How To Find Specific Word And Sum The Column According To That Word
Mar 14, 2014
I would like to have a formula find a specific word in column L and return the sum from column E for the same fund from column C.
I tried using =SUMIF(L:L,"*annual*",E:E) but that gives me the sum of annual for the entire column. I need to be able to specify the fund.
word "annual" also appears in "semi annual" so I need to be able to separate the two.
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Jun 9, 2009
Have problems using find and the Dictionary
What Im trying to do is find a certain word in a string then return the number associated with that word
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Aug 28, 2012
Is there a formula to find a specific word through many columns? Between A1 and L4500 i got a lot of diffrent information. I want to show if there is any cells in the row with the specific text, a formula in column M. Etc. If C100 got "topside" a notice in column M
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Oct 26, 2009
I need a vba code that will find all the columns (j) which there cell(1,j) includes the word "Date". the word "date" will be a part of a title, for exmple: "due date", "starting date"
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Jan 29, 2013
I am currently using this formula -
This gives me the count of rows that have Jan as the month, 2013 as the year and Contract word in column J. Now I want to add another column to be checked. That column has values in format - Design: X, Design: Y, Design: Z etc.
So I want to have the condition above and the cells that have the word Design.
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Sep 3, 2009
I need my macros to search for the word "Cancel" or "Cancelled" in columns "T" and "U". Once found, I need the macros to make that entire row an opaque shading.
There will be other wording in these cells that contain "Cancel" or "Cancelled". Is it possible for the macros to search in the sentence and find the words "Cancel" or "Cancelled"
I started on the code below but am stuck.
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May 16, 2014
In column A, I have the following lines:
2014-05-15 02:08:43 @Centre INFO - CHANGE WORLD (Original World to Destination World)
2014-05-15 02:31:37 @Centre INFO - CHANGE WORLD (Original World to Destination World)
2014-05-15 02:37:19 @Centre INFO - CHANGE WORLD (Original World to Destination World)
2014-05-15 02:37:20 @Centre INFO - CHANGE WORLD (Original World to Destination World)
2014-05-15 03:07:19 @Centre INFO - CHANGE WORLD (Original World to Destination World)
2014-05-15 15:01:37 @Centre INFO - CHANGE WORLD (Original World to Destination World)
2014-05-15 15:04:46 @Centre INFO - CHANGE WORLD (Original World to Destination World)
I would like to use conditional formatting to highlight cells which have the same first 16 characters (yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm) before the "@" AND that contains the words "CHANGE WORLD". Therefore, I'm looking for a formula I could include in the conditional formatting so I can easily find the "CHANGE WORLD" that occurred at the same time (minus the seconds, they may vary slightly).
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Mar 23, 2009
In my attached file, I've atttached a sample whereby in Sheet1 to Sheet3 I have data with the same format.
I want to copy all data with TD_SUB_ACNT_CODE = ETMY0100 into Sheet4. My actual data actually have more than 10 sheets and the sheet count can be more.
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Jan 12, 2010
I have a large spreadsheet with about 18000 rows or data and about 60 columns. I need to a macro to find a specific word in a column like "charge" and anytime that word is found in the column to insert a blank cell in front of it.
Currently the sheet looks like this:Fee AChargeFeeChargeFee AChargeFeeChargeFee AChargeFee AChargeNeed to get it to look like this: (so I can sort and subtotal)Fee AChargeFee AChargeFee AChargeFee ACharge
a macro to the for whichever column I choose.
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Jun 18, 2014
I have a row (will always be row 3) where each cell contains a day of the week, the days repeats for a year or so, making the row almost 400 cells.
Like this,
Mo - Tu - We - Th - Fr - Sa - Su - Mo - Tu - We - Th - Fr - Sa - Su - and so on...
Though, A3 doesn't have to be "Mo" because the days in this case can change (A3 can start with "Tu"), hence I think I need a macro.
So if this row contains a weekend, "Sa or "Su" I want all the cells in the column beneath that which contains a specific value to be cleared.
Example, if "Sa" or "Su" has 3 values in the columns under them, all the values that contain "X" or "Y" has to be cleared.
