Stop Screen From Jumping While Running Macro
Apr 25, 2007
I've created a macro that runs for about 3 seconds. While the macro runs, the active worksheet display jumps around because of the various cell references being addressed in the macro.
Is there a way to stop the jumping around? How can a simple "Progress" screen be displayed while the macro is running?
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May 21, 2008
I have attached macro code, which populates a three page template and clears the contents, so that the process can be repeated. I would like to stream line the macro which populates the template - currently there is alot of screen flickering back and forth between worksheets.
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Jan 4, 2010
I have a VBA macro that sort several worksheets during th e processing but the screen flashes it move between worksheets. I would like to be able to just show a messae or have the display stay on the strting worksheet
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Aug 10, 2009
I have a spreadsheet containing a macro to automatically sum values from week to week and display the max/min and average. This is almost fully working. The problem I have is the macro copies the sum formula down the page and doesn't stop at the last row. It always adds one or two extra rows. The formula should stop at row 77 however this does not happen and therefore the sum keeps going. Which in turn, distorts the max/min figures.
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Apr 28, 2006
I wanted to run a macro at 08:00 each day. I tested the macro would auto start and run, and set the test to start at 13:00.
In the Private module of the Workbook I put
Private Sub Workbook_Open()
Application .OnTime TimeValue("08:00:00"), "MyMacro"
End Sub
and in a standard module
Sub TestTimeMacro()
Application.OnTime TimeValue("08:00:00"), "MyMacro"
End Sub
Initially I had the TimeValue set as 13:00:00. The test worked OK so I changed the timevalue to 08:00:00.
The macro now runs at 08:00 and 13:00.
How do I stop the 13:00 event?
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May 14, 2007
I currently have a userform that runs a bunch of code for me. There are a lot of listboxes on the userform that have rowsources of various dynamic named ranges. I'm running into a problem when I have the used click the "Remove Item" button from the userform. Normally it is supposed to go back to the sourcerow and remove all of the cells that contain values that are selected in the listbox.
The code for removing the cells works just fine, however when it deletes a cell, for some reason the code executes a private sub that is in a different sheet. I can't figure out why and it's messing up my macro.
Here's the
Private Sub cmdAIRemove_Click()
For i = 0 To lbAISummary.ListCount - 1
If lbAISummary.Selected(i) = True Then
For Each cItem In Worksheets("Lists").Range("YourAI")
If lbAISummary.List(i) = cItem.Value Then
cItem.Delete (xlUp) '<- right after this line it jumps to NWSMonth_Change
i = i - 1
End If
Next cItem
End If
Next i
End sub...
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Feb 2, 2007
How to stop macro while running SendKeys statement. I am not able to stop the process while running SendKeys statement. this is my Sendkeys VBA
For Each cell In Selection
SendKeys cell.Text, True
Next cell
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Oct 17, 2007
I'm opening a workbook and then running the macro in the workbook. The problem is I would like to build a "timeout" feature if the macro is running too long (as some of the macro's this will run can take days to complete) but I don't know how to run the macro asynchronously. Also I need to know if i can get it to run asynchronous is there an event that will tell me when the process is finished. The calling application of the macro is written in VB6 and opening excel workbooks to run the macros out of. also the "timeout" feature must be done from the VB6 application it cannot be edited into the the workbooks containing the macro.
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Aug 17, 2009
I've got a worksheet_selectionchange macro on a sheet, and another macro that you can run after it. The issue is that when the second macro runs, it also runs the selectionchange macro, and wipes some of the info that the second macro should be copying.
Is there a piece of code that I can use in the second macro to block the selectionchance code from running until it's compelte?
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Apr 16, 2014
I have 3 checkboxes; when one is checked, a set/range of rows should be visible. Only 1 checkbox should be checked at a time.
If checkbox 18 is already checked, and checkbox 20 is then checked, I want the first checkbox unchecked and the rows for checkbox hidden.
