Sorting While Preserving Relationships In Rows

Feb 19, 2010

can anyone help me on how to create a formula or a macro that will automatically sort while preserving the relationships in rows without having to press any button? I have attached a sample workbook. Basically column ABCD under row 8 to 15 contains manual inputed values. While column ABCD beginning from row 24 to 26 should contains the automated sorted preserved relationship values.

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Add New Rows(preserving The Formats And Formulas Of Previous Ones) Dinammycally And Automated

Apr 24, 2006

I have a very large table with 7000 rows and each time I open the file it takes excel about 1 minute to open it.Initially all cells in the rows are empty. Each row in the table has the same formats and formulas(eg. in J106 I have =IF(C106=1,1,"") and in J107 I have =IF(C107=1,1,"")).So the excel allocates all the memory and does the formatting and computations beforehand. How can I add new rows(preserving the formats and formulas of previous ones) dinammycally and automated? An example will be if I start enter data in a row add another row at the end of the table or a button that when I press it adds lets say 100 new rows in the table. Below is the table, the rows in the table to which I add data start form C15 to C7014.

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3 Layer Relationships - Vba? Use Access Instead

Oct 24, 2008

hi trying to vreate a table for user to upload data. some fields have a relationship and can only select ceratin things from a list dependent on what the previous columns selection is.

Column A selects from defined list 'animal' -cat, dog, mouse

Then if they select "cat" columc c uses define list 'cats' = siamese, persion, mungrel

but if they select dog it will force use of defined list 'dogs' = poodle, labrador, mungrel...

but i then need to add a third layer to this!!!! THIS IS WHERE PROBLEMS BEGIN!

2 layer is fine for :

but this will not work if for 3 layer..... example colum b, could be a dog or a cat, if mungrel is selected. if the 3rd column depends on both of these ie it matters what column a and b is before 3rd list is defined.....

plus im going to have about a hundred defined lists at this rate.. and ther will be other realtionships in the same table.... :S

i have the relaonships in the format of a list of possible combinations i.

cat siamese grey
cat siamese black
cat persian white
cat persian black
cat mungrelwhite
cat mungrel ginger

dog poodle black
dog poodle pink ....
dog mungrel white
dog mungrel black

There must be an easy way!!!! do i have to use Access?

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Master-child Relationships In A Userform

Jan 17, 2007

I have an application that uses data stored in an excel spreadsheet. Over time the amount of data has become greater, and the application more unwieldy and difficult to maintain. In order to simplify it, I am trying to create a userform that displays multiple levels of master-child table data (for example, clients-orders-items). The data is stored in separate worksheets. The lower levels must allow inserting and deleting lines, moving them up or down, and editing the data. Does anyone have an example of such a userform that I could adapt to my specific requirements?

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Creating Relationships Lists From Data Tables Within MS Excel?

Mar 22, 2013

how to do this, but I know it can be done.... I want to use one drop down list created via the Data Validation 'List' Criteria to then lookup data based on the selection made in this list...... this will require a number of reiterations to get to the final result......


Drop Down No:

1. List: Department Function:

2. List: Sub Function List Based on Selection from 1.

3. List: Job Code, Title and Pay Grade based on Selection from step 2

how to ensure that we are able to minimise the overall workbook size due to the complexity that is required here as this is just the basics.... this will need to applicable further once this basic requirement has been fulfilled.

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Pull Out Unique Values Based On Filters / Relationships?

Dec 18, 2013

I have a table like this:

Category 1
Category 1 Topic 1

Category 1
Category 1 Topic 1

Category 1
Category 1 Topic 2

I'm trying to pull each Category once out into 1 column, and each of it's Topics once in another column.

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Excel To CSV And Preserving Format?

Jul 16, 2014

I have a template that works from Excel, but is saved in a .csv by default because .csv is the only compatible file format with the database we use. I have one column that I need to be in a "text" format, and another column that must be in a number format with no decimal place approximations (whole numbers). I know how to go in and format these columns myself, but it is clear that .csv does not like it. Every time I open the file, it resets the formatting in my columns. So, I have to re-format these columns every time I open or re-open the file. If there's information in this file, I have to re-format my columns and re-enter my information so that it is formatted correctly. For example, my first column must be text because it will have things like 001,002,003 etc. I tried using a custom format ###, which did not work. If I save the file and leave it alone, it preserves the format when I import into the database. If I have to re-open it to add something or make changes, all of my first column info is now standard numbers like 1,2,3 etc. So, I reformat the columns, and I have to re-enter 001,002,003 etc. This gets annoying after awhile, especially if my sequences (numbers) go into the triple digits.

