Sorting Rows On Different Tabs By Date?
Oct 23, 2012
I have a excel doc that have multiple tabs (different clients) with information (task, date due, who's responsible, and client), and I want to have a master tab that lists all tasks on any tab put in order by date. Essentially so everyone in the office can quickly see what their most pressing task's are.
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Jan 25, 2014
I have a workbook with multiple tabs, each tab is representative of a person and their ongoing project list. What I am trying to do is to be able to pull rows from each tab identifying the persons active projects based on an assigned due date.
Details: Tabs for Tom/Susan/Phil/Jerry each person will be updating their own sheet with project completion details. Each tab has similar headers with a corresponding due date or completion date. On the master sheet I would like to pull those rows that correspond to the specific dates for all persons.
Example - give me all rows that reflect projects due on 1/21/2014.
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Dec 27, 2012
I am having issues sorting columns on a given worksheet. When a column is sorted in one tab, it is jumbling another column on a linked tab. Vlookup formulas are being used throughout the worksheet.
So, for example in the attached file;
Currently the way the file is set up is when a new project comes in, we put initials in the 'Audit Date' column of the 'To Be Audited' tab. That then pulls over to the 'Customer' tab via the 'No Edits-Audit Sheet'.
I want to be able to sort in the 'Customer' Tab the states, city or state A to Z and not have it mess up the 'To Be Audited' tab. Right now, when someone sorts one of the columns, the initials in the 'to be audited' tab jumble, and the initials are no longer with the original project.
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Feb 2, 2012
I have a large list of names that I am breaking into three groups based on last name (A-G, H-M, and N-Z). The spreadsheet is then sent to a group of processors who work on the names that are found on their tab.
I start out with the complete list on each tab. Then I use a For Next loop to go through each tab and delete the rows for the names that do not below on that tab. This process is working fine, but I am figuring their is a better method of doing it.
Sub PopShts()
Dim wsAG As Worksheet, wsHM As Worksheet, wsNZ As Worksheet
Dim lRow As Long
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Dec 31, 2012
I have imported data into excel arranged as per the following and there are separate tabs per year. I a trying to summarize and phase the balances per client..i.e 07,08,09,10,11,12.
Therefore if client x balance in 2007 = 10, 2008=11, 2009=10, 2010=2, 2011=3 and 2012 = 5 and so on...then total the balance owed as of now and also phase it as illustrated below. I've tried vlook up's?
[Code] .....
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Nov 24, 2008
I have a spreadsheet saved with one worksheet with all the results on it and 130 worksheets with calculations on them, each with its' own named tab along the bar at the bottom of the page. What I'd like to know is if it is possible to sort the tabs into alphabetical order so I don't have to roam through up to 130 to find the tab (and it's corresponding worksheet) I'm looking for.
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Feb 7, 2011
I have excel 2007, I have a spread sheet with approx 80 worksheets. The document grew over the year of 2010 and is not in alphabetical order. I am starting this new year wanting to have the tabs in alphabetical order. I looked in the DATA sort option...but looks like its is worksheet specific. How to make the tabs sort in alphabetical order...
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Mar 10, 2014
I am trying to convert a long list of dates from text to date (see A) so that I can sort them from newest to oldest. I've tried converting them using differnt formulas (see B:C) but these don't work.
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Mar 14, 2014
I have a dataset where the dates are in the following format:
19970803 = 3rd August 1997 (YYYYMMDD)
My aim is to sort the data into months and into 'turn of the month' periods.
-Is there a way to isolate rows using a search term like "****08**" for all the august entries?
-Likewise if i want data between 27th-3rd for every month is there a way to sort for entries between "******27 - *******03".
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Dec 31, 2009
Hello, I have a question about sorting information using dates but using a range. I need this to sort when I enter a date range into the spreadsheet (the blue blocks on the attached spreadsheet). The factors in colum G need to be sorted by month and input into the yellow highlighted area in column B. There may be an easier way of pulling the data from the "Data" sheet but this was the best I could figure out. Overall, January (or any of the months)needs to have the January (or appropriate) factor that fits within the date range that was input but sorted properly based on the months listed in Column A.
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Apr 13, 2009
I need VBA code to sort the birthdays for all the employees in my company.
See the attached file for example.
I need to sort according to their month and then date and not with their year.
i.e it should not consider Year for sorting.
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Aug 23, 2009
I want each workbook to contain one month's worth of sheets, with a sheet containing one day's appointments. I need an easy way to name each sheet tab with the date, for example "01/08/09 Tue" for the first sheet and then all the following sheets will follow on date wise ie "02/08/09 Wed".
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Dec 2, 2011
I have one shared book having different tabs from my team member.
in every tabs i got Dates written in various forms like,,,,2/12/2011, 12/2/2011, 12-2-2011 etc......
I want to get uniform date format from all the tabs at once.
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Jan 9, 2013
Quick way of inserting the same rows into the bottom row of different tabs, the difficultly comes as the bottom row of the other tabs varies. I.e tab 2 the bottom row is row 87, tab 3 the bottom row is 53 etc.
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Aug 15, 2013
I have a lot of sheets, in my workbook. It keeps expanding, as I add them. How do I make multiple rows of sheet tabs, to keep from having to scroll across all the time?
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Oct 7, 2009
I have a column showing date DD/MM/YYYY. I want to be able to get a new column stripping out the days so that I can chart changes over a month rather than each day of the last 2 years. I have tried altering the cell format to MM-YYY although this shows the format I want when i run a pivot chart it will still create records for individual days. I then tried copying and pasting the above as text only. This results in the pivot chart sorting A-Z rather than by date.
