Taking Data From Other Spreadsheets Using A Macro

Oct 3, 2007

I have a number of reports in excel (all in the same format) which I need to take certain data out of and store it into one main spreadsheet. Searching through the forums I found some code which I think will do this:

Sub test()
Dim myDir As String, fn As String, ws As Worksheet
myDir = "C: est"
fn = Dir(myDir & "*.xls")
If fn = "" Then Exit Sub
Do While fn ""
Set ws = Workbooks.Open(myDir & fn).Sheets(1)
ws.Range("a7", ws.Range("a" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp)).EntireRow.Copy
ThisWorkbook.Sheets(1).Range("a" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Offset(1)
Workbooks(fn).Close False
fn = Dir
End Sub
I have tried using this code, altering the Dir String to the folder the documents are in.

However, when I run the code, nothing happens. I don't get any errors, and nothing appears in the spread sheet.

To be honest, I am not totally familiar with macros in Excel. I can get the gist of what the code is doing having using VB before, but am not totally familiar with some of the functions being used here.

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Macro For Opening Series Of Spreadsheets And Copying The Data - 1004 Error

Aug 20, 2014

The macro (used to) go down the list of spreadsheets and copy certain data from them into this master workbook. Now I'm getting a "'C:Users310108841DesktopTestFolder' could not be found" error and don't know why.


The error appears to happen here:

[Code] ....

What's more infuriating is that this appears to happen at random. I have been trying all afternoon to get it to work, and had no luck. I have literally just run it now, and it works fine. I can't believe it just works at random.

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Macro Progress Bar For Macro Taking Long Time

Dec 2, 2008

I have a macro that is taking a long time, so long that I think something is wrong but I dont really have a great way to check. I want to put up a little window showing the progress either by saying "i'm on row XX" or having a progress bar.

Looks like msgbox requires action before the code continues so it is not a good thing to use if you want to get progress. My formula looks for bad values in a data file and fixed them. It takes forever. I would like to have a box there that simply tells me what row it is working on.

Clearly I dont want to hit the OK button for it to continue processing. I want it to update the message box on its own and then take away the message box when it is finished processing.

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Taking Over Spreadsheet With Macro Not Working?

Jun 3, 2014

Debug error points to:

BuildPlan(Worksheets(SourceWorksheet).Cells(j, "A"), Worksheets(SourceWorksheet).Cells(j, "E"),
Worksheets(SourceWorksheet).Cells(j, "F")) = Worksheets(SourceWorksheet).Cells(j, "K")

Sub is below:

Sub UpdateMonthForecast()
Dim Month As Integer
Dim Year As Integer


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Sorting Macro :: Taking Time To Sort

Apr 11, 2007

I'm using the excel built in function to sort columns with my macro. However since my columns have 64,000 entries it takes a while for the computer to sort it.

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Data Entry Taking An Age!

Sep 29, 2008

However data now takes far too long to enter; for example if I type the number 9 into a cell it takes around 30 seconds to let me enter more data, it is as if it is working on some calculations. The VBA I'm using is as shown below.

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Taking Data From A Cell

Aug 7, 2009

Is there a fomula that would take data from a cell.

I am looking to take everything before and includuing the word LTD
For example if a cell contained
Joe Bloggs Ltd (Mr Jones) C/o USA

I would like to be able to take "Joe Bloggs LTD"

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Taking Data From Website To Spreadsheet?

Jun 21, 2013

I am an excel novice trying to create a list of local churches. There are several online lists that I am taking the data from but, being a novice, I am entering the data manually. How to set up a method to bring the data into excel and order it where I want it.

I am attaching the spreadsheet.

These are the websites I am taking my data from: [URL]

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Taking Data From Document To Rename Tabs

Apr 21, 2013

There is a folder in a shared location which many people use at work. Within this folder, I have an excel document with all current stock (called "Current Stock"). There will never be more than 20 items in current stock. There is also other documents within this folder which relate to lots of other things, Interest, Deals etc.

