User Selected Range

Dec 3, 2008

I have a form that asks at what row the user wants to start with a selected range then how many rows to select. There will always be 21 columns selected with this range. I am still learning but it has to do with something on how I am setting the Start object. It is not being recognized.

Dim Row As Long
Dim Selection As Long
Dim Start As Range

Row = txtStartRow
Selection = txtHowMany
Set Start = Range("A" & txtStartRow).Select

Range(Start & ActiveCell.Offset(Selection, 20)).Select

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Insert Range-named Row At User-selected Row

May 3, 2008

On the first row of a spreadsheet template is a <hidden> contiguous series of conditionally formatted cells (range name "stdRow" =production!$1:$1), with formulas, that I want a user to be able to easily insert at whatever row they might be in a worksheet.

If, for example, the user is at D24, then clicks the [InsertRow] button that I have positioned at the top of the worksheet (in a fixed pane), I want the attached macro to insert an instance of "stdRow" directly underneath the user position (at row 25, in this case). The use's position should still be at D24 when the macro finishes. If the user clicks the button multiple times, multiple rows should be inserted (again, without changing the user's position).

This is what I have tried so far:

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Programme To Automatically Select A Value From A List Or Range Once A User Has Selected Corresponding Value From A List Within A Combobox

Jan 28, 2007

i'm writing a refrigeration selection user interface, working from values on an excel spreadsheet. how to get the programme to automatically select a value from a list or range once a user has selected corresponding value from a list within a combobox. for example if a user sets the temperature of their refrigerator to -5 celsius i need the programme to automatically select the corresponding value of enthalpy for the air at that temperature.

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Fill Range Of Cells With Text When Listbox Option Selected - Clear When Not Selected

Jul 25, 2014

I am using this code to hide or unhide rows of text on another sheet:

Sub ProcessSheet1ChangeOnCellJ7(ByVal Target As Range)

Dim sAddress As String
Dim sValue As String

'Get the address of the cell that changed without '$' signs
sAddress = Target.Address(False, False)


When the "Not Pursuing" list box option is selected (in cell "J7" or "J8" in Sheet 1) I need to add (or over-write) "Not Pursuing" to the range of cells in column "B" (in the "Tasks" sheet), but only for that particular Goal, meaning a limited range of cells in column "B". If the "Pursuing - Show All Tasks" option is selected for a Goal then these same cells need to be blank so that the appropriate person can enter their name into the cell.

The purpose for adding "Not Pursuing" automatically to these yellow highlighted cells is that it will facilitate filtering of tasks by individual in the "Tasks" sheet..

Again I have tried several times to upload a sample file and am unable to, which I know makes it more difficult to solve. (Is there some common mistake people make? I know it's an allowed format and is very small in file size....)

Code solution can be entered directly beneath:

If Target.Value = "Not Pursuing" Then
ActiveWorkbook.Sheets("Tasks").Rows("29:29").EntireRow.Hidden = False
ActiveWorkbook.Sheets("Tasks").Rows("30:48").EntireRow.Hidden = True

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How To Use For Each Instead Of User Selected List

Mar 31, 2014

I currently have a macro that takes a user selected name and date and creates a time sheet for the selected name. This works just fine, however i have to select each individual person and run the macro for each person, how to automate that part of the macro, so it will automatically create the said sheet for all person at once, rather than me doing it manually.

[Code] .....

The 'CurrentMonth' variable is user selected from a list, and will remain that way.

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Copy User Selected Sheets

Jun 5, 2006

how you would write a macro to move a selection of sheets to a workbook called Digi's in the D drive. Also if there isn't a Workbook called Digi's already it needs to add one. I've found some code to loop through sheets but nothing to show what sheets the user has selected

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Referencing User Selected Workbooks

Aug 5, 2008

I would like the user to select two files, the macro then inputs a formula that includes vlookup to the other sheet. However i am not sure how to reference each workbook.

