VBA Macro: Clear All Constant Cells In Range That Don't Have Formulas

Jun 22, 2009

is there a way to do this in VBA? I've also read: - Dave Hawley's recommendation of using: Sheet1.UsedRange.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeConstants).ClearContents

from another thread (which is excellent!)

- SHG's recommendation of using a named range, for example:


Given my limited knowledge of VBA, how would I now combine the two to write a VBA sub-routine that clears a named range entitled "Entry" on a sheet entitled "Data"? Would the following be the correct syntax: Worksheets("Data").Range("Entry").SpecialCells(xlCellTypeConstants).ClearContents

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Macro To Clear Cells With Numbers But Not Cells With Formulas

Jan 22, 2013

Macro to clear cells with numbers but no cells with formulas with in this macro:

Dim i As Long
i = Range("E3")
If i > 0 Then
' Copy range
Range(Cells(6, 10 + i), Cells(500, 17)).Copy
Range(Cells(6, 10), Cells(500, 17)).Select
' Paste special
ActiveSheet.PasteSpecial Format:=2, Link:=1, _
DisplayAsIcon:=False, IconFileName:=False
' Clear i columns on the right
Range(Cells(6, 18 - i), Cells(500, 17)).ClearContents
End If
End Sub

The range is where the cells with numbers need to be cleared but not the ones with formulas.

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Clear Formulas In Specific Range

Jun 6, 2008

For various reasons I need to copy a the range "a2:s251" in the sheet "FWD Input" to another sheet but I need to remove any formulas.

To do this I have used the

Sheets("FWD Input").Range("A2:S251").SpecialCells(xlCellTypeFormulas).ClearContents

This works fine if there are formulas in that range, however if there aren't it gives me: " Run time error: 1004 No cells were found"

So I think I need some code that counts the number of cells in the range with formulae in them and either goes ahead if there are some or quits if there aren't.

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Autofill In Macro Range Is Constant How Can I Code To Be A Variable Range?

Feb 19, 2010

I am trying to write a macro which will autofill specific columns. The macro will set the range from the start of my autofill to the end of my autofill as a constant range.

The problem I need to get around is the end of my range can always change each time I run the macro. For instance, the first time I run the macro I may only need to autofill from row 4 to row 15. The next time, I may only need to autofill from row 4 to 23 (because of user updates). How can I make the end of my range not be a constant address but variable?

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Clear Or Delete Cells Without Formulas

Jul 31, 2007

Im trying to make life easier by setting up some sort of macro function that will clear the contents of all the cells except for the ones that have formulas in them.
I don't want to delete the 1st row as it contains the titles for each column.

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Clear The Contents Of Each Cell In A Range Without Losing Formulas

Dec 6, 2006

Is there a way to clear the contents of each cell in a range without losing formulas?

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Protecting Formulas In Cells From Clear Contents Command

Sep 19, 2007

I have a worksheet from which I regularly clear all contents by selecting all the rows and selecting 'Clear Contents' from the right button menu. However, I now have added a formula in Col Y that I want to protect. I know I could select all columns up thru X, but that would clear the R1 headers, so I want to avoid doing that. I can always work around, but I'm curious, is there a way to clear only values and thus protect the formulas when using the Clear Contents command?

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Clear Cells That Have Numeric Data. Keeping Text And Formulas?

Apr 14, 2009

I have a series of worksheets that are formatted for data imported from various scripts.

What I want to do is parse through each worksheet and cell, when the cell has numeric data, I want to clear the cell.

I do not want to clear the cells on the following conditions:
Cell has Text
Cell has Formula
Cell has date, month or time

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Retain Formulas In A Few Cells In A One Worksheet So They Are Not Cleared By "clear Contents" Without Using Protect Sheet

Apr 8, 2008

i have a worksheet which is a form which feeds into another worksheet which acts as a database. i have a button which clears the form based on code which is essentially "clear contents".

the problem is i have a few cells where i would like to retain the formulas. i tried to do this with custom in validation but this did not work. i also tried to enter the code directly into the worksheet but this didnt work either (my skills are limited..). i am avoiding using protect sheet bc that in turn will affect many of my other buttons. is there something i am overlooking?

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Fast Way To Clear A Range Of Cells

Jul 8, 2009

This seems to take much longer than I would have expected. Is there anything I can do to speed it up, or is this just something to live with?

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Clear Contents Of Cells In A Range, LEN=0

Dec 23, 2009

I'm using a macro to copy the results of a formula and paste the values only on another sheet. The result includes lots of "blank" rows. I have another macro to get rid of the empty rows and move the information up.

It's not working because the "blank" rows aren't empty. Even though I paste values only, experimentation shows that the cells that appear blank return a false to the ISBLANK test with a length of 0.

