VBA To Change Column Width After Pivot Is Updated?

Jul 29, 2013

is there a way to save column widths once a pivot table is refreshed..

if not what is the vba code (and on what event procedure) to set the width for columns M to AF set to 13.

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Change Column Width And Height In Millimeters Mm

Apr 17, 2008

I have vba code to change column width and height into mm.
The code is taking alot of time to run and then hangs my excel session.
The code below calls two sub routines.

Sub Change()
Dim i As Long

With Application
.DisplayAlerts = False
. ScreenUpdating = False
End With

For i = 1 To 23
SetColumnWidthMM i, 3.5
Next i
End Sub...

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Adjust Cells Column Width Without Whole Column Width Changing?

May 24, 2012

Is it possible to adjust a cells' column width without the whole column width changing? EXAMPLE...I'm looking to lock rows 1-41 at certain column widths and change the column width as needed from rows 42 and below.

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Updating Pivot Filter With Another Pivot Updated By Slicer

Jul 17, 2014

I have this problem which I have simplified below:

Sheet 2 contains a Pivot table. One of the report filters is "Month-Year" (Eg, May-14 - in date format 'mmm-yy') which is selected by a Slicer on sheet 1.

Cell D1 on Sheet 2 contains a formula which calculated/displays the mmm-yy of the same period last year (eg May-13).

I want a code so that when I select the 'Month-Year' Slicer to filter the pivot table on Sheet 1 (eg to May-14), another Pivot on Sheet 3 is filtered with the previous year mmm-yy (May-13).

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How To Updated Pivot Tables On Different Tabs From Userform Parameters

Aug 2, 2014

This is a macro-enabled workbook for the Board of Education. The workbook is 31MB and located at [URL]. Click on View on the top and then look to the right on the ribbon. Click on the Parameter Selection icon.

Parameter Selection.jpg

This allows the user to select the entity to examine. If they do not select an ISD in combobox1, it should default to everything. If they select an ISD like Oakland Schools above, but nothing in Combobox2 than all School Districts will be included and so on. Once they have made their selection, they click OK. Now, what hopefully should happen is the data for their selection should be pulled from the “Combined” tab and put in the Pivot Tables on the Working Pivot Tables tab. Once that is done, another function should take the data from these Pivot tables and “refresh” the graphs and charts on the Summary tab at the front of the workbook.

One thing I’m still trying to correct is the data that populates this workbook comes from a web site that must be downloaded manually (don’t ask). It comes down as csv. You can see from the image above the “code” columns should be 5 characters with leading zeroes. Unfortunately, the source data is not that way. I have saved the source file as xlsm, formatted these code columns as custom since text won’t work and imported them into the workbook. The data moved over to the Pivot Tables (manually done to this point) does not maintain the leading zeroes.

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For/Next To Change .Left & .Width Parameters

Jun 26, 2006

Is it possible to change the Left and Width parameters of a group of TextBoxes in a For/Next loop, when the only common factor is the amount of change? The TextBoxes ar of different widths and locations. The common factor is a small TextBox the left of each TextBox which is what I am hiding under certain conditions. When hidden I need to move the TextBoxes over to where the hidden TextBox was and then enlarge the TextBox by the widt of the heddin TextBox (When the condition changes, I will resore the orginal positions and sizes).

vba did not like this bit of code in a For/Next loop:

Me.Controls("TB" & i).Left.Value = Me.Controls("TB" & i).Left.Value - 24
Me.Controls("TB" & i).Width.Value = Me.Controls("TB" & i).Width.Value + 24

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Cell Updated Whenever A Change Occurs

Aug 22, 2009

i want to link my stock portfolio to a spreadsheet to make various calculations on historic performance.
my problem is that it is the same cell thats get updated whenever a change occurs, so that there is no history.

let's say i put the DDE-link in cell A1, i would like B1 to be filled with that value
and then when the value changes i would like B2 to be filled with the new value
and the next time B3, and so on.

