I have 2 worksheets ('pathways', 'pathway events').
'pathways' has unique rows with a unique ID i.e. [Pathway ID] whilst 'pathway events' has the same initial column [Pathway ID] but with multiple values of the same [Pathway ID] value.
If an [Pathway ID] value is selected in 'pathways', I want it to trigger some code which will open a new worksheet and copy the multiple rows in 'pathway events' with the same [Pathway ID] value and paste them into the new worksheet.
Is this possible to do in Excel. I normally use Access and you can have triggered events.
I have a manually calc'd workbook with the following code
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
If Not Intersect(Target, Me.Range("VAL1CELL")) Is Nothing Then Me.Calculate If Not Intersect(Target, Me.Range("VAL2CELL")) Is Nothing Then Me.Calculate If Not Intersect(Target, Me.Range("CHOICE")) Is Nothing Then Me.Calculate If Not Intersect(Target, Me.Range("$L$36")) Is Nothing Then Me.Calculate
If ActiveCell.Address = "VAL1CELL" Then Range("VAL2CELL") = Range("Y$41")
End Sub
Everything works as it should other then the part that is
If ActiveCell.Address = "VAL1CELL" Then Range("VAL2CELL") = Range("Y$41")
When the user selects VAL1CELL This is cell B2 and is a drop down, I want VAL2CELL which is C2 and also a drop down to show what is in Y41 (i.e the first name that appears in the drop down...not a thing happens ? is there a flaw to my code ?
Is there a way to trigger a macro when a shape is moved by the user? If I set the OnAction property for a shape, then the cursor changes to a hand when it is over the shape, and I can detect a mouse click on the shape, but I cannot drag and drop the shape. If I reset the OnAction property to "" (empty quotes), then I can drag and drop again within the worksheet, but I can't trigger the macro.
Worksheet_Change or Worksheet_SelectionChange are not triggered by this event.
People have suggested using timers to continuously poll the shapes and determine their locations, but is there an easier way?
What I am trying to do is create a sheet where the user can visually move around objects (in this case representing employees) and deposit them in various zones. The spreadsheet would then apply certain attributes to the shape i.e. change colour according to where the shape is and if it is in an unsuitable zone. I can do all of this, but I want it to work the instant the shape is moved, not rely on the user to hit a button.
I am using Excel 2007, and I have a macro (that is working) that I would like to run whenever there has been a new selection in a dropdown list on my worksheet. I have done this many times before in other workbooks, and I have always used:
Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range)
End Sub
To my knowledge this should trigger the macro when the dropdown selection changes. However, this time it is not working. The macro runs fine manually, but it does not run when the dropdown selection changes.
I have a relatively complex excel VBA solution which has a top level spreadsheet containing a dashboard of stats (test statuses within projects).
There are various reporting options available which open other spreadsheets to collect data and present it within the top level spreadsheet - these are closed once the data has been copied.
For example, I select an option to show me all the issues relating to tests for a particular team and the solution opens a series of spreadsheets and copies the issues into the summary spreadsheet.
The problem is that the report has the option to double-click a row, which essentially opens the corresponding Excel file and focuses on the relevant row containing the issue.
This works fine but I've added protection to the report to prevent users editing the data here (they should double-click to open the underlying file and edit there).
The report is a protected sheet and locked/unlocked cells can be selected - in fact, they need to be to allow the double-click event.
If I put my cursor in a cell and click Delete then pass over the warning that the sheet is protected then select Enter, Excel raises error "1004: Select method of Range Class failed".I understand that use of worksheet select is not a good idea but what concerns me is that the event which occurred prior to the double-click (the one which collected the data for the report) is running when it shouldn't be so.
Why would the earlier event be triggering and why doesn't it hit my breakpoint placed in the related code block even though that must be running?
Basically the situation I have is Sheet2 has many references to cells in Sheet1. Sheet2 is for all intents and purposes a kind of nicely formatted report form, and Sheet1 is the input form.
My ultimate goal is to automatically resize row heights on Sheet2 when cell contents change on Sheet2.
Using a worksheet_change event isn't working I presume because it doesn't see the formula output change as a worksheet change, the worksheet_change is firing only when the input is changed in Sheet1.
how can I capture these formula output changes on Sheet2 (triggered from input on Sheet1) OR is there a way of making a particular sheets rows always adjust in height to best fit?
