VBA Compare 2 Cell Values

Mar 14, 2013

I have a spreadsheet and everyday it would change in length.

But I would like a macro that compares the value of each cell in column B against the value in corresponding cell in column D then moves to the next roll - so eg B2 against D2,B3 against D3......B50 against D50 until all rows are compared.

And when it finds a different makes the background colours go red !

I have a bit of a code but I think I need to loop to compare all populated cells !

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Compare Cell Value With Range Of Values And Match Row Values With Header

Jun 5, 2012

I have .csv file from which the data is importing to master schedule. i have a column in .csv file which is spitted into multiple columns. and my need is i have to compare this each individual cell value with the range of header values in master schedule and if match found i have to place that cell in the row.

I am adding 2 attachments one is .csv and other is master schedule.

I couldn't able to find where i have to attach my files.

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How To Compare Multiple Values Including TIME And Compare Rate

Feb 21, 2014

Basically I have two sets of data. One will be new each week. I'd like to use the non-changing data as a base to compare new data to. The formula would need to match multiple values, including a 'time between', and then return whether a minimum rate has been met.


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Run Formulas With Macro But Compare Values In Cell

Aug 20, 2014

I have below code which pin out numbers from IBAN in Column P. Its formulas run by macro. It works fine. But what i really need is that instead of putting the formula in the cell, is that it compare the value from the formula, with the excisting value , in each cell . And it mark the cells where there are a difference with yellow colour I have been thinking how to do this but cant really work it out. If some have a better solution its ok but i need a macro for it.

have a look at below code, which change the cell and correct the error, but which i want just to compare the values.

I have attached a sheet to test with.

[Code] .....

Attached File : Testforcompare.xls‎

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Compare 2 Cell Values Then Display Dialog Box

Jan 7, 2009

I would like to have a dialog box "popup" if the value of two cells do NOT equal.

cell C11 has net sales values for the day, including cash, checks, and credit cards. After sub total of these values, I subtract any charges(voids) and get a total(c11). I enter a sales(c12), tax(c13), no tax(C14), misc. amounts(C15 & C16) ,reductions(c21) and put the total in Cell C22 with the formula =Sum(c12:c16)-c21). Because I do not want the formula overwritten, I protect the sheet including the amounts in cell c11 and c22. If they do "Not" match I would like a dialog box to appear so the error can be corrected.

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Compare Cell Values Numbers From Text

Jan 22, 2009

I have the following:

cell B2 value = "P1'08"
cell C2 Value = "P11'09"

cell H1 Value = "P4'09"

The value stands for the Periodnumber and a Year so P1'08 stands for period 1 in the year 2008.

In cell H2 I want the following:

If value in cell H1 is the same as B2 or C2 or is in between these periods then the value in H2 should be the value of cell D2. If not the H2 should be empty.

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Search And Compare Cell Values In Different Spreadsheets

Feb 22, 2007

I have two worksheets with products that I need to compare.

Each product has a code and a product name in the following format:
Column A has the product code and column D the product name,for



Both sheets *should* have the same data in them but there are 4000
products that need to have their description verified.So I need to go
down each row on Sheet1 , extract the product code from
Sheet1.ColumnA and the product name from Sheet1.ColumnD. Then do a
search on Sheet2 for the product code (Sheet2.ColumnA) and verify that
the product description on sheet2 (Sheet2.ColumnD) is the same as in
Sheet1.ColumnD. If it matches,everything is OK. If not there is
something wrong. So I´m thinking that maybe the product codes that
dont have matching descriptions could be entered in to a separate
worksheet so that someone can check it later.

I´ve been reading around and found these code samples from this site

Dim rng1 as Range, i as Long
Dim cell as Range
With worksheet("Sheet1")
set rng1 = .Range(.Cells(1,1),.Cells(1,1).End(xldown))
End With

i = 0
for each cell in rng1

if cell.Value worksheets("Sheet2") .Range("A1").Offset(i,0).Value
' do what - they don't match
' do what - they match
End if
i = i + 1

I´ve been trying to make some changes but I dont quite know how to get this working to do what I want and I only get errors.

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Search And Compare Cell Values In 2 Different Spreadsheets

Feb 22, 2007

I have two worksheets with products that I need to compare. Each product has a code and a product name in the following format: Column A has the product code and column D the product name,for

ColumnA :


Both sheets *should* have the same data in them but there are 4000 products that need to have their description verified.So I need to go down each row on Sheet1 , extract the product code from Sheet1.ColumnA and the product name from Sheet1.ColumnD. Then do a search on Sheet2 for the product code (Sheet2.ColumnA) and verify that the product description on sheet2 (Sheet2.ColumnD) is the same as in Sheet1.ColumnD. If it matches,everything is OK. If not there is something wrong. So I´m thinking that maybe the product codes that dont have matching descriptions could be entered in to a separate worksheet so that someone can check it later.

I´ve been reading around and found these code samples from this site ...