So now I think I need a macro to run after the pastespecial command to look for cells within a range with a length of zero and delete the contents of those cells, but leave alone anything with a length of >0.

I am brand new to the idea of using VBA, but I have successfully cobbled together some stuff and can usually modify things to work.

It seems I need to maybe use some sort of IF statement along with a LEN and ClearContents. I don't want to delete the blank cells, just make them truly empty so that all of my actual data stays where it should, and my delete empty rows macro works correctly.

I did a search and see some info on clearing contents of columns or rows, or clearing contents based on the content of other columns or rows, but I'm unsure of how to tell it to search each cell within a range and clear the contents of 0-length cells to make them truly empty.

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Clear Cells In Range That Are Not Numeric

Mar 28, 2007

I am trying to write a macro in excel to clear all cells within a range that are non numeric. I seem to be going round in circles trying to find out how to do this.

I assume I have to use the IsNotNumeric(Target) argument but I can't find how to specify the target within a range.

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Clear Numeric Cells In Range

Jan 19, 2008

I am trying to code a command button to clear a range of cells if any of them contain a numeric value. For example. If any cells of cell range A1:C10 contain a numeric value then they would be cleared. Not all the cells in the range but only thouse contaiing numeric values. I have tried various methods with not-so-good results.

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Macro To Clear Colums In Range

Jun 19, 2009

I am trying to create a marco that clears the columns of a named range if the sum of the cells in the range is zero.

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Code To Clear Cells In Range Which Are Not Highlighted?

May 15, 2014

Looking for some code to clear cells which are not highlighted

i.e. clear everything from row 2 downwards (Columns I:P) but exclude cells which are highlighted (not conditional formatting)

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Macro To Clear Certain Cells In Row If First Cells Date Is In The Past

Apr 9, 2014

I would like to run a macro that would check if the date in the first cell of row is in the past.

If yes, then it would clear contents of cell in B,C,F,I,L of the same row (PLAN + SHIFTS). Or even better it would set them to 0 (zero).

Then it would hide the entire row. Is this even possible?

Please see the example: Excel.JPG

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Macro To Clear Range In Specific Sheets

Apr 27, 2014

Looking to code a loop to go to sheets whose names begin with "day" and a number and clear a specific range. How would i code this without affecting the other sheets in the book?

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Macro To Clear Cells

Nov 30, 2006

I have data in columns a,b,c and d from row 1 to about 200 right now. Every week another 9 rows are added. I wanted to create a macro that will delete the last 9 entries in each column.

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Clear Cells To Right IF Macro

Jun 5, 2009

if I had text in column A, I would like to clear all the cells to the right and leave the text in column A.

Also, if I had text in column A and B, I would like to clear the cells to the right.

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Constant Variables - Declare Name In Separate UserForm As Constant

May 8, 2012

I have a userForm (Form1) that contains a persons name that I would like to reference in a separate UserForm (Form2). In the separate UserForm (Form2) I need to reference this persons name many times, so I was wondering if there was a was to declare this name in the separate UserForm (Form2) as a constant. Only thing is that a constant, to the best of my knowledge, must be an expression and not a variable. Mainly, I'm trying to avoid declaring the myName variable in each Sub within Form2, which it will be needed for a ton of Sub's.

Code for Form2: Const myName As String = Form1.txtName.Value

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Clear Cells In A Range Based On Other Cell Values

Jun 6, 2012

I have two rows of numbers, say D1 to F1 and D2 to F2. Row D2 to F2 will always have lower values.

The range below it is D3 to F100. I want the range to clear the contents of the cells in the range where:

a) the cell is > the x1 cell above it

OR b) the cell is < the x2 cell above it

If it is = or between the two cells, the value stays.


If D1 thru F1 is 4, 5, 7 and D2 thru F2 is 2, 4, 3, then:
D3 is 5, it is cleared
E3 is 4, it stays
F3 is 5, it stays
D4 is 2, it stays
E4 is 1, it is cleared
F4 is 9, it is cleared

Basically, the cell in the range looks up its own column, compares itself to x1 and x2 in that column. If it's greater than or less than, then it clears the contents, if not, the value in the cell stays.

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Macro Button To Clear Certain Cells

Jan 26, 2009

My Workbook with a macro to clear ONLY the highlighted Cells.

The Highlighted Cells can be found on the sheet "Line 5"

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Excel 2010 :: Clear Contents Of A Range Of Contiguous Cells

Jun 4, 2013

I am trying to clear the contents of a range of contiguous cells (containing formula) in Excel 2010 64bit. But it is taking a LONG time (read >30min to clear a range 288 x 100). Originally was doing it in VBA but it was taking too long so I started stepping through the macro and identified that the slow down was occurring on a particular sheet only. So the problem is in Excel....not VBA because it is still very slow when deleting the same range in Excel without using VBA.