I need to identify the object that is triggering the current running macro. For example, i have 4 buttons say button 1 to 4 that all do almost the same thing. I have written 4 different macro for all 4 buttons but i want to simplify my code so that i can have a better leaner code by only using 1 macro for all 4 buttons. simply put is there a way to say identify which button/shape i pressed:
If "identity of button pressed" = "Button1" Then execute some code Else End If
I use excel 2002 but some of my office are on 97, i want to add a small workbook open event code which works for me but debugs for the others?? The code is basically, go to a tab, on that tab and that range sort..
I need to to use VBA to copy a worksheet (which i've managed to do!), but I need the new worksheet to have a Worksheet_Change event. Now when I copy the worksheet, the event doesn't copy over (obviously as its a cut and paste jobby). Any ideas on what code I need to add in the Worksheet_Change event just after the new worksheet is automatically created?
I have seen many examples posted here that are close to what I need, but I am not experienced at writing code, so I am not sure how to make the changes to this code that apply to what I need. So I will try to explain what I am looking for & hopefully not be too long winded:
I have an excel workbook that has several worksheets within it - 10 of the worksheets are identical as far as the formulas that are in each of the cells, however, they are all VLOOKUP cells that refer to another excel workbook (used as a "database")which lists all of our projects - there is a cell in each of the 10 sheets that can be changed that will allow that particular worksheet to access the information in the "database worksheet" for the particular project name that is entered in this cell.
There is currently an event worksheet code for each of these worksheets which allows for a picture to be displayed "floating" above cell (L13) based on the project name that is showing in this cell- however it is based on all of the project pictures "living" in each worksheet (the picture that is called up by the project name is displayed while the rest are hidden - as per the formula)- the code is shown below: Option Explicit
Private Sub Worksheet_Calculate() Dim oPic As Picture Me.Pictures.Visible = False With Range("L13") For Each oPic In Me.Pictures If oPic.Name = .Text Then oPic.Visible = True oPic.Top = .Top oPic.Left = .Left Exit For End If Next oPic End With End Sub
However - this option works fine when there are 5 or 10 pictures/projects - but we are looking to grow our project database. So, I was hoping to be able to store the pictures in another location (such as another worksheet or in a file on the server - I would also appreciate input if anyone has an opinion on which would work better?) and have some type of worksheet event code that can be written in to each worksheet that would access the picture in this "central" location and have them appear in cell (L13) of each worksheet based on the project name displayed.
In a Userform, is there a way to run code that's listed under another UserForm event subroutine?
I have a Listbox and several Labels. When I click on a selection in the listbox, it populates the labels with various data from a spreadsheet. This code is in a "list_AfterUpdate()" subroutine.
If I change a piece of data and click a CommandButton1, I would like the labels to automatically update.
The only way I can think to do that (at present) is to run the code listed in the "list_AfterUpdate()" subroutine.
Is there a way to run that code without duplicating it in the "CommandButton1_Click" subroutine?
i try with what limited knowledge i have, if you dont mind take a look at the code below, i read your article and added the appropriate line, the code works fine except the msgbox has to be ok'd twice before it exits sub any ideas why?
Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range) Dim rng As Range Dim MyCell Set rng = Range("A2:A100") If Not Intersect(Target, rng) Is Nothing Then With rng For Each MyCell In rng If MyCell = "" Then MyCell.Select MsgBox "Please use this next blank cell" Exit Sub
Is it possible to copy a "Worksheet_change event" macro to a new worksheet by macro? Like when I insert a new worksheet, a certain macro, for example "run macro on data entry", to be already written in its worksheet_change event.
For Each kopSheet In ThisWorkbook.Worksheets If Left(kopSheet. Name, 8) = "Inddata-" Then kopSheet.Copy ActiveWorkbook. SaveAs ThisWorkbook.Path & "" & kopSheet.Name ThisWorkbook.VBProject.VBComponents("Kopier1").Export filNavn Workbooks(kopSheet.Name & ".xls").VBProject.VBComponents. Import filNavn ActiveWorkbook.Close End If Next kopSheet
I copy 6 sheets, named "Inddata-*", and i wan't to copy a module named "Kopier1" with it. I know that i can use an add-in, but that is unfortunately not a good idea in this project. It does export the module "Kopier1", but, it doesn't import it to the newly created workbook!
change the below code from a worksheet_change to a worksheet_calculate method. and still do the same action. the reason I am changing methods is due to the fact that the validation will not trigger the worksheet_change event to fire. this is my attempt to find an alternative way to fire off the macro.....
