My userform has a combo box that upon entry event is populated via a sub procedure.
The sub procedure defines a column of data on the active spreadsheet as a range and manipulates the range to add unique values only in alphabetical order into a collection.
Which the collection is then used to Add.Items to the combo box.
The userform allows selection of an existing value from the combo box OR type a new value In (no formatting on value).
When combo box is exited and a further command button is pressed the value from the combo box is added to the spreadsheet.
However, I don't need to refresh the source values of the combo box upon EVERY entry as I currently do, ONLY when a NEW value has been typed in and added to the spreadsheet.
How can I (possible check index value ?) ensure when the user types in a new value, exits field and presses the command button is the ONLY time when the combo box source values need to be refreshed.
I'm trying to create a workbook for tracking costs and change orders for multiple subcontractors. My main question is about combo boxes. I would like to create a master list of subcontractors on The masterlists tab of the attached workbook. I would like to use this masterlist as the data source for a combo box I'm going to use to replace the subcontractor txtbox on the SubCoEntryFrm. I figured getting away from a user typing something in would benefit me if I wanted to use that subcontractor name field to analyze data.
I have got a table of results with wards along the columns and in the rows reading left to right weekly dates e.g. 5/10/08 12/10/08 19/10/08 etc.
How can I get a graph to change the data it displays from a combo box eg. A1 is selected in the combo box and it shows a line graph of the Data for A1 over the weeks? There are 50 wards
I have various charts others view and require the data range to change in 12 month intervals, ie Jan07 -Jan08, Feb07-Feb08. I currently move the ranges manually every month but find the it would be more interactive for others if a drop down combo box on the chart were used enabling the user to choose which intervals to view.
I have a pivot table on a hidden sheet and a combo box the user picks from. I would like a macro or formula that could change my pivot table Page Value to that which is chosen from the combo box. Then update the pivot table. I can then use my report to look up values from this pivot as needed.
I have one source spreadsheet, where are columns NAME, DATE. I read these data by ADO to other spreadsheet, where I can change/delete data and then run macro for update data in source spreadsheet. The problem: In source spreadsheet is column "NAME" and column "DATE", with values e.g. "Joseph"; 1.1.1980. I read this data to other spreadsheet, then I delete in it value 1.1.1980. When I run macro Update, it messages error.
Sub UpdateItem ... .Fields.Item(1).value = activecell 'activecell value = "Joseph" If Not isempty(activecell.offset(0,1)) Then .Fields.Item(2).value = activecell.offset(0,1).value Else .Fields.Item(2).value = "" 'I tried Empty and 0 too but when I read data again then, it displays 0.1.1900, nothing works End If ... End Sub
It seems that in source spreadsheet has data in column "Date" format Date and when I try to update data in format String ("") in source spreadsheet by Update macro, it messages error. When I used
.Fields.Item(2).Value = Empty ' or .Fields.Item(2).Value = 0
after rereading data it displays 0.1.1900 What I want to get is that if the cell with date (in other spreadsheet) is empty, the cell in column Date in source spreadsheet after updating will be blank (contains no values).
I'm trying to change the source data for a worksheet for a series of charts. The source data appears in a series of tables. There are about 30 such tables and associated charts on the worksheet. (I need to duplicate this many times over, which is why I need to automate.). The chart names seem to increment by 2 (i.e. Chart 1, Chart 3, Chart 5) And the source data for the charts increment by 9: BM95:BP102, BM104:BP111, etc. How can I automate this? Also, I'm trying to automate changing the reference in the title of the chart. This reference increments rows by 9. When I use the macro recorder to do this, I get the following
Example : I create a list (cat, dog, cow), i create a dropdown on this list and select the first - cat. After that i change cat on SuperCat. Dropdown has a new list, yes, but selected value still Cat. Can i update it automatically on SuperCat? Or are maybe there any shortcut for validation to let me know that i should change my value from invalid ( if the first variant is impossible )?