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Compare Cell Values To Array Elements

Oct 17, 2007

I am trying to compare the values in an array with the values in a range of cells. It worked fine until I moved the code into a sub. The specific problem that I am having is that is pulling cell values from "shippablegoodspriorday" and it is supposed to be pulling the cell values from "shippablegoods".


Call compareSheets(priorShippable, Sheets("notfound"), Sheets("variance"), Sheets("shippablegoods"), [A:A], 11)


Sub compareSheets(goods() As Variant, WS As Worksheet, WS2 As Worksheet, WS3 As Worksheet, col As Range, offset As Integer)

With WS3.............

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VLookup To Compare Two String Values And Return Value Of A Cell

Oct 22, 2012

I need to compare a string from say A1 to a range of cells in another workbook and if found return the value of a cell on the same row.

Something like - look up string value in A1 in other workbook.sheet1.A1:A65535 if matched return the value of matched row column b.


IF Otherworkbook.sheet1.A20 = A1 return the value of B20

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Compare List Of Values In Order To Find The Common Values

Feb 11, 2013

compare some list of values in order to fiind the common values.

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Compare Values Based On Multiple Reference Values?

Sep 25, 2013

In sheet1, I have the borrowers and outstanding per employee. In the Area Avg sheet, I have the average borrowers and outstanding in each area as this is the standard for comparison (I got this through the subtotal function).

Now what I have to do is in sheet1, format(change the color) each cell under borrowers which is greater than the average of the relevant area. Since, (in my actual data) the name of the area may be duplicate in different regions, the reference value (average borrowers of the area) from "Area Avg" sheet has to be traced through multiple criteria which are: Division, Region and Area. The same also has to be done for outstanding but the solution can be provided for borrowers only.

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Lookup/Match: Compare A1 For The Values In Column B, Then Return The Corresponding Cell (column C) In Column D

Jan 31, 2008

I've been searching the forums for this problem but I can't seem to find any answers. Anyway, this is the problem. See screenshot.

I want to compare A1 for the values in column B, then return the corresponding cell (column C) in column D.
e.g. D1 = 2, D2 = 1, D3 = 4, D4 = 5 and D5 = 3.

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How To Compare Values With Dictionary

Nov 9, 2012

I have data in three columns A, B and C. In column A I have values like:

1. AOL
2. BA
3. HDP

and now if cell A1 has value AOL then in cell B1 only possible values are:
DD or DP or MP or MR or RE or TP or TT

if cell B1 has value DP then in cell C1 only possible values are:
KO or MA or RS or SA or SE or UM

if cell B1 has value MR then in cell C1 only possible values are:
KO or MA or RS or SA

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Using VLOOKUP To Compare Two Values

Jun 23, 2013

I'm trying to compare two quantities on two different sheets. I've used VLOOKUP in the past on other sheets. This time round I cannot understand how to us it on this query when the data is contained and mixed in one cell.

Here goes explaining..
Sheet1, shows we have stock of Mini Speakers in blue, the 'Main SKU', 'Size' and 'Current Stock'
'Current Stock' is the cell we are trying to compare


Sheet2 shows the 'SKU', 'Name' and 'Option1'. Option1 contains the values I'm trying to compare... sku":"X-MiniB-S","value":"S","quantity":"1"


Basically, I need to check that 'Current Stock' matches the value in 'Options1' and return a value if they do not match.

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Compare Values And Copy?

Mar 19, 2014

I have 2 tables on different sheets:

Table 1:

A1 B1
Product id | Contract

12 | aaa
13 | bbb
14 | ccc
15 | ddd
21 | eee
22 | fff
... |

Table 2:

A1 | B1
Product id | Contract
21 |
15 |
22 |
13 |
... |

I want to put the contract value on the product id correspondent on the table 2. How can i do this?

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Compare The Time Values

Dec 7, 2009

Excel seems to be miscalculating some formulas and I was hoping someone might have seen this before:

I'm attempting to do math on two cells and return the result in a third cell

Jx = time typed manually
AAx = time that is the result of a lookup function from data in a different worksheet
ABx = the result

Here is the formula that I am putting in ABx: =IF(ISERROR(AA39-J39),"",IF(AA39>=J39,(HOUR(AA39-J39)*60+MINUTE(AA39-J39)),-(HOUR(J39-AA39)*60+MINUTE(J39-AA39))))

J39 contains the time 18:31
and AA39 contains the time 18:30.

When the formula evaluates, the error #NUM is returned. Here are the calculation steps:


What is happening is excel is evaluating the If(AA39>=J39) as true, even when J39 contains 18:31 and AA39 contains 18:30.

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Compare Values In A Range?

Aug 3, 2009

Using VBA, I want to import data from a text file into a worksheet, but only import a row of text if the three-letter code matches one I have in a named range. The data looks similar to this:


and the named range similar to this:


I know how to open and import the data, it's just making the comparisons that I'm having trouble with at the moment .

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Compare Matching Values

Nov 21, 2008

A formula that would compare any value in column 1 to any value in column 2 to see if they are a match for each other. If a match is detected it would be indicated in column 3:


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Compare Values Between Two Columns?

