Compress/Join Two Tables Into 1 Under Respective Headings

Jun 5, 2008

Have two tables of data the first is shown below (the first line is headers)


The second is (again first line is headings)


Need to create code which reads the first table, finds the categories of the first table in the second table and puts these with the original headings into a new table so in this example the end table would look like -


My original has about 150 headings in table A and B hence why I have given an example

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Join 2 Tables Which Have Identical Columns

Aug 22, 2007

I am trying to join 2 tables which have identical columns. The columns are:

Date : Name : ID : Violation : Date Sent : Comments

Table 1 has information in columns A-E, Column F is blank
Table 2 has information in columns A-F.

I want to be able to check the information in Columns A-E in both tables and add the information in Column F from Table 2 to Table 1 where Columns A-E are an exact match.

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Compress The Formula Is Too Long

Nov 13, 2008

how can in compress the following formula

=IF(B3="Monthly",IF(B25="Windows 2003 Std",15,IF(B25="Windows 2003 Ent",30,IF(B25="Windows 2008 Data Center ",40,IF(B25="RHEL 5","30",IF(B25="Windows 2008 Web","15",0))))))+(IF(B3="Quarterly",IF(B25="Windows 2003 Std",40,IF(B25="Windows 2003 Ent",75,IF(B25="RHEL 5","89",IF(B25="Windows 2008 Data Center ",120,IF(B25="Windows 2008 Web","45",0))))))+(IF(B3="Semi-Annually",IF(B25="Windows 2003 Std",75,IF(B25="Windows 2003 Ent",140,IF(B25="Windows 2008 Data Center ",200,IF(B25="RHEL 5","149",IF(B25="Windows 2008 Web","90",0)))))))+(IF(B3="Annually",IF(B25="Windows 2003 Std",150,IF(B25="Windows 2003 Ent",300,IF(B25="RHEL 5","299",IF(B25="Windows 2008 Data Center ",400,IF(B25="Windows 2008 Web","180",0))))))))

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Compress The Lines In The Report

Feb 12, 2009

I need a macro where I can compress the lines in the report below. By other words will I end up with totals on lines with the same text information. This report can have different number of lines, so it is an advantage if the macro is dynamic.

BD 000012EXPI2CAC2009SBU48595,98
BD 000013EXPI2CAC2009SBU338903,14
BD 000013EXPI2CAC2009SBU1887610,1
BD 000013EXPI2CAC2009SBU154462,84
BD 000013EXPI2GAC2009SBU739214,99
BD 000014EXPI2CAC2009SBU111295,82

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Compress The Worksheet File

Mar 6, 2007

i'm using the following code to compress a worksheet, but i get an error message that i would like to surpress...

On Error Resume Next
Dim FileNameZip, FolderName
Dim strDate As String, DefPath As String
Dim oApp As Object
DefPath = "c: empsalesmanMDBed"
If Right(DefPath, 1) <> "" Then
DefPath = DefPath & ""
End If
FolderName = "c: empsalesmanMDBed" '<< Change..................

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Compress Worksheet File

Jul 25, 2007

i'm still have troubles compressing an external xls file from within another xls file...?

(sorry...i did a search...)


(have to post the current code)...

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Store & Compress Old Workbook Versions

Mar 19, 2007

I'm looking for is ComplyXL and that costs $300 to buy. So, as a poor grad student, I'm looking for an alternative solution - either a freeware program or a hassle-free VBA code.

So here's what I need the code or program to do: When I ask excel to open a pre-existing file, I'd like it to automatically rename (& compress?) the last used version of the file & save that to a filename-specific archive somewhere (hidden?), before opening the file as requested. Alternatively, I suppose that a mirror copy of each 'just used' file could be created & saved to an archive folder whenever the used file is saved & closed.

--Note: to avoid making copies of EVERY workbook I ever use, I suppose there should also be a button in the toolbar or a file-associated setting that lets me identify which files I want this task to apply to...

