Searching Closed Workbooks For Values In Specif Cell

Jan 12, 2007

I have 400 workbooks to examine if cell P54 is 88% or lower. Is there an easy way, or is VBA with a loop the way.

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Possible To Read Values From Closed Workbooks?

Nov 6, 2007

I'm wondering if it is possible to read values from different workbooks and not open them first.

I have an overview sheet with values from the other workbooks, and I will not use relative references but us a macro that runs trough the workbooks and collect the values.

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Values From Multiple Closed Workbooks

Apr 27, 2007

I got a problem that I cannot seem to solve, I want to retrieve values from 2 closed workbooks, I have with the help of this forum managed to create some VBA that retrieves the values from one of the workbook. What do I need to think of,to be able to put in the values from the second spreadsheet without the values disapearing from the "master" spreadsheet?

The code so far:

Sub ValuesfromClosedWorkbook()
Dim filetoopen As String
Dim wb As Workbook

filetoopen = Application _
. GetOpenFilename("XL Files (*.xls), *.xls")
On Error Resume Next
Set wb = Workbooks.Open(filetoopen, True, True)
With ThisWorkbook.Worksheets(1)
. Cells.Value = wb.Worksheets(1).Cells.Value
End With
wb.Close False
Set wb = Nothing
End Sub

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Find And Replace Values In Closed Workbooks From A Folder

Jul 15, 2009

Is there a way to find and replace the values from a closed workbooks of a folder.
say i have some 15 files in a folder c:/test

I want to find all "Ltd" and replaceAll with Limited
and find all "Co" and replaceAll with "Company" etc (some 20 different values to be found and to be replaced) if this is in a single file i can easily record a macro to this job, i am stuck for doing 15 files at one shot.

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Change Cell Value Of Closed Workbooks (VBA)

Apr 29, 2013

I have got a folder with 50 different workbooks, and I need to change cell B7 value in each one of them.

Is it possible to have a command button with a VBA to change the value of B7 in all these files, without having to open them?

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Extract Single One Cell Value From Multiple Closed Workbooks

Mar 23, 2012

I have a little over 100 workbooks which I will receive back from customers and in column A of another workbook I have the names of those workbooks.

Not all workbooks will come in at the same time, but I would like, as we receive the workbooks, retrieve the value from cell H19 from the available workbooks according to the name in column A and place the value in column B.

I've looked into Indirect, but with this function the workbooks have to be open. If one of the workbooks has not been received, I would like for the macro to skip this file name. All files are .xlsm.

The file will be in the same folder as all the individual workbooks.

Column AColumn BFile NameH19 ValueDallas.xlsmSan Diego.xlsmArgentina.xlsmParis.xlsm

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Excel Vba - Searching Several Worksheets Of Closed Workbook And Copy / Paste To New

Feb 28, 2013

I want to write a macro that will copy data from all worksheets of a specified workbook and copy them into a new workbook.

To give some detail, I receive a report each morning containing failed deliveries. I also export a list of failed deliveries from a system (SAP). These reports rarely match so I must compare the two daily. I do this using INDEX and MATCH functions but now my boss wants all the data in a single report so I would like to harness the might of vba to consolodate all the data in one workbook.

The lists of failed deliveries are contained in worksheets marked mon, tue, wed... so I need to search all worksheets for all delivery numbers and copy all of the data into a new book. This becomes complicated because on Monday there is only one tab marked mon, on tuesday there are two (mon & tue), one wednesday there are three and so on.

I have started on some code but I am getting nowhere fast. I have managed to muster an input box which asks for a date (this will be used to search the file path for a file named "failed deliveries & "mm/mm/yyy")

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Searching Only Part Of The Values In A Cell

Feb 27, 2008

I have a pretty large sheet to look into ("CellData"). I am looking in column B which has the following value pattern:


I would like a vba code to search based upon numbers in brackets i.e 8769 only and once it is found that row should be put in a new sheet.

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Searching And Copying From Other Workbooks

Jul 23, 2013

I have a spreadsheet that has a bunch of codes, I want to search all at once in another spreadsheet. If there there I want to copy the data related to that line into my spreadsheet.


