I do not understand why my code returns a Run Time Error"9" Subscript out of range. With the following code, I opened a workbook and then wish to close that same workbook without saving. Eventually I will be pulling information from the workbook but for now I just want it to open and then close right away.
Private Sub cb_NewDate_Change()
ListIndex = cb_NewDate.ListIndex
If ListIndex = 0 Then
Application. ScreenUpdating = False
Workbooks.Open Filename:="I:JoeNetwork Conversion FactorsNetworkConversionFactors_Ver_2_0_0.xls"
Application.Workbooks("I:JoeNetwork Conversion FactorsNetworkConversionFactors_Ver_2_0_0.xls").Close False
End Sub
I have a problem, where every time I close or open any workbook, Excel prompts me to "Enable or Disable Macros" in one particular workbook, wether I have tried to open it or not. In the said workbook, I have a macro that automatically updates a pivot table upon selecting the worksheet where the pivot table resides.
The code for it is as follows:
Sub UpdateIt() Dim iP As Integer Application.DisplayAlerts = False For iP = 1 To ActiveSheet.PivotTables.Count ActiveSheet.PivotTables(iP).RefreshTable Next Application.DisplayAlerts = True End Sub
Private Sub Worksheet_Activate() Call UpdateIt End Sub
There is something in the code that calls UpdateIt any time a workbook is opened, closed or selected.
I am running a script that populates about 70 or so workbooks based on information from the database. Naturally this script is quite slow but what seems to take the most time is opening and closing workbooks. Is there a way to "hide" the workbook opening/closing operation on the screen? I have tried using the
Application. ScreenUpdating = False
this sped the code up but you still see the workbooks opening on the screen.
My indirect formula doesn't work when I have the entire path defined. I have the entire filepath specified (which will never change), and then I have cell A6 with the tab name of the worksheet on the workbook . Workbook 1 named 'Testme' contains the table with range a2:b5 Worbook 2 contains the formula
I put this formula into workbook2 (the tab in the example is named hitab & I put that name in cell B6)
Here is what I have:Does not work even when other workbook is open =VLOOKUP(B6,INDIRECT("'H:CUSTOMERSCurrentClientAMRO and General SuppliesBearings, Motors, PTsSavings Tracking[Testme.xls]"&A6&"'!a2:b5"),2,FALSE)
This DOES work when workbook is open, but not when it is closed (which would seem logical if when the workbook is closed, the formula needs the exact path) =VLOOKUP(B5,INDIRECT("[Testme.xls]"&A6&"!$a$2:$b$5"),2,FALSE)
I can hard code everything except the tab name. Why doesn't Indirect recognize an entire file path and also why does it give a REF error?
- I did a search and found that some people said to use the add-in Indirect.exe. I followed the link and the page was no longer found.
I am getting a runtime error 32809, Application-defined or Object-defined error when I try to open my workbook. I remember someone posting code to set the VBA References when the Workbook is opened and I think this is what I need, because the file will run on Excel 2000 and not on Excel 2003. I know the References are different, but I don't know how to change them.
Having a problem with a simple udf to calculate values across multiple sheets using the calling cell as a reference point. It works great until you open another workbook and then switch back. At that point all cells calling this udf return a #value! error. If I type anywhere on the sheet all of the values will recalculate but this is less than ideal for the end users here. below is example of concept
Function TestMe() Application.Volatile (True) Dim strCallAddress As String Dim intSubTotal As Integer strCallAddress = Application.Caller.Address intSubTotal = Worksheets(2).Range(strCallAddress).Value intSubTotal = intSubTotal + Worksheets(3).Range(strCallAddress).Value TestMe = intSubtotal End Function
I have a list of workbooks on a sheet that i am trying to open with vba one by one. If a workbook in my list does not exist or was deleted then excel displays a runtime error. Is there a way to bypass this error and have the code skip the non existant workbook and open the next one?
whats happening to my workbook. On a worksheet called Data, i'm pulling in a lot og data from a database. Then on another worksheet i'm looking for certain things on the data sheet and counting how many there are.
