Validate A URL

Dec 6, 2007

We have an internal web site that has files I need to download daily. The filenames have date strings in them. I've setup some formulas to make the url based on the NEXT dated file I need to download.

And I don't have direct access to the drive the files are stored on, I can only get them through this web site.

Right now, I have individual macros for each file I need. They'll follow the url and download the file if it's there, or return a message to me if it's not. But there are several different files. I have to run each macro one at a time, at different intervals during the day until they get downloaded.

Is it possible to make a macro loop through all the URLs (I have them stored on a sheet, called "FileDownloader" in Range G2:G10) and check if the URL's are valid (without actually attempting to download the file). I can then make some kind of dashboard to tell me when the files are ready for download.

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Validate The Data

May 19, 2009

I have a spreadshhet which has data by month, year, week and bi-weekly. I would like everything to be monthly. How can I put a formula which will look up the cell and see if it monthly it will the value of the cell beside it, if it is weekly it will take the cell value and multiply by 2 and so on.

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VBA To Validate Entry?

Feb 25, 2014

I have a range of cells (A1:A50). If "Hello" is written in any of those cells then a MsgBox says "Are you sure?". If vbYes the cell is colour coded blue. If vbNo then it is red.

The problem I have is that "Hello" may already exist within the above range. I only want the above to fire on the cell that has just been changed within the range.

I have some code but it checks every cell within the range whenever any cell is changed within the range. Whereas I just want it to fire on the active cell if that makes sense?

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Validate All Cells Are The Same

Jun 9, 2007

How can I validate that all values in a range of cell are the same, excluding
empty cells?

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How To Validate A Formulae

Jan 30, 2009

I have a database on one sheet and a 2 count if formulae recording information on the next to be exact one formulae counts the number of monthly values and the other count yearly values. I want the sum of these formulaes to be equal or less than 25. and to show an error if the sum of these is mor than 25.

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Validate Date Entry

Mar 27, 2014

I have a ComboBox on a UserForm. One of the fields that I fill in is a date.

After the date is entered I want to check if it's a valid date.

Private Sub cboEnterDate_Exit(ByVal Cancel As MSForms.ReturnBoolean)
' Make sure a valid date was entered, it must be in the format 2013/10/21.
On Error Goto ERR

'If Not IsDate(cboEnterDate.Value) Then

[Code] .....

MsgBox "The date entered is not a valid date", vbInformation
Cancel = True
End Sub

The code:
'If Not IsDate(cboEnterDate.Value) Then
execute the If routine if I enter the date 2014/03/33

When I enter the date 2014/03/0001 it do not see it as an invalid date and exit the routine.

The code:
If Not IsDate(FormatDateTime(cboEnterDate.Value, vbShortDate)) Then
send the execution to the ERR routine if I enter 2014/03/33

When I enter the date 2014/03/0001 it do not see it as an invalid date and exit the routine.

How can I get the validation to catch the 2014/03/0001 as an invalid date as well.

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Validate Cell Values?

Apr 7, 2009

I would like to simply validate the value entered to a cell against cells of a number of columns. I’d like it to return a vlue to be able to report it in another cell as below. (had to cmma separate the columns, can't get them aligned in this editor)

A, B, C, D, Q, R
1, b, 1, 2, 1, existing


A, B, C, D, Q, R
1, b, 1, 2, 5, not existing

So the user enters a value in cell Q to check against the other columns and return a value to R. Additionally, the cells to be validated (A - D) may contain more than one character, i.e. cell A could = 1b2.

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Validate Cells To Only Accept

Jan 19, 2010

I have to validate a cell to only accept the letter a, d ,f ,g h,. I know this is probaly very simple but i havent touched excel since last november and have completely forgotton the most simple of things!

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Validate Workbook When Open

Jan 22, 2009

I have a button that opens a workbook. What i need is if that workbook is already open then continue with the code. I know how to do this workbook.activate and error messages but I want to avoid activating the workbook. I was hoping there was a way to use something like on message resume next like when using error messages.

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Validate A Value Entered Through The Below Prompt

Aug 18, 2009

What is the best option to validate a value entered through the below prompt?

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If Condition To Validate Email

Nov 13, 2011

How to check whether a cell contains email address or not..

For example:

if a cell contains or .in or .net , i want to show the cell type as email in next column.

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Validate Numeric Entries

May 13, 2014

I need to determine if excel cell contains any character except number If it contains any character then place 1 in adjacent cell for example, otherwise 0

Column                 A                     B                           
150 000           1                           
150000            0                           
150,000           1                           
150.000            1                           
150000 kzt       1                           
150000kzt        1

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Validate List - Restriction

Jul 1, 2009

I have a sheet that contains two values in seperate columns that I need to concatinate into one value for the drop down. If I use one value my code works but doesn't show all the values. If I use both values I get a 1004 - Application Defined or object defined error. I bolded the section that if I add I get the 1004 error. Is there some sort of restriction when creating the validate list for a drop down? My list is not reaching 65000 characters which is the string cut off.