Like this:
Rows (1,2,3...,)
3 Mo - Tu - We - Th - Fr - Sa - Su - .. and so on..
4 A --- B --- X --- Y --- X --- B --- Y
5 A --- B --- X --- Y --- X --- X --- X
6 A --- B --- X --- Y - --X --- Y --- C
After the macro it should be:
3 Mo - Tu - We - Th - Fr - Sa - Su
4 A --- B --- X --- Y --- X --- B ---
5 A --- B --- X --- Y --- X --- ---
6 A --- B --- X --- Y - --X --- --- C
Notice the two examples in the excel file.
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May 26, 2006
I have an excel program that is supposed to count word instances in a word document. I can't seem to find the right declaration for a word document.
For example to declare a workbook in excel its
Dim wb As Work Book
I've tried
Dim doc As Word.Document
Dim doc As Word.Application
as shown in some of the forum posts, but an error user-type not defined keeps displaying.
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Jan 22, 2013
I want to say if the word 'suitcase' is in column W (any row), place the word 'suitcase' in column Z, same row.
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Jul 11, 2012
I have a database in excel, here's some sample data.
When they click the print button in Cell A2, up comes my form
When the print tags button is pressed, my secondary sheet is populated with the cell they clicked on
Now it's using a font, calibri 11, which isn't proportional but I was wondering if there's a way in VBA to "auto" detect the max width and place words on the next row accordingly (like a word wrap). Here's what I need it to look like:
Here's my existing code to place the comments as is:
entireComment = "Comments: " & Range("P" & i)
.Range("A" & cnt + 11).Value = Mid(entireComment, 1, 33)
If Len(entireComment) >= 36 Then
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Feb 15, 2008
I would like to use the following code to see if the word "reservoir" shows up in any of the rows in a certain column. If it does I want to insert the formula = SUM(D7:D257)*0.1 into cell C2 and if it doesn't then I want to put a 0 into cell C2. I've tried many routes but can't get past the error if it can't find the word.
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Apr 17, 2008
I've been trying to come up with a conditional that will format a row if a cell contains any instance of a given word.
I know the following will format rows containing the EXACT entry of "apple" in column E:
But I'd like a conditional that will find entries like "apple pie" and "crabapple" as well. I'm sure it's a simple solution, using a SEARCH function or something...but I can't figure it out.
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May 26, 2008
I have a spreadsheet with 12 coloums. In the last coloum are the ords "yes", "no", or is empty (null?). I need to find a way to have each row that contains the word "no" or is empty to be highlighted in red font and bold type. When the word "yes" is typed then the font is black and the type in normal. This allows me to see at a glance what orders have not been picked up or have problems.
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Apr 20, 2006
In Column A4 I have the word Date and in Columns A5 to A844 are different dates
In Column B4 I have the word Destination and in Columns B5 to B844 are different Destinations
In Column C4 I have the word Time and in Columns C5 to C844 are different times.
How can I find out how many times the word Incoming is in Column B.
How many of the dates in Column A are weekend dates.
How many times in Column C was after 9:00pm but before 6:00am.
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Jan 25, 2014
My worksheet has two sheets which has daily continued data. I want to copy two entire columns E and F from Sheet 1 and then in Sheet 2 I want to find a particular word "80 Percent" and then insert two new Entire columns before that word. And after that I want to paste that copied columns of sheet1 in those newly created columns of sheet 2. Is it really possible because the cell reference of the word "80 Percent" in Sheet 2 will change daily. How to create the macro codes for this.
Find attached file : IRCS1.xlsx
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Feb 23, 2008
I went through all the forums but confused a little. In the work sheet I want Excel to find an exact word such as letter "a" in all over the work sheet (not a column name) and paste it to the destination work sheet. I am attaching an example file, can some help me to solve the problem.
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May 27, 2014
Looking to find 1 of 2 words in a cell in column B and return the word found in the same row in column E. This seemed easy but I am not having any luck.
the cells in column B have several words in them but I am looking for 2 specific words "PLAT" and "ORIG". If the word is not in the cell, it should show a blank cell in column E in the same row, otherwise one of the 2 words should be in that row in column E. A VBA loop would be ideal but a formula that can do it might work as well.
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Dec 19, 2013
I have a single work book with 8 sheets (I am using Excel 2010 BTW) and I am trying to find a total of times a word appears across all the sheets in column "C"
I found this formula on another thread. =SUM(COUNTIF(INDIRECT("Sheet"&{1,2,3}&"!C1:C1000"),"="&H3)) with an example. I made the changes that I needed for my purposes
This worked but only after I renamed the sheets to Sheet1, Sheet2, etc.
