The Naming Of Sheets
Apr 30, 2009Can a macro be written that will automatically NAME a sheet with the contents of a particular cell?
View 3 RepliesCan a macro be written that will automatically NAME a sheet with the contents of a particular cell?
View 3 Replieson sheet1 I have a button I need to do the following when clicked:
(1) name the next 30 sheets based on cell values in sheet1
(2) for those 30 sheets, hide some of them based on a y/n input in sheet 1
To clarify: the worksheets do not need to be created, they already exist. They just need to be renamed and hidden based on that y/n criteria. see attachment with just 1 worksheet for clarification. So - The next 30 sheets are to be named by the following ranges (B7:B16), (B21:B30) and (B35:B44). For every product with a "n" in column C of sheet1, the worksheet for that product needs to be hidden.
If I opened a new workbook so i had sheet1 sheet2 sheet3... Starting at sheet1, how could i move on to sheet2 using VBA without actually naming it....
Is there a or something?
I want my charts to be located in a new sheet each. I also need their names to start with "GR-Chart[number here]". So they should be GR-Chart1, GR-Chart2, GR-Chart3,......
ActiveChart.Location Where:=xlLocationAsNewSheet, Name:= "GR-Chart" & [this part I got wrong]
Do I use i? or .Count?
I have a workbook with a sheet titled Variables. There are 6 additional sheets in the workbook and each sheets needs to be named with the cell contents of A2:A7 in the Variables sheet. I have attached the workbook and you can look at the names in the sheets tabs to see what I'm trying to do here.
The workbook is too large to attach but can be viewed here:
I have got this macro working OK but now I need to add a 2 letter prefix/suffix depending on what time it was created (am or pm). Detail: If the sheet is created between 0600hrs and 1800hrs then "DS" and likewise between 1800hrs and 0600hrs then "NS". Outcome: The sheet will then have a name like - "22 Mar DS"...code included below
View 4 Replies View RelatedI have a huge db that has a column "C" with a list of names. I have been creating tabs and naming them according to that list. I wonder if there is anyway I can create and name the tabs automatically. I already searched for threads in the forum, but only found this this backwards "tabs to cells". By the way, the names in column "C" sometimes repeat.
View 2 Replies View RelatedIm sure there is a post somewhere on this forum as I have seen it before but I cant find it anywhere. All I want to do is be able to select Sheets Sun,Mon,Tue,Wed,Thu,Fri,Sat without naming each of the sheets. The post I seen would select all the sheets between the two sheets that were stated in the vba code. something like: Sheets( Array("Sun" To "Sat").select
View 5 Replies View RelatedIs there a macro available which will create a pre-defined name for a pivot sheet, which will contain the word "Pivot" followed by a underscore "_" and the name of the sheet on which the pivot is applied.
Example: I have data on a sheet called "Salary" and put a pivot on "Salary" on a new sheet, the new sheet should be auto named as "Pivot_Salary"
Am using Excel 2013
I have an Index Sheet where I would be typing the name of the Sheet and a Command button to execute the operation of Adding the Sheet with the name mentioned in the Column C..
View 14 Replies View Relatedon sheet 1 which is named front cover i want to type in cell C8 a number or a name and it will change sheet 2 tab to what i type i have 20 sheets to do
i can get it working in b5 on same sheet
but i need it to work from the front cover sheet
My workbook has a summary page and one page for every day of the month. I am making a template file, so I can duplicate it to use every month of the year.
Each week is separated by a worksheet titled "week 1", "week 2" , etc. This is used in the summary page so I can gather totals for a week.
What I want to be able to do is this:
On the first day of the new month, go to week one and type in the date. Then that sheet tab would equal the date, and each daily tab name thereafter would increment the appropriate amount (1day). Then on week 2, it would be equal to the tab value for Friday +3.
The problems I see are:
1. In week 1 the month can start on any on of the 5 worksheets I have set up to cover the week. So any first day coding I need may have to be repeated in the first 5 worksheets
Is this do-able?
2. Tab naming code I have found on this site is not working for dates. 9-15-08 typed into a1 will not translate into the tab, even tho it is a valid name. I am using code VoGII gave which follows: ...
We utilize a shared spreadsheet in our department named "Arrangement Requests".
From time to time and seemingly very random the sheet renames itself. When this happens anyone adding information to it becomes unable to save since the original "no longer exists".
This causes problems because everything we do is in real time and expected to be viewed by all as soon as save has been indicated.
I have stored the name of 12 different userforms in a col of spreadsheet.
I want to use the text in these cells to choose the required Userform.
I have tried:
but that gives run time error 424, 'Object Required'.
Ok I have an input box that takes a date as mm-dd-yy
View 14 Replies View Relatedmake the auto naming code displayed on the worksheet tab die after first entry into, so that regardless whether any values are changed in the worksheet--a minute, hour, day after-- the "namedate" stays the same.
View 3 Replies View RelatedAttempting to modify a list of names. Currently they are last name, first but I want to compare to another list that is first name last.
Billingsley, George
formula to change to:
George Billingsley (no comma)
Is there a way to name a new tab without knowing its name. For instance, when I create a new tab, it could be named "Sheet2" or "Sheet3", but there is sometimes no way to know. Is there a way to edit the name of that new tab without refering to it by name?
View 1 Replies View RelatedHow do I name a Variable for a formula in VBA? Example: I want to name the results of Cells A1 + A2 = X. Then I want to add C1 + X = and make that results a variable less say Y
I have a very large formula and if I can name varaibles it would be much easier.
regarding this article:
Is there a way to name a tab with some combination of 2 or more cells?
so, the tab name would be "firstlast".
also, can a space be inserted?...i.e. A1&" "&B2
I want to use the range in this code that works fine in one work book from sheet to sheet...