Dim intAdEventCol As Integer, intAdEventNmCol As Integer, intRow As Integer
Dim intLastRow As Integer, intLastCol As Integer
Dim strAdEvent As String, strAdEventNm As String
Dim strAllAdEvent As String

Do Until intRow > intLastRow
strAdEvent = Worksheets(gstrcDataWorkSheet).Cells(intRow, intAdEventCol).Value
strAdEventNm = Worksheets(gstrcDataWorkSheet).Cells(intRow, intAdEventNmCol).Value
If intRow = 2 Then..........................

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Code To Validate String Only

Nov 10, 2009

Data validation failed me here, so I resorted to VB to esnure only letters are entered in a certain cell. The code below is a mess and I need a hand to repair it. I can't figure out how to declare i . .

Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range)
If Not Intersect(Target, Range("a59")) Is Nothing Then
If Target.Count > 1 Then Exit Sub

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Validate Empty Cell

Feb 1, 2010

The code below automatically displays the validation when I select the cell. But I would like the cell validation only display when the cell is empty. If the cell has data in it, then do nothing, but if the cell is empty, then display the validation.

If Not (Nothing Is Application.Intersect(Target, Range("B9"))) Then
SendKeys "%{down}"
End If

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Validate User Input

Aug 10, 2006

If anything else is entered into the input box a message box (MSGbox) with a vbCritical button will appear with the following prompt "You entry (insert entry data here) is inccorect." I don't know the code for "insert entry data here".

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Duplicate Entries, Validate Only One

Jan 22, 2007

In my spreadsheet, on ( sheet A) I pick up a value to a range (O2:O22) from other worksheet (sheet B), the value is validated when a cell in the same range but other column (A2:A10) reach a specific criteria.

But in the same column if the criteria is typed again I gone a have the same value on range( O ), and I dont want that, because this value represents a total for a day, and is to be added to other cell.

I'm using this, to pick up the data
(A2:A10) Criteria
(O2:O10) value picked up

on SheetA, Sumif(sheetBA10:A40,A2,SheetBK10:K40)

How can I count only one of the values picked up from sheet B?

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Textbox - Validate For Numbers Only

Apr 24, 2007

I have a VBA user form that asks for user's input. The form has 3 textbox. I would like to check for the entry & make sure that it's numeric & not null. If it's not numeric or null, I'd like to display a warning message & highlight the textbox & ask for entry again.

Here's what I have but it's not really working. The warning message will come up but the next textbox is highlighted:

Private Sub TextBox1_Exit(ByVal Cancel As MSForms.ReturnBoolean)

If Not IsNumeric(Me.TextBox1.Value) Then
MsgBox "Please Enter Only Numeric Values"
End If

End Sub

Private Sub TextBox2_Exit(ByVal Cancel As MSForms.ReturnBoolean)

If Not IsNumeric(Me.TextBox2.Value) Then
MsgBox "Please Enter Only Numeric Values"
End If

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Validate TextBox Before Moving To Next

Jun 22, 2007

I have a TextBox on a UserForm and I want to validate the user's input as soon as he moves focus from the TextBox but before he selects OK. I have the validation function, but what is the event

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Validate Textbox For Date

Jul 15, 2007

I have a userform with 5 textboxes. Each textbox looks for certain kinds of user code has trouble in re-locating the cursor to the SAME textbox after rejecting the user entry. And BTW, ideally the text box would be highlited in this instance.

Private Sub TextBox2_Exit(ByVal Cancel As MSForms.ReturnBoolean)
Dim okstop As Boolean
Dim yesno_continue As Boolean
Dim mytext As String
okstop = False
TextBox2.SelStart = 0
mytext = TextBox2.Value
If Not IsDate(mytext) And mytext <> "" Then
TextBox2.Value = ""
yesno_continue = MsgBox("Please enter a date...try again?", vbYesNo)
okstop = True
End If
Loop Until (yesno_continue = vbNo) Or (okstop = True)
End Sub

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Validate InputBox Entry

Feb 11, 2008

validation up to the point that the user can click cancel and exit, also when nothing is entered a msgbox appears and for the 3rd inputbox a value greater than 0 must be entered.