Jun 16, 2014

If our work for the intersection of two columns A, B supposed to be output 1, 2 and 3 Required to find the remainder of the A and show it automatically in column C The remainder of the B reveled in column D

Note: columns A,B repeat accepting of figures

To explain the result of the remaining column A is 1, 1, 5





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Compare Values From Two Different Sheets

Sep 28, 2007

If the record exists in both sheets then compare the value in col. H for both records, if the value is different then copy the entire record to a third sheet.

There are 16,000 rows of data to do comparisons.
I have been thinking about a Vlookup method as one choice, my thought is this going to be slow.
I have read about vba having some comparison choices, vbbinary, vbtext, but I do not have any knowledge of this, so cannot intelligently choose what options to begin w/.

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Compare A Value To The Values In A Range ()

Dec 5, 2007

i have a range of values and want to compare the value of a single cell to all those in the range, returning TRUE if a the value matches any value in the range.

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Compare Values In Two Of The Columns

Mar 3, 2008

I have a worksheet where I want to compare values in two of the columns.
In column B there are EAN codes consisting of 13 digits.
In column E there are 5-digit numbers.

What I want to do is to compare the 5 digit number with the EAN code where these digits should be in position 7-12 in the EAN code. Those numbers in column E that doesn't have a match in column B should be marked (for example that the background color of that cell is set to "red").

XXXXXX12345X 12345 (match - do nothing)
XXXXXX12346X 12346 (match - do nothing)
XXXXXX12348X 12347 (no match - set background color to red)
XXXXXX12349X 12348 (match - do nothing)
XXXXXX12350X 12349 (match - do nothing)
XXXXXX12351X 12352 (no match - set background color to red)

There are more values in column E than B.

In all there are close to 4500 rows so I really could use a nifty macro to do this job.

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Compare Values In Different Sheets

Nov 28, 2006

I am in the process of comparing values between two sheets.

I would like to search on column A on both sheets and check whether there is a corresponding value in the sheets.

If there isnt then I would like to take that record and put it into a new sheet.

My code is as follows

Public rowcn
Sub auto_open()

Dim iCounter As Integer 'counter as integer
data_sheet = "CASES_ANALYS"
data_sheet2 = "A_CASES_"
target_sheet = "Final Report"

Currently I'm just displaying it in a msgbox but would like to paste the specific record into another sheet but not sure how to do this.

So far this code doesnt work

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Compare Values In 2 Columns To Another

Dec 5, 2006

I have two columns with numbers. For every row I want to find out if either of the numbers in the two columns is in a third column that I have with numbers. Does anyone know hoe to write a formula for this?

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Compare Values With Tolerance

Jul 25, 2007

I am trying to replicate a method , it reads: 'any data point that changes by more than or less than 10% from the previous value, and does not remain at the new level for more than 6 days, should be removed.'

Thats a bit vague. The process is going to involve if statements, etc. I've attached an excel spreadsheet with some solutions I've tried. Neither of which work. The aim is to get the same answers as the highlighted column. Columns B and C replicate the method answer, but do not state the process. The letters L represent values less than 25. Its the letters D I'm trying to eradicate.

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Compare Values Between 2 Lists

Nov 26, 2007

how to compare the value in one cell on sheet "Block #1" to a list of values on sheet "Data". Specifically I want to be able to look at the value in a cell (which will be a date) and then compare it to a list of company holidays on another sheet in the workbook and if the date is a company holiday it will display the word "Holiday" in another cell I specify on "Block #1" I am doing this to automate generation of a calendar which will have 13 worksheets one for each of 13 4-week blocks. I can get the calendars generated, but can't seem to be able to get it to compare the values of each date to the list of holidays.

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Compare Combinations Of Values / Transactions

Jan 25, 2014

I need to compare in and out of money in multiple bank accounts.

Imagine in row one i have all the "INs"
and in row two i have all the "OUTs"

Now, how do i compare say first transaction in row one to say 5 transactions in row 2 and find the relationship
It can be:

1. Transaction IN 1 = Transaction OUT 3
2. Transaction IN 1 = Transaction OUT 2+4
3. Transaction IN 1 = Transaction OUT 3, or Transaction OUT 2+4

So if its a direct relation it just displays where they are equal, if they aren't how it will display which multiple transactions will be equal, and if there are 2 different possibilities it will show both answers.

If its only In = Out its pretty straight forward, but how do i code it to search for combinations of transactions say 1+2+5 efficiently.

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Compare Two Different Workbooks To Populate Values?

Dec 26, 2013

I have workbook 1 and workbook 2.

I need to lookup the value in workbook 2 in order to populate workbook 1.

If workbook 2 value = NA, then "" in Workbook 1

If Workbook 2 value > workbook 1 value, then Workbook 1 value

If workbook 2 < workbook 1, then Workbook 2 value.

Should be simple. Keep getting errors in formulas @if or @lookup.

It would be nice to know by worksheet within same workbook as well.

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Using Conditional Formatting: Compare Three Values

Jan 14, 2010

For use in conditional formatting, how do you check three values are identical?
=exact doesn't work, x=y=z doesn't work.

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