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Change Chart Height & Width Code

Dec 21, 2007

How do I write a short piece of code that defines the specific height and width that I want to assign to an existing chart. The code will be added to existing code that I have that formats the chart in other ways. This needs to be able to work with any active chart selected, not a specific named chart.

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Change Events Updated To Summary Page

Nov 21, 2009

I have had a TREMENDOUS amount of assistance from a true gentleman, Jaslake; aka John. In an attempt to quite monopolizing his time I wanted to throw this at the board. I have a number of sub sheets with exact ranges of (B4,d4:b44, D44) update an individual cell (H6:H86) in the summary page. My attachment explains it in detail but currently I will show you the formula that resides in (H6) of "Summary". (H6) = Sheet "1". This formula only covers (B4,D4:B10,D10) for example purposes but I need it to run all the way through (B4,d4:b44, D44) for all 80 sheets.

=('1'!B4) & "-" & ('1'!D4) & " | " & ('1'!B5) & "-" & ('1'!D5) & "|" & ('1'!B6) & " - " & ('1'!D6) & "|" & ('1'!B7) & "-" & ('1'!D7) & " | " & ('1'!B8) & "-" & ('1'!D8) & "|" & ('1'!B9) & " - " & ('1'!D9) & "|" & ('1'!B10) & " - " & ('1'!D10).

Results look like this:

March 01, 2009-Today looks good | March 02, 2009-Today looks bad|March 03, 2009 - Today we had issues in Boston|March 04, 2009-Issues in Dallas | March 05, 2009-Issues In New York|March 06, 2009 - New York is complete|March 07, 2009 - Dallas is Complete

NOW, with this said what I really would like to happen, if it is possible, is to have the "Summary" (H6) only have the last range that has been updated showing. So if currently B4,D4 is showing in (H6) once the user types into B5,D5 then it replaces B4:D4. I would like this action to repeat itself until the user has completed their event. The reason I can not stick with a formula in (H6:H86) is because I have a macro running a copy.paste, then clear.contents once a selection is made in Column 4. The information must remain on the sub-sheets but it can be replaced in Summary . Summary is only a quick view of the current status while the sub sheets are a log of all the work done. So, the following

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Excel 2007 :: Change Width Of Chart Bars

Sep 7, 2010

I've just switched to 2007 and can't seem to find where they've moved the ability to change the width of bars in a chart. Where is it in 2007?

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Columns Appear To Be Hidden But Will Not Respond To Unhide Or Width Change

Oct 6, 2013

I have just been sent a strange file, which I have attached, on its only sheet columns "A" and "B" have data entered in them, but they are not visible. You can access them if you select column "C" and use the left arrow key, but all attempts at unhiding and changing the column width are fuitless.

I have tried selecting the ENTIRE sheet, then Home>Format>Unhide Columns but it does nothing I try selecting the entire sheet, then Home>Format>Column Width and setting it to something, like "20", but again it is fruitless.

I even tried using a macro in the "Immediate Window" to ask Excel whether the columns are hidden (by using "?Columns(1).Hidden" and it returned "False") then I used a similar macro ("Cells.EntireColumn.ColumnWidth = 12.75") and again - nothing! :O

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Auto Change Data Range When Query Is Updated?

Dec 9, 2013

What I have is a database of measurements taken, where X-axis is distance across a surface and Y-axis is measuring deformation to that surface. Each measurement is actually a group of data points from one sweep across the surface on a certain day, resulting in a line plot for that group. What I'm trying to do is create a "checksheet" so that you can overlay plots from multiple dates on the same grid to compare how the surface has changed with each measurement. I've got the checksheet part working properly, and I can toggle things on/off as I like as long as my data doesn't change.

The rub is that this data is gathered via query, and each measurement doesn't have the same # of data points. If I update the query to look at a different date range, the plots are now off because the old data range doesn't match the new data.

Is there any way of changing the data range when a query gets updated, or a way to tie it to a function?