What I want to do is every time a new item is added to the "Current Stock" document, a tab is created with that Item name within all the other documents.

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Formulas That Can Extract Data By Taking Numbers

Oct 14, 2008

Is there a formula that can extract data by taking numbers within a specific range and assigning a number to the data within that specific range?

0-25=1, 26-50=2, 51-75=3, 76-100=4, >100=5

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Taking Multiple Data Block To Another Sheet

Mar 3, 2007

I need to use Excel 2007 in a stock sheet situation.
I have attached a picture of what the sheet will look like.
What I need is a formula that will take a value in column c and then add the value in colum a behind that. Preferably with a X or - between them ie.

If i took the first row and applied the formula it should kick out 5 x Jam
The main thing is it must output the answer to another file/page so that the main page stays the same. And if there is no value in Colum c it must ignore it.

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Workbook That Compares Two Sheets Of Data By Taking The Difference Between The Two

Jun 18, 2009

I have a workbook that compares two sheets of data by taking the difference between the two. Some of the cells contain N/A for value, so when I take the difference of two sheets, it gives me #Value! error. My question is how can I format it, so when the cell contains text it displays N/A or if its a value: it takes the difference and populates the value.

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Average From Whole Months Data Taking Exact Date To Start With

Jan 7, 2014

In the file attached there is only the data to look at, though file is little bit lager.

Now in cell G10 I've got the stock forecast in 3 months time, this stock forecast is calculated from a date rounded to the closest month (according to my criteria), then the formula looks at the reference number cell D1 to work out the formula. All the steps are in the file.

In order to be more accurate my boss and I want to use the exact date, so that delete all the round month process. My intention is to use the day of the date and then make a fraction of the months to calculate the average. Taking into account that a month have as an average of 30.4166 days.

In the file I did an example, to clarify my messy explanation.

Cells B2, C2, D2 won't be needed in order to do so.

Please have a look at the file. At the end my intention is to to such a formula or a similar one. The formula should be an automatic one when typing dates in cell A10

The result of it is in row 31 and 32.


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Copy Formula Down / Across Taking From Data Table With Vertical And Horizontal Parameters

Mar 6, 2013

Excell file eWorked Example.xlsx

I am trying to set-up a formula that needs to be copied down and across and draws upon a data table that has a horizontal and vertical parameter that needs to be checked for the formula to return the right answer.

I have tried all manner of Index/Match, Offset etc but can only get one of either the vertical, or horizontal parameter working.

I have attempted a formula which is

=INDEX('PIP Input'!$C$17:$C$29,MATCH(H$1,('PIP Input'!$H$17:$H$29),0),MATCH($B4,'PIP Input'!$H$15:$L$15,0))

('PIP Input'!$H$17:$H$29) is column dependent on MATCH($B4,'PIP Input'!$H$15:$L$15,0)

If $B4 returned a different result from ('PIP Input'!$H$17:$H$29) then it would need to be ('PIP Input'!$I$17:$I$29)

How to nest the Horizontal Match inside the Vertical Match, such that the Vertical Match changes column depending on $B4?

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How Do I Apply A Macro To All Open Spreadsheets Except The One The Macro Is In

Dec 8, 2009

I am trying to set up a macro that hides certain columns of data in an automated spreadsheet that I don't need. How do I make the macro that hides the columns apply to all spreadsheets that are open except for the one I am in?

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Macro Does Not Cycle Through The Spreadsheets?

Mar 4, 2014

I've recorded a Macro that goes through multiple spreadsheets and refreshes the pivot tables in the sheets. I would like the Macro to run without it actually showing it go to each sheet and showing the pivot table updating. Bascially I would like the spreadsheet to remain on the first sheet while it's working with all the spreadsheet in the workbook when the macro is running.

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Creating Macro That Converts Spreadsheets To PDF?