I want to search a long list of items (in column D) in my “work in progress spreadsheet” The program would look into the “Data base spreadsheet” find the “item to search” in the database spreadsheet and copy the “product code” relative to those items, and populate column C with the product codes.

My work in progress spreadsheet
Col C ________________Col D
product codes ________Items to search

Database spreadsheet
Col C __________________Col E
Product codes __________items to search
Product code 16345210 ........J34
Product code 14454685 ........G26
Product code 14587541 ........G28
Product code 15754546 ........F46

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Searching Multiple Workbooks

Sep 29, 2006

i am trying to set up an interface through Excel for a database of record also held on excel. I have very very basic VB skills and have no idea what im doing lol but what i would like to do is have a search box and button, something similar as you would find on most websites. I would also like (if possible) for it to search up to 8 workbooks to look for a name or vaule.

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CLosed Workbooks

Mar 27, 2007

Is it possible to search all closed workbooks in a folder in a range B13:B33 for a particular word?

All closed workbooks have only 1 sheet in them this sheet is always named the same but the workbooks are named sequentially, eg 1, 2, 3 etc.

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Read Many Cell Values From Closed Workbook

Apr 16, 2009

I've recently discovered the usefulness of VB in excel and have managed to write some basic macros that enhance many of my workbooks. BUT, I've bumped into a problem I can't seem to solve. Please help!

I'm looking to import the values in a large range of cells ( 5 x 5000) in a closed workbook into a range that i specify in an open one, where both workbooks are housed in the same directory. I also want to include logic that allows me to move the 2 files to different directories (the names will never change, only the paths) and have the code still work--I believe i'd use relative path references?

I've found lots of snippets of code on the topic but can't seem to get any of them to work. For instance:

Problem is, I'm so new that I don't even know where to begin pasting the code (objects vs. modules, etc) in the VBA editor.

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Referencing Many Closed Workbooks

Nov 3, 2009

I have a workbook for each day recording energy usage from 52 meters,

I need to collate the data on a single workbook.

The only way i can think of doing it is to use the INDIRECT function but this will not work on closed workbook.

I need to sum the contents of B1:AW1 on the closed workbook and input that into a cell on the new sheet.
then repeated for B2:AW2, B3:AW3 up to B52:AW52 once this has been done the process needs to be repeated for 31 workbooks.

The end product should be 31 Columns (one for each day ini the last month) and 52 rown (one for each meter) and the total daily consumption for each meter (sum of column B:AW)

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Link To Several Closed Workbooks

Apr 26, 2012

I have a workbook which contains countifs and sumifs reading from about 10 different workbooks.

WHen I have the 10 files open, the values appear but when I close the 10 files, I get the 'VALUE' error. How I can keep the value amounts when the workbooks are closed?

I have all documents in the same folder?

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Working With Closed Workbooks

Dec 2, 2006

i can use application.username to get activeuser name and have excel check this and close the workbook if its not me, what i want to do is have excel check lets say cell A1 in workbook SECURITY.xls stored in C: and if it says Craig Shippey leave workbook open if not close the workbook, why i said working with closed workbooks is i dont want to have any indication on where its checking from,

1. i have a workbook in which i want an Workbook_open macro lets call this workbook staff.xls
2. the staff.xls should read cell A1 from C:security.xls into a variable called Check
3 if check craig shippey close workbook without any prompt

all this should be done without anyone knowing that a macro opens another workbook, i know if the user disables macros then it will still open, but i will just set their Macro Security level to low so they wont be prompted, i will also remove that item from their menu bar, if they cant see it they wont be able to alter it back

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Get Data From Closed Workbooks ..

Oct 13, 2007

I am using the following code to attempt to pull data from closed workbooks. Something in the code is not working and i can't figure it out. ARG is resulting in the path i need with the exception of TOTAL which is the sheet i need the data from.

Private Function getvalue(path, file, sheet, ref)

'Retrieves a value from a closed workbook
Dim arg As String

' Make sure the file exists
If Right(path, 1) <> "" Then path = path & ""
If Dir(path & "k217811.xls") = "" Then
getvalue = "File Not Found"
Exit Function
End If

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Excel 2010 :: Searching For Files By Cell Value And Returning Values

Jun 24, 2014

I need a formula (but most likely a VBA macro) that will search through a folder for a file than get data from that file. The files are named in systematic way, but I need the entire formula to work from inputting a mold number in one cell. E.g. I input 6291 in cell A2 the vba macro searches for file “6291 mold.xlsx” and returns a range of numbers as well as pictures in specified cells. Is this possible? If so how?

