I have some code traversing a directory of folders and subfolders on a shared server and returning a list of those file paths. Around 6000 folders with about 2 subfolders on average. This returns a list of 12000 filepaths but takes around 13-15 minutes to do. Each path looks something like this:
I am using below mentioned Code for checking if certain file exist on Path. Its working on my home PC (XP SP2 Excel 2003). BUT its not working on my office PC (XP SP2 Excel 2003).
Can somebody tell me why its not working in my office PC ( or if its missing something, then from where can i download it.)
Sub CheckFiles() Const strFolder = "C:Documents and SettingskreshnrDesktopTest" Dim fso, msg, i Dim rngData As Range
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") Set rngData = Sheets("Sheet1").Range("A1")
With rngData Do While .Offset(i, 0).Value "" If (fso.FileExists(strFolder & .Offset(i, 0).Value & ". ")) Then .Offset(i, 2).Value = "Yes" Else .Offset(i, 2).Value = "No" End If i = i + 1 Loop End With End Sub
I have an application that requires users to download a file from a location that is then imported at their execution into the application. I've done my best to counsel users to download the file to their desktop (for ease of locating) and to stick with a standard filename so that there are no errors. Some of these people just don't take direction well, will save the file wherever, or save the name inappropratly, or worse, open up multiple copies of the same file corrupting the name: ie: FileName.xls, FileName.xls(1), FileName1.
I have a spreadsheet with a macro that saves a backup s/s to a particular folder, but the problem I have need the macro to check the filepath is that of the original s/s before running.
Its so that when people take copies of the main s/s and save them to their desktop I dont want the copies being saved in the backup folder
macro is below
Private Sub Workbook_BeforeClose(Cancel As Boolean)
If ActiveWorkbook.ReadOnly Then Exit Sub
If MsgBox("Do You Want To Save A Backup?", vbYesNo) = vbNo Then Exit Sub
Dim fso As Object Dim objFiles As Object Dim myWkBk As String Dim myFName As String Dim BkUpDir As String Dim CountFiles As Integer Dim mydate As Double
I have a variable ("DestFile") that defines a path to a file (used in saving the file)...
I'm in the process of getting a Sub to hyperlink to this file, but in some circumstances, I may only want to hyperlink to the folder, not the actual file...
How would I go about trimming the "DestFile" address to get a "DestFldr" address?...
An example of "DestFile" might be; S:BryanFor KenGulf ConstructionST0609014-t.xls (the file name length may vary) What code can I use to consistently trim it back to; S:BryanFor KenGulf Construction as the "DestFldr" variable?
I am trying to search a cell for multiple different strings and if the string is found, multiply a nearby cell by a factor of 1.5. if the strings are not found i want the original cell value to be used. I have tried using find functions but they do not seem to work. I have also tried using nested if functions with no luck..
My Excel 2010 spreadsheet contains client data like the below:
What I'm trying to get from this is a personally addressed email with 2 attachments, one will be standard to all recipients and one will be unique and specific to that recipient. The filename of the unique attachment will contain the reference but will have some other stuff in the filename as well on either side that I will not be able to remove.
In terms of the file locations the unique ones will be in subfolders of the folder holding this workbook and the generic one will be in the same folder as the this workbook.This is some adapted code that solved a similar problem (in Excel 2007 though) on a different website.
VB: Sub Mail_Report() Dim OutApp As Object Dim OutMail As Object [code]....
In that case the file started with the "reference" field but in my case it is in the middle and the formats vary depending on the provider, there will only be a maximum of 5 providers but I would like to avoid 5 different macros if at all possible so I need a search function of some sort.
I'd like to write a formula that check if a string (contained in another cell - say A1) includes at least one occurrence of one of a set of 5 sub strings. If the substring is included then it should return which one.
For istance, say that the cell A1 = " The colour is BLACK" then I'd like a formula in cell B1 that check if any of the following strings is included in A1 (RED, GREEN, BLUE, BLACK, ORANGE) and that tells me which one.
I have 2 sheets of data. I am looking for a macro that will check if there are any strings that exists on Sheet1 but not on Sheet2 and if they do, paste them at the end of Sheet2. All of this data is in Columns A by the way.
Can the below be achieved with any formulae or macro -
I have 2 worksheets (sheet1 & sheet2). In sheet2, i have some colors in column A (e.g. "red" in A1, "blue" in A2, "green" in A3.
In sheet1, i have some text strings in column A, e.g.
A1: I love red color A2: my pen in blue A3: Green grass A4: Orange juice A5: I like red and blue
What i want in corresponding cells in column B, is the name of the color which is in column A. so my output should be
B1: red B2: blue B3: green B4: "NIL" (any error message) B5: red (even though it contains 2 color, i am happy to show any one of the colors it contains)
How can I check to see if this range is sorted with vba?
I have searched but havent found anything for strings.