Sub InsertLocationContents()

Dim rng As Range
Dim LastRow As Long


csvFN = Application. GetOpenFilename(Title:="Select Location Contents csv file")
If csvFN = False Then
' They pressed Cancel
MsgBox "Stopping because you did not select a file"
Exit Sub
Workbooks.Open Filename:=csvFN
Workbooks.OpenText Filename:= _
csvFN, Origin:=437 _ .............................

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Copy Columns From One User Selected Workbook To Another

Apr 27, 2014

I am using this code to copy columns C,D, and P from a user selected workbook into position C,D,E of workbook "Checklist.xlsx" (the one from were I run the VBA code). I don't have a clue about VBA, just have been gathering info, but the code works pretty fine. The only issue is that it opens twice the workbook "wbExt" hence the system prompts me if i want to reopen the already open workbook.

Some questions:

1) Is there a way to copy the 3 columns at once? something like "Columns("C:D, P").Select".
2) Is there a way to select the workbook from were to copy the column without needing it to actually open?
3) is there a way to paste the columns starting from row 3 instead of row 1 (Range("C1").Select)?

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Recognize Which Radio Button The User Selected?

Jul 21, 2014

Within a worksheet, I have several radio buttons, allowing the user to select only one of them. Using VBA, how do I recognize which radio button the user selected?

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VBA To Select User Multiple Selected Ranges

Feb 9, 2010

The User has made multiple selections with the mouse. The spreadsheet is filtered. The user will usually make different multiple selections on the following columns: A and X through to AR (inclusive).

I just need some code to capture these various multiple selected ranges so that I can copy the selected range as shown below:

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Concatenate Variable (user Selected) Cells

Nov 14, 2007

I want to do a concatenate for multiple fields, but want the user to specify which cells should be concatenated by entering this in a few fields. What does this formula (or VBA) look like?

Let's assume there is the possibility to concatenate a maximum of 4 cells. Call the 3 cells that will be concatenated cell1, cell2, cell3 and cell4.

On the first sheet of the workbook the user enters the following:
cell1 = Sheet2!A4
cell2 = Sheet2!B4
cell3 = Sheet2!C4
cell4 = Sheet2!D4

Here are some cells and their values:
Sheet2!A4 = Hel
Sheet2!B4 = lo
Sheet2!C4 = World
Sheet2!D4 =

Upon enterring the information after the = sign for the cell1, cell2 and cell3, the formula for the concatenate becomes: =CONCATENATE(Sheet2!A4, Sheet2!B4,Sheet2!C4 ).

The result of the formula is: HelloWorld

If I now change the values of cell1, cell2, cell3, and cell4 the following should happen:
cell1 = Sheet2!B4
cell2 = Sheet2!C4
cell3 =
cell4 =

The formula for the concatenate becomes: =CONCATENATE(Sheet2!B4, Sheet2!C4).

The result of the formula is: loWorld

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Hide/unhide User Selected Rows

May 15, 2007

I'm trying to create a macro that allows users to hide or unhide selected rows, either via toggle or userform. The macro I have looks like this, but for some reason it doesn't hide the rows:

Sub Hide_Range()
Dim UserRange As Range
DefaultRange = Selection.Address
Set UserRange = Application.InputBox _
(Prompt:="Select Range to Hide:", _
Title:="Hide Range", _
Default:=DefaultRange, _
Selection.EntireRow.Hidden = True
End Sub

what's wrong with my code and how I can further develop it to let the user decide whether to hide or unhide the selected rows?

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Display Selected Cells Depends On User Input?

Jul 17, 2013

I am trying to display number of lines which depends on value pass by user. Actually user is passing some value. on which some group of lines has to be display.

for 1 value 9 lines
for 2 value first 9 lines + another 9 lines
for 3 value first 18lines + 9 lines
and so on till 52.(this 9 lines are set of some column and rows)

thus cant use macros..