The closest thing I have found is VBA macro that retrieves a list of media files in a folder, I listed the code below.

[Code] ....

[URL] ....

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#VALUE Error When Using Sumif On Closed Workbooks

Jul 15, 2009

I have this formula in a excel file called test.xls which does a SUMIF on file "Sales By Customer v3 17-11-08.xls". It works fine when I have Sales By Customer v3 17-11-08.xls open at the time. When I close it the file displays a #VALUE in the cells

My formula is:

=SUMIF('G:FINANCEAccantia Budget2009Sales and GC[Sales By Customer v3 17-11-08.xls]DP Total'!$B$7:$M$7,Cover!M$85,'G:FINANCEAccantia Budget2009Sales and GC[Sales By Customer v3 17-11-08.xls]DP Total'!B9:M9)-'Page 15'!E9

This is really annoying as the formula works, and you need to open the linked file to display the results, otherwise you get the #VALUE. Is there anyway around this and why is it doing it??

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Get Data From List Of CLOSED Workbooks Using VBA

Aug 4, 2009

I have one Master Sheet that fetches information off of 30 other workbooks. The data is uniform accross all workbooks.

As of right now, I have code written that will update the master, but ONLY if the other workbooks are open.

Is it possbile to get the same data off of closed workbooks?

Here's what I'm using now:


Sub Master()
Dim Reps As Integer
Reps = Range("Reps").Column
Dim LastColumn As Long
LastColumn = Cells(1, Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column


Variable "List" is the list of Workbook names that I'm using.

The code "Windows(List).Activate" is what I'm using to get the data from the other workbooks, but this only works when the workbooks are open.What can I replace this code with?

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Import Data From Closed Workbooks?

Mar 5, 2012

I am looking to import a sheet into an opened workbook. I have found a code from this URL [URL]....but I can't manage to get this done correctly. I want to copy the range "A1:Z1000" from the "Source" sheet to the target sheet "Div_P&L" (which will be opened when the macro is run) located in another folder.

Source address : "H:P&LYE TempDiv P&LP&L Report 020312.xls" , sheet("Source"), data = range("A1:Z1000").
Target address : "H:Yield EnhancementPandL.xls" , sheet("Div_P&L") , data = range ("A1")

Line Workbooks(PandL).Activate => Run time error 9, Subscript out of range.

I have tried the getvalue function which works, but it takes a long time. So I want to use an ADO way.


Sub importdata()
ImportRangeFromWB "H:P&LYE TempDiv P&LP&L Report 020312.xls", "Source", "A1:Z1000", True, "PandL.xls", "Div_P&L", "A1"
End Sub


Sub ImportRangeFromWB(SourceFile As String, SourceSheet As String, _
SourceAddress As String, PasteValuesOnly As Boolean, _
TargetWB As String, TargetWS As String, TargetAddress As String)
' Imports the data in Workbooks(SourceFile).Worksheets(SourceSheet).Range(SourceAddress)


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Possible To Copy A Range To Workbooks That Are Closed

Jan 28, 2010

Lets say I have 10 workbooks in a folder called "Lists"

I want to copy from my open file range("R3:U17") to these workbooks without opening 10 files and copying and pasting.

I just thought if there was an easy way of doing this rather than opening all of them I would give it a try.

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Lookup Data In Several Closed Workbooks

Jun 2, 2006

I would like to create a sheet that looks in a certain folder with several .xls files and pulls data from certain cells ( not necessarily next to each other) automatically with out opening each workbook in the target folder.

Each workbook is laid out the same, based on a template, and emailed to me each day (I'll actually get 3 or 4 a day, one from each plant) So the number of files will grow every day. (I've read about a way to automatically save the file based and the date, hour, and minute, and email the file when a certain condition is met, and plan to use this technique in the template.) So the file names should be consistent.

As an example, I would like cell A1 to contain the date from the oldest file and increment row by row as the files come in, automatically. Then the cells B1 on across would contain data from certain cells within the .xls file with that date and time.

Every time that workbook is opened it would update to include data from any new files in the specified folder.