Sub Trajectory() 'Trajectory macro
t0 = InputBox("Enter a value for the initial time(t0)")
'If t0 = "" Then MsgBox ("You must enter a value for t0!")
'Exit Sub
tf = InputBox("Enter a value for the final time(tf)")
'If tf = "" Then MsgBox ("You must enter a value for tf!")
'Exit Sub
Dt = InputBox("Enter a value for the time increment(Dt)")
'If Dt = "" Then MsgBox ("You must enter a value for Dt!")
'Exit Sub
'If Dt = 0 Then MsgBox ("You must have a valid increment")
x0 = Val( Range("F4"))
v0 = Val(Range("F5"))
g = Val(Range("F6"))
y0 = Val(Range("F7"))
q0 = Val(Range(" F8"))
Selection.Formula = FILL_TABLE
End Sub

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Validate X Only Has All Text Or All Numbers, Not Both

Jun 6, 2008

I'm looking to make a code that validates that a string is only alphabetic characters.

In addition, i want an additional code that validates other strings are only numeric. I tried using the VBA formula isnumeric, but it seems strings with e and d are still acceptable. I would guess the e is for exponential, but not sure about the d.

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How To Validate Dropdown Value On Paste In Excel

Oct 3, 2013

I have a situation where our portal allows user to download excel file. We have tried to avoid Macros in the excel since some users may have macros disabled or security settings do not allow to download the excel document with macro. The excel is formatted particular way and there are multiple columns where the users have to select values from the lists. When the user manually enters invalid entry in the column, it shows error message and prevent user to enter incorrect value.

But when the user paste values then there is no validation occurs, thus it is possible for user to submit the incorrect value back to the portal. We have much complex logic when the user uploads the filled excel file based on the values selected in the dropdowns.

My Questions are,
1. Can we force the validation on paste without using macro?

2. If it is only possible with macro, then what should be done for those cases when the users have macros disabled.

There are many columns, many list values for each column so it gets difficult to validate the entered values on the submission using program since we have many other validations in which case we are refusing the user to submit the excel. So for each not valid entry if we give user error message then that's not good idea.

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Validate Result In A Calculated Cell

Aug 10, 2009

I've been struggling with this for a little while today and quite can't seem to figure it out. I have a range --- A6:A28 --- where a user will enter a percentage. The total should add up to a 100%, which is in cell A30.

My understanding is that a need a worksheet_calculate function to tell users to revise their entries if the results in a cell A30 are either less than or more than 100%. This is the simple, non-working procedure I have now:

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Data Validate Text Format?

Feb 2, 2012

I need to make sure people enter City State and Zip correctly,

I need somehow to validate: City, NC 21312

Validate City with a comma right next to it with a space and then 2 letters and then space or 2 space and 5 numbers.

Is there any way to do this using Validation.

I guess I could separate the cells, but I would rather not do that. Or I could have a message box pop up and ask individually to enter each one, but I would rather not do that.

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VBA Code To Validate Cell Is Populated?

Jun 25, 2013

If I have a cell "C8" default value is "choose" and it is a drop list of other values. I want to validate if "C8" is populated with a value other than "choose" that the user populates the SOME of other cells in the row like D8 or F8? I would like to alert something that the cell needs to be populated.

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Validate A Cell To Get Only Text And Undescore

Jun 21, 2008

How can I validate a cell to get only text and undescore?

Not any other special characters, like space, @#$%^&*()+!~

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To Validate Special Characters In An Excel

Feb 2, 2009

I need to check whether a description of a certain product in my excel has any of
below special characters
! @ ' " ] [ } { | & $ # ^ ~ % ®
and also the description should not exceed more than 40 characters.
i tried using the "If" condition but it does not seem to check the same.

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Validate Texbox :: Value Entered Is A Muliple Of ...

Feb 7, 2009

Is it possible to validate a texbox at entry time to ensure the value entered is a muliple of 6.50.

i.e. ONLY 6.50 or 13 or 18.5 etc is entered. I have used the MOD command at spreadsheet level to accomplish this but have no idea if it's possible at userform / VBA level.

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Validate Option Buttons In Userform

Jul 9, 2009

I have a simple user form with 8 frames each containing four option buttons. I need a routine to validate that a each frame has had a single option button selected once a command button is clicked.

Here is the code I'm currently using but it isn't working correctlt.

Private Sub CommandButton2_Click()
Dim Cnt As Integer
Dim Ctrl As MSForms.Control
Dim WS As Worksheet
For Each Ctrl In Me.Controls

If TypeName(Ctrl) = "OptionButton" Then

If Ctrl.Value = False Then

MsgBox "Please answer ALL questions"

Exit Sub
End If

MsgBox "Thankyou for completing the questionnaire"

Unload Me
Exit Sub

End If
Next Ctrl

End Sub

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