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Not Working-WS Change Macro When Cell Is Updated Via Formula

Sep 12, 2007

I am using the worksheet change routine for conditional formating of more than three items.

The problem is that it only changes if I manually type within the page and does not update if the cells are updated via formulas.

To explain a little more, I have three sheets that I combine into one to help find the best rate from three companies using the following formula:

Please feel free to condense this if you like.

So when I update a reference on one of the first three sheets, the cells update on this sheet but the cell colors never change. This is the code for the worksheet change

Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)

Dim Cel1 As Range
Dim Rng1 As Range

On Error Resume Next
Set Rng1 = ActiveSheet.Cells.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeFormulas, 1)
On Error GoTo 0

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Adding Column Widths Of Merged Area To Match Single Column Width

Sep 19, 2012

I needed to match the width a merged area of seven columns to a single column width (for row autofitting). Adding the column unit values and setting the single column to that value produced a significantly narrower width.

The documentation mentions that the column width unit is scaled to the font type and size and the absolute width is given in points.

This is set by the normal style setting in Excel Options or by VBA application.standardfontsize = 8 (in this case).

For instance, ten columns of Arial font 8 at 8.5 units you would think to be equivalent to a single column of 85 units.
In points, the difference is 420 vs. 386.25, or 33.75 points.

Well, the standard character zero has a width at this setting of 4.5 points and 1 unit is 8.25 points, leaving 3.75 points for margins.

Then (10-1) margins allowances time 3.75 points resolves the difference.

Determining the margin allowances is straightforward, and reveals that the gradation with size is stepped by MS design.
For instance, sizes up to 11 use 3.75 points for margins and increasing points for characters (except between 9 & 10).
Sizes 12 through 18 use 5.25 points, 20 & 22 use 6.75, 24 & 26 use 8.25, etc.

I have created a table for this purpose, however I rarely use a "normal" other than 8, so I can probably use that set in programming.

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Excel 2007 :: Show Tooltip Of Column Width Of When Expand Column?

Dec 2, 2013

I am having a small problem with microsoft excel 2007.the problem is that: my excel 2007 cannot display tooltip of the column width when I keep and drag left mouse

Show tooltip of the column width as attached file.

I also tried many ways to find settings of advance menu. But cannot.


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Does Cell Updated By Market Data Feed Mechanism Qualify For Change Event

Oct 27, 2012

It is my general understanding that the change event system within Excel vba is fairly particular as to what will fit the mold of a qualifying change event.

For example, changes that the user imparts to the worksheet and other written code are legitament candidates for change events. However copying down data and cells changing their values indirectly rather than directly may not be considered in the Microsoft change event design.

I would like to know 2 things:

1) Does a cell updated by a market data feed mechanism qualify for a change event?

2) Any list of qualifying change event types. It seems that Microsoft does not have this information.

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Excel 2010 :: Adding Percentage Change Column To Pivot Table?

Mar 17, 2012

I am trying to add columns to my Excel 2010 Pivot Table to calculate % change of sales from year to year. The field name is "Year", while the item columns in the field are 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, and 2011. How do I add a column between the years that will calculate the % change os sales up or down from the previous year?

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Fixed Column Width

Jul 22, 2009

I'm trying to create a vb to get all columns on my sheet to have a fixed width.
If I run my sub all columns go back to the set width. But I want the width to reset when the width is changed.

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VBA Listbox Column Width?

Jun 5, 2012

I want to fill a listbox with n columns so there is no space other than the text in it.

I have tried this:

listbox1.columncount = 2


mystring = len(activrcell.value) or refer to the excel column width


but I get an error message.

Or max of list len or something. The default width is to big and specifying the length could make it to small.

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Set A Column Width To Some Integer Like 10?

Dec 17, 2012

I set a column width to some integer like 10, and the next time I open the file it has changed to something like 9.89. Is there some configuration that prevents this from happening and leaves my setting alone?

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Locking Column Width And Row Height?