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VBA Macro To Use Solver On User Selected Column Of Data?

Jul 24, 2014

I am trying to write this macro so that I can optimize 181 outputs based on 2 inputs (columns A and B are inputs). Each row has a single output at the end of the row that I am trying to minimize. I want to be able to select as many of the rows that I want and have the code optimize each individual row. So far I can't get it to let me use variable cell references for the "ByChange:="$A$3,$B$3"." This is the hang up that is not letting me increment the macro to the next row. The macro works currently for the single selected cell, but until I can vary the ByChange portion, I can't automate it.

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User Input Returns Selected Form Output

Dec 29, 2013

Have a person Input an Assembly Number and,Have Excel return a list of Part Numbers, their Descriptions, and a Quantity for each Part Number that will need to be packaged with the Assembly Number that was Input.

The output needs to be in the form of a check sheet (I can play with the formatting if I can get the information out) for the one Assembly Number input.The output can either be in a separate spreadsheet or a User Form. The spreadsheet is easier for me to work with but the User Form looks cooler.

I can use a VBA Function to Input the Assembly Number but then I need some way of searching a small table (about 20x20 cells) to find the matching Assembly Number and then return the Part Numbers, etc. to a check sheet so the parts can be packaged. Each Assembly Number can have several Part Numbers associated with it. Either unique to that Assembly Number or common to other Assembly Numbers. The Quantities can also be unique or common. A couple of simple examples might be:

Assembly Number - ANA0134
P/N Description Qty.
ANA0118 Widget thing 2
ANB0554 Thing Widget 4

Assembly Number - ANA0431
P/N Description Qty.
ANA0118 Widget thing 3
ANB0554 Thing Widget 4
ANC0023 Plain Widget 1

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Loop To Import Text Files One By One Until Cancel Selected By User

Jan 30, 2014

I have a macro that works perfectly to import a text file and parse it. Now i need it to do multiple ones. I import the txt file to a new workbook as i filter for certain data only and if found i copy that to the current workbook. I want to do the same just for many txt files:

[Code] .......

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Chart Twelve Months Of Data For Item The User Has Selected

Oct 24, 2011

how can I provide a chart that display as a line chart twelve months of data for the item selected starting or ending on the data that I have selected

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Produce List Of Row Data Based On User Selected Cell Criteria?

Apr 7, 2014

I have a workbook that has three worksheets. The ASU Database sheet contains part numbers and descriptions including specific details that are selected from pull down data validation lists that are named on the third worksheet. I want to have a front end on the first worksheet that has similar data validation lists for the user to select from to create a search criteria that will create a worksheet with only the rows that meet this criteria. I am not sure what method to use to accomplish this.

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Excel 2007 :: VBA To Make Command Button Inactive Until User Field Selected

Nov 14, 2011

I am creating a userform in Excel 2007 which requires a user to pick their name from a drop down box then press Ok, what i want to do is disable the Ok button until the user field has been selected.

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When User Enters Data Into One Cell - Selected Text Prints In Another Cell

Jun 20, 2014

I am trying to do is to make it so that users can enter data into my form (I have managed to create the form and am working on trying to figure out how to get the info entered into the form to appear in my worksheet) and then the data will cause the information to, basically, compile sentences that I want to appear in one of three cells at the bottom of the worksheet.

Essentially, at this point in time, the end goal is to make 3 cells that contain text. Eventually, this text will be indexed elsewhere, but that is for the next person to deal with. I am creating a prototype that I want to present as a process improvement.

So, when the user selects 3 in cell D7 I want the text "Customer purchased 3 Widgets at $20 each." to print in cell 82B.
I also want the user to be able to copy and paste some customer records from another program directly into a cell in the form that will just print (unchanged) into one of these boxes, too.

Lastly, I want the user to be able to select checkboxes that will, when selected, print a comment that will print in two of these boxes. For example, if the user selects yes for cell D26 then I want the text "Customer not eligible for free shipping" to appear in both cells C82 and D82.