Basically I'm looking to have excel automatically save versions of certain key files (like Word's 'Versioning' feature) without having to remember to 'Save As', without the versions taking up much space, and without having to store the older file versions in the same place as the most recent one.

And yes, I know that a similar problem has already been posted & solved here, but they didn't include a way to choose which files used versioning nor (if it's possible) a way to compress the archived versions to save space (maybe by adding it into a WinRAR archive somewhere?).

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Expand / Compress List With Buttons

Jan 27, 2012

I am trying to make a spreadsheet for a customer and would like to include a feature where the list of parts can be expanded or compressed with buttons.

Each SO# has a set of PO#'s associated with it, and it would be nice if the viewer can choose to see the PO#'s or not see them at will (this will make a lot more sense if you see the spreadsheet example in my link.)

Ideally, there would be a button next to each "SO#" which would expand/compress accordingly. I don't want just a universal button that would expand/compress all of the SO# at once (although having this option on the side would be nice).

here's link to my spreadsheet: [URL]....

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Compress Data For Annual Return - VBA

Mar 4, 2014

I have the data as below. And to submit this to the third party is needs to be compressed (a total for each Full time ANNUAL salary).


All total monthly earnings must start from 0 when a "Full time ANNUAL Salary" is added or endedIf the Annual amount misses a month I need to assume the salary has ended

I hope this makes sense.

Below is test data for one person. And the result i am hoping to get with some comments.

Full time ANNUAL salary
Monthly earnings
Pay date from
Pay Date to


The result of the above would be:

Full time ANNUAL salary
Monthly earnings
Pay date from
Pay Date to


15k started 01/06/2013 so the total for the 10k starts again, alongside total for 15k



15k started 01/12/2013 so the total for the 10k starts again, alongside total for 15k



10k ended, 20k started 01/01/2014 so total for 15k starts again, alongside total for 20k



20k ended so total for 15k starts again

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Excel 2010 :: Compress Images In Save As Box?

Oct 14, 2013

Here is something I have noticed with using Compress Images in 2010.

When I run Compress Images from the save as dialog box in 2007, the file size is slightly larger than if I run it in 2010. However, if I then send the resulting excel file out to people, if they are viewing it on an iPad, then they cannot see the images at all from the 2010 version but can see them fine if the excel file is from the 2007 version (with exactly the same data and images in there).

I cannot figure out why this may be. The options on both are set as "Email (96ppi)" and with "Delete Cropped areas of pictures" ticked.

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Comparing Subset And Getting Respective Value

Jan 20, 2013

I'm facing a problem wherein i have two tables A& B.

Table A has two columns and 40834 records(rows).first column is userid and second column is activeyn with respective values (0 or 1) for each userid

Table B userid column is a subset of Table A and has two columns and 411 records(rows).first columns is userid and second column is activeyn with respective values (0 or 1) for each userid.

Now I want to get activeyn value from table A of all the 411 records(userid's) in Table B.

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Excel 2010 :: Creating Multiple Tables In VBA And Referring To Newly Created Tables?

Jul 1, 2013

Using Excel 2010. I'm writing a macro that sets up a workbook to be used for estimating at the beginning of a project. In the code I need to create multiple tables (formerly known as "lists") in the workbook. Then later in the code I need to refer back to those newly created tables. Currently, the code that creates the table is part of a loop that creates the table on many different worksheets. The problem of course, is that I have to name the Table, and then it won't create a table of the same name on the next sheet. Then, later in the code, I need to make adjustments to the table that was just created before looping to the next sheet.

Is there a way to create a table without giving it a constant name? Or by giving it a name that builds off of other info in the sheet? For example, I would be good with the naming the table after the sheet name: "Sheet1_Table" or such.

