate number must be come up in cell of f13

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Search More Than 6 Words And Write By Using Macros

Feb 17, 2010

I want to search say in column A for specific words say “Don” and then write in another column (say column 2) as “one”. Then it should keep searching for specific word until the last cell in that column and keep writing specific word in another column. It should do nothing if that specific word is not found.

I was able to use IF(ISERROR) but there is limitation of max 6 searches. Also i was able to achieve it by so many iteration of IF(ISERROR) and using autofilter.

My goal is to search around 30 to 40 criteria in one shot or by writing macros.
I guess i have presented my problem properly.

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VLOOKUP - Search Only One Word From Long Text, Write

Feb 22, 2010

Attached is the mock excel spreadsheet. I want to read "sam" from the lookup column's long text "sam is good" and then write "4" in the next column. Similarly read "white" from the long text "white is tired" and write "1". And so on,,,,, For more criteria, see box highlighted in yellow,,,,I used VLOOKUP but what am able to make it work only when there is one word "sam" in the lookup column. It returns #NA when the text is "sam is good". It should write nothing if none of the criteria is met and should keep doing until the last cell in the lookup column.

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Excel 2010 :: Macro To Search List Then Write Selective Items To Another Sheet

Dec 12, 2013

The sheet shown, Complaints, lists on each row information on a single complaint. This information extends from Col A to Col Y (though not that way here, the data actually begins in row 3). I want to highlight a Customer cell, say H227 for Customer A, then activate a macro that (1) recognizes the active customer (here A), searches the list, identifies each row where A is the customer and then writes each row into sheet "Event" beginning in row 4. I should then see the same A to Y cells of information, beginning in row 4, filled in sheet Event for the six customer A complaints. Note, the actual data in sheet Complaints involves 300 rows of data, and over 100 customers can be on the list, some up to 15 times. I know that I could do this by filtering the data, copying and pasting, but a simple macro would be quicker for the group of individuals involved. Note, I then use this information to populate a chart.



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VBA- Write A Macro To Find The Similar Maturity, Compute The Returns

Feb 13, 2007

I am working with financial data and am exposed to a problem that excel formula cannot solve. I am very new to VBA and would like some assistance please. I have in one excel column the list of maturities in dates eg. EN02, EN03, EN04 etc (EN=January). I have in another column the corresponding prices for these maturities. What I would like to do is compute the returns on similar maturities and paste the returns in the returns column. I can use a formula for this when the consecutive maturities are the same. The problem arises when I want excel to find the previous similar maturity, which may be 5 cells or so before. How do I write a macro to find the similar maturity, compute the returns and place that returns value in the returns column.

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Sep 25, 2008

ColumnA Column B ColumnC (Yes/No)
2121 345766
23423 6456546
4234 6456456
7567 64566456
76756 654645
67567 3344534
76575 34534534
756756 45345
7657 534545
756767 4534534
756756 435345

What I am trying to do is

Search the number written at ColumnB in ColumnA and if found write YES to column C

if not write No

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IF.. Contains...then: Search Through The Text String In That Cell And Find A Certain Word, Find And Retrn A Value

May 23, 2006

I am having trouble getting my IF statement to test if the cell contains the text "sale" return "X" if not "Y". I need it to search through the text string in that cell and find a certain word, and if it finds that word, retrn a value. I am really having difficulty with is what symbol or function do I use for the logical test? (i.e. =, <>, MATCH, INDEX?)

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Userform Find Cell From ComboBox Value And Write To Adjacent Cell

Jan 27, 2010

I am having a problem using data from my combobox to find the cell on the worksheet and write to the adjacent cell.

Worksheet name is Fleet
ComboBox Name is ComboBox7
TextBox name is TextBox3

I would like to be able to take the text from ComboBox7, find this text in Col A of worksheet Fleet and write the Value of TextBox3 in the adjacent cell in Col B. when
the CommandButton1 is pressed.

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Search And Find The Difference?

Jan 3, 2014

I have attached the excel files which contains the type of format I use.

I need to calculate the received when..

search by client name using "*"&Cell reference&"*" then match the expiration date then transaction type. if all conditions are true, then calculate the difference between i.e. Subtract expiration date - recieived date..

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Data Search/Find

Jan 10, 2008

i have is that at current i have a load of data (6000 cells worth)

What i need to do is to go through the data and highlight anywhere where it may have the word "in/outsourcing" (The data is based in cell AA which is just a description of text)

Other than doing Ctrl F through each cell is there a faster way in which excel can search through the cells and even highlighting the cell where the word occurs.

I thought if the word "sourc" is searched this would then pick up both

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Use Find To Search Columns By Default??

Feb 10, 2009

It always hassles me to have to change the default setting of FIND to search by Columns instead of Rows.

My question is simple: Is it possible to change the default setting so that every time I use FIND it will search by Columns by default???

