VBA To Import All Sheets From Closed Workbook To Active Sheet?
Aug 20, 2014code to pull up all the sheet from closed workbook to active opend workbook.
Closed Workbook name : Create Position
Active Workbook name : EIB builder
code to pull up all the sheet from closed workbook to active opend workbook.
Closed Workbook name : Create Position
Active Workbook name : EIB builder
I need to import the data from a specific sheet (same named sheet on all closed workbooks) to a sheet in an open workbook. All the columns are identical in every workbook but the number of rows is variable, so the data from each subsequent workbook must be appended to the end of the current data.
Whenever a button is pressed, this macro will clear the sheet, then import the data starting in A3. The workbooks are in different folders but they all have the same name, so some sort of explorer window will probably be needed to actually select each file.
I've been using the following code to bring in individual cell values from one closed workbook to an active one. I would like to modify this is possible to bring in multiple cells at once and also pull them into a different worksheet in the active workbook. Basically, my command button is on Sheet1 but I'd like the data to pull into a cell on Sheet2.
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
With Range("Q9")
.Formula = "='C:Users[Workbook Name.xlsm]Worksheet Name'! N27"
.Value = .Value
End With
I have some vba that opens a closed workbook, copies data from a named range and then pastes it to the active workbook.
However, what is happening is that the closed workbook is opened and only part of the data is pasted. What I would prefer to happen is this:
Open the closed workbook-->copy the named range-->paste(append) to next empty cell in column B.
Heres the code that I have got.
Sub Workbook_test()Dim wb As Workbook
Application.ScreenUpdating = False ' turn off the screen updating
Set wb = Workbooks.Open("G:WAREHOUSEPlanningSmartNew Training Plan raining plan.xls", True, True)
I am using the following code to import data from a closed workbook;
Dim SaveDriveDir As String, MyPath As String
Dim FName As Variant
SaveDriveDir = CurDir
MyPath = Application.DefaultFilePath 'or use "C:Data"
ChDir MyPath
[Code] .....
I'd like to modify it slightly so that it only imports data according to the following criteria;
The used range from A3 onwards but only if the row in column G shows 'Never' or the figure is 30 or more. If column G passes, (so neither of the criteria apply), then column J is checked for the same criteria and if so imported.
What is the best way to import data from another closed workbook? I used the macro recorder and it gives me something like this
ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "='[CASHFLOW.xls]Sheet1'!R66C5"
I don't think this is the best way, since it asks me to update links when I reopen the file.
I have hit a wall as to create an open event to import data from another workbook. This process has to be automated.
View 9 Replies View RelatedI have a number of files in a directory, with data in columns A:E, and variable rows deep (200-300) that I’d like to copy to the active workbook. I’d like to have a file window open to the same set directory (ie. “CArchives” and be able to select any file in that directory to copy.
There are 2 separate ranges to copy, which must be done separately because the headings are to be moved 2 columns over - also, there is data in beteen the headings and main data in the active workbook.
Range 1: Two headings cells in A1:B1 get transposed to C1:D1.
Range 2: the files’ data starts at A4 but gets inserted starting at cell A6 of the active workbook.
I have managed to use ADO to copy data from a closed book to my active sheet. Problem : it copies only the text, and not the dates or figures...
Sub TestReadDataFromWorkbook()
' fills data from a closed workbook in at the active cell.
GetDataFromClosedWorkbook "H:P&LYE TempDiv P&LP&L Report 020312.xls", "A1:Z1000", Range("A1"), False
End Sub
Sub GetDataFromClosedWorkbook(SourceFile As String, SourceRange As String, _
TargetRange As Range, IncludeFieldNames As Boolean)
'GetDataFromClosedWorkbook "C:FolderNameWorkbookName.xls", "A1:B21", ActiveCell, False
'GetDataFromClosedWorkbook "C:FolderNameWorkbookName.xls", "MyDataRange", Range("B3"), True
how to import an excel data file into another excel file? I have a file with a tab full of data that I need to import into another file and then I have to manipulate the data. I have figured out how to use an opendialoge box to select the file but after that i'm not sure how to get it into my file.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI want to create a macro to check through all sheets in an active work book, if a sheet is empty, then delete it?
View 2 Replies View Relatedis it possible to keep the same active cell when switching sheets in the same workd book. I am in sheet1 and cell C15 is my active cell. When i move to Sheet2 it either defaults to A1 or the last place i was in this sheet. I guess it would be the Worksheet_activate() and deactivate function but not sure
View 3 Replies View RelatedI found this code on the net, and it works, it DOES import the sheet specified from a closed status, but it adds 0 where there were blank cells.
The worksheets are static, the names will not change, but the information on them varies in # rows but the # of columns depends on the page..
The use of this import is to upgrade the program, by importing the sheets from the old version.
The first part browses for the file, which is good, because it could be stored anywhere and named anything.. I have it set up to "Click to Import"....
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
GetValuesFromAClosedWorkbook "C:", "Book1.xls", _
"Personnel", "A:H"
End Sub
This next part does the importing, but it fills all the columns and rows that were blank with 0's and fills all the way down to 65536 thru my column H that I specified that had data above.
Sub GetValuesFromAClosedWorkbook(fPath As String, _
FName As String, sName, cellRange As String)
how this code can be modifed to do the following..
Detect and copy ONLY the used range of the closed workbook.
That particular question has been solved, but now i need it to work with multiple values from combobox.