Jul 22, 2007

I'm creating a map like image with Excel, and I've set the column width and row height to certain dimensions. Now I'm entering in some text into them, and I noticed that when I added in 2 digit numbers, the column width expanded a little bit. I want to prevent this from happening, and still be able to enter in the 2 digit text (since it WILL fit, and it's expanding to keep that extra bit of space).

Is there any way to lock the dimensions?

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Inserting An Extra Column Width Bar

Aug 6, 2009

the Ruler across the top that allows you to adjust the column widths (A B C D etc). Is it possible to insert another Ruler, further down the same page, to allow you to adjust the column width differently. if so how. On Excel 2007

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Listbox AutoFit Column Width

Jun 18, 2013

I just want to know how to Autofit Column width of Listbox.

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Auto Column Width Resizing

Feb 13, 2014

Lets say i type for now...
A1 = USA
B1 = Philippines

and then later
A1 = dog
B1 = cat

Is there a way that the width would automatically adjust even as I change the values of the given cells; meaning, if a word is long, the width will automatically adjust "longer", if a word is short, then it will automatically adjust "shorter".

I know how the "AutoFit Column Width" works but I don't want to press that every time my values change (words becoming shorter or longer).

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Edit Macro For Column Width

Mar 19, 2012

How would my macro below be edited to keep the column sizes the same as they are in the original sheet?

Sub NewUploadFile()
Range("A3").PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues
Range("A3").PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteFormats
End Sub

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Adjust Column Or Row Width With Keyboard?

May 31, 2013

I want to know that can we adjust column or row width with keyboard.

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Isolate The Width And Length Of Column

Feb 17, 2009

Hello All:

I have the following type information in thousands of cells. I need too isolate the Width and Length from these cells. The width and the length are the two numbers on each side of the "X".

RAPITONE C2 10 X 10 100
RAPITONE M2 10 X 10 250
RAPITONE M2 10 X 10 250
RAPITONE M2 10 X 10 250
RAPITONE M2 10 X 10 250
RAPITONE M2 10 X 10 250
RAPITONE M2 10 X 10 250

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Copying Column Width From Another Sheet

Aug 11, 2009

I have an Excel file where there are multiple people's information on one sheet, and I have to split them out into multiple sheets. So I have written a loop to successfully do that.

However, I need all the sheets to have the same column widths as the original sheet. So after I insert a new sheet and cut and paste the appropriate data, I call another Sub Procedure from my main Procedure to do this. That Sub Procedure looks like this:

Sub MySetColumnWidth()
' Copy the column width for the first 30 columns
Dim i As Integer

For i = 1 To 30
ColumnS(i).ColumnWidth = Sheets("Sheet1").ColumnS(i).Width
Next i

End Sub
However, I am not getting the results I expect. The column widths change, but are not the right sizes, and I have no idea why.

One odd thing I have notice, is that is mind code, whenever I type in:
VBA automatically changes it to
I have no idea why. I have no code or variables named "ColumnS". I am not sure if this is somehow playing into my problems...

BTW, I am using Excel 2007.

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Finding Max Column Width Without A Loop?

Jun 28, 2006

I have a range of cells which I wish to print to a .txt document. However, I would like these cells to stay aligned, one on top of the other. I am currently doing that by finding the cell with the widest piece of data for each column, and storing the width that each column needs to be to an array of integers. Then, when printing out the range, I simply add spaces to each piece of data its width is the same as the max column width. I am finding the max column width using the following loop:

'find the width for each column and store in col_width()
For cur_col = 1 To total_cols
'skip the tag switches column
If cur_col <> 3 Then
max_data_width = 0
For cur_row = 1 To total_rows
cell_data_width = Len(Find_String_Diagnostics(diagnostic_range.Cells(cur_row, cur_col)))
If cell_data_width > max_data_width Then.................

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Freeze Column And Row Height And Width

Jul 18, 2007

I need to freeze the column and row height and width for a specific area in spreadsheet, so that it shouldnt be altered in future from any one using this sheet.

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