Feb 3, 2014

So I am starting to get ambitious with Excel now and am looking at creating a macro that will automatically create a pdf file of several worksheets at the same time. However this is my problem. Using the current version of Excel there is a wonderful record macro button, however when I try to include a function that would create a PDF, it says that I need to save any changes before creating the PDF. However when I save the file, I have to stop recording which defeats the whole purpose of creating the macro in the first place.

How can I use the record macro function to create my pdf macro without learning visual basic? If I cannot, how to write what it is that I am trying to accomplish?

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Macro For Matching Between Two Spreadsheets And Finding A Value

Oct 27, 2008

I have two spreadsheets, spreadsheet A and B. In each spreadsheet there is a column labeled 'event' and a number in that column. I need to match the event number in spreadsheet A with the same number in spreadsheet B. In spreadsheet B in the same row as the event number is another value that I need copied back to spreadsheet A.

Manually I would have to copy the event number from spreadsheet A and use 'find' in spreadsheet B. Then check in the same row as the event number in spreadsheet B for a specific number, copy that, head back to spreadsheet A and paste it next to the event number.

I've tried to create a macro to do this but when using 'find' to match the event number in spreadsheet B it keeps on using the first event number I used instead of moving down a row onto the next number. I can upload the spreadsheet if needed.

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Multiple Spreadsheets Share The Same Macro

Feb 3, 2010

I currently have a macro that can be used by multiple spreadsheets. Is there that I can execute the macro within any specific spreadsheet without saving it in each spreadsheet. I just want to place it in a general spot so that in case there is modifications, I only have to change it in one place.

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Macro To All Spreadsheets To Get Me A Standard Format

Apr 17, 2009

I have all these spreadsheets from different vendors and all of these spreadsheets are in totally different formats. Is there a way I can create one macro and apply this one macro to all spreadsheets to get me a standard format?

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Data In Different Spreadsheets

May 21, 2007

how do i access data from different spreadsheet tabs in a same excel file..e.g: if tab 1(student) and tab2(teacher), how do i access tab2 let say cell C4

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Get Data From Several Spreadsheets

Feb 5, 2009

I have got a few spreadsheets which save information for each departments, about 8. They contain information on bookings & I am being asked to get information on certain date ranges, mainly monthly reports. (They are being filled in automatically from another excel file.)

Can I have a file which I could call "Master file" which has a macro in that looks up and copies all the relevant rows from each departments spreadsheet into the new master file. I dont think this would be too difficult (still beyond my capabilities though) My intial thoughts were something like (in half code half english).

Create a form where you specify your date range and a submit button e.g. txtstartdate txtenddate

Lookup 'G:FolderGeneral[General.xls] IF in between txtstartdate and txtenddate then paste

ActiveWorkbook.Sheets("master sheet").Activate

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How To Compare Data Between Two Spreadsheets

Jul 23, 2011

I'm doing an audit where I need to compare data between two spreadsheets that are housed on the same worksheet. The data I'm trying to compare is the ssn#. I'm expecting duplicates, I'm trying to find ssn#'s that do not match up with another. In other words, if one spreadsheet has 92ssn#s, the other has 79, I want to be able to identify those that do not have a matching ssn# from one spreadsheet to the other.

Both spreadsheets have the following columns:

Column A Column B Column C
SSN Last Name First Name

The tab on the bottom of sheet 1 is titled "CX Data", the tab on the bottom of sheet two is titled, "BCBS of AL Data"

in creating a VLOOKUP formula that will meet my needs?

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Filter Data In Spreadsheets

Nov 1, 2009

I have some data that looks like this:

and in another sheet, corresponding data like this.

I want to be able to filter out the rows from the first sheet when a symbol (kanji) from the right hand side is included at a number higher than that of the second sheet.

For example, 手 appears as a number 6 in the first sheet but doesn't appear until 54 in the second sheet. Therefore I would like to delete the row with 手 in the first sheet.