So for example,
if "Master" is selected in combobox3, it will delete sheets 7, 8
if "CSR" is selected in combobox3, it will delete sheets 1, 8
if "Original IND" is slected in combobox, it will delete sheets 1,7
The current code will work when "master" is selected, however i am getting compile errors when i select "CSR" or "Original IND"
WhenI select CSR, it does create a new wb for me (without sheets 1,8) correctly but i get a Run time error.
Run-time error '-2147417848 (80010108)': Automation error
The object invoked has disconnected from its clients.
When Original IND is selected, i get a compile error and it highlights 'Make the new workbook active newWBK.Activate
Is it possible to have a code that will hide a specific sheet everytime I will close the workbook?
View 3 Replies View Relatedcreate this macro.
I am trying here is,
I have open workbook with command button, by pressing it it should do followings
Copy Range ("A1 : C20")
Open a closed workbook
Add Sheet with date format
Paste the range in Created sheet in A1 to C20 column.
I'm trying to figure out a way to find a specific sheet in a workbook that does not contain the macro. Within the macro I have a cell which holds the name of the specific sheet I would like to find but I can't get it to work for some reason...
'Dim officen As Integer
'Dim thiswb As Workbook
officen = Range("A2").Value
Set thiswb = ActiveWorkbook
' Open the Active Info file
Workbooks.Open "C:My DcoumentsActive 20080616.xls", , , , "xxxxxx"
' Dim sourcewb As Workbook
Set sourcewb = Workbooks.Open"Active 20080616.xls"
RowCount = ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count
I am trying to import some csv files so I can combine them, but am having probs with the filename and location.
Sub test()
Dim wsName As String
wsName = ActiveCell
With ActiveSheet.UsedRange
LastRow = .SpecialCells(11).Row
End With
With ActiveSheet.QueryTables.Add(Connection:="TEXT; &thisWorkbook.Path &" " & wsName &", Destination:= Range("A" & LastRow))
.Name = wsName
.FieldNames = True
.RowNumbers = False
.FillAdjacentFormulas = False
.PreserveFormatting = True
.RefreshOnFileOpen = False
.RefreshStyle = xlInsertDeleteCells.....................
Ive been searching this forum for simmilar topics but the info on them is all different and I cant get this to work.
All I want to do is open another workbook by
My requirement is as follows......
I want to get a copy of worksheet from specific workbook to active work book in which i want a copy of sheet get moved.
I have a Picture in a workbook kept open. ( workbook 1 )And i have some X workbook open....i want a copy of sheet from workbook 1 To X workbook which is currently active.
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View 2 Replies View RelatedI have a macro code which gets the file list from a folder i specify and puts it in to an excel sheet as a column. I have then made a drop down list from this so the user can select the file they want.
From this file i wish to copy the data on a sheet that i specify. For example the sheet "dump" from file FR7_19.11.2009.xls (which will be a closed workbook) and paste its content in to the sheet "dump" in Summary.xls
I have a macro which opens up the closed workbook FR7_19.11.2009.xls and copies the sheet "dump" and then creates a new sheet of the same name and content in my current workbook (Summary.xls). However when i wish to select a different file to load in to Summary.xls "dump" the formulas i have been calculating information from this sheet all come up with #!Ref errors. I know this is because the macro i use deletes the old dump sheet before re adding a new one containing new data.
I am therefore looking for a macro which will simply just copy and paste the data from any file i select in to a sheet named "dump" as the data is always set out the same in every file but the values are different. I assume this will then mean that any formulas i use relating to this "dump" sheet in Summary.xls will work because the sheet is no longer being deleted and re-added the data within it has just simply been copied over.
I am wanting to create a macro for excel that when run it it will copy the active worksheet and worksheet named "Timesheet" and copy them to a new Excel workbook named the same as the original file + "JobBrief".
View 3 Replies View RelatedCopy the active sheet that is open in a work book and save it to another file with the date in the name? For example Report_11-03-08.xls
The only problem I see with this. How could I also make it append a letter to report if the file already exits Example saved as
Report1_11-03-08.xls. Then just continue incrementing.
Sub CopySave()
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
ActiveSheet.SaveAs Filename:=ThisWorkbook.Path & "/" & "Report_" & Format(Date, "mm_dd_yy") & ".xls"
Application.DisplayAlerts = True
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub
How can I save only the active sheet of a workbook in VBA?
View 9 Replies View RelatedWith first code user selects a sheet from drop down and that sheet is activated. (This works fine)
Now hide all other sheets is what I'm trying to do with the second code. (This IS NOT working)
I assume I can either put the second code in the change event code or call it from the change event code once it works.
Option Explicit
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
If Target.Address "$A$1" Or Target.Cells.Count > 1 Then Exit Sub
I am creating a macro that will open another workbook and take all the contents off a page in it and paste the contents to itself.
The problem is that sometimes those workbooks will only have one page and it will have the data I need, but sometimes there will be two or three pages in the workbook, but again, with only one sheet that has data on it. How can I have the macro find the one page with data on it?
I got a workbook with a database in sheet1. I filter that database and copy - paste values the results to a new sheet. Next, I save that new sheet to somewhere on my drive. The thing is that I want to go back to my original database, and continue filtering. But that workbook is no longer the "active workbook". This is how it works:
sub DifferentClients()
For Each FieldWorkBy In Array("Client1, Client2,...")
MyDatabase.AutoFilter Field:=CountryCode, Criteria1:=Array( _
i need a code to hide the sheets tab from the workbook. and only show the horizontal scroll bar and vertical scroll bar.
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