Event Triggered When A Shape Is Moved

Jan 20, 2010

Is there a way to trigger a macro when a shape is moved by the user? If I set the OnAction property for a shape, then the cursor changes to a hand when it is over the shape, and I can detect a mouse click on the shape, but I cannot drag and drop the shape. If I reset the OnAction property to "" (empty quotes), then I can drag and drop again within the worksheet, but I can't trigger the macro.

Worksheet_Change or Worksheet_SelectionChange are not triggered by this event.

People have suggested using timers to continuously poll the shapes and determine their locations, but is there an easier way?

What I am trying to do is create a sheet where the user can visually move around objects (in this case representing employees) and deposit them in various zones. The spreadsheet would then apply certain attributes to the shape i.e. change colour according to where the shape is and if it is in an unsuitable zone. I can do all of this, but I want it to work the instant the shape is moved, not rely on the user to hit a button.

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VBA Code Triggered By An Event

Jan 25, 2008

I have 2 worksheets ('pathways', 'pathway events').

'pathways' has unique rows with a unique ID i.e. [Pathway ID] whilst 'pathway events' has the same initial column [Pathway ID] but with multiple values of the same [Pathway ID] value.

If an [Pathway ID] value is selected in 'pathways', I want it to trigger some code which will open a new worksheet and copy the multiple rows in 'pathway events' with the same [Pathway ID] value and paste them into the new worksheet.

Is this possible to do in Excel. I normally use Access and you can have triggered events.

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Event Triggered When Renaming Sheet

Sep 29, 2008

I need to declare an event that happens when a worksheet is renamed

the code that would trigger the event is

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Event Triggered Code Not Working ?

Mar 20, 2008

I have a manually calc'd workbook with the following code

Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)

If Not Intersect(Target, Me.Range("VAL1CELL")) Is Nothing Then Me.Calculate
If Not Intersect(Target, Me.Range("VAL2CELL")) Is Nothing Then Me.Calculate
If Not Intersect(Target, Me.Range("CHOICE")) Is Nothing Then Me.Calculate
If Not Intersect(Target, Me.Range("$L$36")) Is Nothing Then Me.Calculate

If ActiveCell.Address = "VAL1CELL" Then Range("VAL2CELL") = Range("Y$41")

End Sub

Everything works as it should other then the part that is

If ActiveCell.Address = "VAL1CELL" Then Range("VAL2CELL") = Range("Y$41")

When the user selects VAL1CELL This is cell B2 and is a drop down, I want VAL2CELL which is C2 and also a drop down to show what is in Y41 (i.e the first name that appears in the drop down...not a thing happens ? is there a flaw to my code ?

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Worksheet Selection Change Event Not Triggered

Mar 5, 2009

I am using Excel 2007, and I have a macro (that is working) that I would like to run whenever there has been a new selection in a dropdown list on my worksheet. I have done this many times before in other workbooks, and I have always used:

Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range)

End Sub

To my knowledge this should trigger the macro when the dropdown selection changes. However, this time it is not working. The macro runs fine manually, but it does not run when the dropdown selection changes.

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Event Triggered When Not Expected When Deleting Protected Cell Data

Oct 31, 2013

I have a relatively complex excel VBA solution which has a top level spreadsheet containing a dashboard of stats (test statuses within projects).

There are various reporting options available which open other spreadsheets to collect data and present it within the top level spreadsheet - these are closed once the data has been copied.

For example, I select an option to show me all the issues relating to tests for a particular team and the solution opens a series of spreadsheets and copies the issues into the summary spreadsheet.

The problem is that the report has the option to double-click a row, which essentially opens the corresponding Excel file and focuses on the relevant row containing the issue.

This works fine but I've added protection to the report to prevent users editing the data here (they should double-click to open the underlying file and edit there).

The report is a protected sheet and locked/unlocked cells can be selected - in fact, they need to be to allow the double-click event.

If I put my cursor in a cell and click Delete then pass over the warning that the sheet is protected then select Enter, Excel raises error "1004: Select method of Range Class failed".I understand that use of worksheet select is not a good idea but what concerns me is that the event which occurred prior to the double-click (the one which collected the data for the report) is running when it shouldn't be so.

