Using Conditional Formatting To Find The Respective Remarks
Nov 14, 2008
Anyone can help me? I trying to give remark to my Profits and Loss amount with Poor, Good, and Excellent.
For example if my amount is more than $10000 it should be remark Excellent automatically by excel in the cell beside. How am I able to do this with conditional formatting in Excel 2007.....
I've got this report that I create for my company. This report is currently using conditional formatting; I'am using all three conditions permitted with conditional formatting.
What I need help with is writing a line of VBA code to -find all cells with the value of #N/A and if the cell directly to the left has a numeric value greater that 0, format both cells to red fill
an example:
Cell g5 is populated with 60 and cell g6 is populated with #N/A (result of a formula).
The line of code that I am seeking would change the fill of g5 and g6 to red.
I need to find all cells within a range that have conditional formatting where that formating is: Formula Is =(cell)="" where (cell) is the cell with the formatting.
As an unpreferred second choice...find all cells within a range that have conditional formatting.
What i am trying to do is to to determine the common material that is used among different model do product in a product family. I have the column C the various part number for the product family. Each product model is made up of different combination of the parts.
In I3:U3 i have the model number for each product. Under each are the combination of various part that make up each model. What i need to do is in column G conditional formatiing that if all the different model use a particular part (part number). The respective cell in column in the row will be color. This will help me to determine what are the parts that are common to all the product.
Column C Column G Column I .........................Column U Part no Common Product 1 Product 2 Product 3 Product 4 12-1234-56 no color 1 4 0 6 13-2345-45 color 2 3 2 2 14-1234-56 no color 0 2 4 2 14-1234-56 no color 0 2 2 2
Using Excel 2007 and conditional formatting, how would I find duplicates across all fields in the table, similar to the "remove duplicates" tool that in default mode selects all the fields or offers the option to select fields of choice. I need to look at all the fields.
I've tried concatenation, but only with a limited number of fields; larger amounts slow the process to a crawl. If my table is 10,000 records with 15 fields, what process would I use to highlight the duplicates. How about something in VBA?
I am trying to use conditional formatting to find cells that have the word "managment" in the text. The problem I am having is that the cells may contain a paragraph and the word may be embedded in the paragraph. I need to either high the word or the paragraph. I can get it to work if only the word "management" is in the cell but not when I add other words to it. I have tried using *management* but this didn't work.
A little background on what i am doing. I have a spreadsheet that tracks when i have blown the dust out of our computers. I have set up conditional formatting so that the text turns red after 300 days and the cell turns yellow after 600 days. However, some computers are in high dust environments. I would like the spreadsheet to tell me to blow the dust out of these sooner. see the attached sheet.
Is it possible to change the format of cell AI3 based on the format of cell C3 and D3? I have C3 and D3 set to turn red based on what is in cell C2 and D2. I would like the following done:
If AI3=C3 & C3 is red, format AI3 blue If AI3=D3 & D3 is red, format AI3 blue Otherwise, leave AI3 unformatted.
Is there "code" for different formatting in a spreadsheet so you can use an IF statement to do something like:
if(A1=blue background,"Yes","No")
if(A1=red text,"Yes","No")
etc.?? But replace "blue background" and "red text" with some sort of number code? I want to compile a list of the items that are formatted with certain background colors and/or text colors and then organize only those items into a chart.
Any VBA that I can put into a macro that will convert conditional formatting into fixed formatting..? So when the cell contents/formulas are deleted the formatting remains. Assume that the range I want to convert is A1:D200...
I need to run a loop through a column of values (attachment col B) and when it finds a "J" it will apply conditional formatting to a row of 4 cells directly adjacent. The attachment is a theoretical before & after.
I'm facing a problem wherein i have two tables A& B.
Table A has two columns and 40834 records(rows).first column is userid and second column is activeyn with respective values (0 or 1) for each userid
Table B userid column is a subset of Table A and has two columns and 411 records(rows).first columns is userid and second column is activeyn with respective values (0 or 1) for each userid.
Now I want to get activeyn value from table A of all the 411 records(userid's) in Table B.
Am attaching herewith one sample file. In the column G are the number of days as at 31-12-08. I want the value corresponding to that those days to populate in respective slot of days in either column H or I or J or K. E.g. stock number e (in cell A6) is having number of days 453, hence the value 110.920 (cell E6) should fall in cell J6. However i am want the single line formula which will validate in which cell the value should fall.
To fill in the ??? in attached file, I select the respective cells and SUM. Would there be a way to automate as:
For each entry in column D, Excel picks out itself the names in column-A where-ever they come, picks the corresponding values from column-B, sums them and reproduces the summation in column E.
Likewise, I have many combinations. And it is not necessary that only "AB-CD/EF1-AB" combination will come first in a row. In input,Column A values are given. Other columns are empty.
I have a problem with combobox, when an item in a combobox is selected (control tool box combobox) then the color of the cell in excel worksheet have to change to respective given color
In Column A, in each cell in rows 1-10, there is various text that may or may not include "ABC" and "DEFG" as the first four letters. In Column B, rows 1-10, there is numerical data. What I would like to do in Column C, rows 1-10, is place a formula that would return the contents of the respective cell in Column B, but only where the first three or four letters in the respective cell in column A is "ABC" or "DEFG".
Have two tables of data the first is shown below (the first line is headers)
DogCatReptileMonkey SmallBigNosyFluffy SmellyNosy
The second is (again first line is headings)
SmallSmellyBigNosyFluffy AAGFF BGHGE CTUBQ
Need to create code which reads the first table, finds the categories of the first table in the second table and puts these with the original headings into a new table so in this example the end table would look like -
My original has about 150 headings in table A and B hence why I have given an example
I have a hard time when it comes to "If then" statements and conditional formatting. I have some data that I am collecting and entering into a spreadsheet for a couple different companies. Once I receive paperwork from those companies for the data collected I mark the data with a blue colored text. I would like to have a second sheet that generates what companies have not sent me their paperwork. "If the data is black text, then generate <name of company> on second sheet." The list is small right now, but as the project continues it will grow very large and it will become difficult to track. I will attach a copy of the spreadsheet for you to see the situation. I would like to learn how to do these types of formulas, is there a tutorial geared towards these types of situations?
Must admit the R1C1 still confuses me, but somehow I have this working. Currently the RC4 displays in conditional format as $D8 and the RC4 as $C8, but I'm confused at how it knows to start at R8? Is there any way to make the formulas read ="=$D8=""No""" instead?
I have two spreadsheet "book1" with data in it, "book2" that takes all the information from "book1" the cells are linked in "book2" from "book1" so when someone updates "book1" the information is viewable in "book2"
In "book2" where I am getting stuck is as follows,
Column A contains data "break time" that is formatted in HH:MM:SS column B contains a "total duration" in HH:MM:SS. what I need to do is if column A data is = to or more than 4% of column B then I want to turn the cell in column A "red" if it is less then turn it "green". I have tried conditional formatting and it appears to work the once only, I dont no if this is because its 2003 and not 2007??
What I need is to repeat the conditional format over and over again forever is there any code for this I can use?
I have used conditional formatting various ways to format an individual cell. I was wondering does anyone know if it is possible to conditionally format a row? Eaxmple: If D7=Manager, then format A7 through Z7. If so, how would I go about setting that up?