But i need it to run across 2 workbooks that are both open at the same time... The data its bringing back will be in a seperate workbook.
Sub zzzz()
c = 3 'Paste Range Return Test
x = Worksheets("sheet1").Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row 'data source
For a = 1 To x
If Worksheets("sheet1").Cells(a, 3) = Worksheets("sheet2").Range("a1") Then
For b = 1 To 20
Cells(c, b) = Worksheets("sheet1").Cells(a, b)
Next b
c = c + 1
End If
Next a
'Selection.Delete Shift:=xlToLeft
End Sub
I have a spreadsheet which has four columns and numerous rows
Location - Desc - Price - ID#
Electric - Duplex Outlet - $5.00 - 12-0001
I would like to use VBA to name ranges. I need to name the Desc., Price, and ID# columns separately and want to use the Location and the headings of each column as the name range. Example - the column containing Duplex Outlet would be named ElectricDesc.
This is what I came up with, but need to figure out how to make "add name" a formula combining Location+Desc. I tried concatenate (B1,A2) but it did not work.
ActiveSheet.Names.Add Name:="MyRange1", RefersTo:="=$A$1:$B$10"
To automatically make the name of a sheet tab the same as in cell A8 of the same sheet, I'm currently using the following code ...
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
On Error Resume Next
ActiveSheet.Name = Range("A8")
End Sub
however, I find that if I change the name that is in cell A8, the tab name doesn't change accordingly.
I need a code that will name the tab whatever is in cell A8 but also be fluid enough to change the tab name if the contents of cell A8 changes.
I do not want this code to operate all sheets, but only a few.
Is there a way to name a sheet in vba? I am creating new sheets in vba, and renaming these tabs, but is there a way to actually rename the sheet (so that in the properties window it says (Name) "Demand" AND Name "Demand" Instead of (Name) Sheet1, Name "Demand"?
View 9 Replies View RelatedBasically my code creates a load of checkboxes and I need to name them appropriately as they will be used in the next part of the code.
I haven't had a problem changing the caption properties etc but I need the name to be meaningful and unique - it works fine if I just want each checkbox to be called i.e. "CB1" etc but I want the name to be derived from a range within the worksheet.
Below is an extract from the
the_row = 10
For Each Item In ActiveSheet.OLEObjects
If Item.progID = "Forms.CheckBox.1" Then Item.Name = WorksheetFunction.Substitute(ActiveSheet.Range("C" & the_row).Value, " ", "_")
If Item.progID = "Forms.CheckBox.1" Then Item.Object.Caption = ""
If Item.progID = "Forms.CheckBox.1" Then Item.PrintObject = False
the_row = the_row + 1
Column C contains the name which is unique to each checkbox, I simply need to replace any spaces with "_" but when I am not defining a set text string the name of the checkbox does not change.
I'm in the process of writing some SQL in excel and normally when I want to specify a field name as another name say wx22 as Part Number i just use square brackets eg
"select wx22 as [Part Number]"
how to name a chart? I've been accessing charts in my VBA scripts using chart names, e.g. "Chart 4". I've been determining the chart name by recording a macro and selecting the charts. But, is there a way to either:
1- change the name of a chart (as you would name a pivot table)
2- determine the name without having to select the chart in a recorded macro
3- reference multiple charts from the same worksheet without using their names
A userform listbox places names in a column in Sheet2, starting with cell E1 and subsequent transfers from the listbox (which is multiselect) going to F1, G1 etc. There will be between 6 and 15 names in each case.
A seperate textbox is used to assign a number to each multiselection, this number is added to "Div" and placed in row 22 of the column to which the multiselection is transfered.
The text in this cell is used for other things later but I also want to use it to Name the range to which it refers. This name is then immediately used to populate another listbox in the userform, and will be used repeatedly later on in the project.
Here is the relavant snip of code that I have been trying to get to work but I get 'object required' for the ActiveWorkbook.Names.Add.......... line. I did manage to get rid of that once (can't recall how!!) but then the ListBox2,RowSource gave an error.
Set DvNm = Sheet2.Range("IV1").End(xlToLeft).Offset(21, 0)
Set Rngc = Sheet2.Range("IV1").End(xlToLeft)
Set Rngp = Sheet2.Range("D65536").End(xlUp).Offset(1, 0)
DvNm.Value = "Div" & TextBox1.Value
Range(Rngc, Rngc.Offset(15, 0)).Copy
Rngp.PasteSpecial (xlPasteValues)
Application.CutCopyMode = False
ActiveWorkbook.Names.Add Name:=DvMn.Value, RefersToR1C1:="Range(Rngc, Rngc.Offset(15, 0))"
Is it possible to name a worksheet tab from a cell reference on a worksheet?
View 6 Replies View RelatedWhat I want to be able to do is,,press the Q key and either Q1, Q2, Q3 or Q4 based on certain parameters appear in that cell.
In column A of my spreadsheet heading 'Quarter', I want to be able to specify which quarter of the year a request was made,,so when I press Q
> if the date is within 01/01/14 and 31/01/14 'Q1' will appear
> if the date is within 01/04/14 and 30/06/14 'Q2' will appear etc,,I'm sure you can workout Q3 and Q4,,
Ive named a cell A1 'TODAY' for reference it has the formula =TODAY() in it and shows whatever the date,,
I have looked at the DATE commands available but I don't think any could do what I need, that's why I was thinking I needed a piece of VB code,,