Obviously, there's no easy way around this due to the features of a .csv file. So, I would like to add code that executes on file start-up (or open). I want this code to format my columns as stated before, one column must contain text format, another has numerical format with whole number approximation.

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Preserving The Format When Pasting

Jun 2, 2009

I have several cells which I usually need to copy and paste. These cells contain single characters with a different format than the rest, as shown here:


not just with one word, but several words within a cell. The problem is that when I try to paste a part of a cell having multiple formats, it always pastes the text in uniform format, disregarding the format of those letters having a different format.

Does anyone know of a way to paste text having multiple formats when it consists of a part of a cell's content and not the full cell?

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Add Row Preserving Formulas And Formats From The Above Row

Apr 25, 2006

I have a table with 15 columns and 10 rows (initially all cells are blank but with formulas and formatted) and I want a way to add automatically a new row in my table each time something is entered on first cell in each row. For example if I enter something in cell A1 (first cell in my table) then automatically add 11th row and if I delete the value in cell A1 it is ok to leave the 11th row there but if I I go on and enter a vlaue in A2 then add row 12th. Of course I want the new rows to have the same formats and formulas as the previous ones.

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Preserving Pivot Table Formats. Preserve Formatting Checked But...

Aug 28, 2009

I'm having a devil of a time trying to preserve the formatting on a pivot table that I made in Excel 2003. As near as I can tell, I've done the appropriate things --- check the preserve formatting box, uncheck autoformat --- but my formatting is not preserved when I pivot.

Adding to the mystery is the fact that some formatting is preserved but not all. I'm guessing either I'm missing something obvious or this is just an unruly, rogue pivot table that refuses to be formatted.

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Sorting Many Rows At Once

Nov 14, 2008

I'm running Excel 2003 on Windows 2000. I'm working with a worksheet that is about 10,000 rows long and 25 columns wide. The first and second columns all have data in them, and the third through twenty fifth could have data. From row to row, if there is data present it will be in columns from left to right. By that I mean that if there is data in four columns of a particular row, it will always be in columns 1-4, not spread out throughout the 25 columns.

What I'm trying to do is sort the data in each row so that values ascend from left to right. Here's a very simple version of what the data looks like:

1 a 6 3
2 b 5 9 2 8
3 c 6 5 2
4 d 9
5 e 3 9

When I'm done I would want the data to look like this:

1 a 3 6
2 b 2 5 8 9
3 c 2 5 6
4 d 9
5 e 3 9


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Sorting Of Rows

Jun 4, 2009

how do I cut rows and paste into another sheet/file based on the values in a row.
For example in row A

1 123
2 123
3 123
4 333
5 333
6 444
7 333
8 444

I need to copy all the 123 into a sheet/file and the 333 into another sheet/file.

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Locking Rows Together When Sorting

Apr 30, 2009

I need to lock consecutive rows together before sorting. e.g. A1 contains a name and A2 is blank: B1 contains data related to name in A1 - so does B2, and so on. Therefore need to lock rows 1 and 2 together, then 3 and 4 together and so on, but sorting on the data in the first cell of the group e.g. A1

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Sorting Data Across Rows?

Jan 22, 2014

I've attached the spreadsheet I want to use. As you can see there are three sets of "bootcamper name" and "time" columns

I wanted to know how I can sort by name or time if I were fill in data that started from A7 and B7 all the way down to A43 and B43 then restarts at C7 and D7 all the way down to let's sat C30 and D30

If I wanted to list all the data alphabetically ( or by time ) from A7 and B7 all the way down to C30 and D30, how can I do that?

Terrible Tuesday.xlsx‎

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Sorting Rows To Subcategory

Jul 31, 2014

I want to be able to download bank transactions in a csv file and have excel sort them according to rules I could define.

The csv file is organized as one transaction per row, with each row having several columns, one of which is a description that typically indicates the merchant.

I want excel to recognize a given merchant in the description cell, and then sort the associated row to be placed into a subcategory (linked to the given merchant) and then summed up.

For example,
a transaction with the description "Joe's Diner" would be sorted to Restaurants subcat
a transaction with the description "Dave's Supermarket" would be sorted to Groceries subcat
a transaction with an unrecognized description would be sorted to Misc subcat

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Sorting Where Rows Are Dynamic

Feb 27, 2014

Here is my code.

Currently I get a 1004 error. "Method of Range of Object _Global Failed" on "Range(Selection).Sort.SortFields.Clear"

Sub sortBacklog()
Dim appExcel As Excel.Application
Dim myWorkbook As Excel.Workbook
Dim myWorkSheet As Worksheet
Set appExcel = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
Set myWorkbook = appExcel.Workbooks.Open("C:Backlog.xls")
Set myWorkSheet = myWorkbook.Sheets(1)


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Sorting Columns Instead Of Rows

Jan 14, 2009

I have some data that is 300 rows x 43 columns.

