Taking Data From Website To Spreadsheet?

Jun 21, 2013

I am an excel novice trying to create a list of local churches. There are several online lists that I am taking the data from but, being a novice, I am entering the data manually. How to set up a method to bring the data into excel and order it where I want it.

I am attaching the spreadsheet.

These are the websites I am taking my data from: [URL]

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Copying Data From Website And Entering Onto Spreadsheet

May 30, 2014

Working in Windows 8 excel. I am copying data from a website and entering that data onto a spread sheet. There are certain websites where the data does not transfer on the first try. It sometimes takes up to trying 3 times before the data will download onto the spread sheet. Why is that? And is there anything I can do to get it to transfer on the first try?

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Extract Data From Website In Excel Spreadsheet?

Dec 17, 2011


My Excel Spreadsheet has columns named "Hospital Name | Overview | Address | Phone | Fax | Contact Person 1 | Contact Person 1 Title | Contact Person 2 | Contact Person 2 Title | Contact Person 3 | Contact Person 3 Title"

There is the list of hospitals starting from "Abbott Northwestern Hospital". I have two things in my mind to extract the information. If you click on the first hospital name "Abbott Northwestern Hospital". Below is an example text which I would like to transfer it automatically in columns given above;

This text should go in column named "Overview":

Abbott Northwestern Hospital bring twins into the Twin Cities -- along with triplets, quadruplets............

This text should go in column named "Address": 800 E. 28th St.Minneapolis, MN 55407

This text should go in column named "Phone": 612-863-4000

This text should go in column named "Fax": 612-863-5667

This text should go in column named "Contact Person 1": Jeffrey D. (Jeff) Peterson

This text should go in column named "Contact Person 1 Title": President

This text should go in column named "Contact Person 2": Daryl Schroeder

This text should go in column named "Contact Person 2 Title": VP Operations

This text should go in column named "Contact Person 3": Sandy Schmitt

This text should go in column named "Contact Person 3 Title": VP Strategic Development, Allina Hospitals and Clinics

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Taking Over Spreadsheet With Macro Not Working?

Jun 3, 2014

Debug error points to:

BuildPlan(Worksheets(SourceWorksheet).Cells(j, "A"), Worksheets(SourceWorksheet).Cells(j, "E"),
Worksheets(SourceWorksheet).Cells(j, "F")) = Worksheets(SourceWorksheet).Cells(j, "K")

Sub is below:

Sub UpdateMonthForecast()
Dim Month As Integer
Dim Year As Integer


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Taking Row Of Spreadsheet And Putting Into Main One

Nov 29, 2013

I have a bunch of spreadsheets in a folder and I need to take one line of each spreadsheet (which is in the same place on every one) into a master spreadsheet.

I am always adding to the spreadsheets in the folder.

Is there a way to have my master spreadsheet look out for changes in the folder and when there are changes add the row into it?

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Spreadsheet Taking A Long Time To Open

May 28, 2009

I have a couple shreadsheets I have created, one is for Purchase order's and has 4 different sheets. with one sheet holding addresses linked a drop down menu in the first sheet, all in the same workbook. Also there is a macro within this sheet to print to a specific printer, and a specific number of copies when CTRL p is pressed. The total file size is approx 9 mb. Opening this file takes approx 30 to 45 seconds. There are no links to any outside files, only links within the workbook itself.

The second File I have recently started having problems with (Our Quotation log) is A workbook containing 3 sheets, 2 sheets independant and one sheet linked to the second that Summarizes the first and also has cels to enter information on the person the quotation has come from. I have this sheet formatted as a table so I can sort by name etc when doing followups.

This workbook also takes approx 30 to 45 seconds to open, and on occasion longer. All workbooks are stored on my computer. The PO workbook has had the problem since I created it, although the Quotation log workbook has only had the issue this week.

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Excel 2007 :: Spreadsheet For Taking Class Attendance?