Setting the XValues property gives an "Unable to set the XValues property of a series class".
Using the chart wizard, trying to set the category labels parameter of the chart wizard to a range doesn't give an error message, but does leave the category labels section of the chart (when I click and view it) blank.
When I step through the code, tempstring is "='LineReg Results'!R9C1:R19C1", which is correct, but I still get an "unable to set the xvalues property of a series class" error.
Interestingly, if I record a macro of me setting the category labels, and play it back, I also get the error.
I have a pivot table whose data source is located on a shared network drive. Each day a new data source is uploaded and the only thing that changes is the date in the filename (ie. DataSource080813.xlsx). I am trying to find a way to set the data source to update with todays date automatically each day so that when you open the workbook it is always current days data. I have a cell (B2) with a formula in it that gives me the file location of todays file (ie. X:TeamFolderFile1DataSource080813.xlsx, where the date is derived using the TODAY() function. Is there a way to set the pivot table data source to cell B2 and have it use the text from B2 as the file location?
I have entered all the formulas into my table (sheet 1) referenced to the source data but I want to upadate the source data regularly but when I delete sheet 2 all the formulas come up with #Ref error. how i can update my source data so my table automatically updates
I would like not to have to update the source data for the pivot table in my database. I've read that you can solve this by using a Dynamic Named Range and using that as the source for the pivot table. That way the pivot table will expand as new data is added to the database. The formula I used to create the DNR is:
The spreadsheet is comprised of 4 sales data sheets, one for each store. Each of these sales data sheets runs several pivot tables (One for dept sales, one for waste, one for sales on Selected UPCs etc) and I used to have 1 copy of each pivot table for each store (ie 24 pivot tables). Now I have found a way to have only 1 copy of each PivotTable which changes based on which store is selected using the following code:
I have a form (the main one) which accesses a second form, which accesses a third form. All forms have a combo box, control button and a text box.
The items selected in the control boxes are entered into cells (the base cells) in the spreadsheet, via “Control Source”. The text boxes access these cells and show the selected items, which are then copied to other cells via a macro on activating the control button in the main form.
The main form stays open while other items are selected and transferred. Some of the items may not be changed (reselected) as they may be common. The problem is that after a number of items have been selected and transferred, the base cells for the second and third text boxes do not update after a selection from the combo boxes, and they continue to show a previously selected item.
The problem can be solved by closing the 2nd and 3rd forms and starting again. What can I do keep the cells updating without closing the form down?
I have a pivot table created from a cube of data not within the file I am working in. I have created a macro that will update, but only for the specified timeframe. I have a separate worksheet within my file that will allow a manger to specify what timeframe he wants to see. Can I edit a macro to read from a source that is different than where the data is being pulled from?
how to make all cells displaying an item from the list source update with new information added to list source.
Example: Cell "A1" on worksheet 2 displays the 3rd slot of information from list source on worsheet 5. I want cell "A1" on worksheet 2 to update when the list source information in the 3rd slot on worksheet 5 is changed.
Notes: The list is set up by naming the columns on Worksheet 5 and is set as a validation list on the other worksheets. So on Worksheet 2 column "A" has the validation
VB: AutoLinked keywords will cause extra spaces before keywords. Extra spacing is NOT transferred when copy/pasting, but IS if the keyword uses "quotes".
My worksheet has a report name in cell A1, a brand name in B2, price name in C2, and color in D2. Row 3 has a table header in cell range A3:E3 followed by rows of table contents at the end of which is a row of empty cells. This sequence repeats itself for a new product: a row with the report name in column A, followed by a row with a new brand name, price and color in the same columns as before followed by the same table header and table contents. The number of products (with the previously mentioned details and table) vary so I would like to write a macro that is not dependent on a set number of products. Each table varies in the number of rows but never contains empty cells and always ends with a row of empty cells. I want to delete all rows with the report name and have all products in one table with the brand, price and color added to the table header and contents.