I've tried all the usual suspects including: Application.EnableEvents = False (run from the VBA Immediate window when using Excel without VBA), Setting to Example of slow clear contents5.xlsxExample of slow clear contents5.xlsxManual Calculation, Turning off screen updating, deleting all the conditional formatting on the sheet, removing any data validation from the sheet (yes all these at the same time). There are no links to external workbooks. I've even tried in VBA changing from .ClearContents to .Value = vbNullString. All to NO AVAIL! By way of background the file is about 72Mb #.xlsm.

If I try to clear contents of larger ranges on other sheets in the same workbook it is instantaneous. If I copy the problem worksheet off to a new workbook, I can delete the problem range almost instantly. Why deleting a range of cells should take so long! Again to clarify, I am using the terms "delete" and "clear contents" interchangeably, but they both mean "clear contents" (not delete and move up cells). P.S I've also looked into the reported conflict between Excel and Google Desktop Office Add-in (Office Button->Excel Options->Addins->Com Addins and deselect Google Desktop Office Addin) but I didn't have Google Desktop Office Add-in so it isn't that.

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Create Macro To Copy Sheet - Clear Cells And Add A Day

Jul 8, 2013

I am looking to create a macro to copy sheet Day(1) and call it Day(2). I would like Y3 to increase one day with the date, I would like Y4 to increase day and 1 and clear data from G35-G65.

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Macro To Clear Contents Of Cells When One Cell Equals To 0 %

Oct 8, 2013

I'm trying to create macro that will clear the contents of the cells in the 4 columns to the left of a cell that = 0 %, as well as the cell that = 0%. For example, if cell F13 = 0 % then the contents of B13:F13 would need to be cleared. The range in which data is being pasted into is B13:F27.

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Clear Data Only, Not Formulas

Nov 14, 2006

i need to refresh the sheet and clear all contents that are constants not as a result of formula.
i search the forum and got this code,

If ActiveCell.locked = False And Activecell.Value <> 0 Then
ActiveCell.Formula = "0"
End If

may i need to make use of loop to check whole sheet

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Add Formulas To Range With Macro

Nov 10, 2006

I want to link cells from one sheet (totaldata) with the corepsonding cells in an another sheet (data), the problem is that the columns in these sheets to be linked are not placed in the same distance from each other - so a standard formula can't be applied her. I came up with the following piece of

Sub total()



ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "=SUM('data'!R[2]C:R[79]C)"

ActiveCell.Offset(0, 1).Activate

ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "=SUM('DE PL'!R[2]C[7]:R[79]C[7])"

This code links only two cells in the totaldata sheet, and this way I would have to make this code execute additionally over 30 such lines, which would force me to change the C[7] parameter to C[14] etc etc manually.

Is there a way to speed it up without having to produce such a long code?

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Identify Min And Max In Constant Dynamic Range

Sep 13, 2012

I need to calculate a formula in a constantly changing range. In the example below, the formula in column C would yield the % change in column A between the first "P" value in column B and the minimum value prior to the next "P" value.

So, the first result would be =(A2-A1)/A1, which is (1896.3274 - 1973.4764)/1973.4764. The cells in column C would be blank until the next formula, which is =(A8-A7)/A7, then it gets tricky. The next would be =(A14-A10)/A10.

1 1973.4764 P
2 1896.3274
3 1922.5499
4 1905.2061
5 1985.6797

[Code] ...........

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VBA - Defining The Range Of Cells Containing Formulas

May 24, 2007

Using the SpecialCells method with a Type = "xlCellTypeFormulas", I can identify the range contains cells with formulas.

But when there isn't any of these cells in the range you've applied the SpecialCells method to, you get a VBA Error 1004. (Doing this outside VBA gives you a "No cells found" box.) How can I skip over this error?

I'm looping through each sheet in the workbook, and defining the UsedRange. I'm doing another loop that uses the HasFormula property on each cell and then performing an action if HasFormula = True, but this results in a lot of extra work processing cells that don't have formulas.

I'd like to further refine the process by defining the range of cells on each sheet that have formulas. But if a sheet contains no cells with formulas, I'd like to skip past it and move on.

I think this is just a simple syntax / code construction question.

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One Constant To Multiple Cells

Jun 4, 2009

I am just wondering if this can be possible:

this is an table with a lot of cells

12 36 89 56 97 78 98 36
36 89 56 97 78 98 36 12
97 78 98 36 56 97 78 98
12 36 89 56 97 etc ..

to become like this ...

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