Sep 10, 2013

I've got an Excel 2007 spreadsheet that I want to use to take the attendance in the school where I teach. I've got it more or less the way I want it, but there are 2 improvements I'd like to make:

1. I don't want to have press Enter to go down to the next cell. If a kid is present, I want to press 'p' and automatically be one cell lower.

2. When I open the spreadsheet (which contains multiple worksheets for different classes), I'd like it to open at today's date on the left regardless of which worksheet I go to (I've frozen the first four columns, so I'd like 'today's column' to appear next to them). I've put the dates in row 1. I've put the dates in the format ddd, d/m/y. (I don't know if that info makes any difference, hence I'm including it). I've already looked up some posts on this and copied and pasted a few different suggestions, but none worked.

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LOOKUP (or INDEX): Put Together A Spreadsheet Which Is Raising Donations For A Fan's Website

Jan 24, 2009

I am trying to put together a spreadsheet which is raising donations for a fan's website. The The website users have pledged £1 or £2 for every goal scored by a certain player. The summary sheet will display the number of goals scored by each player and update the total donations made by each website user to give a runni'ng total. I have tried a variety of hlookups and array formulas but thats about as far as my excel goes.

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Data Entry Taking An Age!

Sep 29, 2008

However data now takes far too long to enter; for example if I type the number 9 into a cell it takes around 30 seconds to let me enter more data, it is as if it is working on some calculations. The VBA I'm using is as shown below.

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Taking Data From A Cell

Aug 7, 2009

Is there a fomula that would take data from a cell.

I am looking to take everything before and includuing the word LTD
For example if a cell contained
Joe Bloggs Ltd (Mr Jones) C/o USA

I would like to be able to take "Joe Bloggs LTD"

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Taking Data From Other Spreadsheets Using A Macro

Oct 3, 2007

I have a number of reports in excel (all in the same format) which I need to take certain data out of and store it into one main spreadsheet. Searching through the forums I found some code which I think will do this:

Sub test()
Dim myDir As String, fn As String, ws As Worksheet
myDir = "C: est"
fn = Dir(myDir & "*.xls")
If fn = "" Then Exit Sub
Do While fn ""
Set ws = Workbooks.Open(myDir & fn).Sheets(1)
ws.Range("a7", ws.Range("a" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp)).EntireRow.Copy
ThisWorkbook.Sheets(1).Range("a" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Offset(1)
Workbooks(fn).Close False
fn = Dir
End Sub
I have tried using this code, altering the Dir String to the folder the documents are in.

However, when I run the code, nothing happens. I don't get any errors, and nothing appears in the spread sheet.

To be honest, I am not totally familiar with macros in Excel. I can get the gist of what the code is doing having using VB before, but am not totally familiar with some of the functions being used here.

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Taking Data From Document To Rename Tabs

Apr 21, 2013

There is a folder in a shared location which many people use at work. Within this folder, I have an excel document with all current stock (called "Current Stock"). There will never be more than 20 items in current stock. There is also other documents within this folder which relate to lots of other things, Interest, Deals etc.

What I want to do is every time a new item is added to the "Current Stock" document, a tab is created with that Item name within all the other documents.

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Formulas That Can Extract Data By Taking Numbers

Oct 14, 2008

Is there a formula that can extract data by taking numbers within a specific range and assigning a number to the data within that specific range?

0-25=1, 26-50=2, 51-75=3, 76-100=4, >100=5

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Taking Multiple Data Block To Another Sheet

Mar 3, 2007

I need to use Excel 2007 in a stock sheet situation.
I have attached a picture of what the sheet will look like.
What I need is a formula that will take a value in column c and then add the value in colum a behind that. Preferably with a X or - between them ie.

If i took the first row and applied the formula it should kick out 5 x Jam
The main thing is it must output the answer to another file/page so that the main page stays the same. And if there is no value in Colum c it must ignore it.