I'd like to sort the 43 colums by using some of the rows. Is this possible using normal excel?

Alternatively is there a simple way to sort the colums in VBA?

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Sort Rows Without Sorting

May 18, 2009

I have data being fed from an application where it's difficult to sort the rows into ascending order. So is there a way that VBA can sort them and produce a value according to the order?

For example, Column A contains 5 rows.
Row 1's value is 4
Row 2's value is 1
Row 3's value is 2
Row 4's value is 3
Row 5's value is 5

If I were to sort these into ascending order, I'd get 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 in Column A. But I can't sort the rows so I need code to tell me which is the lowest number (1), which is the second lowest number (2), etc.

The purpose of the code will be to put values in Column B according to what's found in Column A. For the the lowest number, 1, the value in the cell next to it in Column B would be "a". For number 2, it would be "b", etc.

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Keeping Blank Rows When Sorting

May 16, 2008

I have a spreadsheet that I want to keep the blank rows that seperate the data for asthetic reasons. Can I sort just the rows with data in them and still keep the blank rows where they are?

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Sorting Rows On Different Tabs By Date?

Oct 23, 2012

I have a excel doc that have multiple tabs (different clients) with information (task, date due, who's responsible, and client), and I want to have a master tab that lists all tasks on any tab put in order by date. Essentially so everyone in the office can quickly see what their most pressing task's are.

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Sorting By Columns But Keeping Rows Together?

May 23, 2013

I'm trying to sort by City first, then by Report #, but keeping the highlighted rows together. If I use the custom sort it will through my D2's at the bottom and not keep them with their city, report, and D1. How do I get them to stay together? I have attached my document example.

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Select Rows By Group For Sorting

Oct 29, 2009


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Sorting With Multiple Rows Per Entry

Feb 24, 2006

I've come upon a problem with sorting that I don't know how to tackle... I have entries in a workbook that I want to sort by a transaction number, but each entry spans multiple rows. One "entry" might look like this, for example:

TransID PassengerName Ticket#
leg of travel: Departure Arrival
leg of travel: Departure Arrival

I need to be able to sort by TransID or PassengerName while keeping the "legs of travel" attached to the correct TransID/Ticket#.

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Sorting Rows Based On Columns

Jan 20, 2009

I have a worksheet with columns of Unique Words and corresponding Frequency of Occurrence for several years. I would like to sort the data so the rows match up on same Unique Words across years.

I am using Excel 2007.

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Sorting Rows On Whether They Contain A Specific String

Sep 7, 2009

Lets say I have a 2 column sheet (A and B). And I want to sort on column B with all the rows that contain a given string, i.e. /g or Äåßôå.

Something like doing a find all but then being able to select/copy/cut etc those rows.

How can this be done?

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Inserting Blank Rows And Sorting

Nov 21, 2012

Below is just a part of my very long list of statement that I posted into column A, B and C of excel worksheet:



[Code] ........

Any formula or macro that can automatically change to below expectation such as inserting 3-blank rows, totaling and sorting the date.



[Code] .........

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Sorting Multiple Rows Horizontally?

Apr 11, 2013

I have over 300 rows with a username in the column A followed by 3 fields in the following columns B,C,D. I want to just sort all 300 rows alphabetically by column B,C,D.

Eg. Cormac, Santa, Atlas, Egg
After search Cormac, Altas, Egg, Santa.

how to do this easily in Excel without VB as I am not good as it.

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Sorting Rows By Comparing Cells ...

Mar 13, 2007

the system works by whoever has the most points wins.. i already have my formulas and everything done..

i want the excel program to move the entire row, if possible, by whoever has the most points to the top..

(i.e If ryan d. has the most points he will be is vince v.'s spot)

can this be done automatically in excel or do i have to do it by hand?

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Sorting In A Large Number Of Rows

Oct 29, 2007

I am trying to sort in rows, a large number of rows. I can do text to columns, delimit by colon, and sort individual rows. But I have spreadsheets that are 100s of rows long. Is there anyway to automate?

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Error When Sorting More Than 1400 Rows

Oct 12, 2008

I have a long list of records/rows. Each record has about 22 cells (columns).

Recently the number of records/rows exceeded 1400 and I started noticing that Excel no longer can sort my records correctly. I sort them according to the first column, which is called PRIORITY. And these values go from 0-2500 and more. But very often my list looks as follows


And so on.

The funny thing is if I sort less than 1400 entries, it does it right. Actually, the cutoff line is somewhere between 1410 and 1425. Usually below 1410 it will work fine, above 1425 it will not, and between 1410 and 1425 it is erratic.

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