I found this great macro here but I need it target more than column 1. does anyone knoe how to target column 1 and 3 at the same time?
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range) If Target.Column = 1 Then If IsEmpty(Target) Then Target.Offset(0, 1).Value = Empty Else Target.Offset(0, 1).Value = Now() End If
Am trying to copy some code from the ThisWorkbook object into about 100 other Workbooks. I know how to Import and Export Modules, but when I export code from ThisWorkbook in saves it as a CLS file. Upon export a new class module is created. I simply want to create code that will automatically copy the code from one VBA project ThisWorkbook object to another VBA project ThisWorkbook.
I have the code to open all the files etc just need to figure out how to import the code from ThisWorkbook.
I'm trying to add a worksheet event via code. It works OK when I run it on its own but I get a run-time error 9 subscript out of range error when I try to run it from another procedure.
Please find attached my 2 bits of code. Any help greatly appreciated.
This is the bit that works OK on its own but not when called from my other procedure
Sub Code_To_Write_Code()
'This writes code to the new sheet
Dim StartLine As Long Dim SheetToAddCodeTo SheetToAddCodeTo = ActiveSheet.CodeName
With ActiveWorkbook.VBProject.VBComponents(SheetToAddCodeTo).CodeModule StartLine = .CreateEventProc("Calculate", "Worksheet") + 1 ..............
I ran this code last week and it worked great, but today it doesn't work at all. I have even deleted it, closed Excel and and started fresh. Is there some small thing I'm missing (like hopping on my left foot while entering a code) ...
I've been using these things called ranges, but I'm not even really sure what they are or how to use them effectively. I want to be able to make the following macro only applicable to the range, of anything below F5,G5 and I5.
Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range) If Target.Cells.Count > 1 Then Exit Sub If Not Intersect(Target, Range("$F:$I")) Is Nothing Then Target.Font.Name = "Marlett" If Target = vbNullString Then Target = "a" ElseIf Target = "a" Then Target = "r" Else Target = vbNullString End If End If End Sub
I know how to enable/disable events using VBA code, however is there an option within excel to turn it on/off? My problem is this...
At the beginning of my code I disable events and at the end I enable it again (I need to do this to avoid being caught in a loop). However something is going wrong somewhere in my code and the code stops halfway through. I'm trying to test sections of the code, but I often inadvertently stop the code without enabling the events again. Therefore I can't get my VBA to execute again unless I close excel down and restart. This is a pain as I have to find my place in the code again!
I have these codes in place in my excel file, there is nothing wrong with them at all. Here is the the problem : My superior runs the macros in place in the file almost daily, and when he is done he then closes it and all is well. The macros does things to other files so they are changed in a way that the supervisors like them. I avoided putting macros in these individual files, because of the attempt to make it as simplistic as possible without them being able to affect overall file. The problem happens when he (my superior) accidently makes a change in the primary sheet in the workbook with all the macros, it affects alot of my formulas and macros that are already in place. Within this workbook, it keeps a log of things from the other files results, so I have to have a record of it in the workbook, hence having a save event in place.
The Question: Is it possible to create a macro button, that will allow him to disable the codes below, so that he can close it and open again, so that it doesn't show any of the errors that happens by accident and try to close it again so there is no errors? Basically, I am asking what is the code for this, and where would I place it in.
Private Sub Workbook_BeforeClose(Cancel As Boolean) Dim mylogoff Set mylogoff = Sheet1. Range("A65536").End(xlUp).Offset(0, 1) mylogoff.FormulaR1C1 = "=NOW()" mylogoff.Copy mylogoff.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks _ :=False, Transpose:=False Application.CutCopyMode = Fals mylogoff.Offset(0, 1).FormulaR1C1 = "=RC[-1]-RC[-2]" Application.DisplayAlerts = False Sheets("Start Here").Select ThisWorkbook.Save ThisWorkbook.Close End Sub......................
code to have check marks appear in multiple non-adjacent columns in a worksheet by double clicking.
The code I am using works for a single column : (The named range "Checkboxes1" is D4:D100)
VB: Private Sub Worksheet_BeforeDoubleClick(ByVal Target As Range, Cancel As Boolean) If Target.Count > 1 Then Exit Sub If Intersect(Target, Range("Checkboxes1")) Is Nothing Then Exit Sub
However I also need the code to work on two other named ranges "Checkboxes2" (E4:E100) and "Checkboxes3" is G4:G100.