Sub Auto_Open()
Dim sht As Worksheet
If Range("A1") = 1 Then


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If Formula: Days To Populate In Respective

May 19, 2009

Am attaching herewith one sample file. In the column G are the number of days as at 31-12-08. I want the value corresponding to that those days to populate in respective slot of days in either column H or I or J or K. E.g. stock number e (in cell A6) is having number of days 453, hence the value 110.920 (cell E6) should fall in cell J6. However i am want the single line formula which will validate in which cell the value should fall.

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Autofind & Sum (select The Respective Cells And SUM)

Jun 18, 2009

To fill in the ??? in attached file, I select the respective cells and SUM. Would there be a way to automate as:

For each entry in column D, Excel picks out itself the names in column-A where-ever they come, picks the corresponding values from column-B, sums them and reproduces the summation in column E.

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Splitting Numbers And Text To Their Respective Columns

Jul 31, 2014

Splitting numbers and text separately to their respective columns

Annexed file for reference: SPLIT TEXT AND NUMBERS.xls‎

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Using Conditional Formatting To Find The Respective Remarks

Nov 14, 2008

Anyone can help me? I trying to give remark to my Profits and Loss amount with Poor, Good, and Excellent.

For example if my amount is more than $10000 it should be remark Excellent automatically by excel in the cell beside. How am I able to do this with conditional formatting in Excel 2007.....

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Separate Alphanumeric Value And Get In Respective Column In Excel?

May 9, 2014

Output should be:

.Column A



AB-CD/EF1-AB(4%), AB-CD/EF1-BC(2.4%)

Likewise, I have many combinations. And it is not necessary that only "AB-CD/EF1-AB" combination will come first in a row. In input,Column A values are given. Other columns are empty.

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Combobox Control (change To Respective Given Color)

Jun 1, 2009

I have a problem with combobox,
when an item in a combobox is selected (control tool box combobox)
then the color of the cell in excel worksheet have to change to respective given color

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Sumif: Return The Contents Of The Respective Cell

Nov 5, 2009

In Column A, in each cell in rows 1-10, there is various text that may or may not include "ABC" and "DEFG" as the first four letters. In Column B, rows 1-10, there is numerical data. What I would like to do in Column C, rows 1-10, is place a formula that would return the contents of the respective cell in Column B, but only where the first three or four letters in the respective cell in column A is "ABC" or "DEFG".

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Return Value Of Specific Date That Is On The Calendar Into Respective Cell?

Dec 14, 2013

Basically, it is a scheduling of approving or rejecting of request dates. whereby, i will receive the request dates from Google doc form and then i will extract the data from web into the excel. The data i receive will include the ID, Date request and Remarks.

With the Information in hand, the data will then be "plot" into a schedule (which is a year calender that i have created on excel) base on the ID requested from the web and the ID in the excel.

After plotting, i also want to check if the number requested date exceed the quota set PER DAY, if it exceed, then i have to reject, if its not then approve.

So here comes the problem.. After all the dates have reflected on the calender, I want to get the information from the calender result(which is whether the date is approve or reject) back on to respective ID and Dates requested.

I have attached a example excel for clearer view of my explanation.

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Multiple Text File Content To Respective Cells?

Feb 12, 2014

In spreadsheet attached, column F is populated with file names. I need VB script to import content of each respective file into corresponding cell in column E. I've got over 25k of records and the same amount of txt files that I need to insert into cells. I have found this script somewhere on the forums:

[Code] .....

But need to modify it to do something like this: read cell from column F > find file with corresponding name > Insert content of that text file into corresponding cell in column E > go to next row and do the same.

Attached File : sample_data.xlsx‎

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Referencing Cell - Populate Another Worksheet With Their Respective Values

Mar 24, 2014

I am working with a worksheet that has some cells merged e.g. A1 and A2 are merged together as 1 cell. I am using cell offset to reference values from the worksheet assign them to variables then populate another worksheet with their respective values. I noticed that cell.offset(row,column).value is not retrieving a value when merged cells are mixed with non-merged cells within a given row. Is there another method/function I can take advantage of here?