Is there a way get the same results from the above formula if all the sheets are named after our reps? Example: sheet1 is named Dan, Sheet2 is Nick, etc?
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Dec 7, 2009
I've imported a lot of data and it looks like this:
blahblahblahWord 1 Word 2 Word 3
First, I want to erase the "blahblahblah"
Second, I want Word 2 to be bumped over to the next column and Word 3 to the column after that.
Is there a formula to do this? There's so many rows of data that it will take a long time to do it manually.
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Jul 6, 2009
Is it possible to export Excel cell contents to Word fields in a protected Word document? For example...
What code would be needed to tell Excel to open up, copy and export the contents of A2 in the active sheet of a workbook to "Field 2" in a Word document named "Report 01" and then put the contents of B2 to "Field 2" etc?
Do both applications have to be opened up at the same time or is Excel able to open up Word on its own? Will the macro be able to....
1. Automatically open up the correct Word document?
2. Look ONLY in a certain folder for the "Report 01" Word document?
Bring up a "selection" box that allows you to select the document you wish Excel to export it's data to?
3. Close and save the Word Document without any user intervention?
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Feb 16, 2012
I need to count how many times the word Test is in the range B4:H9 with
Range N2 = Test the formula below works if Test is only in the cell once.
=COUNTIF($B$4:$H$9,"*" & N2 & "*")
But I have data in cells like below, this is all in one cell, so how would I have it count all the times test is in the range when some cells have test 2 or more times in a single cell?
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Apr 21, 2006
I am trying to run a macro once a particular word shows up in the combo box. now in my chase i could try to use VBA code to run the macros such that once the arrow is used in the combobox to select a certain word a particular macro labled the same name as the word chosen would run.
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May 6, 2009
How can I use the IF function, to make entering a word, space then word display correct and incorrect if not.
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Jan 4, 2012
I am trying to automate the below process:
1. I have a excel file with Japanese words in column A and their English equivalents in column B.
2. I am trying to create a Macro and assign it to a button. On pressing the button Macro should be able to:
3. open a form where I can enter location of a word file.
4. Macro should open the word file specified in (3).
5. Macro will pick up first Japanese word from excel file (Sheet 1 - A1)
6. Search for that word in Word file
7. Replace the Japanese words in Word file with their English equivalent from excel (B1)
8. Then it should search for second word (A2) and replace with its equivalent (B2) and so on till it reaches last filled cell in excel file column A.
After a lot of search I could find a code from net (Below), made a few changes, but it is not working.
Private Sub OK_Click()
' Requires a reference to Microsoft Word xx.x Object Library
Dim sFile As String
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May 1, 2009
I am in the middle of automating a process here at work, the program takes a word, "pencil" for example, from excel. It will then open up a word document with content already in it (premade template). The program will then find all instances of a string, "placepencilhere" for example, and will replace that instance with the string from excel.
Basically I want to be able to take a variable that has a stored string value from excel and use it to replace another variable in a word document.
I tried recording a replace (ctrl+f, replace tab) macro, copying the code, and inserting it into the excel vba code.. but I get a error message. Here is what I have:
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Jul 18, 2008
I have a bunch of cells in column b that have products.
Column B
Dell 24" lcd
vaio sony laptop
8.0 mpxl kodak camera
Basically in Column A I want a formula that'll say.
If the word "dell" is somewhere in cell b1, then put the word "Dell" in cell a1.
If the word "sony" is somewhere in cell b1, then put the word "sony" in cell a1.
And then so on and so forth down through column A. The brand names are potentially endless, so is there a easy way to on like a seperate sheet make a list of brand names and have it pull from there?
Originally I made a if function that said if the brand name was contained in the cell then output the brand name, but that caps at 7 for the amount of brands i can use....
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Jan 18, 2014
I am setting up a charity accounts sheet, that will also calculate money raised from Raffles, so each raffle will have a name, I can do this by matching the amount with a description but wondered if I could calculate it by looking for specific words or reference in a cell
Sum all cells that the adjacent cell contains the reference "Raffle 0001" but not "Raffle 0002" this needs to be calculated on another cell
Sum all cells that the adjacent cell contains the reference "Rescue" this cell could contain other text as well, so could say "Rescue for Sweetie by Laura Herarty" or "Rescue for Bliss by Jane Telford" all need to be calculated.
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