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Search, Find To Give Date

Jun 7, 2009

Search upwards in a column find the first cell with data and give the date in column A on same row as data?

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Find/Search Function Within A Sheet

Nov 5, 2009

I have a number of worksheets with data in various rows, all rows of data have UID's. I want to create a search function, which returns the location of the of the UID. Or better still the cursor will jump to the cell where the UID is located. It's very much like the way the 'Find & Replace' function works.

E.g. If I type the UID of 1234 into cell A1 I want to be able to press a 'Find' button (which will be located alongside cell A1) that will search the entire workbook for 1234.

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Search Code To Find The Last Formula Used

Jan 25, 2007

Code such as the one below carries formulas in columns 3 and 10 down to new rows when inserted. However, I need to allow a user to overwrite the formula in col 3 with any text value. But if the user overwrites the formula on the last row, and then manually enters a new record below, then the code in the last row of col 3 does not get copied down. Is there a way to search upward in columns 3 and 10 until reaching the last cells with formulas, and apply the formulas to the new cells in cols 3 and 10 on the new row? Or, is there a way to store the formulas:

=IF(A21<>"",B21,"") in column 3
=IF(B21<>0,IF(C21<>B21,A21&", "&LEFT(C21,2),A21&", "&LEFT(B21,1)),"") in column 10

Storing these somehow would be good if the user overwrites the formulas in the very top row of data (row 2).

If Intersect(Target, Me.Range("A:A")) Is Nothing Then Exit Sub
On Error Goto CleanUp:
With Target
If .Value <> "" Then
Application.EnableEvents = False
.Offset(0, 3).FormulaR1C1 = "=RC[-1]=R2C3"
.Offset(0, 10).FormulaR1C1 = "=RC[-1]=R2C10"
End If
End With
Application.EnableEvents = True

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Search Or Find A Specific Worksheet Tab With Workbook

Apr 28, 2009

I have over 200 worksheets within 1 workbook, is there a way to search or find a specific worksheet by its name? I've tried the find option, clicked search in workbook but it only searched cells within the different worksheets of the workbook and not the title (tabs) of the worksheets.

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Find/Search Code Tweak In Cells

Jun 12, 2009

The code below will locate and select cells containing Kenny. What I want to do is create a little search cells(C5) on my spreadsheet and have the code reference whatever is typed into the search cell. I'm sure it's a simple adjustment. I've tried changing the What:="Kenny" to What:="=C5" & What:=C5 all without success.

Sub find()
Cells.find(What:="Kenny", After:=ActiveCell, LookIn:=xlValues, LookAt _
:=xlWhole, SearchOrder:=xlByRows, SearchDirection:=xlNext, MatchCase:= _
End Sub

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Find Text In Cell (search Whole Table)

Jun 17, 2009

I am having a littler trouble with using a function to find text (last name) in a table and then return full name from the table. See attached sheet with example of what I am looking for.

A quick explanation:

Have a table with columns that have team and name of player. My input is the last name of the player and the team. Need a fomula that searches all the table and then returns the full name of player based on 2 conditions of last name and team.

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Limit The Search Range In FIND() Function

Dec 2, 2009

I am currently using the simple code block below to jump to a cell on another sheet based on a user-inputted value to a cell on the current sheet. Although jump is too strong a word at the moment...walk slowly might be more appropriate.

The problem is that the sheet that contains the target cell hosts a very sizable used range and the FIND function can sometimes take almost a minute before finding and focussing on the required cell.

While I do not believe that a search range below that of sheet level for the FIND() function is possible, the cell that I am looking to jump to resides in a one-column, sorted, dynamic named range (=Bookings!JobID) on the target sheet, so I am sure that it must be possible to find and go the target cell in a much quicker timeframe than that being delivered at the moment. Just can't find something suitable at the moment.

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Find Column Character Search Result

Jun 9, 2009

I'd like to search for text and get the column character where the cell with the found text. The combination the two 'demands'/formulae into one are giving me problems. And the fact that the column character can exist out of two characters I cannot solve.

I can get the column number with HLookup right? and it gives me the column number, not the character. I can solve this partially (and ugly even more) with =Char(((Hlookup etc)+64 (letter before A))).

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Create Find Box Into Which Search String Inputs

Nov 9, 2011

I need the code to create a find box into which a search string is input. The code should find the string at a particular cell, then copies this cell and four cells to the right to a location in sheet 2 of the same workbook

The code runs but comes back with a runtime 424 error. I believe the issue is being caused by "nextCell" but I cant see why.

Sub FindStrings()
Dim firstCell, nextCell, stringToFind As String
' Show an input box and return the entry to a variable.
stringToFind = _
Application.InputBox("Enter J Number and Stage Number. For Example J1234 ST1", "Search String")
' Set an object variable to evaluate the Find command.

[Code] ........

