Searching For Specific Word In VBA Case Script
Jun 4, 2012
some of the code proved inflexible when applied to other columns of data. I have some VBA code that could work if it can be modified. First the code:
Sub ColorMe()
Dim lRw As Long
lRw = Range("B" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
The way things are right now, if a cell in the B-column contains the word "April" (and ONLY that word), the contents of the C-column's cell on the same row receives a red font color (index 3 as per the example above). The idea is to modify the code so that it searches for the word "April" in a string of text such as "Mike's April Trip" and color the contents of the cell to the right of it accordingly. Is this possible?
As an aside, conditional formatting does not work for the purpose that the cells are being colored for. It needs to remain hard-coded like in the script above, hence why I am just looking to modify something that 'sort-of' works.
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Jan 22, 2013
I want to say if the word 'suitcase' is in column W (any row), place the word 'suitcase' in column Z, same row.
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Jan 2, 2009
I finally bought the "book" and now I am going through trying to write cleaner macros.
I am searching for a key word in a header.
When I find that key word. I want to select the info in that row from the last record up to the header.
Then I want to copy that info and paste it into another column.
so trying to learn from the book - I want to use the R1C1 style - but as you can see I don't quite understand yet. I want to copy and paste into column "J" for example... so i'm using 10 in the range.
FinalRow = Cells(65536, 1).End(xlUp).Row
Range(FinalRow, 1).Copy Destination:=Range(, 10)
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Jul 22, 2014
write a macro that search first Row and if its finds the word "Date" then the whole column should select and change the Number formatting to Date, and if it finds the word "Time" it should change the formatting for the whole column to Time.
Below is the format of Table where it should change the formatting of Date, Start Time and End Time.
Start Time
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Jul 18, 2012
Here is the current code I am using: =IF(A1="MIXED DBLs 1st Place",'Mixed Doubles'!B9,"")
What has happened is I am changing the Field Mixed DBLs to a field that could have multiple values, so I am no longer going to be able to do a test on a Hard-Coded Value.. So is there a way to only validate on the front of the word like just MIXED DBLS and nothing after that??
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May 8, 2008
I already have this code written but it looks for all words that contain my desired word. i.e selecting "innovation" while looking for "ovation"....
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Jun 21, 2007
I am trying to create a search function in a database I have made. I have a userform with drop down boxes that people can choose what they want to search for. Once they have chosen and clicked the search button I want it to search only in the relevant column, i.e. search for the word in the dropdown for "engine" only in the "engine" column of the database. Once it has found the appropriate cells with the answer, I want it to delete all other rows that don't include the answer.
Once it's done this it needs to do it again for the other fields, unless they are empty. I have used 'If engine_type <> "" Then' as the starting point so that it only searches chosen fields.
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Feb 12, 2009
How can i convert into upper case every word in a given cell. For instance:
I have the following in column A: books pen desk
i want it to be like this: Books Pen Desk
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Feb 9, 2012
I am trying to search text cells to return a word count within a particular row of cells and I am currently using the following formula:
=COUNTIF($D4669:$EI4669,$O$3), where cell o3 contains the word to search and $D4669:$EI4669 the data.
However, this formula misses data that contains characters such as "," etc.
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Mar 24, 2014
I'm trying to match certain transactions between two bank accounts, where the only like values are going to be date and disbursement/deposit amount. Obviously vlookup will not work here because there are many duplicate values. In the attachment I put in a Vlookup in the Account 2 tab to try and demonstrate what I'm trying to do exactly, which is match deposits in Account 2 with Disbursements in Account 1.
After looking around I found that maybe a combination of INDEX/MATCH would work here but how to get it to work or even if it is appropriate in this situation.
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Mar 14, 2014
I would like to have a formula find a specific word in column L and return the sum from column E for the same fund from column C.
I tried using =SUMIF(L:L,"*annual*",E:E) but that gives me the sum of annual for the entire column. I need to be able to specify the fund.
word "annual" also appears in "semi annual" so I need to be able to separate the two.
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Apr 21, 2006
I am trying to run a macro once a particular word shows up in the combo box. now in my chase i could try to use VBA code to run the macros such that once the arrow is used in the combobox to select a certain word a particular macro labled the same name as the word chosen would run.