Why would the earlier event be triggering and why doesn't it hit my breakpoint placed in the related code block even though that must be running?

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Worksheet Change Event Triggered By Formula Change?

Dec 6, 2011

Basically the situation I have is Sheet2 has many references to cells in Sheet1. Sheet2 is for all intents and purposes a kind of nicely formatted report form, and Sheet1 is the input form.

My ultimate goal is to automatically resize row heights on Sheet2 when cell contents change on Sheet2.

Using a worksheet_change event isn't working I presume because it doesn't see the formula output change as a worksheet change, the worksheet_change is firing only when the input is changed in Sheet1.

how can I capture these formula output changes on Sheet2 (triggered from input on Sheet1) OR is there a way of making a particular sheets rows always adjust in height to best fit?

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Toggle Shape Visibility On Different Sheet Than Event Code

May 29, 2008

I have found that this only works on the sheet being viewed, how can I make it work on a different sheet than the one that I am on?

Option Explicit
Private Sub Worksheet_Calculate()
If Range("C1").Value = "5" Then
ActiveSheet.Shapes("rectangle 1").Visible = True
ActiveSheet.Shapes("rectangle 1").Visible = False
End If
End Sub
Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range)

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Change Shape Text Without Selecting Shape

Mar 4, 2009

when i run the below code i get an error 438 'object doesnt support this property or method'

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Moved The Sheet To Another Workbook

Oct 9, 2007

I have the following formula that was in a workbook. I then moved the sheet to another workbook and now no longer works.


Does the INDIRECT function not work for references to other workbooks.

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Auto Triggered Macro Keeps Running

Aug 23, 2012

I have finally got a Marco to run based on the value of a cell changing from 0 to 1 .

However once activated it run continually until Stack full error .

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Worksheet Calculation Triggered By Drop Down Box

Dec 22, 2009

I am trying to do is trigger an event when a cell changes, and this cell is updated via a linked drop-down box.

The issue is that the code seems to work fine (in about 10 seconds or less) if a manual calculation is entered into the sheet - but when it's done via the drop-down box, it takes about 3 minutes to complete the macro.

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Moved Document Now Formulas Don't Work?

Jul 31, 2013

I have created two documents. One document (A) is my worksheet where I input data, the second document (B) is my spreadsheet where it comprises all my data into the fields I want. I have completed both documents on computer (1) and now need to transfer it to another computer (2). However my formulas no longer function after I move the document (A) from computer (1) to computer (2). Is there a way for me to work around this? Do I need to transfer the spreadsheet (B) to computer (2) in order for them to function correctly? How can I make it so I have the worksheet (A) on computer (1) enter data correctly into the spreadsheet (B) on computer (2)?

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Hyperlink - Update When File Moved?

Jul 20, 2013

I have a spreadsheet with hyperlinks to various file types (PDFs, Docs, etc.). Is there any way that I can have the hyperlinks update themselves automatically when I move one of those files to another location?

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Identify Object That Triggered Macro Code

Feb 27, 2008

I need to identify the object that is triggering the current running macro. For example, i have 4 buttons say button 1 to 4 that all do almost the same thing. I have written 4 different macro for all 4 buttons but i want to simplify my code so that i can have a better leaner code by only using 1 macro for all 4 buttons. simply put is there a way to say identify which button/shape i pressed:

If "identity of button pressed" = "Button1" Then
execute some code
End If

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How To Protect Shapes From Being Inadvertently Moved By User

Feb 5, 2014

I did create a group of two shapes. One square and one circle. The main reason behind grouping them is to have them rotate around the same centre.

Now the problem of the usage of the shapes. I don't want them inadvertently shifted by the user. The rotation of the circle will be wobbly.

The circle is rotated by a module. Protecting the sheet makes the rotation of the circle stop working.

My thought was to overlay part of the sheet by an Active X label and set the BackStyle to transparent and there is no need to protect the whole sheet.

The problem now is that when I click on the label it turns white, and as soon as I move the cursor out of its perimeter the "underlying" circle will become visible again.

How to prevent this behaviour of the label. I want the label to stay invisible and protect the underlying shapes from being moved.