I'm using the following code. It works great as long as I check and uncheck the same box before attempting to check another box. But if Checkbox18 is already checked with its rows showing, and I then check checkbox20, the checkbox20 sub runs and as I step through, it jumps to sub checkbox18.
How can I stop my subs from jumping from one to another?
Private Sub CheckBox18_Click()
If CheckBox18.Value = True Then
Worksheets("TRF").Rows("36:41").Hidden = False
Worksheets("TRF").Rows("42:64").Hidden = True
Worksheets("TRF").Rows("65:76").Hidden = True
CheckBox19.Value = False
[Code] .........
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Jan 13, 2010
i have an excel with two sheets containing both formula and vba code... but it will flicker when i click every command button? how will i stop flickering?
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Apr 17, 2009
In the example included, a filter is running. (Status; Watching, Column G) Whenever you type something in the sheet, the screen is flickering. When the filter isn't running, nothing unusual happens. How can I fix this? Marco
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Nov 30, 2009
I have a rather large workbook (30 sheets, 10MB) that has one worksheet with many INDIRECT functions in it (pulling data from the same file, different tabs). I am working to put simple code into the workbook to protect and/or unprotect all worksheets. I have gotten code to work to both protect and unprotect all the sheets, but when I run the unprotect code (see below), and then I go to edit the workbook, data from the sheet with many "indirect" functions temporarily "overwrites" the data on the active sheet (this is fixed when I scroll my mouse over the effected cells). I am developing this workbook for other users, so I'd like to fix this before sending it off to them.
This problem does not happen until after I run the following .....
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Oct 16, 2008
Hi, I am runnning this marquee label function in a userform (Dash). When I close the form, using 'unload frmDash' the function is still running in the background. Can someone give me a tip on how to end it at the same time as the form is closed?
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Mar 7, 2014
I have a large macro called SplitData, which takes a load of data and splits it and reformats it each month.
I have 4 Activex Control combo boxes on one sheet that are linked to a range...this range changes each month, so I blank out the range and then repopulate.
My problem is that when I blank out the range, it triggers the Private Sub ComboBox1_Change() and throws some errors because there is no data to select.
So, I was wondering if there is something I can set in my SpltData macro that will not run the ComboBox1_Change sub while the SplitData macro is running?
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Jan 18, 2013
I have a vba function linked to conditional formatting that i want to temporarily stop while a sub to insert a line is running as the sub stops when it hits the sheet where the vba function operates. When i disable the vba function (or remove the vba function) the sub works fine, if the vba function is not disabled the sub stops.
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Apr 29, 2014
Attached is an example of the program. The purpose of this program is to allow someone with very little knowledge about the information to enter data. The first tab labeled "Instructions" is will have two macros assigned to the buttons at the bottom of the page. The first macro labeled "Move Data" will move data will clear data in the shaded cell on the "Entry Form" sheet and fill those cells in with '----. The second macro labeled "Generate and Save" will save a master copy of the program, save a historical copy of the program by date, and print/save a pdf copy of the "Reports" sheet.
Each one of the historical (the last 8 sheets of the program) sheet receives data from the "Entry Form" and then moves the data by date into the table for archiving purposes.
If you look at the code for the "Entry Form". I have a couple of subs. The first being Worksheet_change. the first section of this code is to force certain cells to be uppercase. This part of the code is working fine. The second part of the code is the Dim MyValues. This part is working fine also, but...
My issue is... When I run the move data macro from the "Instructions" sheet the Dim MyValues reads these as changes to the cells and wants to push the data to the historical sheets.
What I would like is an IF Statement above the Dim MyValues part of this code that stops the Dim MyValue part of the code running if those values are blank, 0, or have '---- entered into them.
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Sep 23, 2009
My users log on with unique PIN numbers for example 1234. I have a worksheet that has approximately 10 different VBA codes. What I would like is the ability at the start of the code to say if the current users pin is not in a hidden range then exit the code. If not run it. Is this possible?