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Mar 15, 2007
I have 1000 diff names in a spread sheet and wish to search another spread sheet with these names on and alot more.
I want the search to look in the larger spread sheet for these 1000 names
and copy all the informtaion in the cells to a new sheet, if the name is not found i would like something like "no info found" to be seen.
Im a novice to doing this sort of thing in excel, but i have found this script which searches for the word "mail box" and copies all the info in the cell when it finds it.
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Jun 18, 2014
I have a row (will always be row 3) where each cell contains a day of the week, the days repeats for a year or so, making the row almost 400 cells.
Like this,
Mo - Tu - We - Th - Fr - Sa - Su - Mo - Tu - We - Th - Fr - Sa - Su - and so on...
Though, A3 doesn't have to be "Mo" because the days in this case can change (A3 can start with "Tu"), hence I think I need a macro.
So if this row contains a weekend, "Sa or "Su" I want all the cells in the column beneath that which contains a specific value to be cleared.
Example, if "Sa" or "Su" has 3 values in the columns under them, all the values that contain "X" or "Y" has to be cleared.
Like this:
Rows (1,2,3...,)
3 Mo - Tu - We - Th - Fr - Sa - Su - .. and so on..
4 A --- B --- X --- Y --- X --- B --- Y
5 A --- B --- X --- Y --- X --- X --- X
6 A --- B --- X --- Y - --X --- Y --- C
After the macro it should be:
3 Mo - Tu - We - Th - Fr - Sa - Su
4 A --- B --- X --- Y --- X --- B ---
5 A --- B --- X --- Y --- X --- ---
6 A --- B --- X --- Y - --X --- --- C
Notice the two examples in the excel file.
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Jul 16, 2012
Basically I am trying to write a code:
Using a Month specified in an input box eg: July Payday
Look up that month on the "info" worksheet to then copy and paste all the dates for that month on to a worksheet called "Working Hours". This is the code I have at the moment...not much I know, I don't know how to format the code in to tags:
Sub WorkingDays()
Dim LastRow As Long
Dim Month As String 'setting the object of Month being the data we need to find
Month = InputBox("Please enter the month you wish to record, eg July Payday")
'Typing the Month which we need to copy the dates for
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Mar 12, 2014
I have five worksheets hidden in my workbook. All of these worksheets have either "Yes" or "No" written in cell C4. (3-yes, 2-no)
I also have a search bar in the form of a textbox and a command button.
I want to be able to type "No" in the textbox, click the command button and have the pages with "No" in cell C4 to unhide.
Some screenshots if necessary:
Sheet1 (yes): Gyazo - ce85d71bc03cd2ceaa1030e22445800f.png
Sheet2 (no): Gyazo - 65f876d6e7d749bd1ca25ad957fbda99.png
Sheet3 (yes): Gyazo - 0cb442f1d34e7d744884f73e1afe2646.png
Sheet4 (yes): Gyazo - 6f0ce150322208fd93dc5fc6f4f66481.png
Sheet5 (no): Gyazo - 772f48f8a82e53713794e6655fe56fca.png
master: Gyazo - 1b71470f3de47cef347050588bca819c.png
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Apr 15, 2014
Is there a way to search responses from a specific Person? I think it was before the Mr Excel format change. Domenic was the responder.
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Jun 22, 2006
I'm building a spreadsheet which has a formula which performs a vlookup on a sheet. Now I want to leave the vlookup formula so that you don't need to change it. What I want to achieve is that the vlookup table array references a cell in the current worksheet which is a name of another worksheet.
What this will enable me to do is to keep the forumla unchanged by by changing the cell with the worksheet name in it points the vlookup to a different sheet. This is because I have multiple sheets which have similar data on and I don;t want to edit the forumla to point to the different sheets.
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May 21, 2014
I have the following code, that searches the entire workbook. I came across an issue when searching for terms that are on my main page where my search results appear.
Public Sub Find_box()
Dim ws As Worksheet, Found As Range, rngNm As String
Dim myText As String, FirstAddress As String, thisLoc As String
Dim AddressStr As String, foundNum As Integer
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Nov 17, 2008
The easiest way of explaining what I'm after is to say, I have letters of the alphabet, in their own cells, and I want to find them by way of a search. I don't mind how this is done, but it would be good if for example you entered A, C and E, any cells containing those letters changed, maybe became bold, or the cell filled with colour.