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Set Value From Cell Moved 1 Place To The Right Inside For Loop?

Oct 6, 2011

I have this loop, I get a range of specific cells and then I loop over this collection searching for a value, if this value exist I wanted to move one place to the right and then set a value on that cell, but for some reason when I put this offser(0,1) parameter, the loop became infinite, not sure why the code is doing this:

For Each c In Worksheets("Parameters").Range("A3:AR3").Cells
adress_start = ""
adress_letter = ""


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Visual Basic Editor Windows Moved

May 15, 2007

I have a problem with my VBA Editor. I have the Projects Window at the top left of the screen, the Properties underneath it and, normally, the Userform/Code window fillint the rest. However, The userform/code window is not behaving as before. When you try to get one or the other they open in another window whereas I'm pretty sure that they just opened in the same window.

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Macro Triggered By Worksheet Activate - Endless Loop

Oct 25, 2011

I have a multi-sheet workbook. The first sheet is a summary of results from the rest of the workbook. I would like this summary sheet to auto-refresh itself each time the sheet is activated. The VBA code triggered by the Worksheet/Activate event feeds some parameters out to other sheets, then copies back the results to the summary sheet of the workbook.

While doing so, it keeps "reactivating" the first sheet, causing it to get into an endless loop that is triggered by the Worksheet/Activate event. Essentially, I'd like the Worksheet/Activate event to go dormant for 15 seconds or so each time it is triggered.

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Locate A Shape Within A Shape

Jan 24, 2014

On the attached spreadsheet there is two irregular shapes. "Area1" & "Area2". I need to be able to determine which area the "ball" shape is located in. If the ball is in Area1 then "Multiply 8" gets the ball and "Multiply 9" moves to the blue cell "AH39". If the ball is in "AreaB" Multiply 9 gets the ball and "Multiply 8" runs to cell "S37"

I should be able to do the moving of the shapes using all the samples, its determining which area the ball is in is the problem.

In the real spreadsheet i will probably have around 10 different Areas.

Move Two Objects - Select Case.xlsm‎

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Array Formula Works In One Portion But Not After Being Altered And Moved

Dec 18, 2013

I figured out exactly what I wanted to do and got it to work in a test excel sheet. However, when integrating it into the actual workbook I wanted, I was unable to get it to work. So, I used the same cell references I need to work in my actual workbook and pasted it all back to the test excel sheet.

So, the test excel sheet has the working formulas up at the top, and a duplicate of what I need to work in the actual cells I need them to work in. Changing the shift start time should group any persons with the same shift togethor. I'm still fairly new, but I think the only portion that could have been changed is the portion that says 1:1.. I figure that is relative to the array so it shouldn't be changed, but not sure what else to do.

Here's an array formula that works:


Here's the array formula to be in the correct cells that doesn't work:

[Code] ....

How to to get it to work in the different cell area.

Attached File : Shift.xlsx‎

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Excel Document Margins Moved When Viewed On Different Computers

May 1, 2013

I have designed an excel spread sheet for my staff to fill in when completing care plans - there are a lot of drop down boxes etc., on the form - when it comes to printing 3 computers on the office print it fine but the other 3 the margins seem to move and the sheets come out totally wrong - I have checked the setting and we are all using the same setting etc., but it is still happening - we are also all printing to the same printer.

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Excel 2010 :: Hyperlinks Not Working When Spreadsheet Moved

Oct 17, 2013

Using MS Excel 2010.

As I understand it hyperlinks set in a spreadsheet should work regardless of where you save and/or copy the spreadsheet i.e. as long as the directory location of the location / file the hyperlink is referencing doesn't change (notwithstanding, the user must have appropriate access rights to the relevant directory locations)

However, the situation I have is the spreadsheet was generated and saved to directory location A (intention being this would be the 'master' yearly template) and the hyperlinks set, all of which work when you open the spreadsheet in this directory location. But when I copy the spreadsheet to directory location B, which is intended to be the yearly 'register' location for the spreadsheet, none of the hyperlinks work? When I hold my cursor over a link in the copied spreadsheet, in directory B, I do not get a 'pop-up' path like I do in directory A and when I click a link I get an error message:

Microsoft Excel The address of this site is not valid. Check the address and try again.