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Search Down The First Column And Find Any Instance Of The Letter

Nov 16, 2006

I have this piece of code

Sub do()
Dim i As Integer
Dim x As integer
x = 5000
i = 1
Do Until i = x

If Cells(1, i).Value = "C" Then
Selection.Insert Shift:=xlToRight
Selection.Insert Shift:=xlToRigh

i = i + 1

End If
End Sub

I want it to search down the first column and find any instance of the letter C and shift it (along with the entire row) over two clumns to the right.

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How To Use Cells.Find Function To Search Only In One Column

Dec 14, 2006

I want to find a content of ActiveCell only in column "C", beginning from cell C4.What must be in Look in, and Look at?How to accomplish to match whole number,ex. "1" in cell with "1",no to find "1" in "123"

This function searches in whole sheet,but i need only in C column!
Cells.Find(What:=ActiveCell, After:=[c4], LookIn:=xlValues, LookAt:=xlPart, SearchOrder:=xlByRows, SearchDirection:=xlNext, MatchCase:=False _
, SearchFormat:=False).Activate

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Find In Code To Search On Different Sheet Is Failing

Jun 26, 2007

The below code works well if it is on the proper sheet, if the active sheet is not active then it errors- Why? I think I have properly qualified the path to the desired sheet I wish to search on.

Error msg: Activate method of Range class failed

And how do I handle this?

Set Ws = Workbooks("ViewRenameDeleteFiles.xls").Sheets("Item Record List")
What = InputBox("Enter the Name You are Searching for its Record#", "Item Name Searching On")

Ws.Cells.Find(What:=What, After:=ActiveCell, LookAt:=xlPart, _
SearchOrder:=xlByRows, SearchDirection:=xlNext).Activate

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Find To Search And Return Multiple Dates

Jul 31, 2007

I am working with a macro into which you input a date, the macro searches for that date (in column D of the data sheet), then copies any row with that date onto a new sheet.

This works great, but now I need to be able to search for more than one date at a time and return any rows that cantain ANY of those dates. For example, I would want to search for any row containing 01/01/07 - 01/07/07 or any row containing 01/01/07, 01/02/07, 01/03/07...01/07/07.

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Repeat Vlookup And Find Or Search Formula

Feb 4, 2009

I have a column of text strings in a2.a??? this is my data. Each text string has a persons name somewhere in it with other text around it.

In column c2.c??? i have text names of people names im searching for. eg. bob,jane,harry

what would be a pratical use of the vlookup function to return the name in column b2.b??? if the name from C was located in the string in A this is a non case sensertive requirement.

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Formula To Search, Find & Extract Data

Sep 16, 2009

I have one workbook (workbook A) with data in it (the data is never in the same place i.e. same cells) and one I want to send data to (workbook B)

In workbook A the data is displayed as follows:.....

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Unable To Search/find ' Single Apostrophe

Jun 26, 2006

I imported the data from someone. And the cell in the column comes with the single quote'infront of the cell value. For example, the value that you see in the cell is "920-F-Y", but if Click on that cell, it turns out to be '920-F-Y, there's a single quote infront of it. I can't do a replace all on that single quote to empty space for some reason. Might just be my excel, or there's just something wrong. The problem is, I have 2 sources of data. I imported the first one, it has the single quote infront of it, i imported the second one, it has no single quote infront of it. I want to do a comparison, but I can't because it's different by single quote.

You can open my attachment, and try to replace that ' (single quote) with a space, and excel will complaint that it can't find it. I could go through each one and delete it individually, but consider that there are 5000 cells, it's just a lot of work.

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Find Method To Search Time/Date

Aug 26, 2006

I am currently working on a VBA function that searches a spreadsheet for a particular time and date. In the time and date column, there exists a cell for every hour of the year from January 1st 12am to December 31st 11:00pm. So for any given date, there are 24 entires with the same date, but each with a different time (that is the intervals are in one hour increments.)

What I have been attempting to put together is a simple worksheet. Find method to search for a date, I.E. 1/22/2006 3:00:00 AM. I have read countless posts and websites saying that you must format the date and time into a window date format such as 1/22/2006, but you lose that time constraint. Well if I search for that in my spreadsheet, i have 24 cells that meet that criteria. Anywhere from 12AM to 11PM. But I may want the one for 11PM... Also, since find searches from top to bottom, I always retrieve 12AM since its the first hour of the day. I apologize for my wordiness, but It is kind of a complicated matter.

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Show The Find Screen For Search Input

Mar 23, 2007

I am trying to do is create a button that when pressed, will bring up the Find screen (which can be brought up by pushing ctrl + f)...I tried to record it as a macro but nothing came up.

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Find Method To Search On Hidden Rows

Jan 10, 2008

I'm using the Find function in VBA on a column of data, but the range is being set to Nothing if the data item I'm looking for happens to be in a row that is hidden at the time. How do I set the find to look in all rows, hidden or not? Can this be done without unhiding all the rows first?

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