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Aug 17, 2009
1. I downloaded from my online bank a Excel statment file.
2. When I open it in Excel. The date order is wrong, it is newest entries first (top).
3. I need it the other way, oldest first. I get Excel to sort oldest to newest. Which it does, but....
When I have more than 1 entry on date, they are the wrong way around.
It should be,
01/06/09 £10
01/06/09 £105
01/06/09 £200.....
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Apr 30, 2013
I have a spreadhseet with lots of sheets. Instead of scrolling across to see ones out of view, it would be really neat if the view of the sheets could be stacked to show them on multiple rows.
Can this be done?
VBA is an option if I need to go down that route.
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Jun 11, 2014
I have a macro that takes data in rows 1 through 500 from many tabs and collects them in the summary tab.
I would like to write a macro that only selects rows that have data in Column A. Therefore, reducing the number of rows copied from all tabs from 500 to only a few that contain data that I really need.
This is what i currently have:
[Code] .........
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Feb 19, 2010
I'm trying to figure out how to create a macro for a project at work. Basically, think of a spreadsheet with 5 tabs, but the information in Tab 1-Column D is the same in Tab-4 Column D and Tab-5 Column D. When I insert a row, though, I have to go to each tab, insert the row, and copy down the formulas from the row above to ensure the flow-through stays true. This can get very tedious.
Does anyone have a template or tips on a macro that would, in essence, work like this:
a) Highlight the row above which a row should be inserted
b) Trigger the macro
c) A row is inserted above the highlighted row in Tabs #1, #4 and #5
d) The information from the row above the inserted row is copied down to the new row in each of the three tabs.
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Jul 21, 2013
is it possible to Copy Rows to a multiple tabs on a New Worksheet using a start date and end date as reference?
I have a button (named Draw Report) on the Raw Data xls. should copy tickets uniquely on a new workbook, by uniquely - no duplicates on the new workbook on a given date range.
Will it be possible to separate them into tabs according to values under Assigned to (Transaction 1, 2, 3)?
Could we also copy the exact 2nd worksheet (Report) on the Raw Data xls on the Output.xls?
The Output would contain 4 tabs: Report, Transaction 1, Transaction 2, Transaction 3)
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Mar 29, 2004
I was wondering if there was a way to arrange the sheet tabs in a workbook to appear in multiple rows, thus negating the need to scroll. I have a workbook with a large amount of sheets and wanted all the sheets to be easily accessible.
If that is not possible is there a way to truncate the visible sheet names so that only the first four or five characters are shown, without actually changing the sheet names themselves?
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Jun 11, 2008
I am looking to write a macro that will take 5 sheets and paste the rows into 1 summary tab. The names of the sheets are, CMH, ORD, JFK, LAX, and MIA. There are other sheets in the book but I don’t want any information from them. The five sheets have the same columns. I want to paste only the rows of the last entry for Origin and Forwarder. I have enclosed an example. So in rows 2 & 3 we have the same Origin-Forwarder combo but I only want the most current which would be row 3. Some Origin-Forwarder just has one entry so of course I would want that one.
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Nov 14, 2008
I'm running Excel 2003 on Windows 2000. I'm working with a worksheet that is about 10,000 rows long and 25 columns wide. The first and second columns all have data in them, and the third through twenty fifth could have data. From row to row, if there is data present it will be in columns from left to right. By that I mean that if there is data in four columns of a particular row, it will always be in columns 1-4, not spread out throughout the 25 columns.
What I'm trying to do is sort the data in each row so that values ascend from left to right. Here's a very simple version of what the data looks like:
1 a 6 3
2 b 5 9 2 8
3 c 6 5 2
4 d 9
5 e 3 9
When I'm done I would want the data to look like this:
1 a 3 6
2 b 2 5 8 9
3 c 2 5 6
4 d 9
5 e 3 9
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Jun 4, 2009
how do I cut rows and paste into another sheet/file based on the values in a row.
For example in row A
1 123
2 123
3 123
4 333
5 333
6 444
7 333
8 444
I need to copy all the 123 into a sheet/file and the 333 into another sheet/file.
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Jul 20, 2014
I am trying to create a workload spread sheet for work I need to have the same looking spread sheet 365 times but also need each sheet to be dated, EG (tue,01/04/2014 through to tue,31/03/2015) I can create 365 tabs that have the same spread sheet on and I can create dates but not do both at the same time, it isn't fun doing copy and paste 365 time.
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May 23, 2014
I am trying to sort by date in a table (It is named Linked_file_table), C173:I188. I would like the table to be sorted by I173 AZ.
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Dec 1, 2008
I have a Column J with Dates formated in the dd/mm/yyyy format how do I used the Selection.Sort key:= xx order:= to sort the rows that have a date in the selected columns. Where J_End in the code below is the Column I need to refer to its sorting to a point but im not sure whats wrong with it.
All I really need it to do is group all the ones with a date (completed) and without a date (not completed) thus why im sorting it and the other stuff prioritize it.
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Dec 2, 2009
I have 3 rows to each customer. I need to sort according to column B, by date. However I need to keep all 3 rows togeather. Is this possible?
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Sep 21, 2007
Is there a way to have a sheet automatically sort itself by date? I keep selecting cells and sorting manually but it get tedious doing it over and over every time I enter something new. Like if I had dates in row G every time I added something new it would automatically sort all rows by date.
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