This all goes along find until i close the workbook, and then re-open.I click the automatically update button that appearsand once it finishs updating all my values are replaced with #Value.
Hi everybody, I'm doing my first excel application program and everything is going good, but I have one problem.
I want to click on a command button in one workbook that is supposed to lead me to a specific sheet in another workbook and to close the first workbook.
I cannot figure out how to get my error handler to work, or actually, not work. It seems to work fine when there is an error, but the code still gets read even when there was not an error. Basically, I am trying to open a file, which may or may not be there. When it is not there I want a message to pop up informing the user. However, when the file is there and it opens, the error handler still gives the message box. Any ideas what I am doing wrong?
Private Sub btnOK_Click() Application. ScreenUpdating = False Dim LCSfile As String LCSfile = frmSelectFile.Listbox1.Value On Error Goto ErrHandler Workbooks.Open Filename:=sPath & sDate & "" & LCSfile & "QUANT.CSV" ErrHandler: MsgBox ("File is not quantitated. Please select another file.") Application.ScreenUpdating = True
I have a userform which opens when the workbook opens. Ideally Id like to have the userform open without the workbook coming up and have the workbook close when you close the userform. If thats not doable then is there a way to just close the workbook when the userform is closed?
I was wondering if there is any code using an on-click method. When clicking a button i need excel to exit the file/sheet without saving (no prompts) and then re-open the exact same file/sheet once it has closed.
I have code in VBA that takes a source Excel file and parses it to multiple re-formatted worksheets. Each formatted worksheet is different depending on a variable in the source. There are n of each type of data (1:n Water Sources, 1:n Water Treatment, 1:n Water Storage). Each item needs a copy of a blank re-formatted worksheet appended to the end of the existing data-type worksheet. For example: Water Source #2 is appended to the bottom of Water Source #1 on the same worksheet.
Currently, I am opening the blank re-formatted workbook each time an additional variable of same type is found in the source file. Meaning, if there are 8 Water Sources, I am opening and closing the blank re-formatted workbook 7 times to copy a blank Water Source to the bottom of the Water Source worksheet and then populate the data. AND if there are 3 Water Treatment, I would open and close the blank formatted workbook 2 more times to copy a blank Water Treatment to the bottom of the Water Treatment worksheet. The same goes for Water Treatment.
Obviously, a huge waste of resources and performance. I would rather open the blank re-formatted workbook once (first time an additional worksheet is needed), use the worksheets as needed, and close it at the end.
Attached is my current, working code of the above.
How should I re-write it to check if the blank workbook is already open use it, if not open it?
Code: Sub Add_Facility(ByVal Worksheet_Name, Copy_Range, Max_Limit) Dim Last_Row As Integer Dim Source_Range As Range Dim Dest_Range As Range Dim wkb As Workbook
Excel will hang up as if it's gone into a continuous loop (Although no looping macros are active) when you open or close a user form. The task bar in Excel will flash Ready Calculate. Visual basic reports no code is running but excel either crashes or becomes very unresponsive. I have to exit and reopen excel in order to fix the problem . It also doesn't happen at any one specific point it can vary. I have various VLOOKUPs around the workbook and userforms display the correct information. I use the INDEX formula in the control source of textboxes. I also use the offset formula to make sure DTPICKER displays correctly.
I am using 'Option Explicit' at the start of all my code. I have tried a 3rd party code cleaner. No visual Basic references are MISSING
Suddenly when I open a ExcelWorkbook Microsoft Visual Basic shows a messagebox stating: "Runtime faillure 9 Subscript out of reach" only the closebtn is enabled. After closing the box the workbook opens normally.
I have an error that just began occuring as I am developing a VBA application in Excel.
Whenever I close the workbook, an Error 91 occurs. The VBA editor opens and a line is highlighted within my combo box change event. It is stating that the combo box item no longer exists.
The combo box actually resides as an embedded control with a sheet.