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Workbook That Compares Two Sheets Of Data By Taking The Difference Between The Two

Jun 18, 2009

I have a workbook that compares two sheets of data by taking the difference between the two. Some of the cells contain N/A for value, so when I take the difference of two sheets, it gives me #Value! error. My question is how can I format it, so when the cell contains text it displays N/A or if its a value: it takes the difference and populates the value.

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Import Website Data Into Excel (Scrapping Of Data)

Jun 20, 2014

I have a tedious task of copy/paste from our website. have a look at below sample data. I have around 1500 rows of data like this.



Column A has input data which i need to copy and paste in a web form. Column B will have results scrapped form webpage[ URL]. This webpage will need login details

If a code can be written which take value form column A of spreadsheet and paste in webpage like shown in above image and hit search button. Next webpage will be loaded with number of results like shown in below. Take the number of results and paste in column B of spreadsheet.

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Extracting Data From A Website

Jul 30, 2013

I am trying to extract data from a website:

[URL] .....

I looked at the source code of the website and realized that if you notice (above) that the variables listed in the link (i.e year, month, day) are exactly what i need to change in order to get the data for a specific date. how can I accomplish this using VBA. so say I have in on an excel sheet year in column A, month in column B, and days in column C (time interval is constant so we don't have to worry about stime and etime). and i run the macro and it loops through each row taking year,month,day for all rows and saving the data as .csv or xls files?

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Retrieving Data From A Website

Jul 31, 2013

retrieving data from financial website databases like yahoofinance.com and bloomberg.com. I'm trying to make an automatic stock analysis model to read from the website database and retrieve the data into excel sheets. For example, when opening the excel model the user gets a popup to enter the stock ticker, the user enters the ticker and gets a set of data. Is this do-able in excel?

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Fetching Data From Website?

Jun 20, 2014

I have list of url in a column. I want to fetch data from all the links and store it in a excel sheet.

I have written code, the code fetches only 1 links data at a time. I want to loop that vba macro and fetch all the data at a time.

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Pulling Data From Website When Url Changes

Feb 8, 2008

I have written a macro to pull in data from a website each day. However the macro falls over because the end of the url changes slightly each day as the website provider updates the information. Unfortunately there does not appear to be a logical pattern to the number change in the url and so I don’t think I can pre-empt what the change will be. The path through the website remains the same, but the url changes as a new csv document replaces the old one. Is there any way of writing the macro so that it opens/picks up the current url rather than a fixed url?

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VBA- Pulling Data From Website

Aug 24, 2008

I went through the thread http://www.mrexcel.com/forum/showthread.php?t=302438. I have similar problem of pulling the data from http://www.nseindia.com/ site. Could you please help me?

The navigation to the page required is as below.

http://www.nseindia.com/ > Equity > Historical Data > Security-wise data >

eg. NSE Symbol: RPL, Series: ALL, From date: 01-01-2008, To date: 01-05-2008.

After clicking on the 'Get Results' button it navigates to the page with tables. At the end it says "Download file in csv format". upon clicking this a csv file opens. (http://www.nseindia.com/content/equi...-2008RPLXN.csv)

I need this page to be opened in Excel sheet. How should I go ahead?
(Basically I need historical stock data csv files of various stocks)

Even though a simple web query opens the page, it do not work if the parameters (stock name, date) are changed.

I found that the last resulting page in csv is using a "REFERRAL URL". Could this be a problem? How to get around?

I know little bit of VBA and can further work to pass variables.

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Extract Data From A Website

Jan 8, 2010

Is it possible to extract data from a website into an excell workbook using data from the workbook?

I have rough workbook that i gather data from 3 different websites to calculate a rough market value for DVDs that I buy and sell. I am good with excel but have no idea about importing data into it.

Currently I copy and paste from the sites on an as needed basis but it is a slow slow task when I have several dozen or more to do per hour.

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Importing Data From A Website

Jun 3, 2003

I wish to surf to a website and retrieve the bottom entry in a column The column updates dynamically with a new number added to the bottom on a daily basis.