As stated above the documents the hyperlinks relate to have not moved, they remain in the same template directory (i.e. the link path has not altered).

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Failure Of Automatic Calculation When Worksheet Moved To Another File

Jun 1, 2008

I have workbooks in which summary tables are generated by lookup formulas. Tables are on different sheets but all use the same lookup value by referring to a cell on the 'master' sheet. The lookup value appears in cells on all sheets, by reference to the master sheet (e.g. [formula] = mastersheet!$B$2).

The master sheet contains the main summary table and is copied and detached for distribution, using a macro. For practical reasons, this is done in two stages, first copying the sheet within the workbook (to make minor alterations), then moving it to a new book to save and distribute.

This is where the problem arises. After the sheet has been detached, we find that if we now change the lookup value on the master sheet in the original file, the tables on that sheet will update normally, but the cells on other sheets remain frozen at the previous value and the tables on those sheets do not update.

The only way round the problem is by Shift + Ctrl + Alt + F9. (Maybe I should add that all my workbooks are always set to automatic calculation.)

The macro itself is not the cause of the problem; if we follow the same procedure manually, the result is the same. However, if we move the sheet in one step, eliminating the intermediate copying stage, the problem does not arise. But this is evading the problem, not solving it, and I would be reluctant to have to resort to this.

The original problem remains as stated, viz. failure of automatic calculation.

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Playing Audio Sound As Alert In Cell Triggered By Clock

May 7, 2013

I have a date base that is used as a job status board developed in excel that has locations, times, clock and other areas. What I am looking for is a way of playing a sound when the time approaches 5 min before the time in the excel cell that has been entered into the job status board...

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Triggered When The Visaul Basic Editor Command Button Is Clicked

Apr 18, 2007

Can a event be triggered when the Visaul Basic Editor command button is clicked in Excel?

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Moved Workbooks To Folders Now User Form Subsript Out Of Range

May 19, 2008

The attached workbook has a userform which was searching the same folder where this file is located for entries in columns "A" and "B" of files named in column "I" (workbook1, workbook2 etc).

I have this placed on a sharepoint and want to move the files into specific folders (folder1/workbook1, folder2/workbook2 etc.) so I can set them as view only folders to stop unuathorised editing.

I am now getting a "Subscript out of range" error after doing a search. I can see it's a problem with the file name as it's pulling it from text in a cell but can't work out!

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How To Make The Macros Keep Working Even If The Sheet Is Moved Or Mailed To Another User

May 26, 2009

I have created a workbook ( with protected sheets) containing two macros " To Insert a Row ( Copying the formula from the row above) and "Delete a Row", both, assigned to a customized toolbar.

when I move the workbook, say from the folder where I created it originally to the desktop, the macros stop working giving error like THE MACRO " C:so n so... CAN NOT BE FOUND!

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Excel 2007 :: If Then Statements Applied To Multiple Cells And Triggered Automatically

Oct 12, 2011

VBA in Excel 2007. Essentially, what I am trying to do is this:

I have to two columns (A and B) that have a drop down list in each cell containing text options. I created the drop down lists using simple data validation. Let's say that A has the following options (East, West, North, South) and B has (Up, Down, Left, Right). For each combination of these, e.g., A1 = East and B1 = Down, I want C1 to pull a unique piece of data (a $ amount) from a separate worksheet. I can get this to work in its most basic form but I want to be able to be able to do this for cells in rows 1 - 300 without having to write separate lines of code for each.

Additionally, I am having trouble getting C1 to update automatically once A1 or B1 are changed.

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Vba Shade A Cell Once Its Moved ( And Add New Rows Beneath ) Minor Code Adjustment

Nov 7, 2009

I've adjusted a jonmo code to add an item in col B which is not in col A to the bottom of col A. - fab code, thanks jonmo.

But.. i want to:

insert rows beneath those in column A to accommodate the added items and shade those cells in list A once they been added ( so the users now they've been moved )

I've posted the code below ( including my attempts at colour change where it shade the right cell but in the wrong column ) ...

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