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Sep 25, 2013
If I'm using this function to find the specific text "EXPIRED" in the specified cells, how can I add additional cell ranges on the same sheet to this function?
D17:D34 as well as F17:F34
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Jun 11, 2014
I am working on a project that I feel should be relatively simple but I seem to be stuck. My Goal: To add information to specific rows of data in the worksheet. I want to use a user form, and eliminate as much typing for the user as possible. I have already designed my user form, and written the code to identify the row in which I want to edit. Nonetheless, I do not know how to code the insertion of the new data. The data I want to add will be in empty cells at the end(right) of the data table.
I have attached a portion of my data set.InsertQuote.jpg
Here is where I am. The words in red are just colloquial words that I cannot seem to put into code.
Private Sub CmdInsert_Click()
Dim Company As String
Dim PartNumber As Variant
Dim Condition As String
[Code] .....
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Oct 11, 2013
I am trying to write a macro to open a specific file, but need to search multiple folders within folders to find it.
The file name I need to open is "Escalation Adherence-Details " & Format(Date, "mm-dd-yy") & ".xlsx".
I need to drill down to the Adherence Report folder and then have the macro search through folders for each year (2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, etc) and then each month within each year (1 January, 2 February, 3 March, etc), at which point I would then find that day's file.
So far I have the following:
Sub Open_ESCL_Report()
Workbooks.Open Filename:=*****.****.****.******.comsharesPurchasingTeam XEscalationAdherence Report & "Escalation Adherence-Details " & Format(Date, "mm-dd-yy") & ".xlsx"
End Sub
Each file is stored in it's respective month folder as .....Adherence Report(Year)(Month)(File).xlsx
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Nov 8, 2013
I would like to select all cells in column A that begin with the text "SP". Some cells will be contiguous but others will not. For instance in one case, I would like the macro to select cells with the text "SP" which would result in cells A1, A2, A3, A10, A15 being selected. I am working on building a macro that will then do other things to these cells/rows so this is the first step.
The below code will select the first cell with "SP". How would I alter this code to only search Column A and select multiple cells? or totally different code.
Sub test()
Dim r As RangeSet
r = Cells.Find(what:="SP", LookIn:=xlValues, lookat:=xlWhole)
If Not r Is Nothing Then r.Select
End Sub
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Apr 28, 2006
on one sheet we have a summary of the main list, which includes totals of money recieved, totals of all the different sources (ie, where they heard about us from), the totals of the frequencies they pay (ie, how many donate monthly, quarterly...) ... etc. on the next sheet we have the "main" list of donors, their IDs, amounts, frequency, source ...
the totals on the first sheet are updated manually, but i want to change that as there are a great number of errors.
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May 20, 2008
I am trying to detete rows that have several specific values, upper and lower case, (A-H) in any of several columns (B through H). I can delete upper and lower case "D"s in column B, but I'm having difficulty stringing together several variations and getting at the "D"s that are midstream (such as: ADeC), I tried ("*D*") to no avail.
With . Cells(Lrow, "B")
If Not IsError(.Value) Then
If LCase(.Value) = LCase("D") Then .EntireRow.Delete
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Jan 18, 2014
I am setting up a charity accounts sheet, that will also calculate money raised from Raffles, so each raffle will have a name, I can do this by matching the amount with a description but wondered if I could calculate it by looking for specific words or reference in a cell
Sum all cells that the adjacent cell contains the reference "Raffle 0001" but not "Raffle 0002" this needs to be calculated on another cell
Sum all cells that the adjacent cell contains the reference "Rescue" this cell could contain other text as well, so could say "Rescue for Sweetie by Laura Herarty" or "Rescue for Bliss by Jane Telford" all need to be calculated.
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Jan 15, 2010
I have a UDF which basically accomplishes a lookup. To do that I use this
Function name(number As String)
Select Case number
Case Is = "1"
name = "BOB"
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Aug 28, 2012
Is there a formula to find a specific word through many columns? Between A1 and L4500 i got a lot of diffrent information. I want to show if there is any cells in the row with the specific text, a formula in column M. Etc. If C100 got "topside" a notice in column M
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Jan 16, 2007
I am trying to copy rows that contain a specific word from one worksheet to another.
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