Here is the website URL: http://global-view.com/fxhist.TXT.

The column I am interested in is the second column from the left under the History section. The column contains close prices for the currency symbol EUR/$.

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Copying Data From A Website ..

Apr 19, 2006

I have managed to manipulate a website by entering some dates into the input boxes then go to another page with the information I need. I am wondering if anyone knows a macro I can use to copy the data directly to a new worksheet?

my code is below ...

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Average From Whole Months Data Taking Exact Date To Start With

Jan 7, 2014

In the file attached there is only the data to look at, though file is little bit lager.

Now in cell G10 I've got the stock forecast in 3 months time, this stock forecast is calculated from a date rounded to the closest month (according to my criteria), then the formula looks at the reference number cell D1 to work out the formula. All the steps are in the file.

In order to be more accurate my boss and I want to use the exact date, so that delete all the round month process. My intention is to use the day of the date and then make a fraction of the months to calculate the average. Taking into account that a month have as an average of 30.4166 days.

In the file I did an example, to clarify my messy explanation.

Cells B2, C2, D2 won't be needed in order to do so.

Please have a look at the file. At the end my intention is to to such a formula or a similar one. The formula should be an automatic one when typing dates in cell A10

The result of it is in row 31 and 32.


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Getting Website Data - Multiple Tabs

Mar 8, 2013

I've only recently ventured into the VBA scripting and am finding it quite exciting. After doing some trivial stuff, I'm trying to work with websites. Currently, I'm trying to pull data off of a website which poses a form which has to be filled first. I've been successful in filling the form and clicking submit, through the code, but the site opens the results in a separate tab in IE. I am unable to make it go to that tab and copy-paste data from there.

Secondly, instead of just blindly copy pasting, it would be better if the data is pasted in a more readable format (as on the website). The following code is plainly copying and pasting the data as-is and hence rendering it unreadable:

.ExecWB 17, 0
.ExecWB 12, 2
.PasteSpecial Format:="Text", link:=False, DisplayAsIcon:=False

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Importing Data From A Website Into Excel?

Jun 3, 2003

From inside Excel, I wish to surf to a website and retrieve the bottom entry in a column The column updates dynamically with a new number added to the bottom on a daily basis.

Here is the website [URL].......

The column I am interested in is the second column from the left under the History section. The column contains close prices for the currency symbol EUR/$.

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Get Data From Website That Requires Login

Jun 28, 2012

I need to get data from a website that requires to log-in, so i set this Vba, and i get an error "object dosent support this property or method"?

Sub GetTable()
Dim IEApp As Object
Dim IEDoc As Object
Dim IETable As Object
Dim clip As DataObject
Set IEApp = New InternetExplorer
IEApp.Visible = True


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Pulling Data From Website Within Userform?

Dec 22, 2012

I have a user form that will navigate to a website where the user can find the latitude/longitude coordinates of a desired point.

What I would then like to do is "pull" the latitude/longitude into cells B1 and B2 respectively.

I have attached the workbook.


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Import Data Form Website

Mar 11, 2014

Doing all 47 pages at once may cause their site to block your IP. Though usually only temporarily - a few minutes to a few days. You could do it in sessions by changing "For i = 1 To 47" to the appropriate page numbers. After each session be sure to rename the "Stats" sheet as the code starts by deleting and re-creating it. After all sessions combine the various "Stat" sheets.

Doing all 47 at once will take a few minutes to complete and you won't see anything happening. The cursor will only spin occasionally. You wil get "Query complete" when it finishes.


Sub QueryWeb()
Dim i As Integer
Dim firstRow As Integer
Dim lastRow As Integer
Dim nextRow As Integer
Dim URLstart As String
Dim URLend As String


This code works like charm. Is is possible to develop a code like this which open each each name from this page- [URL]....


copy details like Attorney Name, email, phone and fax nos. and paste the same into excel rows.

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