If the result of the above formula is less than the value in cell BK2, then look if the number in B2 is available in sheet2 (another sheet) column B.
If the number in B2 is available in sheet2 coloumn B,then the result should be BK2. If the number in B2 is not available in sheet2 coloumn B,then the result should be above mentioned formula which is =IF(NETWORKDAYS(MAX(BI2,DATE(2014,6,1)),MIN(BJ2,DATE(2014,6,30)))<0,0,NETWORKDAYS(MAX(BI2,DATE(2014,6,1)),MIN(BJ2,DATE(2014,6,30))))
I have two worksheets. one has a list of formulas which i manually enter or change as time goes on. the other spread sheet has the same list of formulas, but I just chose which of those formulas I want to use frmo the drop down list provided to me by using the data validation of the other page. Each row that I enter by selecting the correct drop down options, i would chose a product name alogn with it. so its either Service or Fix. The question i ahve is, is it possible to adjust the manually entered formula and only have the formula rows where the service words are in another column but same row updated?
I have a spreadsheet with ~35k rows of data. This isn't too easy to explain I have the following data (example).
User Name Employee ID Data Level Jan 08 Feb 08 March 08 etc. Jo Bloggs 12345 A1 1 1 0 Jo Bloggs 12345 A2 1 1 0 Mark Jones 89101 A1 1 1 Mark Jones 89101 A2 0 1
For each user with data level A1 I wish to add an X if the same user has a corresponding data level of A2 so the result should be,
User Name Employee ID Data Level Jan 08 Feb 08 March 08 etc. Jo Bloggs 12345 A1 X X 0 Jo Bloggs 12345 A2 1 1 0 Mark Jones 89101 A1 1 X Mark Jones 89101 A2 0 1
I would really love a formula or macro to be in existance that would save me from trawling through all this data and going blind.
I have attached excel with the logic I am using, but I have a problem and needed logic to update to make sure it is not inserting same data (duplicate data).
Please update the logic so that if it is having same data in sheet 3 it should not insert or delete duplicate.
Code: Public Sub CopyData() Dim ws As Worksheet, bi As Byte, vData(1 To 9), bi1 As Byte, vData1(1 To 9), bi2 As Byte, vData2(1 To 9), bi3 As Byte, vData3(1 To 9), bi4 As Byte, vData4(1 To 9) Set ws = Sheets("Sheet2") For bi = 1 To 9
I am working with multiple workbooks with several tabs in each one. I need the forumula to update the "sheet name" from the source workbook even if the destination workbook is closed.
this is a portion of the forumula I am working with:
I have a column line chart to which I add data monthly and then have to manually update the "source data" to reflect the added data on chart. This is a rolling graph, which mean that I have to remove data for one month(from last year) and then include the new month's data. Is there any way on automating this a macro or something, so once I add the data excel automatically removes one month of old data and make changes to include fresh data. Eg Currently chart is based on data from A2:F2 and I add new data to cell G2. I need something which automatically update the source data to cell B2:G2.
I have to create two combo boxes and when a user selects a value from one combo box, the values should get changed in the other combo box.
For example : if one combo box has values like "c/c++ programming" "java programming" and so on.. ... i would like to display the authors recommended (corresponding to combo box1) in the combo box 2.
I have a report that was created for 2005 that contains two worksheets: a "source data" worksheet and a " pivot table" worksheet. I cleared out the 2005 data in the "source data" worksheet and replaced it with 2006 data...after this I refreshed the Pivot Table and everything seemed fine. When looking at the file size I noticed that it was almost twice its original size....upon further investigation I found that the Pivot Table was internally holding onto the old source data (the "Show" functionality of the rows/columns in the table lists the 2005 row/column headers as well as the 2006 headers....even though no data from 2005 is shown in the Pivot Table).
Does anyone know how to purge the old data from the internal Pivot Table memory?
I hope this is enough information....let me know if you need more.