I can only think of adding each cell to an array, creating a copy array, sorting the copy array and then comparing the two arrays. I want it to return TRUE, FALSE or 1, 0
I know how to check for a path exsistance. If Dir(DEST, vbDirectory) = "" Then MsgBox "Path does not exist" (while DEST = "C:TempMike"). I would like to add a question which will determine if the user wants the Macro to create that Path.
1. I do not know how to create that path via VBA Code. 2. What if 'C:Temp' allready exists and only 'Mike' has to be added/created !?
How to save a file, with file- name. but the directory is to be read in worksheet "towns" in Cell1 (brussels) and filename in worksheet "names" in cell B2 (i.e. winter), so it saves to c:russelswinter.txt as a wordpad or kladblok txt file, that keeps a number, so each time we push a button "go back from worksheet names to worksheet towns" the "number" that is saved in the txt document goes up by value +1. In Flemisch, the "old" code goes as follows, and saves the number in the txt file Factuurnummer7.txt. But I want that the file name (here: FactuurNummer7) can be a variable text issue, which has to be read - as already noticed - in cell B2 (with the word WINTER). So the are 2 worksheets: towns, ans names
pad$ = Application.DefaultFilePath 'controle = Dir(pad$ + "FactuurNummer7.txt") 'If controle = "" Then GoTo EerstAanmaken 'Open pad$ + "Factuurnummer7.txt" For Input As #10 'Input #10, Nummer1 'Close #10......................
Below is the current code I have for File Copy before the workbook closes. This file will be distributed all over and obviously will not have the same old path and new path locations as I have in my code also will not have the same file name. Is there anyway to still perform the file copy without knowing the old path and file name and possibly have message box pop up to ask the copy to location and use that in the new path string?
Sub Macro1() Dim fs As Object Dim oldPath As String, newPath As String oldPath = "I:EXLDATAMC Daily" '<---Where the file is currently located newPath = "H:South RegionOrlando Mail Services2008DI" 'Since the super shared drive is super slow we will just copy and replace this file each time before we close and of course after we save Set fs = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") fs.CopyFile oldPath & "" & "OrlandoMail.xls", newPath & "" & "OrlandoMail.xls" Set fs = Nothing End Sub
Attached is a workbook that takes an imported text file, inserts rows with text.
It is SLOW, you can watch each line being inserted with the text, I would think with such a small sample dataset it would be much much quicker.
Information: See attached xls file.
On sheet1 is the imported data, sheet2 is a copy of the imported data so one can copy and paste to sheet1 as needed with out re-importing for test purposes and only for this query. (Sheets2 thru 3 are not used otherwise).
There is a command button on sheet one which will run macro "aaa". If you run this you will see how slow it is and exactly what it is doing.
I am simply looking for a way to speed this up, I have some files that are 10 times the size of the sample data and they take 10 or more minutes to run.
I just found a code to copy file path and file contents. However it is copying folder path and folder contents.here is my requirement.I will specify a path, macro has to copy that file name in a particular cell, then it has to copy all its contents. ex:
file name 1 has 3 sub files in it, file name 2 has 2 sub files in it--
1) I need to add an edit check 2) have a copy of Active Workbook Path stamped onto spreadsheet with date and time to create a visual record of where the file has been saved (described after the code below).
1) I need to verify that two cells (S7 and S9) are not blank before running my code below (=IF(OR(S7<>"",S9<>""),RUN CODE,"You must select your Provider or Division before you can save this document")).
- If both of these cells are blank a message box should notify the user that they must select the provider and/or division before they can continue with the save.
- If one or more of these cells are not blank the code below should run.
Each month I am sent a spreadsheet which contains a list of 100's of different file paths (including file name).
For example (Quater 1 is the document name) R:ManagementJohn2008SalesSectionAQuater1
I would like to remove the file name from the file path (I will then convert the file paths to hyperlinks which will open the folder the document is stored in but not the document itself.
I am trying to separate a filename from a filepath in Excel VBA 2003.
I am using the Application. GetOpenFilename command to get the user to select the correct file. However, this also seems to record the filepath.
I am trying to separate the filename out of this so that each file( name) activates a different sub procedure. I am storing the result of the getopenfilename as a Variant.
At the moment I am having to specify the full path in order to get each sub to run. This is fine for 1 user - but not for others as the files are stored in different locations for each user.
I'm using this code to import a file, but I want to be able to save just the path (with no file name) to a variable to use for the output file. This code saves the path and file.
Any help would be greatly appreciated. I didn't know but what there was a function that I could apply to the 'FileName' variable that would remove the file name...don't know.
How can I get the name of a workbook WITHOUT the path when I have the name WITH the path?
To be more specific. When I use "Application. GetOpenFilename" the result is a file name for say "my_book" including the path. With this I can open the file using "Workbooks.Open" and Excel will show me "my_book". But when I want to reference this workbook later on in say "Workbooks(my_book)", then I need the file name without the path. How can I get that one in VBA?
Till now I was using "CurDir" to find out the path after opening the file and just subtracted it from the full file name. This seamed to be fine. But now I had a situation where CurDir gave me a path with abbreviations (~),