I've done some basic vlookup formulas to look at one particular workbook but not several.

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Extracting Data From Closed Workbooks

Jun 13, 2006

I've got 20 spreadsheets called Week 1 to Week 20 each has two sheets called Wk 42 T and Week 42 R. They are stored in a shared area. I want to Copy all the data in Column M in both sheets and then transfer the data to a summary sheet with a sheet for each.

I've got the below code to open the workbooks but need help with selecting that data per workbook then by sheet and looping through each sheet and pasting in Column A.

Sub RunCodeOnAllXLSFiles()
Dim lCount As Long
Dim wbResults As Workbook
Dim wbCodeBook As Workbook

Application. ScreenUpdating = False
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
Application.EnableEvents = False

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Linking Cells To Closed Workbooks

Aug 9, 2006

I have multiple workbook files using the same template but saved under different files names usually by date. I need to summarize the data in a summary worksheet that pulls the same cells from the various individual closed workbooks. I need to be able to insert the file's path as an input to pulling data from a cell or cells.

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Extracting Data From Closed Workbooks ..

Sep 26, 2006

i am currently doing a survey. the survey's are done in excel format and after i send out to everyone they will return me the soft copies in excel format. After which i would have many "forms" in excel format. i would like to extract all the data out from those forms into one worksheet. How is it possible ? It can either be excel formulas ? in-built functions or macro.

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Linking Names To Closed Workbooks

Feb 14, 2007

I've named some cells in the source workbook, and linked these names to the destination workbook. Then I used the names in some formulas in the destination workbook, and it worked great. But when I closed the source workbook it doesnt work. WHen I open the source it works great, but I need for it to be able to link to the workbook when it is closed as well.

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Pull Data From Closed Workbooks

Aug 1, 2007

How do I update changes to a linked workbook without having to open it? Let's say that I have two workbooks, "workbook1" and "workbook2". I want to copy data entered from workbook1 to workbook2 without opening workbook2. I know that I can just open workbook2 so that the formula will work but if I do that I'll end up opening up to 3 workbooks, which doesn't really give you much security.

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Merge Multiple Closed Workbooks

Aug 17, 2007

I have had a good look around and have found some scripts that look like they can help but do not. here is my situation

I have 300+ questionaires in excel that contain around 20 questions with each question having the possibility of 5 answers
A1Do you like this service, answers will be scored in cells F1,G1,H1,I1,J1

What I would like is for a master document to combine all the data into 1 document so I will know how many of the 300 have F1,G1 etc.

In the filed F1 the variable may be X or it may be a number, I would like to add up the number of non blanks in that field, from 300+ closed workbooks

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Extract Data From Closed Workbooks

Dec 9, 2007

I tried using Dave Hawley's code, but I can't get it to work. It works if the source workbook is open, but I get all "#REF" results if the source workbook is closed. Sales Order Import is the target worksheet for the data, inside the open workbook where this code is located.

Set wks = Worksheets("Sales Order Import")
With wks. Range("A56:Z100")
.FormulaR1C1 = "=IF('C:DdriveMy DocumentsProjectManagementManagementReport[AU0009099.xls]Sheet1'!RC="""",NA(),'C:DdriveMy DocumentsProjectManagementManagementReport[AU0009099.xls]Sheet1'!RC)"
'Delete all Error cells
On Error Resume Next
'.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeFormulas, xlErrors).Clear
On Error Goto 0
'Change all formulas to Values only
.Value = .Value
End With

The .SpecialCells line is commented out, because it error messages (that's my next problem to tackle).

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Pull Data From Closed Workbook Based On Cell Values

Apr 28, 2008

I want to pull data from closed workbook based on cell values of open workbook of column B and the source file name is on cell J1. Actually I save monthly files and opening balnce of current month should take vakues from previous month file.

Suppose current month is May 2008. Then Column Column D for May month shold take value from column G of April 2008. For simplicity the previous months name and thus source file name will be placed on cell J1.

The code should loop from column B of source file and current May 2008 file and should pull values for only those items which are in the current file in the Column B. Thus those products which are deleted or newly added item in the current item should not copied. Though for new item no name will be thre in the source file but for deleted items the item might be there in the source file but the code should ignore those value.

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