Is there a simple way to do this? If not, can anyone suggest a way to program this? I was thinking of writing a little VBA code that reads the the characters and then compares them to every number above and if it doesn't find it, deleting that row but I have 2 problems.
1. How can I tell VBA to actually delete a row (not just the contents preferably)
2. These are asian characters which I'm not sure are well supported in strings which I would need for comparison?

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How To Match Data From Two Spreadsheets

Jun 6, 2010

I have two spreadsheets with data. Sheet one has about 2,000 employee IDs on it and sheet two has about 300 employee IDs on it. I need to write a formula in sheet one to find which employee IDs from sheet one are also listed in sheet two.

Is there a filter I should use to do this or is there a formula? I tried using the formula


but that didn't seem to work.

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Import Data From Different Spreadsheets

Aug 7, 2007

I am trying to import data from different spreadsheets "about 100" to a principal spreadsheet which will have all the centralized data. I included the principal spreadsheet layout and a sample of two detail spreadsheets. The information that I want to import is from column B 1 to 5 from the detail spreadsheets and put into the principal spreadsheet from row D to G.

Is there any way to import this information automatically, like creating a macro or something similar.

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Compare Data Between Two Spreadsheets

Jan 12, 2012

I have two spreadsheets, and wish to compare some of the objects. I have my vba code set up in Sheet1, and my functions in Module1 in one spreadsheet. I successfully open up the second one, then get this error message:

Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications
Run-time error '1004':
Application-defined or object-defined error.

If I comment out the SwitchExcel line, the script works.

Here is my code:

Dim theRow As Integer
Dim theCol As Integer
Dim strVal As String
Dim LastCellRow As Long
Dim LastCellColumn As Long
Dim YesNo As Boolean

[Code] ..........

Module1 code consists of:

Function LastCellColumnNumber() As Long
' Last cell in column
Dim RowNumber As Long
Set WS = Worksheets("Sheet1")
With WS
RowNumber = 2
If .Cells(RowNumber, .Columns.Count) vbNullString Then
Set LastCell = .Cells(RowNumber, .Columns.Count)

[Code] .......

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Extracting Data From A Set Of Spreadsheets

Mar 28, 2012

I have approx 20 spreadsheets which within these spreadsheets is a named range, say "data3"..... the 20 spreadsheets is in the folder Z:Sales.

What i wish to do, is extract each of the data3 data sets and append each of them one below each other in the master spreadsheet.

By the way, data3 can vary in range, eg could be a2:v60 in 1 workbook, and a2:v50 in another book.

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Matching Data Between Three Different Spreadsheets

Jun 11, 2013

I have spreadsheet A (below) which has various fields including a row headed: Postcode. Then I have spreadsheet B which has columns Name (A1), Postcode(B1), Practice Code(C1), Telephone (D1). (I can't figure out how to move on to another line here, for some reason the enter key does not work, might be a browser issue.) I have more postcodes on spreadsheet B than on spreadsheet A.

I want to compare the spreadsheets and where there is a matching postcode, insert the Practice code(s) from spreadsheet B (column C) into spreadsheet A (column A). At the moment the Practice Code column in spreadsheet A is empty.

Practice Code (A1)
County (G1)
Country (H1)
Numbers (I1)
Postcode (J1)サソサソ

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Comparing Two Spreadsheets With Same Data

Nov 20, 2013

I want to compare two spreadsheets with the same data. One spreadsheet is for a certain type of beneficiary and the other spreadsheet is another type. We will call them Spreadsheet A and Spreadsheet B. They both contain Zip Codes and a count of zip codes. (Some of the zip codes is not a 5 digit code, but some letters or letters and numbers.) I want to compare the two spreadsheets and see if the same zip code appears in both spreadsheets and if they do, show them in a separate tab and total the two counts from the two spreadsheets.

Column A - Zip Code
Column B - Count

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