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VBA - Search Unique Code And Enter Data In Respective Row

May 18, 2013

I have a problem to write a VBA code for the following task:

My worksheet has a column that has a unique code in column C (Ex: HR1) which is not repeated throughout column C, and I need to insert the amount of money spent on this specific code.

I would run a userform that has two text boxes, one that I shall enter the unique code and the other text box shall be the amount of money spent. I would like to know of a vba code that can search the unique code of the value entered in the first text box of the userform, then to enter the amount of the second text box into column D in relation to the respective row which the unique code is located.

I would like that the amount entered in column D regarding the unique code could be added automatically by entering any new entries in relation to the unique code selected, if this is possible. If not possible, to go inserting any new date into the next column regarding the same row of the unique code.




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Group Respective Rows Of Text Matching Cell Value

May 1, 2008

I am trying to select all cells in a range whos contents match the contents of a specific cell so I can group the respective rows of these cells. I did a forum search but I am not sure if I have found what I am looking to do. I am a very basic user of VB so keep answers as simple as possible.

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Import Multiple TXT Files Content To Respective Cells In Spreadsheet VBA

Feb 13, 2014

In spreadsheet attached, column F is populated with file names. I need VB script to import content of each respective file into corresponding cell in column E.

I've got over 25k of records and the same amount of txt files that I need to insert into cells. I have found this script :

Sub MikeMaster()
Dim x As Integer
Dim temp
Dim i As Integer
Dim Drive As String

[Code] .....

But need to modify it to do something like this: read cell from column F (Text File) > find file with corresponding name in given folder > Insert content of that text file into corresponding cell in column E (Description) > go to next row and do the same.

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Save All Open Excel Windows After Respective Cell Names

Feb 17, 2009

I am trying to do something which is very slow and manual. What i have is like a seperate spreadsheet from every day and have to save each one down manually in the respective date. so for example column C has the date in already. Can you tell me how to save all the excel workbooks which are open (if i open them all) and then use the date in column C (which is in the format 20090217) and save it as a xls in the format 170209 and then close the workbooks?

sorry this is a huge question, just takes me so long to save them all.

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Fetch Data From Excel Database And Display It On Respective Textbox?

Apr 4, 2014

I want some code on how to fetch data from an Excel Database and display it on respective textbox.

Like I have these coloum name in excel sheet; Emp Id

Reporting to
Transport req.

I want to have VBA code to fetch it on txtbx1, txybx2 and so on.

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Save File In Respective Month Folder As Per Current Year Vba Modification

Apr 3, 2014

In sub which will convert file to PDF and save it to assigned folder and then attach it to email in outlook. All works fine.

However is is possible to modify the code to save fole to respective month folder ( as per current date and year)?

e.g. I have created folder Named 'Trial' in C drive . This has sub folders 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018 Each year folder will have sub-sub folders month wise like This has sub folders as Jan , Feb , Mar , Apr .... till Dec Now e.g. if date when the pdf was created is 23/4/14 then it is saved in C:Trials2014Apr automatically. Currently every year I keep creating new folders etc... bit primitive though.

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Copy Worksheet Data By Condition/Criteria To Respective Named Sheets

Jun 2, 2008

Now what I am looking to do is search my spreadsheet for specific criteria and then copy and paste these rows of information to a new sheet.

In my first spreadsheet that I am using as a database, I want to be able to select any entry from the month and copy it to another spreadsheet named for that criteria.

In other words, I want to find every entry for January, copy just that data's rows and paste them to the January spreadsheet, February to February, etc. My date fields are in column A.

I also want to do the same with representatives names found in column B.

This will break down the data for each rep and each month. Using the filter, then copy and pasting would be cumbersome.

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Excel Macro To Create New Workbook Based On Category In List With Respective Sheets

Apr 27, 2014

I need new workbooks based on category name in the below list. Respective sheets should be copied from the existing workbook with items as sheet names. List can be updatable.

Vegetables carrot
vegetables brinjal
meat chicken
meat Fish
meat Mutton
grains Wheat
grains Rice

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