I have two forms...clicking a specific button on the first form should display the second form which works fine.
VB: Private Sub Image_Employees_Click() Form_Main.Hide Form_Employees.Show
When I do this twice, however, the second form seems to freeze/hang and I have to close Excel and then re-open it. I feel like I'm overlooking something obvious...
I have a need to open a file from my companies intranet. My current method was to open said file via the method that the recorder gave me. However, I would like ot be able to open a said file without having to start open another workbook.
This is the path: [url]
So the command is this: Workbooks.Open [url]
Links are not actual links
So what I need to know. Is how can I open this file without opening a workbook. I haven't been able to use the VB "Open Statement" to open a file and I don't believe that I've been successfull using the Filesystem object either.
I run most of my macros out of a file called "Personal.XLS" and I have this bit of code at the end of this particular macro which is closing personal.xls instead of the active file it is working on. It is set up on a loop and it should go to the next file in the directory but since it closes the file I run the macro from, the macro stops immediately. It appears that it believes "ThisWorkbook.Close" is referring to the file from which the macro is initiated.
This is a simple macro to hide the sheets if macro is disabled. But I get an error when I close the worksheet. Can anyone please help me with this. Other than that, everything seems fine. The problem is only when closing the worksheet if get an error as " run-time error '1004': Method ;visible' of object' _worksheet' failed". The code is given below.
Public bIsClosing As Boolean Dim wsSheet As Worksheet
Sub HideAll() Application. ScreenUpdating = False For Each wsSheet In ThisWorkbook.Worksheets If wsSheet.CodeName = "TABLE" Then wsSheet.Visible = xlSheetVisible Else wsSheet.Visible = xlSheetVeryHidden End If Next wsSheet Application.ScreenUpdating = True End Sub
Sub ShowAll() bIsClosing = False For Each wsSheet In ThisWorkbook.Worksheets If wsSheet.CodeName <> "TABLE" Then wsSheet.Visible = xlSheetVisible End If Next wsSheet End Sub
The following code opens a window where you can search for "*.dat" files. The coded works fine but if for instance I would like to cancel the file opening (clicking at the cross or cancel button), and error will pop up saying "mysmsaf".
Is there a code which I can introduce so that I can cancel or close the open window without error?
I have a perfectly functioning piece of code. There is still one snag, however. In the process of running the macro, three new workbooks are opened. I would like to close all three of those workbooks at the end. I am using the following procedure for each of the sheets:
To open the worksheet
Code: Dim wb As WorkbookMsgBox "Please select the Stakeholder File"SHFile = Application.GetOpenFilename("Files (*.xls),*.xls", , "Please select the Stakeholder Workbook")If SHFile "False" Then Set wb = Workbooks.Open(Filename:=SHFile)
To close the worksheet at the end:
Code: If Not wb is Nothing Then wb.Close SaveChanges:=False
The only problem is that I am getting bugs when closing multiple workbooks (3). I have assigned the names wb, vb and ab to the three workbooks.
I have some VBA code which opens another workbook, copies data from the first sheet in there and pastes into the current sheet before closing the workbook it got the data from. Is there any way of suppressing any messages associated with closing the other workbook? i.e. do you want to save - or possibly automatically generating a no message to the prompts?
I have 4 employees who at the end of their shifts have to email me an excel workbook. The issue is that some of them are forgetful and after placing numerous post-it notes on their monitors one particular employees just forgets.
What i want to do if possible is that when the workbook gets closed, a pop-up window shows up on their screen reminding them to send the workbook. Even better would be if their was a button that they could click that would email the workbook as an attachment in the pop-up box.
I've created a macro which copies the current tab to a new workbook (Book X):
I then manipulate the copied data in Book X. Once this is done I move the manipulated sheet back into original file
[Code] .......
The problem i'm having is I'd like to close the newly created Workbook X file once the macro has run but Workbook X is usually called Book2, Book4, Book7, Book32 etc.
Workbook X will always be the previous file if i use the ALT TAB shortcut.