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Jun 22, 2009
I have the following code to add dash mark to TextBox1 value depending on some condtions (mentioned in the code), the code works perfectly, but when we use Backspace Key to clear some charactors it is conflicting with the code running when changing Textbox1 value.
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Jul 10, 2007
I have a file that shows a rolling screen and updates information every 30 mins. I want to be able to stop the screensaver from activating while this file is open.
I have found this code on the forum that does this, how do I call this function from another module? ...
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Nov 28, 2011
I have a couple of functions running in my workbook, and for no reason that I can see, when one of them runs during a simple macro I use to show/hide some columns, the worksheet vanishes. Is there a way to stop all functions running while I show/hide columns?
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May 15, 2007
I am using a macro that automatically updates data obtained through a DDE link at 5 second intervals. My code is based off of the article "Automatically Run Macros at a Set Time or Date" found on the Ozgrid FAQs found here:
However, I have this macro execute when I activate a Form Button, not when the workbook opens. So far, this macro works perfectly, and I have no problems. Although, I'd also like to include a Form button to STOP the macro from automatically running if the user chose to do so. How exactly would I go about making this STOP button?
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Dec 13, 2006
my excel sheet runs through a lot of calculations, opens Flowmaster, a simulations program, passes on data, receivs data and so on. Is there any way to have a user input to stop the whole simulation. During the first tries I had a lot of break point in my debugger. But now I want to have a button to hit or better just some keys to hit to stop it without using the ctrl+alt+del which closes everything.
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Apr 5, 2009
I have created a quick flowchart in Excel 2007 using the shapes and elbow/line connectors. All looks ok when on screen but when I move to the print preview, the elbow connectors used to loop back (horizontal, vertical and horizontal in opposite direction) in the process jump out of position.
If I print, it prints as per the print-preview.
Have alook at the screengrab showing regular view and print-preview.
Is there any way to fix the position of these lines?
Supplementary question: is there a straighforward way to creat a line break or crosssing?
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Oct 8, 2009
I m having trouble getting 1 cell to reference 2 others and generate a answer bassed off of the information provided,,,im having a hard time explaining this so maybe you can loog at the attached sheet and offer some advise,,,i have directions on the sheet ,with what i need it to do.
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Oct 21, 2008
kindly help in jumping locked cell in a proteced worksheet..
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Jul 18, 2013
I would like to write a formula to average cells F27 - F11007 in a spreadsheet for every 96 values. That is, I want the average of F27:F122, F123:F218, F219:F314 and so on up to F10912:F11007. Ideally I would be able to pull down the fill handle and perpetuate the formula since this is a lot of data.
I've been trying to use INDIRECT and OFFSET formulas but I get a #REF! or #VALUE error.
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Mar 8, 2008
I have a list box where I choose a product brand, my choice leads me to a second box where I choose a supplier then I want to use a button to move to the sheet with the product list for that supplier.
This page is my menu page were the user selects what he/she wants to do. The button then takes them to the data page
Based on the drop down boxes there can be 4 choices of supplier and I do not want 4 buttons.
If supplier = " ACE" I need sheet ACElist
if supplier = " Himway" I need sheet Himwaylist and so on
Maybe I am suffering from information overload been working on this for too long, but I amn not seeing the solution.
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Oct 31, 2013
I have an excel spreadsheet that goes from row 48 all the way to 1988, with no rows in between, and I cannot right click and delete the row, it acts like it is deleting it, then it re-adds the row
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Nov 21, 2006
I have a loop that looks like so:
X= 1
If Condition 1 is True Then...Make Cell B Blue
Loop Until X = 100
I want to make it so the "If Then" statement, if true, will cause the loop to skip FUnction B and head back to Function A with X equal to X+1. What do I put in the if statement to make this happen. NEXT X or something?
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