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Set Range From Selected Cells/Range

Sep 16, 2009

I have a macro which I manually have to change the range in order to run the macro, e.g. Set rngData = Range("B4:I12")

rather than having to change the range for each macro, I was wondering if I could run the macro for the highlighted area. I have tried this, but doesn't seem to work.

Set rngData = Range. CurrentRegion.Select

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Calculate Only Selected Range

Oct 5, 2009

I'm currently on Manual Calculation mode. I have formulas in cells A1 to A10 which has not been refreshed. Can I select only range A3 to A6 and recalculate only those cells?

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Expand Selected Range

Nov 15, 2009

I need help please. Using a macro, I have selected the range C7:C12. Now I need to keep this selection and expand it 18 columns to the right. This would give me a selection of C7:U12.

The original range changes at various times. Some times it might be C7: C452 etc.

I know it's easy, but I can get the code to keep the selection.

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Inserting Range Above Selected Row

Mar 8, 2012

I have a range (of 2 rows) that are set up as a header row and sub row. I want a macro to insert these above the active row (ie. where the user places the cursor), but when I select and copy the range in the macro, I don't know how to refer back to the 'active row' because that's not active anymore.

I'd also like the cursor then to be placed into one of the cells in the new row, ready for the user to start editing.

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Looping Through Selected Range

Jul 2, 2013

I am looping through a selected range. The code searches through column B and finds any data. If found, it returns the value to a different workbook to column B. When there is no more data, it goes to column C and does the same thing. My problem is, when there is no data in a column it returns a blank. How do i get rid of this blank???

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Count & Sum Of The Selected Range

Mar 16, 2007

Count & Sum is one of the most usefull function in the Excel,
I always used this, Is it possible in VBA to create such code that if I Select a range and click on Commandbutton1 automatically one msgbox display with the Count & Sum of the Range Item

eg. If Range A2 to A5 has a number like 50,10,20,10

here if the command button is click automatically one msgbox is display
which showing the

-Total Sum of the Seletced Range is 100 and Total Count is 4

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If Statement With Selected Range

Aug 10, 2007

I'm trying to create an if statement that have 2 criterias. Here's what I've created:


This statement is returning the #VALUE error.

I guess what I'm trying to do with this statement is to count how many values are not equal to 2007Open!H2:H4 and meets another criteria of 8.

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Autofill Using A Selected Range

Jan 4, 2008

I am using the following code to Autofill a formula through a variable range:

Selection.AutoFill Destination:=Range(MyFormulaCell, TerminalCell), Type:=xlFillDefault

MyFormulaCell is the cell with the formula, and TermnialCell is a variable set on a count of rows. This is working great, and I can loop through this for the columns I need to copy just fine by incrementing values, but as I apply this to several sections, it's taking me up to a minute to run the macro. In this "I want it now" day and age, I'm sure my coworkers for whom I am making this will not be happy to wait that long.

Is there a way that I can incorporate a selected range into this method?

I'd like to set MyFormulaCell to:
Range(Selection, Selection.End(xlToRight)).Select
and then autofill the formula down the number of rows contained in TerminalCell.

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Delete Selected Range

Mar 17, 2009

My data is in one column as follows:
What I want to do is to delete the blank cells and count how many not-empty cells.

The following sub works fine if I put the active cell manually in A1. However, the first range select always give me the "1004" error. Why? I don't have any clue.

Do Until ActiveCell.Value = "stop"
Do Until IsEmpty(ActiveCell)

Selection.Offset(1, 0).Select

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Chart Selected Range

Nov 29, 2006

I am trying to link data that has been entered into a inputbox with a range of cells.

My goal is to allow the user to answer: how many people sat the exam?

Therefore when a chart is automatically produced only the cells with the required data are selected.

So, my range is A2:C*

* being the user input.

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